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tel: 01357 522008 or'mall0tai erasing datezs April
Dandelich . '.
I. It '1 «wt 5,3. 337;. if? -_.
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“ [.mlustcréexp'erience an advantage. _
Edinburgh Ski Club
skil snowboard Ioutdoorl social
. ski holidays to top resorts -
- weekend trips & days up north - - biking, walking & outdoor trips - - friendly atmosphere and social events all year round!!
Meet us for a drink and a (hat at the
RAEBURN HOUSE HOTEL STOCKBRIDGE every Tuesday evening from 9. I 5pm, or (all 0131-220-3121 for an info pack. www.edinbur9hslti(|
I All-Original Raleigh ('liopper. Red. l‘)73 \intage. (ieneraH) good condition: a little t'ust & a little \xork need- ed. Needs a neu home. (‘all (ll4l 357 3584.
I Stunning steel fire- place grate. 'l'rul} beautiful sil\ er fireplace grate for sale. Looking like it could hax e been an original piece from the late I8()()s. it comes \\ ith an ash bo\ and a stainless steel front co\ er \shich hides it. ()riginall} costing £380. this grate is a “ell-made. sturd} piece that
\\ ill enhance an}one‘s fire- place. The ONLY reason \\ e are selling this is because \\ e mo\ ed lionse and don't ha\ e a place for it to go. It has onl} been nsed a handful of times and \sill. without a doubt. transform an} open fire with its goi‘geous pillars of sil\erf {NS - c‘tlll “7700 9‘) 54 54
To advertise in The List call
0 1 3 1 550 3060
Don't Miss Out on Fun Dinners and Events for Single Men and Women with
0141 333 1321 eomauncn a ouseow
I New Book/Film Group being: formed former 35s? To meet once e\er} 4-0 \seeks in lidinburgh's South side. l’or more details call 07763 .548 I45
Festival of Learning. Saturda} 3f) \larclt l3 — 3. l.eith .'\L‘£ttlt‘lll). liree e\ent. :\rt lishibition : Workshops: Information: ('hildren's lintertaimnent: ('reche : (’afe. Telephone 0131 553 2810 for more information.
Close-Up Magician. (ii\ e _\onr guests. customers or clients an unforgettable enter— tainmenl e\perience. Ideal for \seddings. pri\ate functions or
L‘Ul'ptil'ttle e\ ellls.
Tel: 07815 083 670.
Complementary Medicine Centre.
ll Park (‘ichs (ilasgtm. For natural healthcare. .-\cupuneture allerg} -testing. counselling. homeopathy. osteopath (Bupa rec.) l~'or appointmments. infor- mation pack. training courses
phone: 0141 332 4924.
The Pilates Studio is no“ open? One to one les- sons. qualified instruction. mat- \\'ork & equipment. lntt‘odtlclot') offers?
Tel: 0141 952 9731.
Sahaj-Marg . Heart centred meditation .-\ natural path of transforma- tion from \sithin that balances spiritualit} \sith exeryday life. No fees. ()pen to all regardless of background or persuasion. Contact: 01875 830 358 (Edinburgh) or 0141 579 5926 (Glasgow).
Hypnotherapy. Take Control!
Stop smoking. \\ eight. phobias etc. \\ \s \\ .therap) ('all Kim for confidential ad\ice: 014] 583 4358. 07736 4o8 74o. li\enings ck \seekends axailable. Glasgow 8. East Renfrewshire.
I Reiki Training, one to one or small groups. lst Degree L75 3nd Degree Ll5l). Nltlslet's £400. call Kim ()l4l 5834358. 07736 4(38 745. \\ \\\\.therap} / other therapies a\ailable.
Psychotherapeutic Counselling ('Iaire 'I'homson B.Se.. .\l.Sc.. l’(i Dip Associate member of B:\('l’ tk ('()S('.»\. :\pp()ltllltlellls noxs a\aiIable (Neuington. South side). Please call 0131 667 4809
To advertise in The List call
0 1 31 550 3060
Contact: Carole Smith/Anne Goring Tel: 01620 810 620 email: or write to 3, Linkylea Cottages, Gifford, East Lothian EH41 4PE.
I Dickins Festival 8. Short l.ets require qualit} cen- tral properties to let during .-\ugUst. ()ld To“ n / I’leasance / 'l‘eViot area preferred. Please call ()l3l 558 l|()8 or email adminm
Commercial Property
Office space to let. ('il} centre Ultl Itmn. lilll. 700 sq ft. Premises ma} suit retail.
35 Blackfriars St.
Tel: 0131 556 6222.
Flats to let
GLASGOW Hyndland
'l'raditional Hat. Lounge. l\\o bedrooms each \\ ith \Vllli. kitchenette. bathroom tbath and electric \lltm er). (i(‘ll. All appliances. £535 pem. Available now. 0141 956 2830/0141 959 2355/07754 865 762.
Partick, two bedroom furnished ground floor flat. l’resh decor. access to snnn} back garden. (i('ll. fitted kitchen. comfortable lounge. bathroom/ shower. securit} entrance and alarmed. £550 /month pltis bills. Tel: 0141 334 5882 I 07940 561 822.
I West End flat. 2 double bedrooms. lmel} large ba} -\\ in- do“ ed lounge. (i('ll tcombi I. bathroom \sith slltm er. l’eacefull} located in Wilton l)ri\e - 5 mins \salk from
Kel\ inbridge underground. l5 mins \talk ll}res Road. Spacious red sandstone tenemant. lias) parking. .\'/s onl}. Rent £550 pcm. Tel: 07000 583 ()3 l.
West End. 2 storey Mews House - side detached mansion - \Vinton l)ri\ e. Superior accommodation. a\ailab|e noxs 3. large double bedrooms. Large dra“ ing room. small dining room. bathroom. bath and slum er. separate \\'(‘. l-‘ull_\ fitted modern kitchen. (}(‘Il. gardens. £650 pcm. Details: 0141 357 1116 or mobile: 07984 955 079.
1.“ Ma' "\l"
I Merchant City. Beautifully appointed large double bedroom flat. Full} fur- nished. a\ailable April; £500 pem plus bills. 'l‘elephone lleather 07778 5 ll) 4(33 or after March 34th on ()l4l 553 3357. PM onl} please.
I Merchant City large I double bedroom flat. high stan- dard furnishing. lounge. dining kitchen. bathroom \\ ith shower. wooden floors. Securit) entrance on street parking avail- able \\ith permit. £475 pem. Tel: 07770 335 I55.
I West End. Beautiful spacious flat. 3/4 bedrooms. 3/.3 large public rooms. dining kitchen. WIN) pcm + bills/("II :\\ailable .-\pril lst. ('all (ll-ll 334 3833 or (l77‘)() 533 l(i4.
EDINBURGH I Bright city centre one
bedroom Ilttl. \ltitlet‘tt secure entr} a\ai|able for immediate let. £430 pcm. ('all: 0798” 853 563 or 0790‘) 546 I73.
I Leith (Shore / Links) superb 3 dbl bedroom f/f flat. man} original features. sanded floors. lkea furnishings. good storage. parking. £490 pcm. Suit profs. 'l‘el: 079M 845 936. I Buccleuch Street/ Meadows area - central one bedroom flat. I.i\ing room. fully fitted kitchen. bathroom \\ ith shower. separate \\ c. (i('ll. :\\ailable Ist :\pril. Rent £475 pem. To view phone Ill‘)(r8 (r83 303.
Leith - Ferry Road unfurnished second floor flat. Lounge. bedroom with slltm er
room off. separate toilet.
kitchen. Rent
L'34Ilpcm. Deposit £390.
Tel: 07971 252 006
Haymarket Morrison Street e\ce|lent. bright top floor flat. Lounge. 3 double bedrooms. kitchen and slttm er room. (i('ll. Rent £550 pcm. Deposit Uillll. Tel: 07971 252 006.
I Haymarket area, large \\ ell appointed I bedroom flat. .-\II mod cons. polished floors throughout. £450 pcm. refer- enes and deposit required. call ()l 3| (ms 334 l.
I Large Marchmont first floor flat to let suit n/s profes- sional couple lounge. dining room. Large kitchen. 3 bedrooms. li\eellent location and on street free parkingfl‘el: (ll4l 533 5(i8l. I Sunny one bedroom flat to rent. London Rd. Bathroom \\ ith sho\\ er. (i(’ll and solid fuel burning slow and all mod cons. Suit proff indix. .\'/s. l’rom end of March. £390 pcm. call .\'eil Ill 3l 33‘) 33(3l I Lochend, near Meadowbank. Spacious 3 bedroom flat in modern dexel- opment. Two double bedrooms. fitted kitchen. large lounge. bathroom (electric shouert. e\cellent storage. l’ri\ate park- ing. (i(‘ll. furnished. £500 pcm + ("f + bills. Non-smokers.
'l‘elephone: 07834 3”) (H8