(FMR) 000

Ensemble O expands the wind quintet Quintessence to a septet (six winds and percussion). and this debut disc in that format features James MacMillan's 'Untold' alongside four works specifically commissioned for the grOLip. MacMillan's atmospheric early piece (1987. but revised in 1999,) is one of his gentler. more evocative works. and that mood is carried on intO Philip Cashian's attractive ‘among the bleached stars and suns' and much of Steve Martiand- protege Joe Dudell's 'Endgame'. Gareth Brady's exuberant 'Skara Brae' raises both tempo and energy levels. while Tansy Davies' ‘Fern' is the longest and most diverse piece. Accessible and enjoyable contemporary music. (Kenny Mathiesonl

INDIE VARIOUS Fence Reunited (Fence) 0000

Any compilation would struggle to showcase all the shapes. sizes and colours of the label's associates. Sensiny then, they avoid trying to do this and pile in on 14 clever. funny and touching tunes. King Creosote provides a centre-piece with his wistful ponderances on ‘A Friday Night in New York' while Gummi Bako. Pip Dylan and Lone Pigeon take their very own twisted path down a simlar troubadOLiriC route. The contrary perfection of James Yorkston's ‘Easrly Led'. the sweet plaintive magic of the Pictish Trail

On ‘Going Down to the Water' and HMS Ginafore and murky electrobods On the Fly's getting spooky on ‘St Abbs' all illustrate the breadth of talent hidden away here. Let it be hidden no longer.

ilvlark Robertsonl

SURF ROCK 5,6,7,8’S

Early Days Singles iSweet Nothingl 0000

Everyone who's been battle-scarred by the magnificence of Kill Bill Vol 7 will already know about Japanese chick trio the's and if you liked what you heard of Ronnie. Yama and Sachiko therein. then you must own this record.

Much like their ingenioust daft contribution to Tarantino's opus "Woo Hoo'. included here and possessed of the blissfully self-explanaton/ chorus ;-hoo. woo- hoo-hoo'i. the rest of this compilation culled from their SEX Japan-released albums is catchy. cool and rust a bit deranged. Over 27 tracks. the girls marn. popping surf style '.‘.’itf‘ amphetamine pace and gioriousiy over- accented (IOllVBf‘y’. Plenty to keep you going until they turn up in Vol 2. David Poilocki


After last year's Left Out fiim competition which involved such luminaries as Ken Loach and Paul Laverty the Castlemilk Youth Project have this year teamed up with Burning Haggis Records for Left Out: The Album. The brief for the 1:”) yeting Scots bands involved was simple . . . write a song called 'Left Out' which includes those two words somewhere within. Gratifyingiy. the results are {)()ESEI|‘.(2. The B-Men and Lo-Rider, for examp.e. provide an entireiy credible indie- rock presence. while the Ampiietameanies do ska well and Gaichen sOund like a livelier lvlogwai. But Pink Monkey Bird take the pri/e here. lust for raising a laugh or two while smootth pastiching the Beatles. iDavid Pollock;


DEUS EX: INVISIBLE WAR 'EldOS“ £29.99 0000

Electric sneep aside. some have dreamt of this. Others have slavereo (tO‘.‘-/n their long black cloaks for this. Yet more nave “.‘JfllthXT themst-zives '.‘.’lffl fibre optic cable at each delay in the release date. But now the cyberpunks and technogoths can be happy. ‘or Deus Ex has a sequel. And though it is hardly the spectaculariy enjoyable surprise of the original. /n'./isib/e l‘/ar is a solid enough continuation of the series. Your character benefits from the further integration of man and machine. '-.'./h;|e the story of secret societies and government corruption is as confusing as ever. However. ragdoll physics and bigger guns make the combat feel more deadly. broadening the gap bets/eon player types; bloodthirsty animals ‘.'.’|H WINK? in gore. pacifistic nancies will sneak and stun. There is some dodgy Al. some la'ne restrictions and a little wayward scripting that tn, hard to chip away at the fOtil‘UétthllS. But whei‘ the subdermal embedded emote-chips are down lily/sib/e til/(1r tweaks the pleasure centres.


007: EVERYTHING OR NOTHING lElectronic Artsi £39.99 .0

Oh, isn't it so hilariously funny? Everything or

Act/ling .s both the name and the aim reSuIt of the game. Like all Bond licenses it nas driving and runn rig étl‘.(t sneaking and fighting and shooting and loving and danCing and gambling and singing and skipping and laughing. \."‘.’ei!. maybe not all that but nearly. it is a mess of styles and genres trying hard to

replicate the plot of the movie. As expected from {tl‘ E'ectronic Arts title. it is s:;c' . wort presented and has all the trappings of a iovi'igly created masterpiece. Yet nothing gels except Bond's hair. The fer-r sections that you may enioy are far out‘.‘reigl‘ied by the ones you wont. And these Wlll change from person to person. All this is a money issue because.

freed from the movie tie- in constraints. developers w0u|d have the freedom to make the best game for Bond. a character perfect for gaming. But to do this wetild lose the producers that quick burst of sales at mowe release. Unthinkable. Which leaves us With a fancy slice of nothing.



WWI is not a glory war. No one emerged wrth much dignity. lt resolved little. Which makes it a bit of a no-no where entertainment is concerned. How can you have a game yvith no John Wayne. Dirty Do/en. Longest Day. Band of Brothers heroes to save poor old Private Ryan? Well Entente has a pretty good stab at it by keeping historically acetirate. It pounds the futility of the conflict in yOur face. By allowing you to experiment wrth each of five sides in the war. the stupidity is heightened. As a strategy game it is not too bad. though the military advisers are a must for non-geeks. The graphics are clear. the animation punchy and. with up to 80.000 units on a battlefield. there is enough to keep the armchair Haig happy. And with the chance to legitimately use chemical

Portentous Persian potentate


weapons. it's a great way to test yOur moral fibre. Entente may not be the most glamorous of games. exploring one of the least glamorous Subjects. but it is certainly both a challenge and an education.

(lain Davidsoni



The XBox really struggles when it comes to platform games. Racing. FPS. shooters. RPGs. sports. the Microsoft Breezeblock has a surfeit of all these. and is rightly proud of the best examples. For a first time console it ain't too shabby a roster. But platformers are a big draw. wrth adults buying them happily for their kids while playing them themselves. They don't shock and they don't challenge. They are all round entertainment and every console needs them. Well, now it has two fantastic titles to boast of. even if they are second hand. Prince of Persra is possibly the best puzzle game since Super Monkey Ball. Examining each wall. pillar and step in room after room. fighting to find the athletic route to the next balletic challenge. becomes a brain-hurting Joy. Beyond Good and EVII. on the other hand. is a combination of the best bits from a hundred platform games. packaged with humour and fresh-faced glee. For the XBox. one more genre has finally clarnbered up to scratch. (lain Davrdsonl

lh’ Mar 1 Apr 90;)? THE LIST 107