Film index

Short Night of Glass Dolls t 1.x» (Aldo l.ado. Ital}. l‘)7l i .Ican Sorcl. Ingrid 'l'hulin. .\lario Adort'. 92min. .\ rcportcr auakcnx in a l’raguc morguc in a ncar~ catatonic xlatc. corixcioux hut unahlc to

mm c or xpcak. Alonc \\ ith hix thoughtx and mcnroricx. hc tricx dcxpcratcl} to piccc togcthcr “hat hax happcncd in ordcr to x;t\ c hirnxclt' t'rom thc autopx} knit'c. .\ gripping and \ixuall) xtunning xtot'} built on an atmoxphcrc of paranoia. .\‘lmrl .\Yc'lrl o/ (ilun I)n//\ gcncricall} tallx into thc ‘giallo' catcgor}. thc popular Italian 70x gcnrc ot' \ iolcnt murdcr‘ Ill) xtcricx. I’ul‘l (r/ I/u' I'i/m/rouw ('u/I.’ pmwumnu'. /"1'/m/rou\c. Ink/rii/nuiu/i.

Something’s Gotta Give 1 ISA)

O. t.\'anc} Much. IS. 300*) Jack Nicholxon. l)ianc Kcalon. l‘ranccx .\lcl)orin;md. Kcanu Rcmcx. Amanda l’cct. IZSniin. ()ld pla)ho_\ llarr} Sanhorn likcx )trtrrrg uoman until lic liax a hcart attack and rcalixcx hc actuall} likcx \mrnan cloxcr to hix agc ax c\cinpliticd h} thc auard “inning pla) u right and mothcr oi a pr'c\ioux girll'ricnd. lirica Barr} Il)ranc Kcatoni. Drcadl’ul. xrnug and o\cr|ong xtar \chiclc that attcmptx to addrcxx thc \agaricx ol‘ agcing lo\ c and ltrxt h} throuing hcapx ot' xtar pou cr and xugar o\ cr thc xuhicct. .\ hig dixappointmcnt Irom Xlt‘ltttlxtttt altcr thc c\ccllcnt About .St’lmn'r/I. (iv/urn! rc/cuu'. O Sonatine t rm oooo ruin-an Kitano. Japan. I‘Nfii 'Bcat‘ 'l'akcxhi. A} a Kokumai. 'l‘ctxu \Vatanahc. 93min. .\ hitman ix xcnt to ()kinau a. oxtcnxihl} to xort out a gang uar. hut hc xoon rcalixcx hc'x hcing xct up for a hit. .\Iorc inno\ati\ c than ’l‘arantrno. morc controllcd than \Voo. 'l‘akcxhi rcuritcx thc hook on policicr rc\ ixionixm \\ ith thix challcnging. flirtatioux. highI} indix idual mo\ic. (it/nu). Izilrnlmrglr.

0 Spare Parts I l5i (Damian lx'o/olc. Slo\ L'lllil. 2003i l’ctcr .\lltxc\ \ki. .\lioxa Kmacic. l’rimo/ l’ctkm xck. 87min. Scc

rc\ ic\\. l'i/m/muu'. lat/m/mrg/i.

Stone Reader tl’(ir t.\l;tt'k .\lttxko“ it.

IS. 3003i 128mm. :\t’tcr rcading l)o\\ .\onxman'x ‘I'ln' Stu/rm ul'Smnnu'r. .\lark .\loxko\\ it ix puHch thc author 1“ ho u rotc onc cnthralling no\ cl I. xccmx to havc dixappcarcd otl thc radar. .\onkou it tra\ crxcx tlic countr} to rncct acclaiittcd litcrat‘} criticx. cditorx and authorx \\ ho might ha\ c xoinc anxucrx. in an auard-u inning documcntar} that ix a \\ ixtt'ul and po\\ct‘lttl attirmation ot‘ thc bond that litcraturc cart crcatc among llx. l'ilmlrnuu'. lat/inlmruli.

The Struggle for Peace «I’m (Sn-mi 'l‘allc}. l'S.r\. I‘Nl t 57min. :\ dccp and unhiaxcd inxight into thc dixcrxit} of popular opinion xurrounding thc l’alcxtinian-Ixracli conl‘lict. Stcx cn 'I‘allc} 'x documcntar} introduccx l’our graxxrootx organixationx and thctr dil'lct’cnt pcrxpcctncx on thc xtrugglc l‘or pcacc thc \igil ol \Vomcn in Black. l)ialogucx at Bcit Shahur. chh (i'\'uil rcl'uxcmkx. and thc I‘ricndx School at Rainallan. l‘l/Ilt/IUIIH’. lit/inlrm'u/r.

21 Grams I IS) 0.... (.\lcittlttlt'tt (iaon/alc/ lnarritu. I'S:\. Itttlii Scan I’cnn, (‘harlottc (iainxhourg. Bcnicio I)c| 'l‘oro. Naomi \Vattx. l3~lllllli. Scc rc\ic\\. (iv/it'm/ I‘t'lt’uu'.

Ten Minutes Older: The Cello 1 ISI .0. «Varioux. (icrinan). 2002i (‘lairc :\tl;tlltxttlt. .'\lllll :\rro/. lldiko Banxagi. Bihiaria Bcglau. \‘alcrra Bruni 'lcdcxchi. l)anicl ('raig. lll51llllt.x\ lollou up to [m .\Iritulm (Hi/(r: 'Ilit' 'l'rum/u’l. thix collcction ol xltot'l liltttx in\ itcx cight dircctorx to fill on thc paxxagc ol' timc. \‘w'hilc thc namcx ol thoxc mxohcd arc rcxoundingl} iinpi‘cxxn c. thc rcxultx arc hit and rnixx at licxt. ax c\pcrirncntal liccnxc ix alloucd to takc prcccdcncc o\ cr‘ cntcrtainmcnt. Schloiulortl. .\lL‘tl/L‘l ttlttl (itttlttt'tl’x \L‘glttt‘ltlx ttt’L‘ \\ cll uor‘th chccking otrt ho“ c\ cr. (inrrcn. lat/rir/ruru/i.

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines t 13A) 0.. iJonathan .'\onto\\, l'S. ZIIHM .v\rnold Sclmar/cncggcr'. .\"ick Stalil. (‘Iairc l)ancx.

part loving, comedy laughing, attraction yisiting, theatre going, hill walking, scotland touring, club dancing, beer swilling, sport crazy, film watching,

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42 THE LIST "J I -’:t, -‘. :‘.Ig:' .2

Krixtanna l.okcn. l)a\ id Andrcu x. ltth'min. .\l‘tcr a 12-}car hiatux. Arnold Sclmar/cncggcrk hack doing \\ hat lic docx hcxt: pla) ing a robot that xmaxhcx lotx ol' pcoplc and tltittgx. '1'.“ ltux ti dalctl lit‘t‘l. rcminixccnt ol~ prc-( '( il l‘).\’t)x action

Ino\ icx. Kc“ dit'cclor. Jonathan .‘\loxto\\ (I'- 57/ i. l'ailx to hrcathc lil'c into 75'. llc handlcx thc action rcxpcctahl} cnough. hut pcrhapx thc ahxcncc ol' ‘1'] and 'I'J'x maniacal \ ixionar}. .Iamcx (‘amcrorr hax rcxultcd in a lcxx ariihitiotrx actioncr. ('(i(' Rt’llfl't’ll .SII'H’I. (i/(ngmt.

Terra lncognita tl’(it t( ihaxxon Salhah. l.chanon/l‘rancc. 2003i ('arol .-\hhoud. .-\hla Khour}. \Valid Sadck. ll‘)mm. .-\n mtcnxc and \ ixtiall) rich drama dcprcting thc

I“) L‘ltoloflical al'tcrmath ol' lchanon‘x ci\ il war and thc dcxtruction ot' Bcirut. 'l’hc li\cx ol' xc\cral thirt} xomcthingx collidc ax thc_\ Iind thcnixchcx xtruggling to rclatc to lilc or cach othcr at‘tcr thc war in an cngaging xtot‘) that had a tumultuoux cl'lcct on Ichancxc audicnccx. I't/m/tuuxt'. lat/inlmrglr. Thirteen I I3) oooo t('athcrittc llardu ickc. IS. 2003) Man Rachcl \Vood. .\Jikki Rccd. lloll_\ lluntcr. .lcrcnr} Sixto. 00min. 'l'rac) (\Voodi ix a nuhilc l.olitu; an apparcntl} innoccnt child “ho “atttx nothing morc than to loxc thc tag ol ltllttit‘t‘ltl child. Shc cra\cx lltL‘ l'lt‘llL‘S tllltl glamour of a ghctto lahuloux lil'cxt_\lc that \ltL‘ l\ ltH'L‘C-lt'tl l3} lllt' lttctlltl. ’lil'dt‘) '\ c\cntual xcduccr. houcwr. ix no llumhcrt llurnhcrt hut li\ ic tRcidi. thc inoxt popular girl in xc\cnth gradc “ho xccmx to lia\ c it all: nicc clothcx. tattoox. a rchclhoux naturc and thc adoration oI' all hcr claxxmatcx. ’l'rac) hu}x hcrxcll into li\ ic'x allcction h} xtcaling a purxc and xharing thc uindtall and prctt} xoon thc} arc inxcparahlc. Ii\ic"x pa} hack ix to hpr hcr ncu t‘ricnd lrac} turn lroni innoccnt child to r'chclliotrx tccnagcr. lmprcxxix c [S indic .rhout thc angxt ol' lk‘lltg‘ l3. (i/‘Ili (r/rlxquii. Thundercrack! t 13» r( ‘urt .\Icl)o\\cll. l‘SA. l‘)75i .\larion lzaton. (icorgc Kirchar. llllmin. Arguahl} onc ol' thc grcat undcrgi'ound xlca/c cprcx ol' all timc. [Inuit/mum A" tx thc dcrangcd horror xtor‘_\ ot' a random and quirk} group \\ ho xtaggcr into an old. xccludcd manxion during a tlumdcrxtorm. .-\n ohxccnc old lad} xtaggcrx around thc placc \\ ith a \oinit cakcd \\ ig \xliilc thc xc\-cl‘a/cd charactct‘x xhockingl) c\hihit thcir craxx. c\p|icit and Irilar'ioux anticx. Bc uarncd though \ ic\\ct'x xhould c\pch horror. hlack humour. mclodrama. loo anirnalx and pornograph} that xomc ma) lind ol'l'cnxn c. I’art ol' thc l-‘ilrnhoiixc ('ult? programmc. I‘llnr/muu’. lat/inlmrglr. Tooth tl'i O tlidouai'd Nanimour. I'lx'. 2004i Yaxmin I’aigc. Ror} ('opux. .\Iaixic l’rcxton. Sall} l’lnllipx. 'l'un Hutton. llarr} linticld. l’h} llida la“. Ulniin. Young lair} 'I'ooth tYaxmin l’argci gixcx all ol‘ l‘air}topia'x monc) .i\\a_\ to a nccd_\ hrotlicr and xixtcr. thcrch} liankrupting hcr Ironic and potcntiall} xcuppcring (‘hrixtmax \Vith

" '1- ‘I “A

The Principles of Lust: love and bare knuckle fighting

onl) Ah hour'x to xa\ c thc ltolida). Tooth and hcr cotttpanionx xct oil to tind .\lt‘x (‘hrixtmax. no“ in rclircmcnt. l’rcdictahlc and )c‘t cack-handcdl} chaotic pantomimc xt} lc childrcn'x Iilm that appcarx to hax c hccn ptrt togcthcr xolcl} around thc mailahilit) oI~ tltc adtilt xtarx. (imu'm/ I‘(’/¢'(l.\(’.

Torque 1 l5) 0.. (Joxcph Kahn. I‘S. 200-1) .\lartin llcndcrxon. lcc ('uhc. .\lonct .\la/ur. .\latt SchuI/c. Ja} llcrnandcl. S—ltttilt. .St‘t‘ l'L‘\lL‘\\. (it'm'l'u/ I‘('/('ux¢’. Touching the Void I IS) ooooo

(Km iii .\Iacdonald. Canada. 2003) .\'icholax Aaron. Brcndan .\lackc}. Simon Yatcx. Joc Simpxon. Itiomin. Brilliant cliff-hanging rcconxtruction I’caturc documcntar) ol' thc tcrrihlc c\cntx that o\ crtook mountainccrx Joc Simpxon and Simon Yatcx \xhcn thc_\ tricd to climb a l’crtn ian mountain in 1085. .\lacdonald pullx cx cr} trick out of thc hag to ntakc thix ax hcart churning!) xcar} ax a rcal climb in liIiHard conditionx. lt ix. ax thc) x;t}'. qtiitc a ridc. (ii/nu». lit/I'II/rurq/r. Trilogy: One t 15) ooooo tl.ucax Bchaux. l"raricc/Bclgittm. 2003i (‘athcrinc lirot. l.ttcax Bchaux. Dominiquc Blanc. ()rnclla .\luti. (iilhcrt .\Iclki. l’atrick l)cxcanrpx. l I linin. .\ltcr ncarl} 15 )carx hchind harx. rmolutionar} tcrrorixt Bruno l.c Roux thl\au\i cxcapcx. llc hcadx xtraight hack to hix ccll'x haxc in (ircnohlc. llc itttcttdx lo xcttlc xotltc old xcorcx. rcgroup hix old tcam and hook up \\ ith hix c\ lo\cr t('athcrinc l‘roti. Btrt thingx ain't \\ hat thc} llxcd lo lici tttoxt ol hix allch arc dcad and thoxc that arc xtill alix c ha\ c \L‘lllL‘tl lltlU tt lll-L‘ til tltltltllt‘~t‘l;txx tlt‘ttitil, Bruno hax to dcx ixc a plan hut lirxt hc nccdx lo xhakc lllt‘ \ icioux Cop. .\lanixc. (.\lclkil l'rom hix tail. 'I‘hc hcginning ot' Bcham'x rcmarkahlc lt‘ilog) ot‘ tilinx. \xhatc\ cr )ou hclic\ c to hc thc truth in thix Iilni \\i|l not hc thc truth )0“ hclicx c h} thc cnd ol‘ thc third lilni. Shccr hrilliancc. ('('.-I. (i/uwuu. Trilogy: No «I’m 00 il.ucax Bcl\au\. l'i‘ancc/Bclgium. Zttttli ()rnclla .\liiti. l‘rancoix .\loi'cl. \aIc‘ric .\laircxxc. Bcrnard .\la/Iinghi. Dominiquc Blanc. (lilhcrt .\lclki. (’athcrinc l‘rot. l.ucax Bcl\au\_ 07min. 'l‘hc tirxt 'I'rr/ugx tilm \\ ax a political thriIlcr dctailing thc hard-hittcn xtor} oi cxcapcd lcl't \xing tcrrorixt Bruno thhauxi. In thix lilm Bruno gctx to takc a hack xcat ax in thc l‘orcground ix thc cra/) h} xtcrical rclationxhip ot' ( 'c'cilc and Alain ('oxtcx t()rnclla .\luli and I-rancoix .\lorclr .-\lain and ('c‘cilc arc thc couplc troin thc tirxt Iilm \\ ho oun thc log cabin. .v\x \\ c cntcr thcir prixatc \Htl'ltl \\ c rcalixc hon had thcxc tuo middlc-‘agc pctitx lmurgcoixtcx arc tor cach othcr. Shc ix a hot-hloodcd Italian. and hc ix a mi\cd-t:p h_\pochoitdt‘iac. \Vhat unrawa ix a \xlroll} unncccxxar) hut lnIarroux t'arcc uhcrc thc incornpatihilit} ot tlic \xa} hoth thcxc charactct'x comrnumcatc cirrhroilx thcrn hoth Ihut .’\lam moxtl} t in a “ch ol Inadncxx_ xlapxtick and dcccit. ('( II.
