Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Aileen I 15! O... I.\'Iek BI‘nnIIII‘IeId. l.l\'/l IS. 2WD) .'\l‘lel‘ l: )eah lil‘IIIIIIIl-Ieltl l'L‘llll‘Ih In Ihe \eeIIe nl the crime nl lll\ I‘N.‘ IIIIII .lI/I'I'n H'IIIH'IIIII: 'I'III' Xvi/mu III II SI'I'III/ KI/lI'I'. III we her he e\eeIlleIl l\_\ [he \el'_\ penple \xhn \\ eI‘e happ} In enndnne her e\plnIIaIInn III IIIe \IaIe nl' l'lUl‘lIld. .\l0\lll:_‘ and IIIeI‘edIIII} In“ ke) InI' [lI'nnIIII'Ield and lll\ en dII'eelnI' .lnan (‘hIII‘ehIlL I‘IIIIlI/IUIIH'. l'fI/I'II/IIII'g/I

Al-Jazeera: The Voice of Arabia I12:\II’le\\I‘Ik llakenI. l‘I'anee. ZUUII 521nm. SlInI nII IneaIInn In l)nha. ()aIaI'. llll\ dneIIIIIeIII;II'_\ IIIIII. ahnnl IIIe .-\I'ahIe eahle IIe\\\ channel IhaI heal \VexIeI'II IIIedIa hIg hn}\ .II IheII' nun game. enIIIhIIIex neux Innlage. e\eeI'pI\ lI'nnI .-\l Ja/eeI'a Pl'Ugl'IIIIIIIILW. and Inlen Ieu \ \\ Ilh e\eeIIII\e\. .IllelIUl'\ and |I\lll‘ll;lll\l\. .\ laxelnalIIIg ll1\l_‘_'lil IIIIn a hlg neu \xnI'ld media pla_\eI'. I’I/III/quu'. lzI/III/nu'e/I

All Zaoua I 15)... (\ahIl :\_\neh. l‘I'aIIee .\InI‘I'Iwen/IIIIIIxIa. DUNN SaId 'l'aghnIanIn. .\IIIIIII Khah. IIIIIIIIIII. BunuelX \lll‘el'lnl' l.l'\ ()/\I(/(1(/H\ “Main! [0 Ihe \ll'L‘Cl\ nl' (‘axahlanea \\ IIII III IIIIIIII' \IaI‘ 'l‘aghnIanIn. I'I'lnI/quu. III/III/IIII'u/I.

All Quiet on the Western Front

I l’( I I .... Me“ I\ .\llle\lUIIe. l'S. I‘HUI l.Ulll\ \Vulilllellll. l.e\\ .v\'\ I‘ex. JnhII \VI‘a}. l.§.\'IIIIII. .-\II ()\L‘dl \\ IIIIIIng adapIalInII nl' ReIIIaIIIIIe'x pawl-N nn\el daI'IIIgl) lakex a (ieI‘IIIaII pnIIII nl \ Ie\\. l'nllnuIn‘: a \L'll\lll\ e )IIIIIIg man and lll\ ll'lelIIl\ uhn are \enI In IlIe lI‘nIII llIIL‘\ nl \\'\\'l. RealIxIIe III ll\ eInnIInIIal IInpaeI. II I\ \lll'el} nIIe nl IIIe grealexl aIIlI \\aI' IIIII\1L‘\ e\eI' made. (i/- l. (i/IlwInL

Along Came Polly I 12m 00

IJnlIII HaIIIhIII'g. l‘S. ZINHI Ben SIIIleI‘. .lellllllel’ :\lll\lUIl. l’hIle Seynnnr HnIIIIIaII. DehI‘a .\le\\In;_'. .v\lee Bald“ III. UIMIIIII. l‘IH'llllllIllC I'nIn ennI “llll SIIlleI' IIInI'e nI' lexx recreating: lll\ I'nle III .UI’I‘I I/II' ’IIH’II/M .\ enIIple nI knnk}. IIIhIIIaIehed InIdlIIe Innek np\ gn IlII‘nIIgII a \\lill‘l\\ Ind nl' I'nIIIaIIee and \epaI'aIInII. .'\III‘aeIed In nne annIlIeI'. llle} \lll‘\k‘qllL‘llll_\ \\ Ind eaeh nIheI' up. \phl. hIII IIlIInIaIel} make up and mu. .v\lee Bald“ III \Iealx IlIe \hnu III a eaIIIen ax SIIIIeI'x lend. eI'IIde l\II\\ “Inle .'\Ill\lUll dan Ihe anII' pnxl grunge \lllIlL‘lll I'nIIIIIIe all n\ eI' again. (iI'III‘rII/ I'I'lI Izu‘. Amandla! I 13.-\I 00.0 Il,ee llll'\L‘lI. l'S. ZIIIHI IIHIIIIII. .'\\\;II'Il “Inning: dneIInIeIIIaI'} .-\IIII1III//II,' .\ II’I'III/IIIIIIII III I‘I’lll' I’III'I I/(lI'IIIUIH lellx [he \Inl'} nl' hlaek SnIIIh .I\II‘IeaII l'I'eeann Illlhle and Ihe [\I\IIl‘.Il I'nle ll pla}ed III IIIe hallle aganhl apaI‘IheId IIL‘I'I)\\ IIIe deeadex. IeaIIII'IIIg lIIlL‘H Ie\\ \ \\ IIlI Hugh \laxekela. r\hdIIllah lhI'alIIIn and SIhnngIle KhIInIaln. I'l/HI/IHHH'. IleIII/nu‘g/I.

The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz I INI 0.0 I‘l’I-Il Knlehell. ("anada. l‘)"~lI RIelIaI'd l)l'e_\lll\\. \lIehehne lanelnI. Jaek \VaI‘den. Rand} ()IIaId. IZIIIIIII. In I‘MX .\InnII'ea|. )nIIIIg Dudd} I|)I'e} lll\\| lllIIl\ In\ \\a_\ IIIIIekl} In the Inp. leaI'IIIIIg nn the na} IlIaI IIIL‘L‘IIL'\\ I\ neeexxar} Inni ()er' \llllpllllk'tll‘llllllllll\|11}:. \\ Ilh an ()\eaI' IInIIIIIIaIed \eI'eenpla} .Idapled h} .\lnI'deeaI RIehIeI' lI'nIn lle nn\e|‘ Il'e\II\a| nl .lk'\\l\ll ('IIIIIII'eI_ (i/' I. (I/IHQIHI.

Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra Il’( iI l:\l;llll (‘IIahaL l'I'aIIee. JIIIIZI ('hI'IxIIan ('|a\ IeI'. (ieI'aI'd I)epaI'dIeII. \lnnII‘a lielIIIeeI lllelllllI Screened \nlh \lll‘lllle\. (imenIII) and ldeI/n'x (idlllhli

Check out the


on page II

llel'UL‘\ make the leap II'nIII L‘UIHIL‘ hnnk In hi3: \eI'eeII l’nI' [he xeennd IIIIIe III In Iee a\ man) _\eaI\. (‘lax IeI‘ and Depardien I'L‘Pl'he llIeII' I'nIe\ l'I‘nIII .lxII'I‘iI IIIII/ ()III'II'I III/Ir (HI (.(HWIH' glx. l'LNPL‘ellH‘l}. Ihe \IIIIIll NUIIIl tuner and Ihe lug. redheaded lIIIIIIIIn\. lllh IIIIIe aI‘nIIIId IlIe hnp |ea\ e IheII'

\ Illage \\ IIh II\ \\ Ild hnaI' haIIIIIIeIx helIIIId In enIIIe In Ihe ;I\\l\l;lllee nI IIIe )IIIIIIg aI'ehIIeeI lidil'Ix Inh ha. ha. Ihe pIIIIIIeI') I “lIU hax heen nI‘deI'ed h} Ihe Queen nl‘ Ihe .\'I|e IBellIIeeII In enInpleIe the L‘Ulhll'llellflll nl’ a l;l\l\ll palace IN the anan I'IIleI‘. (il’l‘. (i/IHQIHL

Baghban Il’(iI IBR (‘lIan‘a/Ran ('lIan'a. lndIa. ZIIIIII .-\IIIIIahh Baehehan. llenIa .\la|IIII. SaIIIeeI‘ SnIII. l)I\_\a I)IIIIa. .'\lll;III \eI'III.RaI MalhnII'a IBaehehanI and hix \\ Ile l’nnla I.\lalIIIII ha\ e I'nIII' \nnx. The} grnn nld and then. \nnx \eIlle Ill IheII' I‘expeem e l‘l'UlC\\lUll\. lhell' ll\e\ are filled \\IllI hue and pI'mpeI'Il}. and all Ilnx hax heen pnxxlhle heeauxe Ra] hax Imexled all lll\ IIIenIIIe. IIIelIIdIII; lll\ pI'n\IdeIII Mud and gI'aIIIII}. III lII\ ehIldI'en. \xhn he \eex ax hix ;I\\el\ IIIaI \\ Ill xeenre lIl\ l'llllll'L‘I l’I'eaeh}. ennxenaln e I'eIIIake nl IlIe I‘Hh’ preach}. ennxenaln e ela\\1e.(i/*IL (i/IHQIIIL

Bank Ban IIheI I(\.Iha Kael. Hnngar}. ZUHII llnInIn. lll\l0l'le;ll dI‘aIIIa \eI III IZIK. haxed nII Ihe pla} h} lanInIIx llIIIIgaI‘Ian [\l;l}\\l'l:_‘l1lJU/\L‘l KaInIIa I I“)! 133m. (ii/mun III/Nil). (ll/IIVJHHI

The Barbarian Invasions I IM

0.. Il)eII_\ \ .'\I‘eand. ('aIIada/lIanee. 21ml: Rem) (iII'aI'd. Slephane Rnuxxeau. l)nI'nlhee BCI’I'MIIIIIII 00mm. l"III_\\nIIIeIhIn;_' aeadeIIIIe and w“ \I_\led \eanIal \neIaIN' Rem} I( iII‘aI'dI hex d} In; nl eaIIeeI' III an

n\ eI'eI'nuded \lnnII'eaI lImpIIal. .'\l lll\ helelIle are lll\ e\ \\ Ile. lll~ e\ll';IIIf_'eIl \Ull Sehaxllen IRnnxxeauI. ax \\ ell ax \Ill'lUlh Imen. IIIl\ll'e\\e\ and de\nIed ll'lellkl\ ll'Ulll Ihe l.elI Rem}. hnnexel'. \InIIdeI'x \\helllel' he hax IelI an} IneaIIIIIglIII mark nn IIIe \InI'ld. and \\|IeI|IeI' III an era nl' :\IIIeI'IeaII hegelnnn} IlIe l'IIIIII'e IInu helnngx In \IIIIIg aI'elI eapIIahxh \neh ax SehaxlIeII. \\'I'IIeI'/'

index Film

dII'eelnI‘ .-\I'e;IIIIl\ l'nllnn UP In hix WWI thre The Der/me I” I/H’ :lnII'I'II'IuI IinI/III'I' Ix a hiller-meel al'l'aII' lhaI \eekx In

aeknnn ledge death and eelehI'aIe IIl'e. lnIeI‘nIIIleIIII) dark and paIIIl'IIll) l'nIIn}. XI'II'I’II'I/ I'I'II'IHI'.

Bellany: A Life, Death and Resurrection I IZAI ll’ele and “IL-Ir} \anxe}, l‘K. 2(XH l JXIIIIII. [)0elllllelllul'} ahnuI lhe life and \InI'k nI SeIIIIleI Ill‘llxl JnhII Bellan}. IInIahle I'nI' depIeIIIIg the hardship nl' lhIIxe \\ hn lixex depend IIpnn Ihe \ea. I'll/II/IHILH’. IiI/III/IurelI.

Belleville Rendez-Vous I l3.-\I O... IS}|\aIII (‘hnIneL France. 3003) 80min. l)IIIIIIIuII\ e. elIIh—l'nnled Madame SnII/a pI'epaI'ex her nrphaned grandxnn ('IIaIIIpInII In he a \xnI‘ld-healing e) elixl h} [k‘l'\Ull&Ill} \upen IxIng hix aI'dunus II'aIIIIIIg I'egIIIIe. BIII during Ihe InnIIIIlaIII \Iage III the TUlll' de l'I'IllIL‘L'. (‘hanIpInII Ix kidnapped h} hlaek—mfled IIIeII I'I'nIII the French Malia and “hlxked iIeI'nxx Ihe .-\llalllle l0 lhe ell} nl Bel|e\ Ille. ll'x up In grann} and (‘haIIIpInII‘x helmed dng Brunn In pel'lnl'lll a damn; I'eerIe. allhnugh the} can rel} nn ;I\\I\l;lnee l‘I'UIII Ihe eldeI‘l} Bella Ille Sixlerx. a \nIIg~aIId—danee ll‘lU \Ihn nllee peI'I'nI'IIIed \\ IIh l‘I'ed .'\\l;Ill'C. RtheI‘ \peeial knnk} eaI‘Innn I'I'nnI l-‘I'aIIee. IhaI \lIU\\\

l)l\lie\ IlIe dnnI‘ In real llhpll'ullflll. l'( 'l. , ."/

I‘Jllll/HH'L’IL __ M. w a a ,__ N- 5. ._ The Belly of an Architect I ISI Il’eII-r £4 1’3 '- ~ ‘1? ’- V-“ "I

(iI'eeIIana). l‘K/ltal}. I‘)I\".'I Brian l)eIIIIeh_\. ('hlne \Vehh. l.aIIIheI'I \Vlenn. I lSnIIII. Dhllllgllhlk‘tl :\lllel’le;lll aI'eIIIIeeI SInIII'Ie} Kraekhle aI'I'I\e\ III RnIIIe In IIInIIIII an e\hIhIIInII III IIIeInnI') nl’ lll\ lXIh eeIIIIII'} pI'edeeexxnI' liIIeIIIIe l.Ulll\ Bnulee. (II'IIIlIIIIH). In hI\ heallll Ilelel'lnl'ale\. he heennIex ennx weed that hix lillllllexx pregnant “Me I\ II‘}III§_' In pnixnn llllII. .\ IIIaIexlie peI'lnI'InaIIee h} hurl} l)eIIIIeh_\ adle a hI'IIIaI. eIIInIInnal \II'eak In lhIx I}pIeall_\ eleganl (iI'eeIIanIn Ina/e. \IIIIeh Inakex e\ee|leIII me n! \IIIIIpIIInIh RnIIIaII lneaIInIh. I'fI/In/mrglz l'I/In (iIII/Il. I‘II/I'II/IIII'LIII.

.1 18 Mar PIT-()1 THE LIST 33