
(‘i r rvw‘ )0 ' "fl ‘l\\ I\ (‘ I .;/\ I\«‘r‘\ - v- x \ w \w at: )|/\/ .(, (i \l(l|/.'\/tl\) . 31,\,'\ (1 ..;1T;' U". id,"

‘: (* i w l‘.‘ "k‘ H "\'\':r k‘ 2' ".v H“ / rv\ ~ ~. 3n 0 ‘. “‘1‘, it: ll'\v t>(,.’\, i U I ' 1‘ ' /"

What song would you hate to be played at ~ our funeral? Tough COOkle nimes'x‘c'ii' :2‘. Him; /\:::;:;'.'.. boxed clever with Nigel Benn in What was your first word? ' ‘[)£‘.(l£i'. {lififl’ f"(;' (1".38i (I "‘()‘.(;'"‘-I:l"..

the Q2 Jungle' 80’ does What is your most prized possession?

playing fOOtba“ make her l"{i‘.-11' i"-::-:;-:> '. :t;17‘.:i<:-:;::‘ l’t.'.::. him-3;. Mans-c- gm: Mow}. l?‘-:;-';. S'.‘ Max-:2 '.<:~::tr‘ "Kiwi; ":;"‘ .'.’225;

Which of this year’s I’m a Celebrity bunch g‘: ::;:::g._

would you have liked to take on? What do you like least about your life?

,, P -‘ ,, w“. ., m. “mm” x, H“ 9‘,‘ N“. t v. H” H,‘ t. p,‘ 1””. "mt “a”, ,t, 5‘. ,\ .,\,/\ ,..‘ .‘,t,.| W4, ,. , t , H.. I (,(l:. \:(/ t «int, “(A/’11; u tn (, :) tat). \, U . :1. 14'. . (i “all. . thud .11 ii ..;'.‘r.'t,'t ;l

,‘o‘g'q‘ o .‘\,tN, g '0 .,,\,..,‘,\-‘H,\~.w\ \/w-_or\.w\«;.\rl‘ ‘I ;:,r~,. v "‘1‘ tr \,\i.<1\) l\}(, \ “Unix: (1.17 t/(,(, I hi; .\1 .(i.'\, «it: \) .(,Li J til "\i t},

Joni". l‘.::<;" :2”: t'i-zim ",‘(Zz that ‘11' s;<:"‘<> mac-:3": Are you a cat person or a dog person?

mm. \ “(w °‘/\v\ ()r\ I w. Iv~/;'I;( i y \1\‘ (. /"‘.(‘ r4 / ,. .m. u \z\/ ‘.(,.\)(il.\/ .. tK/u. int,» “at U |,\; .t/ “(1.0. v _, t: hxt

h d‘d I t 0 "/\'\v v‘{ "‘I‘r\/\ 1'" 'i "'I 'i' "'3. ." i. " "“’ ' ' ' '\ " UV I cry. tn”), \IR, |)\/\l 1(lxl (. \5 “(it \/(l.. (.. _,_l 1).. {I .U\. ,\ 1 ,‘o,‘ n ..v,;,\‘ \ I t , ,.,y0 ,\H/\' ,\ r 0',\ 0,\I 0r;~,yx , . t h“. c ,t . “,‘\ '\',\‘00‘ (t V,,\' n A. .W. _,‘,\,‘ o',.,\,\, ,‘ " 1.3L“. l(,. ..'\,t,"\. [141. ix: . I/(:\/’\ (i \l()~‘l(i .1,("‘.. “(11”: .. |;\l» iii/H. \)\l'\, t ..;L:tl_‘_,tl .;1|,.,'\Zt:

'7‘! zuv \, I ~I i‘ /\ H, ' y\/\ ' r\/\\Iv y w I /\ r\/' ‘I\ g*/*/\:; .'\'\ '\r ,.\ ,\o H ,~,\o (i. ti ..(, a). “(iww “Kt, (Inn/14‘ t)“ .‘ \Jx/t \a .\l \)\,\,.(, ' l I '1 \,d.,

twat (26‘1". i'Ti} :2t'i-::-r ‘.'.-:><:~\ I :i.:: am: 03.41:; as: a <>‘.<:- -, If you could wake up tomorrow having ‘<:--::- rig. |"“ get: rig; (1‘. {~13 tear‘z. tzm :‘g; 0.0:)”: f. obtained one new ability, what would it be? What was the last thing you stole? |':: ~13 to (:11; t"-:} :>i;i"::_ ::' '1'“? " :::-:;-";; {ML-I}

i.- it (1..t,1?\ t”. \l'x,|;(l i, 0,”,

." l ::";::>" it: |':: m} {i 21:33:" "‘<}t:‘-.:,:, :3"‘ fi' ' ga.-:: '.' -:: :;<2t;'. '1'?" "1°31? 'i fé')’ ."Ej '(Z‘ {2(3‘0'0 “CL-'11:" '11: '.’7-12 (1"(ECIKOUT. i ii": Niki-13:2. .'.;‘::;,i:;25;"::.'."‘;;:1“f::;1"'<>"::<:‘WM}.::\.1 :::::« Your house is on fire, loved ones and pets ;;!-::-£‘.'. :: mam-:2 " t. are all safe; you have the chance to retrieve When did you last dance? one thing, what would it be?

..(i:)|/\,t'\, \1 xi .Utu. .t.'\,(.t,tu..,l,u tul.t>(1\,w.\)tn{, {i .1'

i’<:-"»\’.r‘s; {FYI 51.,g;"i";;;at ::;‘::: :t Vt, ' :t ,f;‘ > . i' t What’s your favourite biscuit? ":1 say-u ::;‘:'-:>::°."::\.;;"tl'.<3t;<:<;"«<;1;:r‘:"-' l"-:: H::"‘;i"‘, ()'<:-;‘:"‘. ‘::""<2"‘, (‘13:253, (J'é‘xam. l"v:,-'.":: :é"(7~i?!

:1 ;;.'-:;-;‘:f t: i:::-::-'. za":: pix. :12" TQM-1‘: apart ga'x". (3:11 How many times do you leave the flat before

t't-z} ‘:>"::;i"t :::: -:;-‘ l"-:;§, "z; {i ‘.<}':;;it <2 i: :;:t\. f. you’ve got everything? What’s your least favourite country? 0". t's: ":7. -_,-.-:;-~ ! 3.3.: ::\::;:;t-;;;: («32: 'u-..-.

,),\(t. 6.” H , o t ,t, (t a“ ,\,_‘ f ,H,\,.,\.. “WHY; (t ,t,‘ (.\_ ,..\,, . o,. ..,,. ,iv 3,”, ,,,;,‘,\,. NJ. My {ALL (i.\»tn .(L) .t, hi, (2 “1,. . t, t, t) :1 _)‘>\A{,_> ... 2‘. .tvn :. \l ‘14,.1 .t. t“:

' ' \v‘ \ \I', r~rv\ \ q 'I\ ;[ ' v w r \ r‘ I I\ \ ‘I ’I \r\ ( n I‘I‘l‘l 1r \ I") / \ i”);)i(}(if)(in. ' (i, ' 1,, :1 ::' . '1, \, I‘- (xli: Kn" 74,) (/i n ;: «)\lI/I/\/ J t, . 'w\/. .r .1;n't>. ! I k b i. ,..\<‘\.,,t,t who . Ow ,4”? Whats your uc ynum er? use}, an" t, . \. Jim: C‘ t \ .,,t , , ,\ ,\,\ o,~( " '0,\ o,-,~ /\ ‘\ ,x,\. in“. ,\ t ) ",. ‘p.t,t,t (Y) qt: ' ,\ t. ' '),, , OCH/.1 “(15).”? t, . KJ/At .1; . . t I t . Him .1: t. .Z/.t, .. (Hm: t):,.(,' :. . unfit, m:

Er..i’ve Come about thej'oba, i saw the ad, in we Cauldencmnkie Courier.

All, i wondered if anyone would spot that one- Welcome to we Bufem 0F Odd toes.

Ellie McClgdC, head honcho This was fem; Hed'llflks it Must be. and Glasgow agent. anonymowlg to But he can't remember :1 Hector" Guddle, €V€V doing anything —.— . , Minister iofTechologL) "WWW WWW- And this is Pericles Finch, and Business Dewlopmenb flat big lama;

Our Edmbwr M 4 en . . You don't “gt/e t: (rife NO 'edgrflufiamh“ blame wouldn't

examining ladl'es’undemxar CrgPfl'C “1855498 inside. to “Wk We but it help!- A blackmail

A £Hf8?.. I'm in a terrible fix! " M1, mimiteri. we werejmt talking about you-

More underwear."

No no... This is something else--- I’ve .. e r.. inadvatendj committed my depdeM C0. fur’ldlflg a Scottish {pace pwmfl

Oddities. 53c up be, the Scottish Executive to take care of ’matcer’: of an unorthodox or sensitive nature 3..

In other words, Stuff too wei'rd for the poll's or the 5pm doctoo.


128 THE LIST -'- '.'-_:'