Contact: Carole Smith/Anne Goring Tel: 01620 810 620
email: festflats®aoLcom or write to 3, Linkylea Cottages, Gifford, East Lothian EH41 4PE.
Seeking Glasgow flat frotn .-\pril. 2 Ms fetnale post- graduates seeking 2 hedroom
flat in central (ilasgow'. All mod cons. rent tnaxitntun £600 pm. Traditional flat preferred. Tel: 07816 095 567 thelw een 4th ts 101h March ()4) or email: saa mm or tel: 0046739 896 839.
Flats to let GLASGOW I West End flat. 2 dotthle
hedrooins. onel} large ha} -w in- dow ed lounge. (i(’ll teomhi i. hathroom with shower. l’eacefull} located in Wilton I)ri\ e - 5 mins walk frotn Kelx inhridge under- ground. 15 mins walk eres Road. Spaciotis red sandstone teneinant. lias} parking. .\'/s onl}. Rent £550 petn. Tel: 07990 582 92 I.
I Southside, excellent two hedrtxnned llat. lix'ing room and dining/kitchen. ('lose to all amenities. adjacent to park. £450 pltis ("Ii :\\'ailahle mid-March. 'I’el: ()l4l 649 I582 after 7pm.
EDINBURGH Gorgeous Stockbn'dge Flat
to Real Slockht‘idge ('oloti}. l douhle hedroom lIat. Beautiful maindoor colon) with private gar- den. spacious lounge with fire- place and sofa hed. new 3 piece halli. douhle hcdrtxini. kitchen with WM. gas hoh. fridge/free/er. (i('l l. hoxrooin. cellar. free park- ing. I‘urnished. .-\\ailahle from I April. .\lust he seen. £565 l’(‘.\l. Call 07766 99 54 54 or email
I Leith - The Shore -
St} lish 2 dhl hedroom modern flat. f/f to Iiiin standard. (i(‘ll. secure parking. lift. £585 pcm. .'\\ailahle l5tli March. (’ontael l.iitlisei 07966 45 I525
I Bright, quiet 1st floor flat llillside. Sanded floors. paint effect walls. lkea furnishings. 20' ha} lounge. large kitehendinet‘. douhle hedroom. hoxroom/cahin hed. No USS/students. £500pcitt. 'l‘el: 0| 3| 225 9002. 07900 694 404. S.I lllss;llll(“
I Bright one bedroom Grove Street flat. liurnislied. (i('ll. clec. show er. Axailahle immedialle}. .\'/s onl}. £400 pcm pltts £500 deposit (exclud— ing ("[7 hills) Min. 6 months. 'l'el: 0I3I 228 4947.
122 THE LIST 3- ‘é‘. Mat 7’2):
I Warm and cosy one hed- room “at in .\'ewington ax'aiIahIe Januar}. All mod cons. period
design throughout. .\lllsl he \ iew ed.
Id: 07903 058 968. £470 pcm.
I Lochend, near Meadowbank. Spacious 2 hedroom flat iii modern dexel- opment. 'I‘wo dotthle hedrooms. fitted kitchen. large lounge. hatht'oom (electric shower). storage room. l’rixate parking. (i(‘ll. furnished. £525 pctii + ("l‘ + hills. .\'on smokers. 'I'elephone: 07855 5I2 474.
I Unfurnished 2 bed flat in Ila} niarket/Rosehurn. I’rix ate parking. .\lodern fresh decor. washing machine. cooker. fridge free/er. power shower. Suit pro- fessionals. Rent £500pcm + hills. Tel: 07958 (I89 659.
I Gorgie, dbl bedroom flat for rent. l’I‘. (i('ll. l)(i. kitchen/ lix ing/ dining room. hathroom. we. Quiet atid well decorated. £430 petn. ('all: 07867 822 204. I Bruntsfield - £550 pcm. Iixcellent top IIr flat in quiet sit. sanded Ih's. I)hl hedrm. sgl hedrm/hoxrm. kit/diner. lounge. hathrm. (i('ll. full) furn. Ideal for l’rof cottple. .'\\'ail linmed. Tel: 07789 925 525.
I Shandon. Spacious refurbished one hed llal. New kitchen ts halhroom. ()n street parking. £430 pcm. 'I‘el: 0|3I 226 4004. / 07782 302 883.
I Lothian Road. Large 5 hed Ill.\l()l flat. New kitchen is hathrootn. sanded floors. £|000 pcm. 'l'el: 0|3l 226 4004/ 07782 302 883.
Cheerful Studio flat in (ieorgiati famiI) house. New low n/Imerleith. near Botanics. Spacious room. w ell-equipped kitchen. halhroom. own door. phone. Non-Smokers
Tel: 0131 558 1124.
I Beautiful views of ('astle & Arthur's Seat. I.o\'el} 2 hedroom l.iherton flat. ('omenient for Infirmar}. King's huildings. (‘ameron 'I‘oll. I‘urnished. (}('ll. prixate park- ing. .\'/s pt'olessional/posl-grad. £500pm + hills. Tel: 07739 688 557 Imelx in(u
I Bright city centre one hedroom flat. .\lodern secure entr) axailahle for immediate let. £420 pcm. ('all: 07980 852 562 or 07909 546 I72.
I New Town - Airlie l’lace. Bright central. furnished one hed flat to let to Ms prof/couple. :\ecom - sittingroom/ fully fitted kitchen. douhle hedroom. halli- room - hath/electric shower. washing m/e. (i('ll. ample stor- age. Rent £475 pcm. Iintr) .'\pril. Viewing tel: 0l3l 557 6459.
I Buccleuch Street - Interesting central llal. near Meadow-s. ()ne douhle and one single hedroom. xer) large lix ing room. kitchen/dining room. hath- roont. separate we. :\\'ailahle now. £500 pcm. 'IeI: ()I968 682 203. I Polwarth. Open out- look. Bright. spacious. 2nd floor flat. new |_\ furnished.l large hedroom. kitchen. large dining/lixing room. (i('Il. ()n-~ street parking. Security entrance. .-\\'ailahle to View from I2 March. .\'/s. £500 petn & ("l‘ t& hills. ’l'el: 0l875 822 326.
OTHER AREAS I Cottage to let. Biggar
area tlidin. 23 miles ). I-'tit'ttislietl. l)hle hedrm. large living rtn. fit- ted kitchen. utilil}. hathrm. large garden. Solid fuel heating.
New I} dec. £300.00 pcm + ("I + hills. £300 deposit. 6 months min let. No pels. l’lione l)a\‘e: 0l3l 669 76l8 / 07974 579 427.
GLASGOW I Luxury West End shared
2 hedrootn flat with one \er} large douhle room to rent. Hat is spacious with heautiful fur- nishings and in excellent condi- tion. Rent £300 pm + hills. ('all 07799830523.
I Shawlands. Friendly flatmate wanted for douhle rootn in hrigltt. heautiful and comfortahle 2 hedroom flat. Next to all transport. shops and park. liemale n/s professional/mature student pre- ferred. £280pcm + shared hills. 'l'el: 07967 742 49].
I Flatmate for Dennistoun single room in \er} smart furnished flat. ideal for cit} centre. stiit profession- al. low rent £200 pcm including ("f atid hills 07765 258 573.
I Flatmate wanted for fantastic. centrall} located llal. to share with 2 professionals. all mod cons. n/s. axailahle I April. £267 pcm + hills. Tel: 07957 575745 or 07855 395 349.
I Warm, sunny, quiet room in West lind terrace. gar- den flat in I)owanhill. lx, dou- hle futoti hed. all mod cons dog tk cat. £270 pctn including hills. 'lel: 0l4l 339 3l09.
I Flatmate sought for ft'iettdl} \Vesl littd flat. lox el} recentl) t'e—deL'oi'aled t'ootlt.
(i(’l I. show er. dish washer. \\'.\l & microwave. fetnale n/s pre» ferred. axailahle l6 I‘ehruar). £253 pcm including ("ll excludes hills. 'Iel: 0l4l 339 .3898.
I Attractive double bed- room in recenll} renoxated con-s temporar} Queens Park Hat. all mod cons. (i(‘ll. sanded floors. n/s. £250 pcm + hills. 'fel: ()I4I 423 7544 01' 0797l 296 l9l.
I Charing Cross, 2 hed- room flat. prefer xtittiig female professional. £320 pctn includ— ing ("l1 Tel: 07766 006 009.
I Garnethill flat, next lo underground. close to cit) cen- tre. modern. full) refurhished. prixate parking. £275 pctn + ("II Tel: 0777] 9l8 252.
I Student female want- ed to share flat in :\nnicsland. £250 pctn hills included. minus telepli I. Tel: 07950 664 I I2.
I South side south facing room. stlil student or pt'olession- al. excellent transport links. park .9 amenities xer} near h}; £230 pctn + hills. 'l‘el: 0l4l 424 I74I. I South side double room in luxur) main door flat within com erled huilding. own haili- rootn. shared kitelieti & lounge. full} furnished. prixate parking. suit professional. £250 pcm + hills. lel: 014] 633 230l or 07710033 I58.
I Glasgow West End, spa- cious hay windowed douhle room. (i('ll. wooden floor. 5 minute walk to I'nix'ersit}. shared dining kitchen ck hathroom with \egiterian female. £275 pcm + hills + ("II Tel: 01506 848 324 or 07899 8 l 8 953.
I Room in large Sotttltside house. 10 minutes walk from city centre. would suit profes- sional. male or female. sharing with I other gux. £270 pcm. including ("II hills. etc. except phn. 'I‘el :014l 429 8828 (Paul) I Very large living space with .\le//anine king si/e hed in comfortahle full} furnished West lind flat. stiit professional n/s. all mod cons. (i(‘ll. hath/shower room. dining kitchen. communal rootn with DVD. lx'. \IthU. ete. cleaner comes once a week. ax'ailahle mid March. £325 pcm + hills + £400 deposit. Tel: 07973 262 441.
I Double furnished room in spacious Dennistoun flat. to share with a male. stiit eas} going. friendly. amenahle person. £250 pctn + hills. 'I‘el: 0l4l 554 2388.
I Partick/West End douhle rootn axailahle for sociahle. domesticated flatmate. for friend- I) tk homel} l0ement “at. all mod cons. including piano. pro- fessional non stitols'el‘ pt'elet't'ed. .’\\ailahle immediatel}. £250 pcm + hills. 'l‘el : 0l4l 3394943 I Freshly decorated 8. furnished douhle room in onel) collage flal. next to ('t'ofl l'iool train station. 15 minutes to cit} centre. quiet area. prix'ate gar- den. (i('ll. n/s preferred. £240 pcm includes hills + ("II Tel: 07986 02l 657.
I Room available, suit student in on'eI) n/s. ga}
friendl} flat. in \er} nice part of
Sotith Side. large lounge. stiii halcott}. \er} cottx'ettienl for transport. £260 pctn + deposit + hills. Tel: 07833 104 775.
I Spacious double in l.angside. near The lxot‘) ptih. quiet tree lines slt'eels. all mod cons. suit )oung professional. £250 pcm including hills. Tel: 07870 67] 070.
I Langside room for I per- son. sttit professional. douhle hed. shared kitchen ts halhroom. full) equipped. (i(‘lI. good trains ts huses. £238 pcm includes ("II Tel: 07890 848 736.
I Friendly, n/s flatmate sought. to share coittf} relaxed flat. all mod cons. (}('ll. large douhle room. puhlic transport ts shops. £270 pcm includes hills + ("II excludes phl hill. £270 deposit. Tel: 07876664 836.
I Double room in modern \Vest lind llat. sharing with l other tnale student. (K‘II. £275 pcm + hill + deposit. 'l’el: 0l4l 357 4086 or 07765 547 448.
I Room available in .sllllll_V. south facing. (ilasgow city centre. modern flat. suit professional post graduate. n/s. short term let. 2-.3 months. £300 pctn. except phl. Tel: 07799 735 937 or ()l4l 552 5746.
I Double room, 2 minutes walk from Kelxinhridge sllh- wa}. £275 pcm + hills. Tel: 07866 802 8l0.
I 3rd person to share flat in Queens park. (i('lI. parking. must hax e own duster. £240 pcm including ("II Tel: 07836 700 999.
I Flat to be shared with 2 other males. located iii
Shaw lands. (ilasgow South Side. (i('ll. shared halltt'otiltt ts kitchen. £225 petn including hills. 'l‘el: 0l4l 632 3729
I Room available in loxe- I} old shared house t l other lotlget‘l. in l’ollokshieltls. £250 pcm. includes gas. clecti‘icit} tU'I. excluding phone.
Tel 1 07904 969 446
I Luxury West End flat. I’latmate wanted for friendI} 2- hedroom flat. l)ouhIc hedroom. all mod cons. professional wanted. 'l‘rec—lined street with good parking. £320 + hills. 'l‘el : 0l4l 576906
I Huge fully furnished rootn in friendlx woodlands flat. close to cit} centre ts all amenities. female. n/s preferred. £290 pctii. 'l‘el: 0l4l 564 I948. I West End, large douhle room in famil} home. with deli- cious dinners. sitit profession- als. must like animals. £280 pcm + £30 pw pp for meals. Tel: 0141 946 4542.
I West End, stunning, extremel} spacious dotthlc hed— room in heautiful main door flat. close to Ashton lane. Botanics. underground. suit n/s. _\oung pro- fessional. £350 pcm including ("I ck hills. Tel: 07973 774 HT. I Dennistoun, double room axailahle in large mod- cm 4 hedroom house. modern decor .9 prixate garden. must he cat lox'er. £200 pcm + ("II Tel: 0788! 58I 242.
I Room in South Side flat. .‘xlount Horida. to share with male at‘lisl. excellent Il'altsptil'l links to cit) centre. suit graduate or professional. £260 pctn hills lltelttsiu‘. 'l'el: 0l4l 649 7068. I Friendly flatmate want- ed in cit) centre. new flat. full} refurhished. furnished to hiin spec. lounge. tx. \ ideo. hroad- hand & phl. modern kitchen. power shower. l)(}. (i(’ll. inust he clean. n/s. £295 pcm 0l4l 552 7l88 or 07899 958 I80.
I Haymarket / Fountainbridge area, sin- gle room in nice flat sharing with I male art student. lixing room. kitchen. halhroom. £250 pctn + hills. deposit
required. Tel: 07984 35l 737 I Seeking Prof person for douhle Room iii Sunnx Ahhe}hill flat. sharing with one other. Short Term l.el axailahlc frotn I April 04. Rent £275 + dep. hills atid ("ll Tel: 0793! 564475 or 0| 3| 466 5624.
I Double Room - The Shore. Room axailahlc in con \erted wat‘eliouse to share with I. Suit )oting female profes- sional. .\'/S. £300 pcm + ("I + hills. l’hone: 077l4 093 I6I. I Large modern new htiild apartment. 2 hedrooins. 2 hathrooins. suit )oting profes» sional person. £300 pcm. 'l‘el: 0797009l I02.