
Monday 8 continued


I Scotfairs Antique Fair Mcadoyy hank Sports ('cntrc. 13‘) London Road. 001 5351. 10am 4.30pm. £1 (accompanicd childrcn 1icc1. Brousc s111118 111(1C11 W 1111 _1L‘\\C11L‘l‘_\. coins. 1111C”. mcdals and antiqucs.

I The 52nd Fine Antiques Fair of Scotland Hopctoun llousc. Shot'c Road. South Quccnslcrry. 331 3451. llatn 5pm. £4. Scc Hi 5.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species Dccp-Sca World. 01383 41 188(1. £7.‘)5 (£5.75 £0.50: 1amin tickct £30. Scc Thu 4.

I Historic Diving Weekend Dccp— Sca World. 0138.3 41 1880. £7.05

(£5.75 £0.50); 1amin lickct £30. Scc photo caption pagc 104.


I International Women’s Day Bytcs (& l’(‘s. l’ollok Shopping ('cntrc. l’ollok. 370 1 177. ‘)am 7pm. 1"rcc. :\ day (11.11L‘11\111L'\. trcatmcnts. thcrapics and action to cclchralc lhc achicycmcnts ol' \sottictt in thc (ircatcr l’ollok arca. l’url 11/ lnlt'rmllimru/ 1111111111 '\ /)tr_\‘.


I Maggie O’Farrell: The Distance Between Us \Vztlcl‘slotlc‘s. 13S l’t‘incL‘s Slt‘L‘t‘i. 330 3000. 7pm. £3. Scc photo caption.

I Women Aloud! Thc l’lcasancc ('aharct Bar. 00 Thc 1’lcasancc. 050 334‘). 7.30pm. £4.50 (£3.501. .\ cclchration ol' lntcrnational Womcn's Day With 1. Kcnncdy. :\nnc l)ono\an and

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species 1)ccp- Sca Wor1d.01383411880. £7.‘)5 (£5.75 £0.50; family tickct £30. Scc Thu 4.

Tuesday 9


I Maggie O’Farrell: The Distance Between Us Bortlcrs Books. ‘)8 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. 0pm. Scc Mon 8 and photo caption.


I Advanced Technology for Astronomy and the Economy Royal ()hsci‘\at(1r_\ Visitor (’cntrc. Blackl'ord 001.008 8404. 7.30 8.30pm. £3 (£11. ('olin(‘unninghamcsammcs him astronomy pushcs us to dcyclop adyanccd tcchnology.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species Dccp-Sca World. 0138.3 41 1880. £7.‘)5 (£5.75 £0.50; lainin lickct £30. Scc Thu 4.

Wednesday 1 0


I Women Alive .\'orth lidinhurgh Arts ('cntrc. 15a l’cnnyucll ('ourt. 315 3151. 10am noon. 1"1'cc. Work With thcatrc dircctor and lcachct' Janicc Wunschc to producc a iointly dcy iscd pcrl'ortnancc.

I The John Masetield Lecture: Prof Carole Hillenbrand Scottish l’oclry library. 5 (‘t'ichton's (‘losc. (‘anongalu 557 3870. 7.30pm. £3 (£31. l’rol'cssot' ('arolc llillcnhrand discusscs .lihad and thc .-\rah poclry ol‘ thc ('t'llsudcs.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species l)ccp-Sca Wor1d.0l3834l1880. {731516.75 £0.51); 11111111} llL‘kL‘l £30. SL‘L' Thu 4.


I ECHO (ilttsgoW 1'111\L‘l'stl} (itlllt'gk' ('luh. l‘niycrsity .’\\c. 7.30 ‘).30pm. l-rcc. 1.i\cly Workshops run by 'l‘hcatrc

104 THE LIST -1

'Q", Mm .7”) .'.

()dy sscy including play rcadings. imprm isation. writing and music. ()pcn to anyonc oycr thc agc (11' 10mm an llllL‘l‘L‘sl 111 111C L'1ilsslc's.

I Activate! Festival Tiamuay. 35 :\lhcrl l)ri\ c. 044 0103. £‘)‘) (£701. '\ thrcc-day lcsti\al to protnotc imagination. aysarcncss. intcgration and undcrstanding. aitncd at thosc \sho \york \\ i111 young pcoplc.

I CTR Wilson, the Ben Nevis Observatory and the Discovery of Cosmic Rays Scottish l’oucr Spacc 'l‘hcalrc. (ilasgoyy Scicncc ('cntrc. l’acilic Qua}. 430 5000. 7 8.30pm. £5.05. 1)r .'\lcc .\1c1\'innon ol’ Ihc 1'iii\crsity (11 (ilasgoys giy cs this illustrach talk ahout .\'ohcl Pri/c \yinning physicist ('harlcs \Vilstill.


I The Prince’s General litlinhurgh ('astlc. Royal .\li|c. 335 ‘)840. l lam 3.30pm. £15 (£10 £131. Scc Thu 4.

I Scottish Architecture RtAS (iallcry. l5 Rtttland Squarc. 33‘) 7545.

0 8pm. 151cc. Thc launch ol‘ .\1ilcs (ilcndinning and .'\onshus Mcls'cchnic's llL‘W hook .S'i'UIIla/I .-lI‘(‘/lll('(‘llll‘¢'.

I The Qur’an - A Focus for Modern Debates Royal Mtiscum 1.ccturc Thcatrc. 3 ('hamhcrs Strcct. 347 431‘). 0.30pm. £4 (£31. 1)r Mona Siddiqui. dcad of thc dcpt oi" thcology and rcligious studics. disctisscs lhc contcntious issucs lacing thc .\1ti.s|im world today.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species l)ccp-Sca World. 0138.3 41 1880. £7.‘)5 (£5.75 £0.50; lamin tickct £30. Scc Thu 4.


I Activate! Festival 'l‘ranmay. 35 :\111c1‘1 1)t‘i\L‘. 044 (1103. £99 (£7111. SL‘L‘ Thu 1 1.


I The Prince’s General litlinhurgl: (’asllc. Royal .\111c. 335 9840. | lam 3.30pm. £15 (£10 £131. Scc Thu 4. I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh .r\sscmh|y Rooms. 54 (icot‘gc Strccl. 434‘). 8pm. £8 (£51. Scc Fri 5.


North Queensferw

I Endangered Species 1)ccp—Sc;i World. 0138.3 41 I880. £7.‘)5 (£5.75 £0.50: lamily tickct £30. Scc Thu 4.


I Farmers Market .\1anslic|d l’ark. llyndland Strcct. 387 3000. 10am 3pm. 151cc. .\ chancc to huy 1rcsh producc dircct 1'rom lhc larmcrs.

BITE ME! Since Scotland's shark centre, Deep Sea World, opened its doors in 1994, it has provided a unique entertainment base for people wanting to gnaw a little life into their weekends. And just when you thought it was safe to get back into the water, the Historic Diving Weekend floats into town. Using unique antique equipment such as lead boots, canvas suits and old-style diving helmets, the Historic Diving Society is set to perform spectacular underwater demonstration in DSW‘s shark-filled tank. Highly recommended. I .11: 1' fit “(5 1 1' 'I unwrap .11} -‘ ..""‘

I Fairtrade Experience Event Royal ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Slrcct. 353 8000. 1 1am 5pm. £1 (lrcc1. llostcd hy Ncu ('onsumcr spcakcrs includc a cocoa produccr lrom Bcli/c. thc \cry lirst lairtradc markcd har. alongsidc 30 stalls sclling and sampling fairly tradcd/ cthically sottrccd products 110111 around thc \\(1t'1d.


I Scottish Motorcycle Show Royal Highland ('cntrc. Ingliston. 08700 1.53030. £13 £13 11TL‘L‘ £01.:\ lt'ihllIL‘ lo lalc British supcrhikc champ Stcy c llislop marks thc hcginning 011110 annual lyyo-‘thclcd cstrayagan/a. ()thcr attractions incltidc hundrcds ol' i‘cstorcd hikcs. manul'acturcrs' display s and a photographic cxhihition.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species Dccp-Sca World. 01383 41 1880. £7.‘)5 (£5.75 £0.50; 1amin tickct £30. Scc Thu 4.


I Scotfairs Antique Fair Kch in Hall lntcrnational Sports Arcna. 1445 Argy 1c Strcct. 357 3535. 10am 4.30pm. £1 (accompanicd childrcn li'ccl. Scc Sun 7.

I Model Tractor Show .\ltiscum of Scottish ('ountry 1.11c. \Vcstcr Kittochsidc. 01355 334181. 10am 5pm. £3 (£1501. (‘ollcctors' lair l'caturing somc ol‘ lhc hcst modcl makcrs in tltc


Edinburgh I Poetry Slam Thc Bongo (‘lulx

Mora} llousc. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7004. 8pm. £4 (£31. Who is hard and hamly cnough to hc ct'oW ncd thc latcst Big Word slam champ‘.’ 35 \iould-hc slammcrs compctc for thc titlc.

I Scottish Motorcycle Show Royal llighland (’cntrc. lngliston. 08700 15.3031). £13 £13 (1TL'L' £01. SL‘L‘ $111 1.5.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species Dccp-Sca World. 01383 41 1880. £7.‘)5 (£5.75 £0.50: l'amily tickct £30. Scc Thu 4.


I Lynne Franks Watcrsionc‘s. 138' l’rinccs Slrcct. 330 3000. 7pm. 1.} nnc l'l'dllkN rcads 1mm and signs copics ol licr tlL‘W 111081} 10 liandhook. ([ruti‘.‘ 'Iillt' .llmlt'rn ll'mm'n's I/um/lnm/s.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species 1)ccp-Sca World. 01383 41 1880. £7.‘)5 (£5.75 £0.50; l'amily tickct £30. Scc Thu 4.

Tuesday 16


I Des Dillon: Six Black Candles Royal Lyceum 'l'hcalrc. (irindlay Strccl. 348 4848. 5.30pm. 1)cs Dillon rcads from his ncyy hook. Sit Black (‘umllus in conjunction “1111 tlic Royal 1.} ccum’s adaptation.

I Malcolm Slesser ()tt;tk;it"s. 57 (icot‘gc Strcct. 335 44‘)5. 7pm. lispcricnccd inountainccr Malcolm Slcsscr lclls talcs of his cspcricnccs around thc World and discusscs his hook. 1111/1 I’rit'mls In [liq/I I’lut‘r's.

I Life at the Centre - An Evening with David Steel Bt'unton 'I‘hcatrc. 1.ad_\\\c|l Way. Mussclhurgh. 005 3340. 7.30pm. £13 (£101. Sir 1)a\ id Stccl talks about thc highs and Ion s (11' his political carccr. \\ hich has spanncd (1\ cr 40 ycars.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species 1)ccp-Sca World. 01383 41 1880. £7.‘)5 (£5.75 £0.50: 1amin tickcl £30. Scc Thu 4.

Wednesday 1 7


I Women Alive .\'orth lidinhurgh :\1‘1s ('cntrc. 15a l’cnny u c11 ('ourt. 315 3151. 10:10] noon. l'TL‘C. SCC ch 111.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species Dccp-Sca World. 01383 41 I880. £7.‘)5 (£5.75 £0.50: lamily tickct £30. Scc Thu 4.

Thursday 18


I Franko B Thc .-\rchcs. 25.: Arg.‘ 'L‘ Strcct. 505 1033. 3 4pm. £81£011 liyc-day apcs £35. An illustrach lcctut'c hy liranko B. W111) has hccn ct'cating \york across art forms and lot' c\hihilions sincc l‘)‘)0. plus a scrccning of his \ idco installation ‘.\ly llcart is Brokcn‘. I’url (Ill/11’ National Rl’t‘it’ii' (If/.0121”.

I Eric Thompson Bordcrs Books. ‘)8 Buchanan Stt'ccl. 333 7700. 0pm. Author. pcrl’ormancc poct and stand up comcdian. 'l‘hompson giy cs a liyc in-storc pcrl'ormancc.

I Framework: Holly O’Hara (‘(’.-\. 350 Saucliichall Strcct. 353 4‘)()(). 7pm. lit‘cc. .\1i|lincr Holly ()illara shoyycascs hcr collcction of hats and discusscs thc pros and cons ot‘ sctting tip your (1W0 husincss. I Echo (ilasgou l'niscrsity ('ollcgc (‘1uh. l'niycrsity .-\\ c. 7.30 ‘).30pm. 151cc. Scc Thu 1 l.

I Visions of Science (llasgtm Scicncc (’cntrc. 1’acilic Quay. 0870 8‘)() 5501. 7pm. £5. .-\ mind-tcasing Iccturc from Dr Mark l.ythgoc. thc dynamic ncurophysiologist l'rom l'niscrsily ('ollcgc London. taking you on a journcy around thc brain.

I Café Scientifique Brasscric Mctro. 8 (‘rcssyycll 1.anc. 338 8131. 8pm. 1’i‘cc. l’l‘olcssot‘ John Broun discusscs 'Black littlcs and ()thI‘ ('osmic \Vcit‘dos' al this launch (11' ('alc Scicntiliquc. a ncu night at \\ hich you can c\p|orc and discuss thc latcst idcas in scicncc and lcchnology.


I I Breathe and a Poem Jumps Up Scottish l’octry library. 5 (‘richton's (‘losc. (‘anongatcn 557 3870. 3 5pm. £3 (£31..r\ translation mastcrclass \yith discussion hctysccn l’iotr Sommcr. Tonia/ Salatnun and a nunihcr of Scottish pocts. I Big Word Performance Poetry Thc Tron. ‘) lluntcr Squarc. lligh Strcct. 330 ()‘)31. ‘) 11pm. £3 (£31. Rhyming handil 1.ukc Wright hcadlincs thc hypcractiy c poctic caharct. Support comcs from poclic niaclstrom .-\sh Dickinson. ‘no morc .\lr .\'icc (itiy' l’ctcr .-\lc\andcr and l’aislcy lass 'l’racy l’atrick. ('ompcrcd hy 1cm Rolls.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species 1)ccp-Sca World. (1138.3 41 1881). £7.‘)5 (£5.75 £0.50: lainin tickct £30. Scc Thu 4.