I Urban Vinyl at Blanket.

l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). \\'eekl_x. Ra_xmond \Voodx. Paul .\"Jie. \aeem and Stuart .\le('allum hring thix xxild Sundax night It) SilllL‘lilL‘liltll Street litil' thtliL‘ulL‘tl lolloxxerx ol' urhan (nuxie. The xerx hexl in hip hop. R&B. xoul and ex er_x kind of ((rhan heal.

I Vinylicious at l.oxxdoxx n. Midnight 3am. £5 (£3). \Veeklx. 'l‘he xerx .xe.\_x' people from Soulxa hring (ix another line night of houxe fun and gamex.

Glasgow Mondays


I Burn at MAS. l lpm 3am. l'ree lol‘ .xtal‘l‘ ol aux puh or eluh: £3 to ex er_xone elxe. Weekly The higgexl trade part} of the _xear. xxith Burn rexidenlx \ormxki and '/.eux pla_x ing the (unex that _xou need in _\our life. All drinkx are one pound. all night long.

I Breakaway at (he Shae-k.

l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). \Veeklx. Alee and And) drop their unique hlend ol' ehart l'axourilex. l)elinitel_x one (or the part} .xcl.

I Budda at Budda. l 1pm 3am. £the. \Veeklx. Relaunehed xenue haek on lraek xx lllt le'lilllS xlill llk‘.

I The Jump Off at Liquid Lounge. .\'e.\t date (he.

I Passionality at (‘uhe

ll.3()pm 3am. £3 (£2). \Veeklx. l).l Shaxxn Rohertx enxurex that the xxeekend ix xtzixiitg alixe xx ilh (hix poxt— xx eekend night ol’ pleaxing eharlixlrx l'or thix gay/miwd eroxx d.

I Undercover at Blanket.

l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). \Veekl). Seerel agent Jim l)a Bext plaxx (unkx houxe. qualil} R&B and perleet pop (unex (or _xou(' earx t)lll_\. l’lenlx ol' drinkx promox leax e _x'ou xhaken and xlirred. loo. Seeret agent themed partiex are on their

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Tuesdays at Bamboo at Barnhoo. llprn 3am. £3 (£2). \Veekl}. l)J Miguel ix in the Red Room plaxing the linexl Rat; and hip hop. and in the lounge xx e hax e Rohin B plax ing laid haek xotllllll groox ex.

I Bin Bag at (he (ilaxgoxx Sehool (it Art. llpirr 3am. £l (l'i'ee). Bargain haxement indie (unex. harrel-loadx ol' eheap drink and a huneh ol' kidx that ((xed to lix e in good hornex.

I Budda at Budda. l lprn 3am. £the. Weekly Relaunehed xenue haek on (raek xxith detailx xlill (he.

I FUN at ('uhe. ll.3()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. liunkx. unique and xerx naught}. paeked xxith pleaxing pop (nuxie. from Shaxxn Rohertx and Shana-llallixxell at thix gax night.

I Laid at the Shaek. lt).3()pm 3am. £5 (£3). \VCL‘lk‘l}. .l‘llk‘ hex! tllltl ltllL‘xl indie-pop-roek-guitar-hip hop-Rth- ehart-danee the ultirnale xtrrdenl 'l‘ue. I Later Lounge at the Liquid Lounge. 9pm 3am. l‘ree. \Veekl}. Aaron l’etrie ((‘linieall eookx up a xlol'm xx ilh xorne Clil\\lL‘ li‘ux‘kx old and nexx. llouxe. hroken healx and hip hop l‘Iax ourx.

I Juicy Tuesdays at Blanket (l'ornierlx lied). llpm 3am. £4 (£2). \Veeklx‘. Sta) l'rexh. xlax _xoung: gel llll() hed on Tue xx ilh Bill} .\lilligan in the hig haek hedroom xx ilh moulh—xxalering xludenl l'axourilex xxhile Seott ‘l’ingerx' .\le.\lillan prox'idex xonie lull llaxoui‘ fun in (he lronl hedroom.

I Fool’s Gold at .\lAS. llpm 3am. £5 (£3). \\'eekl_x. Ax the name nriglrl xuggexl. (hix ix a night (it indie and (‘oek'n'roll lor all (it (hoxe xx ho knoxx that eluhhing ixn't all ahoul healx and ht‘etlkx.

I Snoopy Tuesdays at Blanket. llprn 3am. £5 (£3). \\'eekl_x. .loin l’eanutx and ('harlie Broxx n ex er} 'l'tlextltt) under a xxartn. L'()x_\ xeeuritx

hlanket ol' xludenl elaxxiex. pop and Rkll from Seoll ‘lingerx' ‘xle.‘xlillan and Bill} \lilligan. .lirn l)a Bexl ix alxo the man llL‘l't'.

I TIT al 'l'raxh. llpm 3am. £5 (£3). \Veeklx. l’aul .\".lie pl:(}x out Rth and hip hop. (iraeme l‘erguxon hilx xi)(( xx ith the xtudent elaxxiex in Room 2 and Roh l3 ix in the third room pla}ing parl_x anthemx and har lunex.

I Tuesdays at Bamboo ill Banihoo. llpm 3am. £3 (£2). \Veeklx. l).l Miguel ix in the Red Room plaxing (he linexl Rtkli and hip hop. and in the lounge xx e hax e Rohin ll pla_x (ng laid haek xoull'ul gl‘t)t)\cx.

Glasgow Wednesdays


I Allure at (he Al‘unnel. l|.3llpm 3am. £3. \Veeklx. (ilaxgoxx ’x nexx ext ga_x nighl xxith the xoung and xerx talerrled l).l Darren Young pIaxmg xonre xuperh (lineage (o a line (iax eroxx d.

I Bennet’s at liennel’x. ll.3llp(n 3am. £2.5l) l .5()). \Veeklx. Sara lakex eontrol onee more in (he eluh lainoux l'or (()adnexx and an. ahem. Iiheral ehat-up poliex.

I Budda at liudda. llpm 3am. £lhe. \Veekl). Relaunehed xenue haek on (raek xxillt detailx x(ill (he.

I Blaze at liainhoo. llprn 3am. £3 (£2). \Veeklx. Seollie ll lronlx (hix night ol' l'unk l'uelled xoul and Rth. A great xenue (hal ix reallx \xorklng right noxx.

I The Edge at (he lidge ((‘oathi'idgel. llprn 3am. £3 (tree). Weekl). l).l .lamex (‘urrie plax (ng all (he hext parlx (((nex to an tip (or it ()tll<()l toxxn eroxxd.

I FAB at the Helo. llpm 3am. l'ree helore l lpm; £4 (£3) alter. \Veeklx. l’aul Rea. (ioidon Miller and ('raig lx'elman hlend garage. Rtkll and (link) liouxe.

plax ing to a drexxed up eroxx d xx ho help to lllillxt‘ llllx ()llt‘ ()l lllt‘ l‘llleNl (ltidxx L‘t‘lx nightx in (ilaxgoxx.

I Freestyle at ll'axll. llpm 3am. £(he. \Veeklx. l’ix up. look xharp lor (ilaxgoxx‘x onlx l'ullx eonnnitted night ol [than (nuxie. ('ome in iron) the lieldx. xiikelx. I Fourplay at Iznxx. Ilpn) 3am. £4 (£2). \Veeklx. \exx night ol daneeteria lor the (ilaxgoxx xel. (lunhridge Slt‘eel \\ (ll l'tlL'lx.

I Jungo at .\rehaox. llpm 3am. £2 (tree). \Veeklx. Student elaxxlex. indie and x‘llt‘t‘\x‘ are the Hillel" ()l lllx‘ (lit) at llilx

\\ L'L'l\l_\ \Vt'xl.

I Joints and Jams al ('uhe.

llpm 3am. £3 (£2). \Veeklx. 'l’he .(xxard xxiuning eluh hringx _xou (he hexl Rile hip hop and mill l).lx (n the eit_x. Rexidenlx \lill'llll llx‘\kt‘lll. .l()l(ll l._\tlll\. l’uppa Shango and l).\l(i on rotation

ex erx \Ved. \Vilh regular guexl l).lx and l’Ax. il‘x no wonder that .loinlx and .lamx ix (he longext running lx’ikli (right lll (ilaxgoxx.

I New Flesh at l'urx \lurrx ix.

lflpni 3am. £4 (£2). \Veeklx. .\ night ol' punk. metal and nu (netal. rel'leeting (he (lixerxilx ol eluhhing at the moment.

I Period at Suh (‘luh llpn) 3am. £3.09. .lan 2S. .\lonlhl_x. lieleelie roek and (lilllL‘L‘.

I Retox at llamhoo. llpn) 3am. £3 (£2). \Veeklx. .\liguel ('ampox p|a_xx _xou (lilo 'l‘hurxdax xxith a mixture of hip hop illltl

I Shackass at Sliaek.

lll.3llpin 3.30am. £5 (£3). \Veeklx. 'l‘he inimilahle l).l 'l'oaxl xpinx (Ire linexl in ehart elaxxiex. xx ith a health} xinatlering ol L'llL'L'\L‘ ;llx().

I Stud’essential at .longleul'x.

‘)p(n 3am. l’ree. \Veeklx. l'rexh xludenl night at (he eomedx eluh in (he hig huilding. l’ree enlrx and a xhilload ol drinkx promox mean that (he eroxxd xxill lit‘ lll l‘lllx‘ lt‘lllt‘.

I Traffic Light at Blanket (l'ormerlx lied). llpm 3am. £5 (£3). \‘x'eeklx. Stop at (he lighlx and gel inlo hed ex er_x \\'ed. 'lhere'll he inlinrate pilloxx talk in the trout hedroom and xe\_x Rtkll and pop in lllL' liilx'k lit'tll'tmlll. \Villx‘ll Htll |'()l lllx‘ ((‘allie poliee \xho gix e lree aleohol to all lhoxe xxho dare to xit in (he ear xeal.

Edinburgh Clubs

Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubs@list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Affected at (he Bongo ('luh.

lllpm 3am. £5 (£4). 22 .lai)ortl}flht1'e' deekx and lix e xax from l)‘l-‘unk xxith a lix e xel ol lunk/jaH/roek l'roni ('hop xxith l).l\ xpinning xoull'ul drunr & haxx and x‘lllllt‘tl l‘L‘;ll\.

I Audio Tourism ill l’ixo Bar ('luh. ()pm 3am. l’ree. \Veeklx. Start the

xx eekend oll niee and earlx xx ith a xeleelion ol loeal talent.

I Breakthrough at Berlin liierliaux. lllpm 3am. £3. 5 l’eh. A night (it xlea/x houxe (nuxie and raxeal hreak-heal xxith great drinkx promotionx to i'uel a hit of xeallx -- xx ag hehax iour.

I CC Blooms at (‘(‘ liloonix.

lll.3()pm 3am. l’ree. \Veeklx. 'l‘rip the light l'anlaxtie to lli—.\’R(i danee aetion at lhix ex er popular gax har.

I Daysleeps at ()pium. llpm 3am. l'ree. \Veeklx. \u metal. thraxh metal, induxlrial metal and .lll\l ahoul ex er} other (xpe of metal _xou ean think (it.

I Departure Sounds at .‘xletlina. lllpnr 3am. £2. 22 .lan. 'l‘he Departure lounge team hring their unique x ihe to a xmaller xenue (or a more regular part). \Vilh l).lx .\xtrohox and .\l(' /.imhahxx e xpinning onl_x (he linexl xeleelion ol' eleetro ia//. latin (‘lixtlriiix and funk} glohal heatx. aeeompanied hx lix e [K'l’etlxxloll

I Dfrnt Drum at (‘aharet \‘oltaire. llpm 3am. £4. 5 l"eh. .\lon(hl_x. \exx nighl xx ((h a xkexx ed lake on (he eluh lorinat xx ilh llle 'l'rouhle l).lx in lull elleel. .Al'x'llt‘ (lll'x‘le lllt‘ x‘lL‘L‘ll'tttlle lllL'dl‘ltdllHll (il- xolo performer \lalthexx (‘henex xxill he on hand (or xonre lixe xoundx.

I El Barrio at lil Barrio. ltlpm 3am. l'ree. \\eekl_x. Salxa and (nerengue xxith l).l \tllltt & lllL‘ l.;lllll l’()xxe.

I Fast and Ride This Train at the liongo (‘luh lllpnr 3am. £5 (£4). 5 l‘eh. .‘xlonlhlx. lxxi) eluhx lor the priee ol one. l'axt ol'lerx (he hexl in high energx roek'n' roll. garage and punk xxhile Ride 'l‘hix 'l'rain goex all rehel eounlrx on xour axx. I Genetic at (’ilrux (’luh. llpnr 3am. l'l't‘x‘ helot'e l l..3llpllll £2 ill‘lt‘l‘. \\-L‘L‘l\l_\. Still a imghlx popular xoiree that

xhoxx eaxex alternatix e. indie and lo-li. .\'o xmoking at the har. mind.

I Itchy SOUl ill lllL‘ Venue. Ill.3(lpnr 3am. £5. 5 [Th An energelie meeting ol duh and pxx ehedelie tranee featuring the Hill) (‘luh. l’agan. (he (irommilt. l’xx ketrix and l)ixeo Slt).

I Itchy Soul Hi-Fi at the Venue. lt).3(lp(n 3am. £5 (£4). 22 .laii. Mixing ((p rootx. reggae. duh and plalex direet lrom the helix Soul xtudio. plux lixe pei'etixxion from 'l‘lx' l.

0 Loop at ()pal Lounge. 0pm 3am. £5. 2‘) .lan onlx. ()pal lounge hoxlx lhix launeh part) (or IJHII’ Sl'lt'hl (Hi-l xx ilh lix e xax and Ill xkillx from Karlel. l.oop l't‘x‘ttl'tllligx ill't‘ (lllL' ()l' \t‘“ [L‘illilthS largexl independent (nuxie lahelx featuring ‘.l xx‘lx‘x‘llolt ()l' dixlinelixe \7. aelx ill the realnix of mid. Rtkll. deep houxe. hreakx illltl lll()l'(‘.

I MIBZ at (‘axendixh/lhxa. lilpm 2am. l‘ree hel'ore midnight; £3 alter. \Veeklx. ‘l‘he hext in LS hip hop. ragga and Rtkll l'rom 'lee-lN'l' and Mr ll. Baek xxith (he xame (nuxie _xou all loxed xo mueh ax the} lake ox er (hix nexx xenue.

I Nexus at Studio 24. l()pm 3am. £l. \Veeklx. .\ nexx night that mixex the hex! ol roek. metal. tnduxlrial and goth xxith a toueh ol' eheexe. l'rom _xour hoxlx Smell}. lx'xnon. HM and Roxx.

listings Clubs

I list


Manga Without doubt the kings of drum & bass in Scotland. Reaching their eighth birthday with a massive party starring a true legend of the scene. Doc Scott. The Honeycomb, Fri 23 Jan.

Impotent Fury Lemon Jelly’s Fred Deakin (pictured) knows a thing or two about crazy night out. His Going Places has a legendary place in Edinburgh clubbers' hearts. Expect everything from country to punk (0 techno and all points inbetween. with added insanity just for good measure. The Venue. Sat 24 Jan.

Loop When you think beats. New Zealand isn't the first place that springs to mind. Let Loop change your views at this one off album launch party. Opal Lounge, Thu 29 Jan.

Departure Lounge “Electro- jazz. Latin rhythms and contemporary global beats’ with Kiss legend Patrick Forge taking the headline slot. The Caves, Fri 30 Jan.

Taste Always a massive party every Sunday night but this one should be even more intense as Taste reach their 500th night. Not many clubs can boast numbers like that with a night taking the best tracks from through the years as well as a few freebies to help the celebrations. The Liquid Room, Sun 7 Feb.

React This new techno night is really starting to take hold. Their second night features Space DJz Jamie Bissmire along with a selection of local heroes. Ego, Fri 30 Jan.

Access Another new techno night pushing at the boundaries of electronica with a special guest in the form of Pure Science from London’s exemplary Fabric. The Honeycomb, Fri 30 Jan.

Headspin The best in hip hop. funk house and other grooves proving why they have lasted the course with this massive sixth birthday party. The Bongo Club, Sat 37 Jan.

3‘1" (Jail-:3 Feb 2004 THE LIST 71