Music rock & pop listings

Tuesday 27 continued

I Band Showcase \Vliixtlehinkiex. 4 6 South Bridge. .557 .51 l4. 9pm. Free. ('all in adumcc for a gig.

Wednesday 28


I Martin Stephenson and Archie Fisher Strathcl_\'de Stiite. Rotal ('oncci‘t Hall. 2 Satichiehall Street. 353 8000. 8pm. £12.50. The e\-1)aintee\ frontman pi'e\eiit\ a performance of muxic from hix moxt recent alhtim 'I'lii' [ltlfltl oft/iv Hill/(It'd Row. inspired h} Appalachian artixtx \tleli ax 1)oc Watxon attd ('ltarlie l’oole. Par! 11/ (iv/lit (Till/1661(1))“.

I Oceansize, X is Loaded and RPM King 'l‘ttt'x Wait Wait lltil. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £5. lipic guitar work from thi\ .\1anclte\ter hand \\ ho are \o hux} kixxing the \k). or \thateVer. that the) We forgotten to \\ rite i111} Itiiiex.

I Josephine, Flying Matchstick Men and L Casio lmmunitas Barfl}. 260 (‘l_\de Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. Angular. tall—like indie noixenikx Joxepltine are joined h} I.anark\hire odtllittllx l"l_\ilig .\1atch\tick' .\leii “lioxe \Utliid L'tiliipi'lSL‘S lo-ft electro. glam and indie.

I Whirlwind Heat Stereo. l: 14 KelVilililttlgli Street. 576 5018. 8pm. £6. Demented Detroit trio \\ ho natne all their angular garage} \olig\ after L‘tiltilli'\ atid ha\ e garnered the official White Stripcx wad of approxztl.

I Lucky Luke Monorail. .\1ono. l2 Kingx ('otirt. King Street. 5529458. 9pm. liree. Iii-\ttii‘e appearance from [lilx

(ilaxttegian collecli\e. featuring memherx of \' '1'“ iii and Scatter. \\ lio conjure tip dark folk atmoxphericx thing antiquated ili\tl‘lliiieiit\.

I Scott McDonald, The Rising Son and Anton 'l‘he (‘anth Bar. llope Street. 9pm. 1"ree. lntitnale acoustic night. I Playback Brel. Axhton Lane. 342 4966. 8pm. l‘t'ee. (’anadian haxxixt Jack ('axe). plus gadgetx.

I Acoustic Night The 13111 .\‘ote (kite. 50 60 lliglt Street. 55.3 1638. 9pm. l’ree pint for performcrx at thix open \tage night. I Live Music The Beat ('luh. .\'ice'n'Slea/}. 421 Satichiehall Street. 3339637. 9pm. £3. line-tip to he confirmed.


I Doug Hoekstra and The Sunshine Delay The Village. l(i South Fort Street. l.eith. 478 7810. 8pm. £thc. Americana ax lloekxtra no“ a regular

\ isltol' to thexe \hol‘ex promolex liix latest alhuiii li'tuirlunii-iiiul.

I Raff and Porncops \Vlilxtlelilnkiex. 4 6 Sottth Bridge. 557 51 14. 9pm. l‘ree. (itiitar rock frotn midnight \tith l’orncopx. I Fleamarket Funk (‘ahiiret Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6176. llptn 3am. £2. Local otttlit pla}ing their oun kind of hig hand l‘tink in llii\ next ueekl} rexideitc} \\ ith a \matteriiig of 1)] \tlppoi't\ and other li\ e ttelx 4 l'eh \eex \ome hot \ttlxa-vitll from lil (’ometa \\itli Lino Rocha on \ocalx.

Thursday 29

Glasgow I Athlete, Snow Patrol and Weevil ('arlittg Academ). l2l liglinton

Street, (1905 (120 3999/0871) 771 211111). 7.30pm. £12.50. (her-14x lliiitlei'-l()\ to he accompanied h) an adult 1. lethargic indie \otll\ ulto \\ ere nominated for the .\Iercur) .\lttxic l’ri/e last )ear. supported h} the \i‘ool} \Veet i1 and the increaxingl) epic Snott l’atrol.

I Span, Pupkin and Veda King 'I‘ui\ \Valt \Vah litit. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £6. Noruegian rock‘n'rollerx \\ ho pronounce death to falxe rock on forthcotiting single ‘1)on'l 111in the \Va} The} l)o'.

I JJ Gilmour, Unkle Bob and Kieran Docherty Acoustic Affair. Jongleurx. t'(i(' htiilding. Renfreu Street. 0870 787 0707. 8pm. £8. l‘ormer Silencerx \ocalixt pt'otttotex lii\ current alhtitit .Sit/iiti'si‘i/t' (Psi/.1. dedicated to his friend l’attl Anthon) Lennon who died of cancer. I The Nice'ti'Sleal}. 421 Satichiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. £3. Beelheat'i/l)r John-influenced theatrical hluex} rock.

I Fickle Public, Some Young Pedro and Hookers Green #1 Bar”). 260 (lute Street. 0870 907 out»). 8pm. £4. The punkixh liickle l’tthlic. fortnerl) Purple .\1unkie. are a couple of indie single releaxex old and Iaxt )ear \tIPPorted Alkaline Trio at Burton land.

I Solarise Monorail. .\1ono. 12 Kings ('otirt. Kitig Street. 552 9458. 9pm. Free. l)ark clectro rock from (ilaxgoxt' \ ia Belgium.

I The Encierro, Aurora, Voodoo Blue, This Way Up and Kudos 'I‘he ('athouse. 1.5 t'nion Street. 248 6606. 7.30pm. £4.50 t£5l. ()\'cr- l4\ \lio“. Rock/pop line-up.

I Open Mic 'l'chai ()\na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. l-‘t‘ee.

I Live Music Loaded. liquid Lounge. 94 Wext Regent Street. 353 6333.10pm. £3 (£4 on door). \Veekl) \liou caxe of local itl‘ll\l\.


I The Autumn, Underwood, Pettybone and Peregrine ('onnell} ‘\ Bar. 23 .\'icho|\on St. 01475 888972. 9pm. l'ree. Shoucaxe gig featuring a \pectrttm of melodic rock hand\.

I Scarlet Blue l.a\a Lounge. 2 Ann Street. 10.30pm. £1.50. .\'igltt of indie frotn the Beatcluh.


I The Vaults ('aharct Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6176. 7pm. £thc. 'l'lte Vaultx \tere picked tip h} Radio | Iaxl )e‘at‘ for \otne unsigned hand expoxtire. [it other 11C“ \, the} \tlmitii‘letl 7]. Top. The) releaxe an lil’ Nu Slr’t'p .Vii .Vt’i't/ at the \tal't of March ultich hetrap dixtinct old \eliotil metal tendencitw ax _\ott might imagine.

I SILENCIO (‘oltntilig House. “‘01 .\'ico|xon Street. 667 0876. 7.30pm 1am. £3 (£2 1. Surreal aitd glttiiioi'oux offeringx ax al\\a)\ courtex} of thix ittnmatite performance piece featuring experimental muxic. theatre. \pok'en uord. \iStlitlS. coined} aitd more \\ ith \tll‘pi‘l\e .\1(' Ali and 1)] Daniel. ('t'eatite \ image/glam encouraged.

I Oceansize, X is Loaded and Nixie Kye The Venue. 17 21 ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £6. lipic poxt- rock front Manchexter foe-piece ()ceanxi/e receix iitg pliltitlih from All/Ii. The /'(1('(' attd Kerrung.’ alike.

I Full Moon Open Mic ('ommple\. 40 ('oininercial Street. l.eith. 555 5622. 8pm. liree. Open mic for an_\one front

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