Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Horthmore
Brunton Theatre
1..111_\\\1‘11 \Va}. .\111\\1‘111nrgl1.11131 (1115 22411. £41131.
TUESDAY :3 11313 Love Actually 1 151 7.311.
3811111111‘ 511'1‘1‘1.1)l3l .238 4141.11. 11111111111g: (1131 228 4141131111241111111' 1111111‘111ati11n 1.i111‘: ()131 228 28111). [1)|. £5.51) (£4.51) 1-‘ri 1111‘ 111'1‘111‘1‘ (1111111. (.11111‘81 £3.51). .\it111 (1‘\1‘1‘pt 13111111 1111111111)81 all 1111118: £3.51). l)11ul111‘ 11i11\ (Sun 111.111111‘1‘/|at1' night1: £4.51) (£3.51) 1'11111‘81. [)181‘11111118 ataila1111‘ 1111‘ i‘t'i1‘11dx/lludg1‘t ('ard l)1)ltlL‘l'\ 1111‘1181‘ 1‘11111111‘1 1111‘1‘1'1.
American Splendor 1 151 1.411. 4.115. (1.35. 0.115.
Lost in Tianslation 1 151 (1.45. 0.15.
Touching the Void 1 151 1.35. 3.55.
(1.25. 8.55.
FRIDAY 2:31) 1UHSDAY 2‘.) American Splendor 1 I51
["11 1111‘ 1k 11111: (1.41).
.'\l\1) 111atin1‘1‘ \\'1‘d: 3.55.
Blind Spot - Hitler’s Secretary 113111 1)ai1}: 12.51).
:\l\11\\1‘1l: (1.55.
Lost in Translation 1 151
1.51). 4.15.
l)ail_\: 1.51). 4.15. (1.55. 0.21). AMighty Wind 1 l2.'\1 l)ail\: 2.41). 4.51). 7.1)(). 0.15.
Spellbound 111
11111: 1(1.3()a111.
Touching the Void 1 151
1)ai|}: 1.35111111 S11111k 111111. 8.55. .’\1\11 1111111111‘1‘ 1‘11 1& Sat. .\11111 1111‘: 3.55. The Virgin Suicides 1 151 + Dazed and Confused 1 181
Sun: 1.31).
1’1‘11gran11n1‘ 11111-1) 111111‘\i11111ai'1111111‘ [11‘1‘1 i11ux \11‘1‘11. 1’1111111‘ ()131 228 4141 1111‘ 111‘tai18 and ti1111‘8. .v\|11‘r11ati\1'|_\. call 1111‘ 24 1111111' 1111111111‘ 1111 ()131 228 28()() 111' [11111 1111;1\\1‘1‘k1} 111111‘1111111‘ 1111111 1111‘1'in1‘nia. Sun 111111111111‘ 1111 1 1111:
Etre Et Avoir 111 + Spellbound 111
18 \1‘1111211111‘ 11‘1‘1'111‘1‘. 11131 447 4771. 11111130131 447 2(1(11) 11111) 447 8451). (‘(' 11111111111g111131 447 4771. R1‘\ltltll’;tlil. Bar. |1)|. Adult: Standard £5.21). Sup1‘1'i11r £5.01). (‘in1‘111a 3/4 £5.01) 1(‘in1‘111a 3 15111111} 125.1111). 131‘1111'1‘ (111111. .\i1111-l‘t'12 Standard £4.01). Sup1‘ri11r £4.01). ('in1‘111a .5/4 £4.91). (.11111‘1‘\\111n\/(‘lilltlt’ctii Standard £3.81). S11111‘ri111‘ £4.01). (‘in1‘tna 3/4 £4.()1). i’ltllllittlh: .'\1t1'r111111n £5.01). 1i\1‘11111g £0.01). S111'ax/R1‘1'1i111‘rx: .-\1t1‘1'n111111: £(1.0(). 1i\1‘ning £11.01). ('in1‘n1a 2 S111'axz .v\1't1‘r11111111 £(1.011, li\1‘ning £7.01). Stud1‘ntx (Sun-111111 £3.00 1111'111111‘8 1111111111. 151111111) 111'111‘18 1111111 £3.41) 111‘1' 111-181111.
1111111SDAY 22
Cold Mountain1l51 1.511. 5.15. 8.15. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 112.v\1 2.1111. (1.51).
Paycheck112..\1 2.15. 5.1111. 8.15. The Last Samurai1151 1.211. 4.411. 8.1111.
1111DAY 211v 1111)HS[)AY 2‘.)
Big Fish 11’(i1
11111: 8.45.
Cold Mountain 1 151
1)ail_\: 1.41) 111111 Sat 1k Sun). 4.41). 7.41).
38 THE LIST k."
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 1 12.'\1
1)ai1): 2.111). (1.51).
Love Actually 1 151
111 Wed: 5.15.
Paycheck 1 12..\1
11.111}: 1.111. 5.511.
Peter Pan 11’(11
Sal 1k S1111: 2.31).
The Last Samurai 1 151 [)1111}: 1.21). 8.1111111111111111. :\l\11'lilitli 5.3.5.
Touching the Void 1 151 Hail}: 3.41). 8.25.
1 111DAY 131) lHURSDAY {1
1’1'11granin11' Ii111‘1} 111111‘ 8111111111‘1111111‘ 111‘1‘\i11u\ \11‘1‘11. 1’1111111‘ ()131 447 2(1(11) 1111' 111‘tai18 and 1111118
Edinburgh Film Guild
1111111‘ 1'51111111111181‘. 88 [1111111111 Road. ()131 228 2(188. \11‘111111‘1'811111 £21). (1111\1 111‘111‘l\ [11‘1' \1‘1'1‘1‘Iilligi £4.51). 1’11‘1181‘ 111111‘ that [111-11‘ 1111‘ 1111 trail1‘r8 111‘ 1111\1‘1'l\ and \1‘1'1‘1‘11ing8 \tart at 511111 111'1‘1‘181‘1}.
Adaptation 1 151 5.1111. Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! 1181 5.1111.
The Count at Monte Cristo 111111 5.1111. 8W0men1151 5.1111.
88 1.11thian R11a1l.()13l 228 2(188. liar. Restaurant. |1-.|. |1)|. .\1ain1:\1‘ning \1‘1‘1‘1‘11111g8: £5.51) 1£4 S1111 11111 11111} 1. liarl) 1".\1‘11i11g \1‘1'1‘1‘ningx 411111 711111: £4.51) (£3 S1111 '1'111111111}1. 31111111118: £3.51) 1£2 S1111 1111111111}1; l’rida} hargain 1111111111‘1‘xz £2.51) 1£1.21)1.
1.Girl withaPearl Earring112.-\1 2.15. (1.31). 8.45.
2. Cold Mountain1l51 2.1111. 5.111. 8.15. 3. 0kay1151 3.1111. 11.1111.
Mi5i1181 (1.45.
1.The Human Stain 1 181 2.311. 11.15. 8.311.
2. Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 12.1\1 3.1111. (1.31). 8.45.
3. Touching the Void 1 151 3.311. Marion Bridge 1 181 8.15.
1. Kal Ho Ha 1101111111 12.311.
The Human Stain 1 181 4.15. 11.311. 8.45. 2. Kanadiana 1 151 2.15.
Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 12.»\1 4.311. 11.45. 11.1111.
3. Touching the Void 1 151 3.311. 5.45. The Apprenticeship oi Duddy Kravitz 1181 8.111).
SUNDAY 251 JAN 1. Touching the Void (Subtitled) 1 151
The Human Stain1181 2.15. 7.1111. 0.15. 2. Girl with a Pearl Ean'ing112..\1 2.311. 7.1111. 0.1111.
Kidman and Hopkins try to remove The Human Stain
Kanadiana1151 5.1111. 3. Touching tlreVoid1151 3.311. 8.45. Flower and Garnet 1 151 (1.1111.
1.The Human Stain 1 181 2.311. 11.15. 8.31).
2. Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 12.'\1 3.1111. (1.31). 8.45.
3. Touching the Void 1 151 3.311. 8.31). Luck 1 151 (1.1111.
1.The Human Stain 1181 2.311. 11.15. 8.311.
2. Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 12.-\1 3.1111. (1.31). 15.4.5.
3. Touching the Void 1 151 3.311. Chaos and Desire 1 151 8.1111.
1.The Human Stain 1 181 2.311. 11.15. 8.31).
2. Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 12.'\1 3.1111. (1.31). 8.45.
3. Touching the Void 1 151 Gaz Bar Blues 1 151 5.45.
3.31). 8.15.
1.The Human Stain 1 181 2.311. 11.15. 8.311.
2. Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 12..\1 3.1111. (1.31). 8.45.
3. Touching the Void 1 151 3.311. 11.1111. 8.15.
1.Sylvia1151 2.311. 11.1111. 831).
2. The Human Stain1181 3.311. 11.15. 8.45.
3. Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 12.v\1 3.1111. 5.45. 8.15.
1.Sylvia1151 2.311. (1.1111. 8.311.
2. The Human Stain 1 181 3.311. 11.15.
3. Girl with a Pearl Earring112.1\1 2.45. 11.45. (1.1111.
Culloden1l51 5.1111.
1.Sylvia1151 2.311. 7.1111. 0.211. 2.The Human Stain1181 3.311. 11.15. 8.45.
3. Bill Douglas Trilogy 1 121 1.1111. Culloden1l51 5.1111.
Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 12..\1 11.45. 11.1111.
MONDAY 211.13
1. Sylvia 1 151 2.311. (1.1111. 8.311. 2. The Human Stain 1 181 3.311. 8.45.
3. Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 12.v\1 1(1.31)a111. 3.1)(). 8.111).
I Know Where I’m Going! 111 5.45.
1UF.SDAY:31L13 1.Sylvia1151 _.311. (1.1111. 8.311.
2. The Human Stain 1 181 3.311. 11.15. 8.45.
3. Girl with a Pearl Earring 112.'\1 1.311. 8.1111.
The Wicker Man 1 181 5.45.
1.Sylvia1151 2.311. (1.1111. 8.311.
2. The Human Stain 1 181 3.311. 11.15. 8.45.
3. Young Adam 1 181 3.1111.
Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 12.41 5.45. 8.1111.
111U13SDAY51 1113 1.Sylvia1151 2.311. 11.1111. 831).
2. The Human Stain 1 181 3.311. 11.15. 8.45.
3. Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 l2.'\1 3.1111. 8.1111.
Young Adam 1 181 5.45.
North Edinburgh Arts Centre
15a 1’1‘1111_\\\1‘l| (111111. ()131 315 2151. £1.51).
The Wild Thomberry51t'1 11111111111. 2.1111.
Romeo and Juliet 1 121 1113111111. A Midsummer Night’s Dream 11’( 11 1311.
V11 DNFSDAY «1 1113
A Midsummer Night’s Dream 11’( ‘11 111.311.1111.
Romeo and Juliet 1 121 1.311.
1181.11thian R11ad.()13l 221 1477. 111111 .11111('('11111111111g1)871)5()51)1)()7. liar. Adult: £5.81) 1.1111‘1' 411111 Sun 11111 and all 11:1} 1'11 1\ Sat1: £4.81) 1111‘1'111‘1‘ 411111
Sun 111111. Student: £4.21) 1Su11 11111 11111} 1. ().'\1’/('hild: £4.21) dail}.
1111)118DAY 22
Cold Mountain 1 151 1.311. 4.45. 8.1111. Lord 01 the Rings: Return 01 the King
112.»\1 2.31). 7.31).
Lost in Translation 1 151 1.511. 4.111. (1.l.5. 8.31).
The Last Samurai 1 151 1.45. 5.1111.
1 HlDAY 213 111U13SDAY 22) Big Fish 113111
11111: 1.41). 4.11). (1.31). Brother Bear 1t‘1
Sat 1k S1111: 12.45. Cold Mountain 1 151
[-11 \\'1‘11: 1.31). 4.45. 8.111). Donnie Darko 1 151
“1‘11: 2.111). 4.31). (1.45. 0.111). In America 1 12.v\1
1111‘: 11.1)()ani.
Lost in Tianslation 1 151
Hail): 1.51). 4.11). (1.15. 8.31). Scary Movie 31151
Mail}: 2.31). 4.31). (1.31). 8.51). The Last Samurai 1 151 Hi ’1'111‘1k 11111: 1.45. 111|[)AY 131) 111UHSDAY i1 1’1'11gra1111111‘ 11111‘1} 111111‘ \111111111'1111111' [111'\ 111th \\1‘1‘l\. i’l111111‘ 11871) 51) 51)1)1)7 1111’ 1l1‘1;111\ and 111111‘\.
Ddeon Wester Halles, Edinbu 1
\\'1'\t\i1l1‘ i’la/a. 121) \V1‘811'1' 11.1111‘8 Road. \VL‘le‘l' iltlll1‘x. 1)871)51)51)1)1)7. [1)]. Hi). .v\du|t\: £5.21) (11111111 (111111 £3.5()1. ('hildr1‘n/1).v\1’/S111111‘nt: £3.51). 1".1111i1_\ ti1‘111‘t: £15 1111‘1111'1‘ (111111 £1.31: 111‘1'111‘1‘ (111111 £12. Bargain Ma} 1111‘: £3.21) all \1‘1118. Pro-11111111 \1111\\ \2 £3.21).
1111)HSDAY 22
BrotherBear1t'1 1.15. 3.111. 5.111. Freaky Friday11’t11 1.211. 3.311. 11.111. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 112.'\1 2.15. (1.311. 7.111. LoveActually1151 2.511. 8.111.
Master and Commander: The Far Side of theVVorld112.v\1 8.15.
Paycheck112..\1 2.311. 5.311. 821). Peter Pan11’(11 1.1111. 3.311. 11.1111. 8.35. Runaway Jury112.-\1 2.411. 5.311. 8.15. Stuck on You 1 12..\1 5.45. The LastSamurai1I51 1.15.
5.1)(). 8.15.