lo\c and inatiirit}. Strong pcrl'orinanccx lroin thc lxidx and grounupx. and a particularl) nicc camco rolc for Richard Bricrx ax Since. cnxurc )ou‘ll he chccring t'oi' ‘l‘iiilxcrhcll ax hct' lair} -lightx tadc. (ii’lli'l'il/ I‘r’li'ilu'.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl t IDA) O... t(iorc \‘crhinxlxi. ['8. limit Johnn} Dcpp. (icot'l‘rcy Riixh. Orlando Bloom. Kcira Knightlc}. Jack l)a\cnpot‘t. 133mm. Rattliiig good piratc _\arn t'roin the dircctor ol' .llnim'liiiiil. Jack Sparro“ tDcppt and Will 'l'ut‘ncr tBlooini hraxc thc ('arihhcan Sca to xtop a xhip ol' pirach lcd h} (’aptain Barhoxxa tRiixhi. ()(ll'UII lli'iti'r Hot/m. Iii/iii/mrg/i. l-[i/IIi/iiii'g/i.

The Recruit 1 12m 00 tRogct' l)onaldxon. [8. 3003) Al Pacino. ('olin l‘ai'rcll. Bridch Moytahan. l 14min. That thc (‘l:\ ga\ c The Ri'i‘riiit'x caxt and crcu unprcccdcntcd acccxx l0 tlx l.anglc} hcadquartu'x. codcx and practicL'x. gi\cx )(ill a chic to hou the} ‘rc portra) cd in thix gloxx} lloll}\\o(id llit‘tllct'. l’acino ix 'l'hc Rccriiitcr; hix old \iarhorxc \Valtcr Burke hcadhiiiitx ('Ia}toii. taking him to a xccrct \p} training tacilit}. 'l‘hc Agcnc} inotto. ‘.\'othing ix \ihat it xccinx'. ix alxo the tilm'x inodux opci'andi. ax lwcoiiicx clcar in a xcricx of plot tuixtx. But l)onaldxon hax donc hcttcr “tilt litx UlliL‘t' political lht‘tllct‘x. 'I'liirtiwi (Ian and .\'u Hm ()HI. l’ct'hapx propaganda iuxt don‘t inakc for good cincnia. ()i/i'iut .-lt 'Iilu' Quin. (i/iiignii.

G Robinson’s Crusoe I DA) .000 tl.in ('hcng-Shcng. Tainan. ZlNl3i1.ciiii l)ai. Yang Kuci .\luci. Ullinin. Thix iiiclancholic look at the good life that'x alua)x round the cornct' \xhile the prcxciit ix juxt a hit too xaluhrioux to let go ot'itixt _\ct ix rcall} ucll north catching. Our central character iiiakcx a \cr) conil'ortahlc li\ing xclling Iii\ur} hoincx hut rcall} \\ hat hc drcaiiix ot' ix

hu) ing a beautiful ixland in “ltlcll he can MW in xolitudc. All thc “llllc hix emotional ltlc\ in clianx and hc .tllxl can‘t help continuing the rctrcat into hitnxcll‘. Part of lilcctric Shadoxxx. (ilaxgon 'x 2nd ()\L‘l'\L‘;lx (‘hincxc l‘ilm l’cxtnal. 'l‘hix ix the opening lilin ot' the t'cxti\al and \\ ill be accompanied h) a xcricx ol' tour xhort film called I'lu' .lliuiiig (WINK that xatirixc xoiiic coininon Britixh attitudcx to ('hincxc iininigi'antx and their xccond and third gciicration otl'xpring. Scc [WU tc\\ page 22. (i/Vli (i/ilwuii. Romeo and Juliet t lb .0000 Max l.uhrinaiin. .-\uxti‘alia/l‘S. two: Icoiiardo l)i(’aprio. ('larc l)ancx. lltlinin. 'llic

Strii I/\ Ballroom dircctor'x trcatincnt ol' thc Shakcxpcarc tragcd} ix a inagniliccnt riot ol colour. action and \C\} tccii i'oinancc.

\\ ithout an} need to xacril'icc thc tc\t. To call it ‘.\l'l"\' lilininaking‘ inixxcx thc pnitll that thc caincra triclxx and Ill-litixL‘\ don‘t in an) \\a_\ dixtract l'i'oin thc tact that l.uhrinanii liax coiiipletcl} graxpcd the ixxucx at thc ccntrc ol' the pla}. x\ii intoxicating. breathtaking mix ol (‘atliolic iconograph}. high camp and xti'cct \ iolcncc that'x both dcltciouxl} l'c\ct'ixh and xtudiedl} cool. Nari/i Iii/III/HH'K'II .-lrt\ ('i'nm'. [film/Hugh.

Rugrats Go Wild! il‘» .0 itotin ling/Norton Vit'gicn. ['8. Nil”) Votcc'x lili/ahcth l)ail_\. Nanc) ('artnright. l.acc} ('hahcrt. 'l‘iin ('urr}. Bruce \Villix. 84min. 'I'lii' Rtiumlx nicct the lli/i/ 'I'lmrii/u’rn \, oli \x hat to}. in thix ioll} coined} inuxical l'oi' kidx. (inni‘i’nm; (i/itwuu.

Runaway Jury 1 13m .0. t( iar) l-Iedcr. l'S. Zilliii John ('uxaclx. (icnc llackinan. l)uxnn llol't'inaii. Racth \\'cix/. Bruce l)a\ixon. 127mm. Jur} man Nicholax liaxtci' t(‘uxaclxi. togctlici‘ \xith hix accoinphcc .\lat‘lcc t\\‘cix/i. ix “mixing a want to \cct‘cll} hold a jar} to ranxoin in a inulti-inillioii dollar trial. \Vith thc iiir) lcd h} a hhiid man, and both thc proxccution tllotl'inani and dclcncc tllackinani iii thrall to hix pou cr. liaxlci' xooti xctx ahoitt manipulating hix l'cllou _llll't)t'\ to hix ()“ll cndx. Alum c a\ct'agc (irixhain adaptation \xith xtrong. it xlightl} hainin}. pla}ing to the gallcr) and xoinc rca||\ grcat l\\l\l\. (/(‘Ili'l‘il/ I‘i'Ii'uu’. '

Scary Movie 3 t l5) 0. (HM id Xiic'kci'. l'S. 3003i l’aincla .’\ndcrxon. .lcnm .\lc(’arth_\. Main} ling. ('hai‘lic Sliccn. '

84min. Scc t'cx icu page 34. (ii-m'ru/ I'('/('(l\('.

Space Station 3!) «ti (loin .\l}t‘t'x. (’anada/l'S. 2003i 47min. Narrated h} loin (‘i'uixc. thix hig xcrccn l.\l:\.\ pi'cxciitation l'ollou x t'cal axtroiiautx into the big hluc. llllpt'L‘\\l\C. hut not ax aucxonic ax il xliould ha\ c hL‘Cll. Sc/r'r‘lr'i/ I'i'li’ilu'.

Stuck on You 1 13m 00. inalith l‘arrcllfll’clcr l‘arrcll}. l'S. Zilliii .\latt Damon. (ircg Kinncar. l-'.\a \lcndcx. \Vcn Yann Shih. l’at ('raxx lord Brown. I 18min. .\lorc u iclxcd xickncxx t'roin thoxc naught} liai'rcll} hrothcrx. 'l‘hix tiinc conioincd tu iiix and xhouhuxiiicxx arc in thc tiring liiic. You ha\ c hccn \xai'ncd. (ic'lii'rii/ ri’luiu: Spellbound il’i 0.... tlcll Blitz. (‘8. 3002i ‘Vinin. Brilliant docuinciitar} ahottl cight childrcn in their hid to \x in thc I‘N‘) Spelling Bcc chainpionxhip. Magical. thix xta} cd in [‘5 cincinax lot in cr 3“ inonthx alinoxt unhcard ol tor a dociiinciitar}. (linim. Iii/Illl’lll'Q/I.

Sylvia i l5i 0.. i('hrixtinc .lcl'lx. Britain. 3003i (i\\}llL‘lll l’altrou. l)aiiicl ('i'aig. Jarcd llarrix. l Illinin. Scc rcxicu [Mtgk‘ Si'li’i'li’i/ I'¢'/(‘il\('.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mm C. iStcw Barton. ('8. “Nth Judith lloag. liliax Kotcax. .loxh l’aix. Micltclan Sixti. |.cit' 'l‘ildcn. l)a\id l‘orinan. ‘Hiiiin. l’i‘ctt) dii'c lo“ hudgct chop xoclxcr}. hot it }our child ix a retro t'rcak. it ina_\ keep him or her cntcrtaincd t'oi' ahout tcn nnnutcx. Stir" ('i'ntiiri ('i'iii‘mii. Iii/III/HH'Q/I.

Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! I ta» 0... tl’cdro Almiuloxai‘. Spain. l‘Ntti .-\ntonio Bandct‘ax. Victoria :\lit'il. l'it'anctxco Rahal. ltllinin. lt'x “omen on thc \ci‘gc ot’ L‘\[‘l(\ll;lll(ttl tiinc ax .>\linodo\ar i‘cu'alx hix tnoxt pi‘oxocatn c contcction to datc \\ itli a bare outline that rcadx like xc\txt traxh: inalc loott} Bandct'ax 'ixidiiapx porno quccn .-\hril. ttcx her to thc hcd. puinpx hcr lull ol drugx and. lo. thc} tall iii lox c. l,oolx hcymd thc xordid dctailx. houcwr. and thc lilin crcatc'x itx oun moral logic haxcd on mutual nccd hctuccn t\\o \cr} daiiiagcd charactci'x. In thc ciid. .-\linodo\ai inanagcx ci'cditahl} to “ring lttttttlctilx (ll, cttlulliitlal rcxonancc Hill of thc tnoxt tiiiproinixiiig inatcrial. Ifi/i/i/rm'g/i I'l/Nl (int/(l.

Touching the Void l 15» .0000 iKcHn .\lacdoiiald. (‘anada, Illllii Nicholax Aaron. Brciidan .\laclxc_\. Simon Yatcx. Joc Stinpxon. ltloinin. Brilliant clilll hanging rcconxtriiction l'catiirc docuincntar} ot‘ the terrible c\cntx that

o\ crtook inountaincci'x loc Stinpxon and Simon Yatcx “hen thc} tried to climb a l’crmian mountain in 1085. \lacdonald pullx c\ cr) ti'iclx out of thc hag to inalxc thix ax hcart churningl} xcar} ax a rcal climb in lillllill'tl conditioiix. lt ix. ax thc} xa_\. quitc a i'tdc. (ii’Iii'ru/ I't’lr'tlu’.

Twist t 13! iJacoh 'l'icrnc} l'. ('anada. Ititiii Joxhtta ('loxc. Nick Stahl. (iai‘_\ ltii'iiict'. Jaincx (iilpin. .loxh llolltda}. \likc l.ohcl. .\la\ .\lc(‘ahc.l ~pdatcd. \cr) dark take on Dickcnx' ()lii'rr 'l'iiiit. 'l‘hc tilin hringx thc inexxcd up [ix_\chotic character ol Dodge tthc .'\rtt'iil l)odgcr in l)iclxcnx' original i. to thc t'oi'c. A big hit at thc 'l‘oroiito l-‘ilin l'c\ll\;tl. lhc lllttt llth hccn dcxci'ihcd .t\ 'gutui'ciiching'. l’art ot North ol’ lloll} \iood. NC“ ('anadian (‘incnia xcaxon. I‘ll/)I/IHHH‘. lit/iii/iiiruli.

The Virgin Suicides i Hi .00. tSotia ('oppola. l’S. ltllltli Kii'xtcii l)unxt. Kathlccn 'l‘ui'ncr. Janicx \Voodx. ()(illllll. :\incrican xuhuilna in thc l‘)7llx. \Vlicn thc lix c hcautil'ul l.ixhon xixtcrx hcgin killing lllL‘ltt\L'l\L‘\ one h} -oiic. thcrc'x nothing lhc local and adoring ho} x can do but uatch. and al'tci'uardx cai'i'} into thcir adult ll\L'\ rcgt‘cl. conl'uxion and loxx. (‘oppola'x adaption ol' Jclli'c) liugcnidcx' tio\ cl ix xhot through “llll a licautil'ul. melancholic noxtalgia loi' ont _\otith, (ii/uni. Iii/IIi/iiirg/i

index Film



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