
John Fardell

Answer machine

He was once ruthlessly mauled by Anne Robinson on The Weakest Link and helped turn a whole generation onto tap dancing. He’s now strutting different stuff in the all-star sketch show Revolver. But why is LIONEL BLAIR gunning for the Dutch?

If you had one day to live, who would you choose to spend it with?

ObVIOusly my Wire and kids and grandson.

Tell us the punchline to your favourite joke? You can roast beef but you can't pea sour). Which time in history would you have loved to have lived?

The 19-10:; Ill l-lollyxtvood.

What’s your favourite biscuit of all time? Anything wrth chocolate (lell) Ill It.

What song would you hate to be played at your funeral?

Anythrng reltgrous.

How big do you tip in restaurants?

| ill) good. but only It It's tn(,)roughly deseryer‘. (")therwlse I go for the standard 15' ::.

When did you last laugh out loud while reading a book?

Ben l lion's novel Sta/k: l think that's what It's called.

What’s your least favourite country? llolland. ljust can't seem to get my head round

that language of theirs.

Who would you like to play you in the film of your life? Who do you actually think would play you?

Conn Farrell. Peter Falk!

When did you last dance?

Dllrlllg my strnt lll Crossmads last year.

When did you last cry?

It was the other week. when I watched Ff again. And I erred aga/n,

What’s your lucky number?

It's 14. It aways comes up when I play roulette. What’s your biggest regret?

Sellrng my last house abroad.

If you won a million pounds, what is the most expensive thing you’d buy?

Another house abroad.

What’s the most difficult or embarrassing charade you’ve ever had to perform?

‘A Month rn the Cet/ntry'.’

Who is the best dressed British celebrity? It‘s Dav-d Beckham. He's got truly great. Indtwdual style. whether 'n Vs being ca8ual or smart.

What’s your all-time favourite sitcom? I'ras/er. It‘s so funny, last and clever.

What’s the longest time you’ve slept soundly in one go over the last five years? Wner" l was flying to Sydney. Austral'a. Tha was about I? 't‘Ours asleep.

How does it feel to have the same surname as our beloved leader? Has it changed your life in any way?

It hasn't changed my life. but It may have changed husf

Is Anne Robinson the scariest woman in Britain? If not, who is?

No. I don't th:nk she 15;. Christ’ne Hantriton gets my vote.

I Revo/ver ls on BBC 7, Tue. 7 I. lSpm.

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