Classical &opera
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.
Thursday 8
I Robert Irvine and Philip Jenkins Mcrchants litillsc. 7 \Yc‘sl (icorgc Strcct. 534 97.57.
1 1.45am 12.45pm. 1’1‘cc. ()utstanding ccllist Rohcrt 1r\inc and pianist Philip Jcnkins conic togcthcr tor a rccital ol‘ 11ccthox'cu's Srinqu in I) HIUjHI' and /.oltan Kodaly's .S'riirrrlrrliir' ('r'llu (1111/ Piano.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra 1'shcr 111111. l.othian Road. 228 1155. 7.311pm. £11.51) £27. Rodcrick Brydon conducts a Vicuncsc (iala to tishcr in thc .\'c\s Ycar 1a littlc 1atc'.’1. l‘caturing Scottish darling. soprano 1.isa.\lilnc.
Saturday 10 Stirling I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra MacRohcrt. 1'ni\crsit)' of Stirling. (11786 466666. 8pm. £thc. Young and talcntcd Scottish conductor (iarr) \Valkcr dirccts thc BBC 88() in a Pcrlormancc ol‘ Mcmlclssohn's incidcntal Innsic to :1 .1/irlsrrnum'r .Yig/il's Dream. \Vchcr's (Yuri/11'! (‘mu'r'rrn tl‘caturing Yanu (ihiro as soloist 1. Rohcrt ('t‘au lord’s [.HIIHIU. and Sihclitis' inastcrltil .t’n/ .S'i'mp/min‘.
I Johann Strauss Orchestra l'shcr 111111. l.othian Road. 228 1155. 3pm 1k 7.311pm. £15 £23.51). 1)ancc thc night ana} in 19th ccntur) \'icnncsc splcndour - l‘ax'ouritc wall/cs and polkas from thc famous Stratiss t'amil} rccrcatcd
in cxtravagant surroundings u ith lull ot'cltcstt'u and danccrs.
I Edinburgh Quartet Quccn's 11:111. ('lcrk Strcct. 668 21119. 2.311pm. £9 1£6/£2.5111. 'I‘hc string quartct continuc thcir scrics cntitlcd 'thc tilitics'. which this al'tcrnoon l'czittii‘cs Rohcrt Simpson's sccond string quartct. \s'rittcn in 1953. liraming it arc 1lad_\n‘s ()p 51) .\'u (1 in I) and Scltuhcrt‘s Qllrll'lt’l in .11 mirror.
I Scottish Opera - Aida '1‘hcatrc Royd. 282 llopc Strcct. 552 9111111. 7.15pm. £19.51) £39.51). Scottish ()pcra’s acclaimcd production of :\ida rcturns. 1)ircctcd h) Anton} .\1cl)onald and conducch by Richard .-\r1nstrong. \crdi's mastcrpiccc cxplorcs grand thctncs of' lmc. patriotism and thc nation .statc undcr thc glarc of thc Pharaohs.
I Get Organised! ‘Back to Bach’ 1'sltcr Hall. l.othian Road. 228 1155. 1.111 1.511pm. £2. .\'cat littlc idca to promotc and cxplorc thc 1'shcr Hall’s gigantic. 11c\\1_\-rcstorcd organ. Part of a sc‘t'lcs c‘ttilc‘d “(ict ()t’g‘tttttscd” fonc (11~ thc tamcr puns to pick 1. this lunchtimc conccrt contains sonic of‘ Bach's hcst 1o\ cd works including I’I'r'llu/r' in [ah/7111. l‘immsiu in (i and Fugue in l‘.‘ I’lul.
Wednesday 14
I The Liszt Connection ('anongatc Kirls. ('anongatc. Ro}al .\111c. 667 7776. 7.3(1pm. £11K 1tickcts ttI donl'l. .\1adrid horn pianist Miriam (iontc/ .\1oran pla} s in support of thc lit'icnds ot' Paintings in Hospitals Scotland. Tonight‘s programmc includcs 11a}dn. (‘hopin. Mount and. naturally somc tltc I’r'li'rm‘lr Sun/1c! .Vu Ill-l. .\ rcccption altcruards gix cs thc chancc to mcct this rcinarkahlc _\oung musician.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()uccn's 111111. (‘lL‘t‘k Strcct. 668 2111‘). 7.45pm. £7 £22. Joscph Sucnscn conducts Scotland's prcmicr chamhcr orchcstra in a pcrl'ormancc of Nlc‘lltlclssoittt's Ic‘ssc‘t‘-ist111\\lt 1n crturc
The young Spanish pianist Miriam Gémez Moran — at the age of 29 already a professor at the prestigious Salamanca Conservatory - returns to Edinburgh to play for a second time in aid of the Paintings in Hospitals Scotland scheme. A relatively late starter for a concert pianist, Miriam was 11 years old when inspiration struck after she heard Franz Liszt’s Faust Symphony on the radio. A graduate of Budapest’s Liszt Academy, she is now regarded as an outstanding interpreter of his music, some of which features as part of her charity concert. (Carol Main)
I ()anongatc Kirk, [HINDU/(fl). 1'1/erl M Jan.
54 THE LIST .41 I’L’.Jav‘1/‘f;’;"
’I‘lu' I’uir .llv/usim’. and Strauss' [)111'1- (‘umv'rrinn 'l'hc conccrt rounds (111 n 1111 Brahms’ richly mclodious .S'r'n'mu/v nu /.
I Scottish Opera - Aida 'l'hcatrc Ro}a|. 282 llopc Strccl. 332 9111111. 7.15pm. £19.51) £39.51). Scc 'l‘uc 13.
Cl Hebrides Ensemble - Academy Now! RSAMI). loo chl‘rcw Strcct. 332 51157. 1pm. £6 (£4). Ilchridcs linscmhlc and RSAMI) studcnts comhinc f'orccs t'or pcrlormanccs ot' Birtu istlc's Ritual I'i'ugnu'nls. llcnry Brant's llir'mg/t‘p/iuis and post graduatc coinposcr Alasdair Spratt's ncu \sork 'l'rr'pr'r/I'Ir'rm Hunt-mg.
0 RSNO Pops - 20 Oscar Winners l'shcl‘ 11:111. l.othian Road. 228 1155. 7.311pm. £11.51) £27. ('arl 1)a\'is conducts an cxtrznagan/a of' incinorahlc 1no\ic mclodics 211grcat soundtracks from thc hig scrccn.
I Scottish Opera - The Magic Flute 'l‘hcatrc Royal. 282 Hopc Stt'cct. 332 911111). 7.1511111.
£19,511 £39.51). Scottish ()pcra's acclaimcd production of The .llugir Hit/1'. .\1o/art’s opcratic fora} into thc undcrssorld of' masonic symbolism. 'l’hcrc’s much lttot'c to this \sork than inccts thc c} c hcymd l’apagcno's comic liit'tlsong and thc sliglttl} Rook} thrcc Iadics lic 1a_\'cr upon 111} cr ot' ctnotional intcnsity: 'I'amino‘s trials ol~ firc. 1’amina‘s contcmplation of' suicidc and thc Quccn of‘ thc Night’s licrcc matcrnal pridc. ('onductcd h) Vinccnt dc Kort and dircctcd h) Jonathan Moorc.
0 Two’s Company - That Picture Just Sang Me a Story! (.11) .'\t'1 (.L‘llill'. 2 Markct Strcct. 52‘) 5995. 1"1‘cc. \VorId-trmclling stor}tcllcr 1i\\;1u .\1c\'icar tc1|s a talc or [no \\ it|1 thc hpr of ohiccts in thc gallci'} and contctnporar} music \ iolin/clarinct duo '1‘mi‘s('ompan}. 'l'hc group cotnmissioncd ninc Scottish composcrs to \sritc music to intcrtninc with liuan's storics. and thc otltcotnc is full ol‘ art. tun. audicncc participation and storics \\ 1111 it dil‘l‘crcncc.
Sunday 18
0 RSNO Pops - 20 Oscar Winners R11} 111 ('onccrt 11:111. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8111111. 7.311pm. £15 £28. Scc 1'11 16.
Tuesday 20
I Scottish Opera - The Magic Flute ’l'hcatrc Royil. 282 liopc Stt‘cct. 333 9111111. 7.15pm. 119.511 £39.51). Scc Sat 17.
I Get Organised! ‘Pomp and Circumstance’ l’slicr 11:111. l.othian Road. 228 1155. 1.111 l.5(1pnt.£2. Anothcr in thc 1'shcr Hall's ‘(ict ()rganiscd' scrics. aimcd at cxploring thc Hall's ncu 1)‘ rcstorcd organ. This conccrt includcs somc cxtt‘cmcl} famous ccrcmonial \sorks such as Bliss’ .«t Hit/(ling l'illl/(ll‘r'. 1ngan Pump u/u/ ('in'ums/mu‘r' .llrm ~/1 no 4 and \Valton's (WI‘UIIrIIIrIII .1/(11‘1 ‘lr: ()r/i 11ml .S'i'r'pln'.
Wednesday 21
I Scottish Opera - Aida 'l'licauc Royd. 282 llopc 811‘cct. 3.12 911111). 7.15pm. £19.51) £39.51). Scc Inc 13.
Hebrides Ensemble - Academy Now! A new year and a new idea takes root as Scotland's premier chamber group (pictured) join forces with students at the RSAMD for performances of contemporary pieces. Cathy Manhood, a Hebrides stalwart. is soloist in Henry Brant's Hieroglyphics for viola and ensemble. RSAMD. Glasgow. Fri 76 Jan.
RSNO Pops - 20 Oscar Winners Veteran film score conductor Carl Davis captures some magical cinematic moments. including Lawrence of Arabia, ET and Star Wars. not to mention the inevitable Lord of the Rings. Usher Hall. Edinburgh, Fri 76 Jan; Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Sun I 8 Jan.
“Mo’s Company - That Picture Just Sang Me Story! Their regular series in Glasgow is well established but now. thanks to an award from Edinburgh City Council. the husband! wife duo of Hector Scott. violin. and Shinobu Miki. clarinet. are able to bring their unique mix of music. storytelling and pictures to the capital for a family audience. City Art Centre, Edinburgh. Sat 77 Jan.
I Arta Arnicane .\1crchants Ilousc. 7 \Vc‘sl (icorgc Strcct. 554 97.57.
12.45 1.45pm. l-‘rcc. Yottug\ian pianist sltld)tltg at thc R8.v\.\11) pcrt'orms music by ('hopin. Dchllss) and l’rokolicx.
I Scottish Opera - The Magic Flute '1‘hcatrc Royd. 282 llopc Strcct. 332 9111111. 7.15pm. £19.51) £39.511.8cc Sat 17.
I A Viennese Strauss Gala Brunton 'l'hcatrc. 1.1111} \\c11 \Va}. .\111ssc1hurgh. 665 2241). 7.311pin. £12 11291. .'\ l‘CCl'L‘ttltUll 111' tltc \ilL‘llllLWL‘ iVL'\[1\ L‘ scason incorporating somc 1118111111“. mastcrpicccs.
Check out the Great Offers
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