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32 THE LIST 8 '2? Jil" ’/"’.§~’_,.'.
The MOdBIIiOfl (I’U) . ((iordon ('han. llong Kong/(‘5. 2003i Jackie (‘han. liyans. ('Iairc I‘orlani. Julian Sands. John Rhys-Dayies. Xis’iiiiii. In The .Ilt'tlll/IIUII. a l‘ormulaic IUIIU“ -up to The ‘Iim'ilu. (‘han plays a IIong Kong police detectiyc \\ ho joins up with Iiyans' Interpol agent in Dublin to track a gangster (Sands) \yho‘s snal'llcd the medallion ol' the title
an ancient liastern relic that hestoyys superpoyyers on the “carer. Alter being granted the Use of its magic. Jackie becomes a medallion man who's able to fly through the air and leap tall buildings in a single hound. Fans of martial arts moyies \yill doubtless be excited by the presence oi Sanimo llung as light choretigraphcr and (iordon (‘han (Bum ('n/m in the director's chair. Yet the disappointment for anyone old enough to remember as far hack as (’han‘s groundbreaking Drunken .Ilthh'l' is a hitter one. .S'Irr ('vntury (inc/nu. Edinburgh. Metropolis (I’( i) 0000. tt-‘rii/ Lang adapted by (iiot'gio Morodcr. (iermany/l'S. I‘)27i (iustm l’rolich. Brigitte llelm,
l lb’min. .-\ re-rclease on its 75th anniycrsary oi Lang's still stunning (ierman science liction classic. here with digitally restored print and soundtrack which makes this the dctinitiye \et‘stoti ol the film as close to the original 1927 release as it's possible to get. The images oi a futuristic city are as tnat‘yellously iconic and influential as cy er. .-\nd the story. concerning a reyolt in a sociel) “hich splits the 'yyorkers' and ‘thinkers'. still speaks \olumes today. Izilililnu'e/i Iii/m (int/(l. l-[tlinlmrg/i.
A Mighty Wind 1 12A) 0.. (Christopher (illL'sI. IS. 2003» Harry Shearer Michael ML‘KL‘au. (.Itt‘islophet' (iucst. Iiugene l,c\_\. Boh Balahan. Marty Belat‘sky. 91min. When l'olk group agent
In ing Steinhloom dies. his son Jonathan (Balahatlt and the raggle tagglc collection ol' hands his lather looked alter decide to hold a coinincmoratiye tiight for him at .\'e\\ York 'I'oyyn IIaII. 'I‘hct'c's Mitch and Mickey (l.e\y
and ('atherine ()‘llarai. a dysfunctional l‘olk‘ed out Sonny and (her. there's the l-‘olksinen ((iuest. McKcan and Shearer) and the Main Street Singers (John Michael Higgins. Jane Lynch and Parker I’osey), a next age l’olk regiment. When this lot run into each other alter all these years there is. oi course. chaos. So so documentary spoof from the Spinal Tap hoys. See preyie“ and t'ey'ieyy. St’lt’t‘lfltl I'('/(’11.\('.
Monster ( I8) (I’alty‘ Jenkins. t'S. 2003i (‘harli/c 'I‘heron. ('hristina Ricci. Bruce I)ern. Scott Wilson. l’ruitt 'l'ay lor Vince. Big screen draniatisation oi the tragic lite oi Aileen ('arol Wuornos. the higlmay prostitute \y'ho \\ as executed for killing seycn men in the state of Florida during the I‘)t\’()s, ('(K' Rc'ltfrt'u' SHIT]. (i/m mm; (i/uxguu:
New Guy (llk Gun) 1 IS» tBiIgc lihiri. I'SA. 2()()2t Kelly Miller. Scott Janes. Jonathan l'l'l'clman. Tobi-Lyn Byers. 85min. (iregg has got a tie“ job. but by the end of the lirst day he is beginning to \yish he hadn't. The place is full of xyeirdos, and just \y hen he decides to knuckle down and get on with his work. things take a more sinister. Much praised comedy horror that \y as a hig hit at the Istanbul l‘ilin I‘estiyal. l’J/Hl/IUILH’. Edinburgh.
North By Northwest (Hit 00... (Alfred Hitchcock. 1'8. 195”) ('ary (irant. Iiyc Marie Saint. James Mason. Martin Landau. 136mm. Quintessential Hitchcock comedy -actioner \y ith (irant perfect as the e\ cry day adman pitched into a trceyyheeling espionage adyenture. in which nobody thiey cs his innocence hut he finds sell- uorth and romance along the may (’Iassic sequences ahound. including the crop- dusting routine and the Mount Rtishmore climax. Brilliant entertainment. (omen. Edinburgh.
Okay 1 ISI .C. tJesper \V Nielsen.
Denmark. 2002) Paprika Steen. ’l‘roels I.yhy.
()Ie Iirnst. Nicolai Kopcrnikus. Molly Blixt Iigelind. 00min. Nete (Stceni is a control
21., 27-31 January, 3-7 February 2001., 8pm 25 Albert Drive Glasgow GL1 ZPE Box Office: 0845 330 3501
Direction Graham Eatough Text David Greig Music Nick Powell Design Ian Scott