Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

All Quiet on the Western Front ll’(il .... Il.L'\\l\ \lilLNItittL'. liS. I‘Hlll l.oui\ \Vohlhcim. l.c\\ .v\_\rcx. John \Vra}. 138mm. .-\n ()xcar-n inning adaptation ot' chiarquc‘x pacilixt no\ cl daringl} talxcx a (Ecrman point of \ ic“. following a xcnxitix c _\oung man and lit\ I'I‘lt‘lltl\ “Ito ttl'L‘ \L'Ill to IllC lil'ottt Iincx Ul- WWI. Rcalixtic in itx cmotional impact. it ix xurcl} onc of thc grcatcxt llllIl-“ttl' tno\ icx

L‘\ L't' madc. Sr/t't'lt'tl I‘t’lulu'.

American Splendort IS» 00000 tShari Springcr Bcrman/Rtihcrt l’ulcini. IS. 2003) Paul (iiamctti. llopc I)a\ix. Judah I’ricdlandcr. Jamcx l'rhaniak. ltllmin. ()nc of thc tincxt indcpcndcnt lilmx to comc out of Amcrica in )carx. .-\ culog} to thc Iil‘c and timcx ol comic xtrip uritcr llarx c_\ l’ckar. a man ohxcxxcd \\ ith thc mundanit} ol' Inc in (In cland. .vlnn'rlt'un .Sp/r'ltt/nr appalx and l'axcinatcx in itx imcntion.

im ccti\ c and trcatmcnt of thc humhlc. (it'ltt’l'tl/ I't'lr'uu’.

Anti-War Activism Double Bill tt‘i IIIK. 2003i l’illon Vidco prcxcntx tlli\ douhlc hill \xhich documcntx thc maxx xchool ualkoutx in protcxt againxt thc uar in lt‘ttt]. .Si'It'i'It‘t/ I'l'll’UH'.

Belleville Rendez-Vous t 12A»

0... tS}I\ain ("honicL I’rancc. 3003i Slhnin. Diminulnc. cIuh-I'ootcd .\Iadamc Sou/a prcparcx hcr orphancd grandxon ('hampion to hc a uorld hcating c_\ cltxt h} pcrxonall) xupcn ixmg hix arduoux training rcgimc. llut during tlic mountain xtagc ot thc 'l’our dc l’rancc. (‘hampion ix kidnappcd h} lilaclx-xuitcd mcn t'rom thc I‘rcnch Malia and \\ lll\l\C(l ttct'oxx lhc Atlantic to thc cit} ot'



Bcllcx illc. It'x up to grann} and (‘hampion‘x hclm cd dog Bruno to pcrtor‘tn a daring rcxcuc. although thc) can rcl_\ on axxixtancc I'rom thc cldcrl} Ilcllm illc Sixtcrx. a xong~ and-dancc trio \\ ho oncc pcrl'ormcd u itli I‘rcd .v\xtairc. Rathcr xpccial koolx} cartoon l'rom l-rancc. that \llt)\\\ I)ixnc} thc door to rcal inxpiration. It "I ('lu/c/uml. ('lu/t'lmnk. Black and White I IS! 0. ((‘raig l.ahitli. :\ttxtralia/l 'K. 2003) Rohcrt

('arl} lc. ('harlcx I)ancc. Kcrr} l-‘o\. (’olin l’riclx. I)a\ id .\'goomlmiarra. 00min. \Vlicn ll‘l\lt-:\ll\ll‘ttlltllt Ia\\_\cr I)a\id ()‘Sullhan t('ai'l}lc‘i ix appointcd h} thc court to dclcnd an Ahoriginc namcd .\Ia\ Stuart tNgoomhujarrai. \\ ho hax hccn arrcxtcd tor. and conlcxxcd to. raping and murdcring a ltlllL'—}L‘;tt‘ old uhitc girl outxidc thc dcxcrt to“ n oI~ ('cduna. thc )oung Icgal caglc thinkx it ix an opcn and Slim caxc. But \xhcn ()‘Sullixan dixcoxcrx thc poliL‘L‘ hcat tt ltllu‘ Contcxxion out (it. Stuart. thc caxc hcconicx a cr'uxadc I'or

juxticc that takcx thc I;i\\)c'r‘ to thc highcxt

court on thc land. 'l‘hc dramatixation ol' thix xignilicant momcnt in .'\uxtralian lcgal ltl\IUl‘_\ hcnctitx l'rom xtrong caxting hut Iittlc clxc. ltx lumpcn pacc and unxurprixing mixtx rc\ cal it ax littlc morc than a \\ot‘tlt_\ tclc\ ixion mm ic. Scc

intcr\ ic“ and rc\ ic“. (‘(i(‘ ch/rnr Slrm'l. (iluwmi‘. (i/uwun'.‘ I'(i('('im'nn1\ l'jrlm/mrg/I. lat/Inlnu'g/I.

Blind Shaft I l5) 0... ll.t Yang. llong Kong/(lnman). 2003i ()iang l.i. Ilaoqiang Wang. Shuanghao \Vang. Jing .'\l. [licnjiang llao. Sun \Vci. 92min. Dark and brilliant IItt'IllL‘l' \L'l around IllL' coal Iaccx ol- \orthcrn ('Iiina. tang and Song arc a couplc of con mcn \xho ha\ c got thcir xting

doun to a Iinc art. until grccd gctx thc hcttcr

ot thcin. (i/mgmi l‘i/m 'I'ln'um’. (i/uwou. Blind Spot - Hitler’s Secretary ll’(il (Andrc llcllcr and ()thmar Schmidcrcr. .'\ll\ll'lit. 3002i 90min. I)ocumcntar} I'caturc haxcd on an c\c|ttxi\ c intcr\ ic“ \\ ith 'I‘raudl Jungc. .>\dolt' Ilitlcr‘x prixatc xccrctar} It'oln




;\ l’) R L.."I'.-\I.

autumn I042 until thc collapxc of thc \a/i rcgimc. Shc uorltcd for him at thc \Voltxxcltan/c in ()hcrxal/hcrg. on hix pri\atc train and. linall). in hix hunlxcr outxidc Bcrlin. It \\ ax Jungc to \\ horn llitlcr dictach hix Iinal tcxtamcnt. In licr lirxt c\cr on-camcra intcr\ icu. Sl—}car«dd Jungc talkx ahout licr uniquc Inc. No“ a t'urioux opponcnt ol' National Socialixm. xhc ix laxcinating. guilt riddcn compan} throughout thix thought prmolxing documcntar}. .St’lt't‘lt't/ I‘r'lt’rlu'.

Bodysong t 1M .00 (Simon I’unnncll. I'K. 2003i 83min. \ixuall} mcxxcd up lilm documcntar} cxxa} in thc xt_\ Ic ol' Airmuniululxi that Iookx at thc ogrc ol' modcrn \\;tt‘. ’I‘hc lilm'x xoundtrack ix coinpoxcd It} Radiohcad‘x _lonn_\ (irccnuood. (icncm/ rc/cuu'.

Brother Bear I t 'i O. t.v\aron Blunt/RUI‘L‘I'I \Villhkll'. I'S. 3003i \itilc‘L‘x Ul Joaquin I’Iiocni\. Jcrcm} Suarc/. .laxon Rai/c. Rick \loranix. I)a\c 'I‘homax. I)ll Snccnc}. 35min. Sopp}. uninxpircd takc on an Inuktitut IL‘g‘L‘lttl about tt Iicar \klto \\t|tlt\ to do morc than _|tixt xlnt Ill thc \modx. (iun'm/ rt'lumz Bugs 30 It) Alikc Slcc. t'K. 3on3; ‘llllllltl. I)amc Judi Dcnch narratcx thix giant xcrccn 3|) lilm which I'octtxcx on thc lil'c c}clcx of a pra} ing mantix and a huttcrt'I} l'rom thcir hith to thcir inc\ itahlc dcmixc in tlic tropical rainl’orcxtx ol' Southcaxt .'\\ltl. .St’lr (‘li‘r/ I't'lt'llH'.

Calendar Girls 1 12m 000 tNigcl (‘olc. I‘K. :IlIHl Ilclcn .\lirrcn. Julic \VQIIICI'S. (t‘lttt Imriu ltltStllin. Ililti\ lt‘t‘lgootl conlcd} drama ix haxcd on thc truc xtor} of a group ot horcd middlc-agcd nomcn Irom a xmall Yorkxhirc \ illagc \\ ho all poxcd nudc tor a \Vomcn'x lnxtilutc calcndar in 100‘) in ordcr to raixc lundx lor thc local hoxpital, (ll/('Illltlli (iII'/\ Ix Iltt‘ \L‘\L‘tl-tlp \Ct’xtttn til- c\ cntx that happcncd in tlic I)alcx. (‘olc.

\\ ho had prcx iouxl) dahlilcd \\ tIll middlc agcd \xonicn xaga in Sin-mg (iruu; oncc again pro\ cx Iic'x adcpt \\ Illt thix matcrial. particularl} \xlicn Iic ccntrcx thc lilm on tlic




”.-l II‘III.\l-.\('(’ mom? ()1? [he Sui/o (if .S'Hslll '.S'H.»l .\'/\’ REl)l:’.ll/)Tl().\”'

08 10 907 0789



index Film

rclationxhipx that ('lirix tMirrcni hax \xith hcr lamil} and hcxt t'ricnd. \\ idoucr Annic t\\'altcrxi. Brim/on 'I'lu'um'. lit/inlmrglr. The Citadel tl’(il (King Vitlot'. I'K. I‘USI Rolk‘t't I)onat. Rthttllntl Rthxcll. Ralph Richardxon. l 13min. .-\ _\oung doctor hax a dillicult timc in thc mining \illagcx and laccx thc dilcmma ol' uhcthcr to mow to a lucrati\ c hut chx rcnarding Ma) lair practicc. Solidl} produccd adaptation of thc .'\J (’ronin nox cl. “Illl Donal ax xynpatlictic ax c\cr. .\Iadc at .\l(}.\l'x Britiin unit uhich uax unlortunatcl} xhut doun during thc \xar. lilin/mrg/r l'i/m (int/(l. [Jilin/Hugh. City of God 1 ISI 0.... tl‘crnando .\Icircllc\. Bra/il. 2003) 130mm. 'I‘hc intcrnational rcxurgcncc ol Latin .-\mcrican cincma xhoux no xignx ol’ xlou ing donn. I‘olltming ('t'nlml Smmm. .-lnmnw l’l’l'lYH. I In .Ilunm lam/tic” and .Viln' Qiu'cm conicx an c\hilarating lli'a/ilian drama. ('r'lr u/ (iml. llaxcd on l’aulo I.inx'x xprau ling no\ cl and xpanning tlircc dccadcx. it'x an cpic account ol' thc grouth ol' organixcd drug‘dcaling in a xlum holixing projcct. thc \U-L‘allt'tl ('it} (ll-(itttl in Rio tlc Janciro. (i/mgmi I‘ll/n 'Iiln'uln'. (Hawaii;

0 Cold Mountain I IS) I... t:\ntlion} Mingliclla. I'S/Romania. 20th Judc I.a\\. .\'icoIc Kidman. chéc /,cll\\cgcr. .\'atalic l’ortnian. l’hilip Sc)lnottr llttlllttttll. (iio\:nmi Rihixi. Brcndan (llccxon. l521nin. lnman tl.;|\\ i. ix a ('ottlt‘tlcl'atc \oldtct‘ \\ Ito tlL‘\L‘l'l\ at'tcr hcing gra\cl_\ \mundcd in hattlc and xctx oil on a [‘L'l'llUIIS trck ttL‘t‘oxx tltc t'magcd South to rcach hix homc in thc North (’arolina mountamx. :\n Amcrican ()d} xxcux. hc gocx through onc trail altcr anothcr. xuxtaincd h} a )carning l'or thc “onian \\ ith “horn lic cnio} cd a hcxitanl and chaxtc courtxhip hcl‘orc thc \xar. Kidman'x gcntccl ('harlcxton hcllc. Ada. But did Judc and .\'icolc gct it on “hilc lilming Anthon} .\linghclla‘x ()xcar ga/ing adaptation of (‘harlcx l‘ra/icr'x popular no\ cl',’ I.ikc \\ ho carcx. (ii'm'm/ I‘c/cuu’.



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