Clubs listings

Glasgow Saturdays continued

I Papacool at Ad l.ih. Next date the.

I Rapture at Media. llpttt 3am. £thc. Weekly. 70x attd Stlx claxxicx l‘ron) Jamex Ruxxell. and guext l)Jx ever) tvvo vveekx tnake thix a fun night out.

I Red and Gold Room at :\rta.

10pm 3am. l‘ree het‘ore l lpm; £8 alter. Weekly. Bill) .\lilligan tttanx the deckx tor a line night of I.atin hottxe. thix vv ill xeriouxl.‘ \Piee ul‘ )‘vtur life. if" that'x vvhat’x required.

I Rub Down at .-\d l.ih. .\‘ext date the I Saturdays at Blanket at Blattket (formerl) Bed). ll).3()pm 3am. £7 (£5). The l'unk'iext Rth in the en} t‘ttek\ tlte hig hack hedroom on at Sat in Bed vv ith the legendar} Raymond \Voodx. Jim da Bext arid hi.x tnuxical attticx keep _vou avvake iii the li‘ttnt hedroom tttakittg thix nevv Sat night otte ol~ the moxt popttlar it) the cit}. I Savalas at Ad l.ih. Next date the.

I Seduce at .-\rehaox. l Ipm 3am. £8 (£6). \Veeklv. (‘hat't_v dance and Rth not to mention an unhealth} xmattering oi cheexe on thix huge Sat nighter.

I Shack at the Shack. 10.30pm 3.30am. £7 (£5). \Veekl). void hair dovvn attd livett thingx tip on the dancelloor to the .xtitttttlx of all _vour Shack tavotiritex. pla_ved ottt h_v (iraeme l‘et'gttxon.

I The Shed at the Shed. ltl.3(lptn 2am. £6. \Veekl}. Demand ix high l'or thix one. .xo get there early. 'I‘uneage deplov ed h} tiuan .\'eil.xon attd .-\nd_v Rohertxon.

I Shine On at ('orinthian. llptn 3am. {the Weeklv. (iot‘don Miller aitd Roxx Macmillan rock the joint alter a xexxion ill the Lite hat‘. I.otx ol ltmk and fun all round ax the rexidentx take ill the genrex the_v want.

I 69 at ('ltth (v‘). l’aixle). llpttt 3am. £5. 13 Dec. .\lartin attd tiuan are joined h) the Vector l.overx. Soma'x latext xigning attd .xomething ol‘ a departttre tor the lahel. tixpect l‘rexh electro xoundx vv ith a hit oi a delve into the ltalo paxt.

I Seismic at Ad l.ih. Next date the.

I Soma Sessions at MAS.

10.30pm 3am. £thc. Bi-tttonthlv. 'l‘he Sat night Soma xhovvcaxe continuex vv ith xome ol' the lahel'x top namex tip in the xpot. l’unk I) \‘oid gctx ltix turn on Ill l)ec aitd tltll hottxe-handx Silicone Sottl tttan the vvheelx a vveek later. And cltaxe ol‘l' _vour hangover on 3 Jan ‘cox (iene l‘arrix ix in the ltottxe.

I Source at Q ('luh. Nevt date the.

I Streetlife Christmas Carnival at Liquid Lounge. 1 lpttt 3am. £thc. 2() Dec. Monthlv. true to the xpirit ol' (‘hrixtmax Streetlil‘e like to give their ptthlic xttrprixex and ax xuch no guextx have heen announced. l.ooxeiointx and Stevie lilementx produce the goodx. hovv ev er. and this night likex to pttt a hit of xinceritv into the vvord 'divet'xit_v.'


I Break Yourself This night's been going down a storm with the house faithful, and has scored a real coup this month with Glen Gunner guesting. He's been around the world DJing, he's recorded some fantastic music (as Block 16 and Street Corner Symphony) and now he's on your doorstep. Liquid Lounge, Sat 73 Dec.

94 THE LIST 1' l)t2(: 22’»; a .Jat‘ .

I Subculture at the S‘uh (hit). I lpttt 5am. £l2. \Veekl}. Believe the

ltvpe it'x _itth the hext underground hottxe night ill the ettlltttl‘}. the tttnex l'rotn tlarri arid Domenic are evett hettet‘ than the ntuxic itt _vottr head. .\tike (Brant l‘rom Detroit gttcxtx on Ill Dec and John 'I‘ejada dropx itt on 27 Dec. I Superfly ill the \VtttltlSltle Siteittl. Nevt date the. I Syntax at Soundhattx. Nevt date the. I Tiger Tiger at 'liger 'l‘iger. llpttt 3am. £o. \\'eekl_v. .loitt the part} at thix heautil'ttl har lavoured h_\ thoxe vvearing xttitx attd e\penxive dt'exxex. The muxic polic} ix commercial dattce and tltc tthtquitoux Rth. I Tongue’n’Groove at Bloc. Next date the. I Traffic Light Party at Ana. Next date the. I Traxx at Sottttdltattx. \c‘\t date the. OVegas at the Renl'revv t‘et‘r). it)..3tlpm 3am. £9 (£7). 37 Dec onl_v. l)rexx up like )Ulll' ttta an' pa going to a gala dinner. attd then kick hack vv ith xome good ol' cottntrv claxxicx. xvving. hig hattd attd eaxv ltxtening. You're in the companv oi l)Jx l‘rankie Sumatra. Bung Seagull. l)ino Martini attd Rick tludxon. ax vv ell ax the xcintillating Vegax Shovvgirlx. I The Winchester Club at the \Voodxide Social. 9.30pm 2am. £3. 20 Dec. .\tonthl_v. .\ Yuletide xpectacular from the dudex vvhoxe night xottndx like a private gentletnen‘x extahlithent. livet'vtltittg lrom indie pop to xvvingin‘ xottl. plux live perl'orntancex l'rom Sonx & Daughterx. the Xc'pltvt‘x. Hector ('ollectorx and more. I Wired at Ax} ltttn. ('aledonian t'niverxitv t'nion. lflpm 3am. £3. \Veeklv (ilaxgovv ‘x longcxt runtting alternative indie night vvith drinkx protnox aplent}. I Upstart at the liquid Lounge. lllpm 3am. £8 (£5). 2." Dec. .\lonthl_v. .\ little ol' evcrvthtng that ltitx the xpot hip hop. l'uttk. heatx. hreakx. hottxe and dixco ax turntahle trickxter l).l Karim joinx regttlar deck chargex .\licltael Peck and Kev Stevettx. I The X-Factor at Soundhattx. llpm 5am. £thc. l3 l)ec. lt'x the ttxttal conl'uxion ol‘ dixco and ltottxe tnuxic iron) the X-i'ttettn‘. livcellent cltth muxic attd a hloodv good laugh an' all. .\'evv |)J .\lohamttted Sneak joinx the rexidentx. I Xmas Allnighter at Snathclvde Studentx t'nion. Spin Sam. £12 (£l()). l3 l)cc. .-\ vet‘} tnexx} nigltt ix on tlte cardx here. ax the t'nion inv itcx volt to xta_v over at theirx. (’ltart-topping gttextx include the ver_v lanciahle (iil‘lx .-\loud and the frightening!) thin (‘heekv (iirlx. Retnenther. therc'x no pri/ex l'or good hchav iour.

Glasgow Sundays

Club I APB at Soundhaux. \evt date the.

Erol Alkan guests at Death Disco, Sat 20 Dec

I Bacchanal at Soundhaux. \evt date the.

I Bennet’s at Bennet‘x. l l.3l)pm 3am. £3. \Veeklv. ln vvhich vve are confronted h_v a xtt'ange phenomenon. 'l'om pla) x tttnex loved h) IZ-vear-old girlx. plux xome hangin' handhag. to equallv appreciative ga_v men. t’unnv old vvorld.

I Bite at the ('athottxe. ll).3(lpm 3am. liree hel'ore l l.3llpm: £3 (£l.5l)) alter. \Veeklv .\ milder miv of indie attd rock than vtttt‘ll lind at the cit} 'x premier rock venue on l‘ri or Sat.

I 310 at Blo. ‘lpm-3am. l‘ree hel'ore

llpm: £5 (£3) alter. \Veekl}. t.ook ottt vow"

Sttnda} hext till it night ()l~ \ttt()()lll. elttxx} dattce ltitlxle.

I Boogaloo at the Social. 0pm 3am. l-‘ree. \Veeklv. .'\ nevv regular night at thix xvvank) nevv ventte. the night prexentx hlock xl_v le part) groov ex. hip hop. urhan Rth. xeratch miving. live percuxxion and gttext .\l(‘\ ev er_v \\ eek.

I Budda at Budda. llpttt 3am. £thc. \Veekl). Relattnclted \enlte hack on track vvith detailx xtill the.

I Candy at 'l't‘axh. l lptn 3am. £4( £3). Weeklv. l.a_v hack attd languixh it) a mede of xvveet ttmex and an atmoxphere l‘uelled h} a vv hole load ol' taxtv prontox.

I Club Tropicana at the (iarage (Attic). llpttt 3am. £3 (£2). \Veeklv lndie. hotlt claxxic and contetttpot‘at‘}. vv ith a health) (loxe ()l. Bt‘itpttp.

I Come to Bed at Blanket it"(tt‘rttc‘t'lv Bed). 1 lpttt 3am. £4 (£2). \Veeklv Scotti B and Mark l)one|l} are vttttt‘ ltoxtx at tltix nevv karaoke night. replete vv itlt real hedx attd mict'ophonex. Indulgence Kilht rcacltcd nevv heightx on Sattchieltall Street.

I Definition v Audio at Built}.

l lpttt 3am. \Veeklv. What hringx Delinition and Audio together ix a xhared enthttxiaxm lot pl;t}ittg muxic that makex )(tll vvant to dance xo much that _vou drop a drexx \l/C. \vithout the l‘ormalit'v ol' ltav ing to drexx a certain vva_v. No need to xtttntl on ceretttonv here. With a xoundtrack to vow Stttt like thix. l‘ot‘get .\lon morning. and conic dovv n It) littl'll} lit)!” tlte [tel‘leet end to the \\ eekend.

I Disco Badger at Banthoo.

lll.3llptn 3am. £4. \Veeklv Scottie B. |)ominic Martin and Rohin pleaxe the Stmda} throng in the venue vvhoxe marriage ol' Rth attd hottxe hax heen an unqualilied xuccexx. ()n 2S l)ec the Badger l)Jx pla) claxxicx iron) the laxt l5 _vearx.

I Dream at Stravvhcrrv l‘teldx.

10.30pm 3am. £l5. \Veeklv l-‘il'teen qttid to get in‘.’ You're ‘av in' a laugh. ain't )a‘.’ Bttt vvait: the har ix completcl} tree all night. xo xtop moaning attd get drunk.

I Free Sundays at the l'niverxal.

l lpttt 3am. l‘ree. \Veekl_v. Hip hop. l'unk. xottl. reggae. hottxe and _ia/l all it) thix great. virtttal|_v ttnknovvn venue _ittxt heltind Saucltieltall Street.

I The Good Vibrations Sound System at liquid Lounge. lllpm 3am. £5 (£4). \Veeklv .-\ Sundav night xhindig lion) the people at (‘arhon Recot'dx and l‘ivellltiaxt Recordx. taking the xpirit ol'

hottxe tttuxic and hottxe partiex and cookin' it up real nice. ('arhon and l‘iv'e3()liaxt are coming together vvith a

v ixion to create xontething xpecial.

I I Candy at 't‘raxh. l lprn 3am. £4 (£2). \Vcekl). t)J Roh B plavx tttnex that vvill keep vim dancing all night. hig anthemx and lloor tillers to hring ottt (ilaxgovv 'x heautil'ul people.

I Liquid Cool at the Belo. 9pm 3am. £5. \Veekl). A]. Krix Keegan and tan 'l‘hompxon pla_v top-notch vocal garage and hottxe to a cluh packed vvith hvper- hedonixtic tvventvxontething revellerx. all oi vvhom xeem to have l‘orgotten that the_v~ have vvot'k in the morning. It qualitv tunex and glamoroux anticx are _vottr hag. Stttt at Belo ix unmixxahle.

I One Sunday at the Tunnel.

I lpttt 3am. £4 (£l ). \Veekl}. the R&B continuex vv ith the tunnel crevv on thix xinl‘ul Sahhath celehration. Wear nice clothex l‘ot‘ admixxion. pleaxe.

I Optimo at the Stth ('luh. l lpitt 3am. £8 (£7). \Veekl). 'l'he Stth (’luh don't do quiet Sundavx. Inxtcad thev in\ ite all- comet'x tor a drexx-up/come-ax-vou-are xatttrnalia that hax to he one of the moxt muxicallv div erxe cluh ttightx arottnd. livpeet to ltear countrv attd vvextern ax tttticlt ax techno hottxe (and never forget their maxxive ltogntatta} partv).

I Opus at ()pttx. Spm 2am. l-‘t‘ee. \Veekl). (iilex pla_v.x the piano all night and into the morning. too. A line mid tovvn venue for thoxe who like the ivoriex tinkled vv hen thev xvvallv.

I The Priory at Blanket. l lpitt 3am. £5. Weekl}. thix cluh'x xomething ot a mixnottter. t'nlexx oi courxe dancing all night to funk} hottxe attd Rth ix hovv _\()tt deto\. ('lltl. l.ix;t Littlevvood. \Vatxon and Richard I.evinxon are the ltoxlx.

I Salsero at Banthoo. Next date the. I Streaker at Shack. lt).3t)pm 3.30am. £5 (£3). \Vecklv l)l Jamex ‘the Bov‘ (iardner \pinx the tt‘ackx l'ot' thoxe

enjov ing immature anticx and naked l'un. 'l‘hix xottndx like a good laugh. eh'.’

I Sunday Shoutin’ at Max.

1 lptn 3am. £thc. \Veeklv. .'\ cltth named alter Johnn} (‘oporate'x lloor-lilling Detected claxxic vv ax alvva_vx going to he prett_v darn line. Big vocal hottxe numherx attd a vcr_v xvveat_v dancel'loor.

I Sunday Surgery at (‘uhe.

l lptn 3am. £5 (£3). \Veeklv. (‘ameron (‘raig dixpenxex xome xalve l'or _vour xoul in thix diverting vv ittdet‘-dovvnet' vv ith a medical theme.

I Sunday Best at the Shed.

l().3()pm 2am. £3 (£2). \Veeklv. littan .\'eilxon and And} Rohertxon are in charge of the tttnex at thix ntaxxiv'el) popular xouthxide cltth. Jtixt he quiet vvhen leaving the premixex. pleaxe.

I Temptation Sundays at tiger 'I'iger. l3.3(lam 3am. Free. Weekly. [)1 \Villx from 9pm p|a_v ittg l'unk} hottxe and cltlh claxxicx to at) 11l\\;i_\'x vv ell-heeled ct'ovv d near the Merchant ('it_v.

I Transistor at the Polo Lounge.

1 lpttt 3am. £5. \Veeklv Real pop for real people with l).lx .\'iall .\lc.\lurra_v and \Vavne l)i\on.

I Urban Vinyl at Blanket. | lpm 3am. £4 (£2). \Veekl}. Ravmond \Voodx. l’aul .\"Jie. .\'aeem and Stttart .\lc('allum hring thix vv ild Sunda} night to Sattchieltall Street tor dedicated l'ollovverx ol' ttrhan tnuxic. The vet') hext in hip hop. Rth. xottl arid ever} kind of urhan heat.

I Vinylicious at l.ovvdovv n.

Midnight 3am. £5 (£3). \Veekl}. 'l‘lte verv xevv people l'rom Soulxa hring ttx another line night of" hottxe fun and gamex.

Glasgow Mondays


I Burn at HAS. 1 lpm 3am. l‘ree l'or xtal'l‘ of an} ptih or cluh; £3 to evet‘vone elxe. \\eekl_v. 'l‘he higgcxt trade pill't} ()i. the _vear. vv itlt Burn rexidentx \ormxki attd /.eux p|a_v ittg the tunex that _vou need in void life. All drinkx are one pound. all night long.