
The Front

Thursday 11 Dec 2003 Thursday 8 Jan 2004

Why TV must invest in great writing . . . Lord of the Rings Return of the King . . . plus letters on The 50 Best Scottish Films of All Time. 7:84 Theatre and more passionate voices in support of Tramway2


1 2 The Hot 100 The Li'st's guide to the Scots who called the creative shots in 2008

32 Touching the Void Films about men on mountains don't get any better than this

102 Degas and the Italians Why Edinburgh's BSA has another blockbuster on its hands

121 The Office Britain‘s funniest series ends this Christmas. But it hasn't lost the plot


The ultimate guide to all the new year events in the capital


~ le Roy.“ {Link

01 SLOW...”

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Two bottles of Warre’s Otima ten-year-old port for this

issue’s top letter

Win a film course

Win Proclaimers tickets

A—List discount clubbing card

I Events

32 Film 88 Film index 49 Film listings

55 Music

60 Rock 8 Pop listings

69 Jazz listings

71 Folk 8 World listings

72 Classical 8 Opera listings

75 Theatre 80 Theatre 8 Dance listings

84 Comedy 85 Comedy listings

88 Gay 88 Gay listings

90 Clubs 91 Clubs listings 102venues

103 Art 106 Gallery listings

113 Kids

115 Sport

116 Glasgow Life 119 Edinburgh Life

I The Goods

121 Buy it this fortnight 122 Books

124 Comics

124 Records

127 Games

128 Video/DVD

129 TV

181 Food 8 Drink

I Classified

188 Recruitment 188 Flatshare 140 I Saw You

' Rear View 144 Bjorn Again

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