\\ llx ol Iix'e hreakheat drenched house outlit 3x ll) against the turntahilixm antics ol Ileadxpin nut-johx. the Resonance. Joined hy Salsa ('eltica haxxixt and the man xx ho produced Jo Malik'x Diverse alhum Da\ id Donnell}: In the hack room er Scrull presents her take on the ‘Scrull' sound. plus ‘I’olaroid Storiex' a project h} (itlllttll ilt)0tllL‘\.\.

I Musotica at (’ommplex. 8pm 4am. £5. 37 Dec onl}. .\'ight ol techno arid electronica \xith lI\C \ decks lrom the residents Dog \ Roach (K; Bones. plus guest action lrom Liner l3 (Iixel. Brainstorm (I’urel. Jr I.a/arou and Dax e Broxxn (Digital). .\'ine litttll'x ol qualit} Iixe ilL‘ls ol ill/ill. electrottica. (tltl \ktml classics and [he lk‘xl lie“ \(illtld\ (ll deep lllltk’} hoot} shakin‘ littllw and techno.

O Nuklear Puppy New Year Warm Up at Iigo. Illpm 4am. £10. 27 Dec only. Massixe hard litillxc‘ night to get _\ou all

rex \ed tip lor Nil-L. Radio 1 laxourite I'ergie makes hix lirxt I‘dinhurgh \ ixit lor three _\ear\ mixing tip pl'tigt‘cxxh e house. tull trance and techno.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge.

ltlpm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. Dax'e Shedden

\\ ith his mix ol disco and lunk} house tracks.

I Out of Sight at Nichol Iidhardx. Illpm 3am. £4. 20 Dec. A mix ol lllllxlc'itl st} lex lrom some ol the hext tip-and- coming talent the capital has to oller. Residents 'I'ok_\ohlu. .\'iall McKet'xc}. Stuart Jtiltltxttttl and Jamie Bohanc} lead _\ou throuin the realms ol old \L‘lltml to lunk} house. hard house and .\'aked st} Ic Ioungecore.

I Pressure meets Bugged Out! at the Venue. l lptn 5am. £l3. 37 Dec. Monthl}. (ilitxgtm \ higgest tecImo/liotixe night joins lorcex \\ ith ManchestetK undergrottnd \upercIuh right here in the capital. :\\ per ll\llill it's a killer line-up “ith the Detroit magic lt'om Derrick Ma} alongside I’ct‘c} X and the I‘tiiikexinagic

I Progression at the liquid Room. 10.30pm 5am. £5. 20 Dec. MonthI}. Derek .Martin. (iax (irant and Alan Dohxon lithl a progrexxhe houxe \xork out with Ililx residentx Xmas special. hargain price an' all. With pre-cluh \L‘xsitm at (it) ('ale lrom 8pm (and an XII-L \pcclill l.

I Radio Babylon at ligo.

10.30pm 3am. £5. 27 Dec. Montltl}. Radio Bah} Ion strikes hack. 'I‘he Merr} I’i‘;itik\tet\. Brainstorm and xour ll(\\IL‘\\ the di\ ine .\ll\\ I’enn} I’ornxtar guide xou through an eclectic tnix ol gt'oox‘} dattce lttthlL‘. L‘lCClI'Ultl-LII\CD-hi"L‘ill\\ and [MM- xkool lunk.

I Rewind at the Liquid Room.

Illfitlpin 3am. £5 £7. 3 Jan. The I-‘ire leand DJ\ \\ ill he on hand lor \(tlllL‘ camp Ili-.\'R(i action in the hackroom (joined h) tic“ ho} iNR(i-7lll \xhile old \ktml tli\co jockx .Mick ('ooI and Shugg} Bear (liin ottt llIC hex! in 7(J\ and fills poptilsllc‘ ltlllcx ill the mainroom.

I Sophistifunk at ('il}: Iidinhurgh.

I 1pm 3am. £7. \Veekl}. Resident DJ\ pIa}itig chart l'c‘ltllXCx and lunk) litillxc‘ in the main cluh and ‘I‘okxohlu in Bar (i \\ ith their deliciousI} dillerent hlend ol house (t garage.

I Souler Power at Iidmhurgh 'I‘axi (‘|uh. 8pm lam. £4. 37 Dec. I'nderpla} ed oldies and tip lront ()(J\ \(tlll lrom residents Ali Dull. IIamm} and (Ear) Marnie and Suzi (‘aineron as xx ell ax special gllc‘xlx Kenn} Burrell. Kitch. ('arl \Villingham and I.enn} 'I‘oxhack.

I Super Saturday at the Venue. ltlfitlpm 3am. £5. I3 Dec. Monthl}. Another netx ie lor the \‘enue \\ ith three llt)t)t‘\ ol mashed-up \t)tllttl\ lrom lutth lltlthc \ ia R&B to lull on trance \\ ith a maxxixe DJ roster in the shape ol: Kex Wright. I’agan. Smoke} & the Bandit. Wreckage. Oh and I-‘roxtx J.

I Tempo at the Ilotlc}c(ittth.

It)._‘~tlpin 3am. £5 £7. l3 Dec. I’hil Kieran (Skintl lliex III lorm Ireland to hring some part} tip tunes to the Hone} comh alongside lttc‘ul liltl\ l'htxltct‘ ck l’ricc.

I Thee Jailhouse at In iot Rotx I'nion. I 1pm 3am. £4. 20 Dec. Righteotn

listings Clubs


I Audio Deluxe He loves it so much he’s back again. lt's smooth house all night long as Master at Work Kenny 'Dope' Gonzales mixes it up for those still on their feet. Make him feel welCOme and he'll be back for New Year's Day 2005 no doubt. The Honeycomb. New Year's Day.

rock and old \chool metal in a claxxic A('/D('. Motorhead and Saxon \ein. plux a leu ol the BC“ contenders that meet the grade: .'\lltll()\lit\t‘ that kinda thing.

I Underground [Gimme Back My] at Berlin Bierhaux. l Ipm 3am. £5. 20 Dec. .\'e\x night lrom the I-‘riscodixco crexx \xith special guext Yogi llaughton. I Utopia Christmas Party at the Hone-\coinh. lt)..‘xt)pm 3am. £thc. 30 Dec. IIouxe part) lor the lexti\c \caxon \xith Ilugg}. DJ (‘Iarkx and more the.

I Utopia at Iigo. 10.30pm 3am.

[Ill {I1 l5 Dec. No“ llp-lttt‘-il llntlw night \\ ith a rexidentx part} lrom Art Newman and Derek Seuel.

I Vain at 'I‘ex iot Roxx I'nion. 9pm 3am. £4 (£3l. It) Jatt. 'I'echno. goth. industrial. fills and hen romantic tunes. So that‘ll he L‘llc‘c‘l') Illc‘ttl'.’

I Vegas Christmas Party at Ocean 'I'erniinal. [0.30pm late. £8. 20 Dec onl_\. \er} limited and intimate part} (max 300) lor the Vegax laithlul. Iixpect ('hrixtmax cocktails. Santa and the Vegas gang hringing )ott \(HIIL‘ lextixe lt'olicx. I Velvet at (’omtnplex. lllpnt 2am. £(i (£5). 3 Jan. Monthl}. Women‘s night lor ga) girliex and their \pCL‘lttll} inx ited ho_\ lriendx (men cart onl} gain admission il accompanied h) a lad} I. Itoxlcd h} Michelle (Jo). Wiggle). l-iir I/iix (lute (HI/V

'xl-IJXI’t'rm/ ltu/r/r'rx get [I u/lt/our/n‘ir‘r’

all night.

I Wiggle at Iigo. It)..i()pm 4am. £(i. 3 Jan. MonthI}. Maggie & Alan Jo} need no introduction and this is their new night ol ga} lun and lrolicx. ’I'rend} \Vetid} and Joli I’leawd pla) ing tracks that are a little hit camp. at little hit cutting-edge but a

xx hole Iotta lttn. Dounxtau‘x Sall) I" and Michelle \x ill he deplo} ing Rth. hip hop. indie and chart tune\ and lttm could he lorget the lmel) I’enn} I’ornstar on hand to meet and greet the punter\.

Chart & Party

I Cavendish/Diva at ('a\endi\h/Di\a. lllpm 3am. I'ree helore l lpm; £(i alter. \\'eek|_\. 'I‘he lull} relurhixhed space hoxtx a night ol all the gt‘ooVic‘xt ltitx lift)!“ the ()(J\ ‘Jllx, \\ ith current chart laxes on the top lloor. ()\ er 2.5\ mil}.

I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party at Mood. 9pm 3am. I-‘ree helore I Ipin; £3 alter (lrec lo ltlL‘lIlltCt‘xl. \Veekl}. (hart. part} and will llllx lrom DJ Martin.

I The Party Continues . . . at Peppermint Lounge. Illpm 3am. £3. \VL‘L‘lxl}. SL‘L‘ I'll.

I Relight my Fire at Ahhar.

()pin 3am. I‘ree. \VeekI). See Hi.

I Shake It at IfAttacltc.

IUJI)pm Rant. 4 helore l Ipnt; £5 alter. \VeekI}. I’arl} ltlllxic‘ lroni the (ill\ right tip to Iaxt \xeck. plux l()1t(l\(tlltll'llll\\ prontox to “ash it all doun \xith.





For info, help and opening times (including Festive season)



Hush Hush Recordings! Audio Deluxe amour": 2 4 1 Smirnoff Cocktails

VICE open seven days a week 12.00pm -1.00am Extended Licence Over Xmas 8. Hogmanay Until 3.00am 9 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh EH2 4RG 0131 228 9147 vice@addicted.co.uk

'- THE LIST 99