31.36103}; DYNAMITE

Bongo Club. Edinburgh. Fri 5 Dec

If music was logical, reggae would have as much chance of prospering in overwhelming white and decidedly cold Edinburgh as frogspawn on the moon. Thankfully, music is a contrary creature, and the likes of fortnightly night Messenger and label Yush have kept different sides of the reggae

spectrum bubbling over nicely.

They could soon be joined by a new arrival. Pete Reilly and Scott Bethell have been running 100% Dynamite in London for the last 15 years. They‘re now onto their sixth compilation (the imaginatively entitled 600% Dynamite) the series has sold over 250,000 copies. They host semi- regular nights in Dublin, Brighton, Paris and Italy, and, if this one-off goes well, Dynamite could become a monthly fixture in Edinburgh.

Reilly will be on the decks, with Marsha on MCing duties. And Bethell sees no reason why reggae’s renaissance shouldn’t continue. ‘lt’s great music to dance to when it’s loud,‘ he enthuses. ‘Reggae got too pushed to the margins and used to feel far too exclusive, but it’s really opened up in the last few three or four years. It's a unique sound, and you can go right from ska to dancehall - there‘s so many different styles to it. And you can dance to all of them.‘ (James Smart)

an original and ultra danceable lusion. Backed up by 'l’okyohlu with a slightly more t'aucous house mix than usual.

I DKY at Studio 24. llpm 3am.

£l.5() £2. Weekly. DRY strides conlidently into its third year with t'csidcnl l)Js Jordi. (iat‘clh and Dan C playing rock. goth. metal. industrial and punk. 'l‘heme nights and lree gills comhine to keep things interesting. week in. week out.

I Flava at ('ity: lidinhurgh.

l lptn 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. The hugely successlul R&B night take sup its new residency at ('ity with Paul .\"Jie at the helm.

I Gotham at Nichol lidwards.

l()pm 3am. £(y £8 (£5 memhers). 7 Dec. ‘l-‘etish cluh lor the insane'. this is gothic decadence all night long with goth. electro. industrial and liB.\l and a letish theme lrom l)J.\. Suhley el.3 and 'l‘liKlllil). And how could w c lorch the Ministry ol Burlesque retro show girls. Strictly enlorced goth and letish dresscode.

I I Love Music at ()pal l.ounge. noon 3am. l-‘ree helore l()pm: 3. Weekly. (iareth Sominery ille (l'ltragrooy'e) hosts an all-day session that crosses the middle ground between cluhhing and chilling. leatttring guest l)Js and a plethora ol musical styles including house. Latin. jaz/y grooy es, disco and R&B.

I Kayos at ()pinm. l lpm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. Metal and rock l)Js ('laire Mollat and John lrom llogshead keep the crowds at moshing.

I Missing at ('aharet Voltaire. l().3()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. New club night lollow ing the same lortnat as 'l'rouhle . . . (lormerly at the Bluenote). With a team made tip ol l)Js and promoters lrom (iet—l‘ogether. Departure l.ounge. Say Samhal. Sonica. l)lrnt Drum and Big Beat. you can he sure eyery genre ol electronic. _ia// inlluenced music will he represented.

Acrodynamico label and club hoss l’aul llughes brings his whole crew. pll5.5 and lamily. lor liy e heals and \isuals (3() Noy‘).

I Salsa Romantica at ligo. S l lptn. £8 (£0). l4 l)ec. You’ll ney er guess what kind ol music they play here. eh‘.’ Yep. hot l.atin rhythms. with a beginners class at (rpm (under the tutelage ol some ol Scotland‘s best dance coaches) then l)Js James (‘omlx .\'ano l-‘ernandez. l)r Salsa and guests spinning the hest in Latino sounds lrom 7pm (not lorgetting the light hullet. surprises. caharet and demos on ollcl'l.

I Sugar Groove at Massa.

l()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. .\'ew Sunday nighter lor the .\lasaa crew as we get a sultry mix ol sexy smooth grooy'es. urhan cuts and Rth.

I Tackno at .\lassa. l().3()pm 3am. £(i (£4). 30 No\. Monthly. ll's hack to the lloor lor 'l'rendy Wendy and her inimitahle party mix ol kitsch classics. ‘Bling Bling 'lackno‘ so dust down your best rocks and drink ('ristal all night long.

I Taste at lltc Liquid Room.

1 lpm 5am. £5 helore l 1.30pm: £8 alter l£() memhers). Weekly. The capital’s inlamous Sun night session continues apace. liisher & l’rice supply a

progressiy e mix ol liouse and garage in the main room. While .\lartin Valentine and Stey e Waneless wow the mixed/gay crowd with lunky l'S house gems through the hack.

Chart & Party

I Devils ‘n’ Angels at ('ayendisli/l)i\a. l()pm 3am. £thc. Weekly. Saucy lun at this newly relitted club. with a heay'en and hell theme. l-‘eel lree to dress to suit and hoogie to chart dance all night long.

I Essential Karaoke at Ahhar. l()pm 3am. Weekly. See 'l‘hu.

I Mood Live at .\lood. 0pm 3am. l‘ree helore l lpm; £2 alter (lree to

members). Weekly. Mood opens its doors to a selection ol the country 's top coy'ers hands. while I)Js spin hits lrom across the years.

I Peppermint Lounge at Peppermint l.ounge. l()pm 3am.

l’ree £4. Weekly. Peppermint l.ounge's l)J squad including Kingdom l-‘M's l‘raser Napier. Andy ‘.\lix' Markham and Rob 'lea play out the chart and party classics.

I Subway West End at Suhway West lind. 7pm 3am. l-ree hclot'c 9pm; £3 alter (£2). Weekly. See 'l‘hu.

I The Subway at Suhway. 7pm 3am. £ l. Weekly. See l‘ri.

Edinburgh Mondays


I Audio Tourism at l’iy‘o Bar ('luh. 9pm 3am. Free. Weekly. A selection ol tip-lront jazz and other lunky~ toons lroni llohhes ('I'rouhle . . .).

I CC Blooms at (‘(‘ Blooms. l().3(lpm 3am. Free. Weekly. 'l‘hings mellow out (or so they claim) at this gay cluh. with an upbeat disco selection.

I G2 at ('itrus (‘luh l().3() 3am. l-"ree helore l l.3()pm: £3 alter. Weekly. l.ight alternatiy'e ol indie. emo, electronica and lo-li.

I Groove City Radio at the Bongo ('luh. l()pm 3am. liree. Weekly. The true sound ol disco with real deal disco classics and a dose ol heay'y lunk.

I Latin Quarter at Medina.

9pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Release your Latin party spirit ey‘ery .\lon. With lree salsa lessons lrom l’eter Rogers at 0pm then salsa and world heats lrom James (‘omhe until closing.

I More on a Monday at (‘iiyz lidinhurgh. l().3()pm 3am. £3 before

I l.3()pni; 4 alter. Weekly. .\lore tunes. more promos. more lun?

I Spanish Fiesta Night at lil Barrio. l()pm 3am. liree. Weekly. A right old knees-up lor the Spanish and Spanish-loying community hosted hy l)J Sanchez and leaturing llamenquito straight through to Hispanic chart hits.

Chart & Party

I Flare at Why .\'ot'.’ l()pm 3am. £5 (£4). 8 Dec. l-‘ortnightly. (’heesy chart and dance ntnnhers with a good lew 7()s classics thrown in lor good measure.

I Matric at Revolution. l()pm 3am. £4 (£2 ). Weekly. Scotland‘s higgest capacity student night with a tnix ol cheese. chart. rock. pop and commercial dance. £l drinks promos should help wash away those .\lon blues.

I Peppermint Lounge at l’eppermint l.ounge. l()pm 3am.

l-‘ree £4. Weekly. See Sun.

I Subway West End at Suhway West lind. 7pm 3am. liree helore 9pm: £3 alter (£2). Weekly. See 'l‘hu.

I The Subway at Suhway. 7pm 3am. £l. \Veekly. See Hi.

I Tasty! at Mood. 0pm 3am. l‘ree helore l lpm; £2 alter (lree to memhers). Weekly. Resident l)J l)ay'id S plays the best in hits lrom ()(ls to the present day Will] it healthy (losc til cheesy classics thrown in lot' good tticasttt‘c.

I Toss the Boss at Why .\'ot'.’

l()pm 3am. £5 (£4 il dressed tip). I l)ec. l‘ortnightly. lrreyerent student night reyelling in cheesy hits throughout the years.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Audio Tourism at l’iyo Bar ('luh. 9pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. .\lonkeyhoy drops the breaks. heats and home.

I The Club Foot at Henry ‘s ('ellar Bar. l().3()pm 3am. £3. ‘) l)ec. l-‘ortnightly. Twisted and misshapen lunk hosted by house hand the .v\hdominal Showmen with regular guests along the lines ()l l.i\e Sciences. Sttt'lace limpire and the Hex Coalition. l’lus l).l skills lrom :\-('hi. (‘armen. l)enji. lnlinity. Sltcllstlil ltlltl 3 Slicks.

listings Clubs

I I Luv R&B at l’aith (lormerly Wilkic llouse). l(l.3()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. l)oes exactly what you'd expect. mixing up the hollcsl selection ol RtVB. pltls plenty ()l drinks promos. Dress code is ‘student sexy" (well that what it says here).

I Lyrics to Go at ('aharet Voltaire.

l lpm 3am. l-‘ree. 2 Dec. :\n open mic hip hop jam session hosted by l.i\e Sciences and l).lRL‘tl(). \Vilh duh and reggae in the lounge lrom ltchy Soul lli- Iii.

I Motherfunk at the Honey comh. l().3()pm 3am. liree. Weekly. .\lessrs (iino. l-"ry er and Spectrum lreak the lunk lantastic at their consistently rammed night ol classics old and new. .lared lron) .\'ew York's Sound Library drops by lor an exclusiy'e hcayy set (2 Dec).

I Opal Lounge at ()pal l.ounge. l()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. A mixed hag ol lunked tip Vocal house. Rth and classic disco lt‘oni 1)] (Hi.

I Punk Ass at ()pium. llpm 3am. liree. Weekly. New line nighlcr as [U l’wauly dishes out the best in hardcore. skate and punk.

I Refuge at the Venue. l().3()pm 3am. £5. 2 Dec. The main room plays host to hip hop lrom l)irty Digits and Dog Stevens. lunlsy hreaks lrom Boom- Monk-Ben and l"ulll’hat and drum ts hass lront Double l) atid Vader. 'l‘he (‘oolct‘ houses l’ogo Vogue \ Access hit some more ahstract techy heats. All proceeds go towards STAR relugee community projects.

I Rhythm! at Mood. 9pm 3am. l-ree helore l lpm; £2 alter (lree to memhers). \Vccls‘ly. A smooth mix ol Rtklk ltip hop arid soul lrom resident l)a\'id S.

I Salsa Buena at l’o .\'a Na.

l()pm 3am. Free. Weekly. James ('omhe (Salsa Romantica/Salsa Visa/(’luh Latino) and Latin lixplosion comhine to giy'e you a night ol hot salsa magic? Absolute beginners salsa lessons by Latin lixplosion between S llpm.

I Split at (’aharet Voltaire. l lpm 3am. l‘ree. ‘) l)ec. l)t'ttm (k hztss w ill) Shadowskill. the l)l‘opolll l)Js and a smattering ol yery talented local guests. Duh. electro. liouse and lunk are all in studio 2.

I Vibe at ligo. llpm 3am. £2. Weekly. New gay night with James l.ongworth on the decks. the Dancing Stud Mullins. the Singing llairy Bloke and the .\liming .\'un. Don't say we didn't warn ya.

Chart & Party

I Nursery at ('ayendish/l)iya.

l()pm 3am. £3 (£2: lree with Snaplax helore midnight). Weekly. .-\ play area l'or adults (with climhing lrames etc) and the mainstream chart and Rth action. I Peppermint Lounge at Peppermint l.otmge. l()pm 3am.

liree £4. Weekly. See Sun.

I Subway West End at Suhway West lind. 7pm 3am. liree hclot'c 0pm; £3 alter (£2 ). Weekly. See 'l‘hu.

I The Subway at Suhway. 7pm 3am. £ l. Weekly. See l'it'i.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Adrenaline at 'l‘ey-iot Row t'nion. l()pm 3am. £3 (£2 members). l() l)ec. Night ol rock. metal. punk and alternatiye tunes lroni lil)(itk R. More liy'e action lroni l‘ractal Jack. Battalion ol' lilies and Absolute Zero keeping it hard and heayy.

I Audio Tourism at l’iyo Bar ('lul). 0pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. Jamie Buchanan. :\ndy Brock and S-:\rge on the decks.

I Bling at l’o .\'a .\'a. l()pm 3am. liree. Weekly. I)a\'id ('raig lays down the linest Rth and hip hop lroni the last ten years.

I A La Carte at the Bongo ('luh. l()pm 3am. £3. 3 Dec. Hip hop and drum & bass with .\l('s. scratch masters. heat hoxers and a \‘ocal acoustic set leaturing (’hop.

.)i' N31. "' l)-L‘:(‘. L’Cfil THE LIST 91