Glasgow Clubs

Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubsglasgow®, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Kenny Hodgart.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Bennet’s at Bennet‘s. l lpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. ('razy night at this ttiost popular of gay yenues. They always get a great crowd in and the after parties are always something to behold.

I Blunt at (‘ottiers Theatre. 9pm Iatti. A new night iti llyndland's church-come- boo/cr featuring hip hop. R& B arid dancehall with Day id .Mac. and beats. glitclt attd electronics with .\'e|.

I Cheeze at Strathclyde Student‘s Association. 9pm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. The biggest and tackiest student night met:

I Clear at Ad Lib. l lptti 3am. £1. 4 Dec. Bi-tnonthly. Another launch in Ad Lib arid it sounds like an excellent way to start the weekend a day early. You can expect a rather line tnash up of tunes with reggae. ftitik. hip hop atid tnore courtesy of Jackmastet'. Robbie Rolex. Bobby ('leayer. .\'el and Stuff Records l)Js. Kingston. Detroit. (ilasgow: it's the perfect triangle. I Columbian at the Asylum Back Room. 8pm latti. Free to ('l'Sl' members: £l otherwise. Weekly. Pttt some breakin' funk it) your trunk with tltis entertaining night of student madness.

I Dirty Thursdays at Blanket.

I lpm» 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (iet deep down and dirty eyet'y Thursday with Raymond Woods atid .\'aeem mixing tip sotne of the tnost bootylicious R&B iii the city. while Billy Milligan set'yes tip the best student classics and dirty pop tunes. I DogGod at Q Bar. l().3()pm 3am. £2. Weekly. .\'ew night of eclecticism at the beautiful clth under (’ot'inthian. It's been closed for ages. and now they're getting back itito the gt‘ooye. Pure class.

I Fire Wire at Bamboo. 5pm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. (iraham l‘erguson spins R&B arid chart classics in room I. while DJ Toast is in the red roottt playing indie pop and rock. In the lounge. Robitt B plays at) eclectic mix of disco. ftttik and sotil.

I Freakmoves at Glasgow School of Art. llpttt 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. t'ltra- line hip hop night for the students.

I Homework at \‘ault. l lptn 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. [an atid Stey'ie man the box. so all insecurities oy er the tunes are dispelled. This night aims for student happiness without compromising the quality leyels.

I I-Iype at ('ube. 1 1.30pm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. Jim 1);) Best teams tip with the Hype crew to pttt on a night of twisted. ultra-funky house. Plenty of cheap boo/c makes this a ftiti night otit.

0 Instant Access at Sub (’lub.

l lpm 3am. £2. Weekly. A classier Thu night there ney‘er was. (ilitzy decor atid some rather ‘exotic' dancers should keep you enchanted while Tiff Peaches (Radio Magnetic. Bebado) and the Stib (iroundskeeper (ilenn (‘ take you tip the garden path with their addictiyely fttnky sounds. attd re-worked dancefloor classics. Stib ('ity‘ special ll I)ec.

I Later Lounge at the Liquid Lounge. 9pm 3am. liree. Weekly. Aaron Petrie (Clinical) cooks tip a storm with his broken beats. arid house arid hip hop llayours.

I Loaded at Liquid Lounge. l()ptti 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. The Liquid Lounge present a new Thu night club that starts every week with three Iiye bands till lam. That's followed tip by a set of rock. mod. indie and sotil frotn resident Joe Katie.

I Madhouse at the Shack.

l().3()pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (‘J and Andy take you to the brink of insanity

with sottie of the most outrageous arid courageous sttidetit anthems.

I Old Skool Reunion at Archaos.

l lptti 3am. £5 (free £2.50). Weekly. Old school techno classics and disco style tunes for the fren/ied students down Archaos way.

I Pinup Nights at Black. Queen Street. 8pm-l2.3()ptn. £tbc. Monthly. (it'aetne. John I) and Stcyo inyite you to a punk- reggae-emo-soul-ska singalong.

I Polo for Me at the Polo Lounge. l()ptti latit. liree. Weekly. You. the lucky punter. take the helm tonight. as request cards are available user the bar arid iii the booth. Notice for the tinitnaginatiye ones: ‘l atti What I am' is prohibited by law and ptitiisliable by spanking.

I Record Player: at (ilasgow School of Art. l().3()pm 2.30am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lli-lii Sean (lli-liidclity) atid lltishptippy (Divine) pet'fot'tii cheap deck stickin' to disceau. dumb electro and 80s phtitik. They ady ise you to act tip. dress down and play easy to get.

I Retro at 'l‘t'ash. l lptn 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. l)aye Young. Stey‘en Brown atid the Kra/y Karaoke team ply their wares at this fabulous night under Pitt Street. A student night with stunning tunes. stunning looking people and a smattering of drinks prottiotions.

I Skint at the ('athotise. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. \‘ery tnuch a night to reflect what's going on iii (ilasgow at the moment. Tough chemical breaks atid beats. rock and indie for a crowd much like the one outside the (iallery of Modern Art.

I Speakeasy at the l'niyersal (Saticliiehall Lane). l()pm 2am. l’ree. Weekly. l'til' those who feel like a few drinks alter the pub, bttt don't want to go clubbittg. Speakeasy is for you. The music isn't compromised. and the yibe is chilled. I Soul Shaker at MAS. l lptii 3am. £4 (£2 ). Weekly. An undiscoyered getti. We liaye a mixed bag of electro. techno. house and funk courtesy of Dirty Larry. the Junkyard Dog and John Mitchell.

I Phunky Monkey at Belo (fortnerly Baba/a). 8pm 3am. l-"ree before I lpm; £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. Scott (irainget'. Vance and Richie Mc('olni take (it er spinning duties at this new club that is probably going to be L‘VCll bigger than Baba/a. Pletity of drinks promos. funky anthems attd floor tillers tiiake it a winning formula.

Glasgow Fridays '


I Afterglow at Ad Lib. l()ptti 3am. £tbc. l2 l)ec. Monthly. (itiest l)J laiti McKinlay' brings along a box fttll of the best iti skinhead reggae tunes to supplement the ttstial diet of ttiod classics. I Archaos at Archaos. l lptn 3am. £5 (£2.50). Weekly. Mainstream chart dance. sotil and cheese at one of the busiest l’t'i nighters in town.

I Babaza at Belo. optn 3am (I)Js frotn l lptii). l-‘ree before 1 lpm: £5 alter. Weekly. The yenue's legendary l'Tl nights take the name of the clubbing institution that used to be here. Paul Tray nor. Billy Jones arid Ross Macmillan are it) charge of the music. and they'y e been known to rip it up in the pitsl.

I Bass Invaders at Hall Bar.

8pm latti. £(i (£5). 2% .\'o\. Monthly. Another qttality night of sonic entertainment frotn the Hall. This month's guest is Jerome Hill (Don't. l'gly l‘unk). I Boogie Wonderland at linyy.

l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Mud disco night with loads of drinks promos atid a soundtrack to make the ladies shake their

I Canvas at At'ta. l lptti 3am. £tbc. Weekly. l)J Walter plays a plethora of fttrtk. soul and Rth at this beautiful Merchant ('ity bar.

I Casa Futura at Ad Lib. l lptii 3am. £5. 28 .\'o\. Monthly. Liye music tonight froin a clutch of artists appearing on the new album front college run (idansk Recordings. As eyer (Tll‘ts. Sam atid Andy weigh iit with the chunky. ftitik fuelled deep house grooy es.

I The Cathouse at the (‘atliouse l().3()pm .3am. £l before I lpm: £4 (£3) after. Weekly. Riding high on the nu itietal waye. this is one of the busiest ttiglits in town. Rock. grunge. indie and a dash of bt‘eakbeat across three lloors at (ilasgow 's top yenue for rockers and alternateens.

I Coded at Vault. I lpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. ’l‘hey‘re from a record store. so

the tunes are going to be fresh and highly

funky. aren‘t they"? A rotating roster of I)Js affiliated to 23rd Precinct supply house-led grooy'es at the new cltib. Stey‘en Mc('reery is the maiti man. btit the pool of talent includes Billy Kilkie. Billy Woods and Amanda Price.

I Crash at the Shed. l().3()ptii 2am. £3 (£2). Weekly. liuan atid Andy play the finest of ey‘erything at this blinding southside clttb that always seems to be busy.

I Creation at ('orinthian. l lpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Paul Rea atid Key it) Austin play in the Lite bar and then DJ at this line club downstairs iii the big classy

I Destiny at Destiny. l lptti 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Destiny 's relaunch continues with up-for-it party tunes. house arid R&B flayas.

I Fluid at Trash. l lptti 3am. £6 (£4). Weekly. Beat l()(i's Llstt Littlew'ood. Scott Mackay atid Raw B all play as residents at this raucous party tip at the ttiad end of town. l-‘unky house. urban pop atid loads of cheap home make this a winning proposition.

I Fly By Night at Riyerside ('Itib. ll.3()pm 3am. £8 (£o). 28 .\’o\. A l-‘ly'garic Tracks release party. an appearance from Sttbctiltutes llat'ri. atid a set frotti litinky 'I‘t'anspot't. With l"lygaric\ first releases kicking tip a storm oti daticelloors worldwide. this is going to he t'ockit).

I Fnuk at Big Joint. Sotitli Street. l()ptti 3am. £4. 28 Nos. Monthly. The last l-‘tiuk until January atid the techno- electro collectiye scry e up the tisual heady mix. llosts Anthony Rees. l)J Hooker and Mossco are backed up with two [he rooms featuring Archaeoptrix and l-‘ancy and Spook.

I Fresh at the Polo Lottnge.

llptti 3am. £5. Weekly. Michelle atid Andy take charge of the musical duties iii this delicious. mixed Merchant (’ity club. Whether you're in the Trophy Rooiti or or) the dancefloor. the tunes will fuel your happiness.

I Friday Feelings at ()smosls. Jamaica Street. 7pm midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. The Rubadtib collectiye. Bal. Jason. l)an atid Scratchtiiastet' Jack warm ye hordes tip for the weekend with this superior qttality post-work

throw dow ti.

I Friday Funk at Liquid Lounge. l()piti 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly (except 28 .\'oy‘). Residents Aaron Petrie atid Michael Rafferty ptit the ball into play with some ftitik. sotil and broken beat cuts at the upstairs clttb.

I Fridays at Blanket at Blanket (formerly Bed). llpm 3am. £(i (£4). Weekly. The big back room has at) Rth flaya ey‘et'y l-‘riday when Raymond Woods. .\'aeem atid Stttart Mc('allum take it it) turns to take you on a trip eyery week while Billy Milligati brings some Motown ftiti mixed with party classics it) the frottt room.

I Friday Street at Liquid Lottnge. llptii 3am. £7.50. 28 .\'o\. Monthly. Scotland‘s pretnier mod club welcomes once again London‘s top llatiittiottd gt'ooyers Big Boss Matt. As tisual Mikey (‘ollins. Patil Molloy and l)a\y Quinn ptit down the classic mod sounds. (ifls Psych and northern sotil.

I Fuel at l'itiel (Bishopbt'iggs). l().3()pm 2am. £4. Weekly. New club VL‘llllll’L‘ from the (BI group. which is attempting to expand the ayerage (ilaswegiati's idea of w hat w eekending means. Paul Rea plays club classics. R&B. ftmk and atiythang with a grooye. Sotithside and Northsidc it's starting to get like London it) here. A wee bit.

listings Clubs

Papa Deep and the Soul Hustlers. It's a real privilege to be able to catch performers of this calibre live in a club. DJ Papa Deep (Matthew Drummond) introduces a couple of singers who've worked with Jocelyn Brown. Leroy Burgess. Jean Came and Divine. for two nights of live freestyle vocals matched with deep house grooves. Bamboo. Fri 28 Nov 8 Riverside Club. Sat 29 Nov.

Pressure Five years of deep. dark thunipin' house and techno parties. and it's still the gig most DJs want to play. This month's guests include Groove Armada and the first ambassador of French dance. Laurent Carnier. The Arches, Fri 28 Nov.

Magnetic Interference A showcase for the yen; fine Ninja Tunes label really. with Solid Steel's DK (a fixture on Radio Magnetic) and the Herbaliser (pictured) bringing us the best in progressive beats and hip hop. Arches. F115 Dec.

Traxx. They like to push the boat out a bit at the Soundhaus and this should be no exception. Laurence Hughes and Simon Cordiner drop the anchor with all the very best in house and techno. The Sound/tails, Sat 6 Dec.

Sunday Shoutin’. Mas' excellent weekly Sunday nighter has a real innovator guesting in the form of Marshall Jefferson. one of the pioneers of the Chicago club sound and a key figure in the dt—zvelopment of the deep house style. Mas. Sun 7 Dec

Instant Access The Sub's month-old Thursday club welcomes along a host of rockin‘ guests and live acts for a bit of a Sub City shindig. Residents Tiff Peaches and Groundskeeper Wullie are already building up something of a following. Among their guests are electro pop rockers the Sweet Hips. DJ Rico. who plays soul and funk. and Monk Ben who has the hip hop and techno. Sub Club, Thu I 7 Dec.

\ ‘1 THE LIST 83