Scottish Opera perform Aida at Theatre Royal, Glasgow,
I Glasgow Youth Choir RSAMI). l00 Renl'reu Street. 333 505.". ".30pin. £0. .\ celeltration (ll. song and the \L'Usolt \\llli a \side \ariet} ol s{_\les lt'olti (ilasgou \ highl} talented )oung singers. I Charity Opera Gala RS.v\.\tl). I00 Renlreu Street. 333 505". ".3lll‘in. £30 including reception. l-inal Year Open: Students ol' the ('onserxatoire dc \liisitlue l’rihoui'g gi\e a concert in aid ol lirskine llospltttl lolltm ed ll) it reception ltosled h} the ('onsul (ieneral ol' the Suiss liniltass}.
I Edinburgh University Wind Band Reid ('oncert llall. lidinhurgh l‘nhersit}. Brislo Square. («)8 30l‘). ".30pm. £5 l£3i. l’rogranune thc.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra t‘slier llall. lolliian Road. 338 ll55. 7.30pm. Lilli—75 £35.50. Mario Ven/ago conducts a perl'ormance ol Weber's lh'r l'rcm liul; ()i ('I'Illl't’. Sihelius‘ suhlinie li‘u/m ('um ('I'IU arid Schumann‘s Sump/mm no 3’ » li’lii'nixli.
Saturday 6
I Scottish Opera - Aida 'l‘heatre l{o_\al. 383 Hope Street. 333 0000. 7.l5pin. £l‘).50 £30.50. See Wed 3.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Roytl ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Street. 353 8000. ".30pm. U350 £30. SL‘L‘ Hi .5. I Mo’s Company (ialler) ol Modern .'\l‘l. | l I Queen Street. 3pm. l‘ree at door. ('ontemporar} music concert lrom clarinctlist Slunohu .\liki arid \iolinisl lleclor Scoll as part ol their regular Saturda} altcrnoon series l'eaturing music urilten h} li\ing Scottish composers. some ol \Vlllilll arc likel} to he there.
I Not a Silent Night t‘sliei' llall. l.othian Road. 338 l I55. 7.30pm. £4 ((3 lor £7ii. ()i'igin's (iospel Night ('hoir and Orchestra set the lk'Sll\L‘ season till \\ lllt ti rousing assemblage ol seasonal tunes
not the silent night _\ou're used to.
Wed 3 & Sat 6 Dec
Glasgow I Glasgow Youth Choir RS.v\.\tl). I00 Renlrc“ Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm.
U). .SL‘C Hi 5.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘)llL'Cll‘\ llttll. (.lL‘l'ls Sll'L‘Cl. (303 .3lll‘). 3.30pm. £7 £l3. l’rincipal conductor Joseph Suensen leads an ensemble ol' S('() regulars on his \iolin. \xith chamber music h} .\lo/art and
Beethm en. including the latter‘s sparkling Sci-mimic.
I Children’s Classic Concerts 1'sher llall. l.othian Road. 338 I I55. 3pm. £0.50 t£5). (’hrislopher Bell conducts and presents this popular annual concert of seasonal l'un \\ ilh e\tracts from (‘oppelia and Hair) Potter and l'eaturing The Manor School ol' Ballet.
I Edinburgh University Chamber Orchestra Reid ('oncert llall. lidinhurgh l'ni\ersit_\. Bristo Square. ()()8 3(ll‘). 7.30pm. £0 (£3). liduard Harper conducts the orchestra perlorniing Beethoven‘s l’runn ('ulti‘i'l'lu in If Hui. lt‘ttltll'lllg the soloist l)a\ id Wilde. and the world premiere ol l)iinilra 'l'r}pani's ino\ ing I-[mlt'r li'ruw l'or orchestra and \ocal quartet. an account ol' the lamentation ol' the Virgin in the (ireek ()rlhodos liturg}. I St Giles’ at Six St (iiles‘ Cathedral. High Street. (rpm. Free. The St Mar) 's Singers lroln \Va\ erle}. South Africa appear in lidinhurgh \\ ith a progranune ol South :\lrican songs. stiL‘l'L‘tl songs and carols.
Monday 8
I Kuss Quartet Queen's llall. (‘lL‘l‘ls .Sll'L‘L‘l. (ihtS 3lll‘). 7.4.5plll.
£(i £l7 (£5 £l5l. Ne“ ’l‘msn ('onccrls Societ) presents this leading string quartet l'roni llerlin perloi'ming music h} Mendelssohn. .\lo/arl and
“L‘L'llltl\ ell.
Tuesday 9
I Glyndebourne Touring Opera l5esti\al 'l‘lteatre. l3 3‘) .\'ieolson Street. 53‘) (3000. 7pm. £l0.50 £44. For those
\\ ho didn't make it domi to Sussex. the touring opera conipan} ol‘ the \Hil‘ltl- lamous (ll) ndehourne house brings three ol the 3003 seasons masterpieces to lidinhurgh. The tour hegins \‘l ith l’eter Sellars' characteristicall} contrmet‘sial production of .\lo/art's lilo/21mm. a tale ol lilial piet} and .sacrilicial hinds - not to mention suhlinie and underle ed music. lllL‘ set. designed it} Bl'illslt ttl‘list :\tlisll Kapoor m ho lamousl} tilled late Britain's turbine hall with a \ast throat ol hurning red not so long ago) recechd high praise. See preVieu.
I Emperor String Quartet Queen's llall. ('lerk Street. (m8 30l‘). 7.45pm. £thc. li('.'\l — lidinhurgh (’ontemporar} Arts 'l‘rust - presents this class} quartet in music h) Vasks. Sendermas. .\lc(iuire and the first perl'ormance ol' Vesligia h) Marina Adainia.
I Edinburgh University Singers National Portrait (iallet‘). 1 Queen Street. ()34 (i300. l.|5pm. l-‘ree. John Kitchen conducts a concert entitled. ‘l-‘rom Adwnt to ('hristnias'.
Wednesday 10
I Academy Symphony Orchestra Concert RSAMI). Hit) Rent'rexx Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm. £8 t£5). ‘I'imoth_\ l)ean conducts the orchestra perl'orining 'I‘cliaikm'sls} 3s The Sleeping Bt'uuli'.
I Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers (ilass Arcade. School ol:\gricullure. King's Buildings. l.05pm. l’ree. Renaissance music l'or ('hristnias conducted h} .\'oel ()‘Regan. I Glyndebourne Touring Opera l‘esti\al 'l'heatre. l3 3‘) Nicolson Street. 53‘) (i000. 7pm. £10.50 £44. See 'l‘ue t). 'l‘onighl is (ll) ndehourne's l.u 'li'ui'i'um. llailed in the Press as ‘.'\ 'l‘ra\ iata to die lot". Verdi‘s passionate score. set amidst glittering l’arisian salons. tells the tragic stor} ol' Violetta and her sell-sacrificing lo\ e. See pre\ ieu.
I Competition RSAMI). lull Renll‘eu Street. 333 5057. l0am. l-‘rec. 'l'he (imernors' Recital l’ri/e (’ompetition in Singing.
I Opera School Workshops RSAMI). lllll RL‘lll-l-L‘“ Sll‘L‘L‘l. 3.33 .5057. 7.l5pm. £8 (£5). (ieoll‘re) l)olton directs this inl'ormal presentation of \xork in progress l'rorn opera students. accompanied h} piano.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Role ('oncert Hull. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £13.50 £36. Stelan Ashur} conducts a \aried Programme ol~ l’rokolim 's RUHH'U uml .lllllt'l (excerpts). Scottish utmderkind James .\lac.\lillan's l’ercussion (‘oncerto li'm'. li'm'. [unintunm'l “llll soloist (‘olin ('urrie. and 'l‘chails‘m sk} ‘s .S‘i'mp/tmii' mi
I Glyndebourne Touring Opera l'icsltutl llillL‘illliL‘. l3 3‘) Nicolson Sli'L‘L‘l. 53‘) (i000. 7pm. £l0.50 £44. See 'l‘ue ‘l. ’I‘onight the} perl‘orm llandel's penultimate major uork. ‘I'lmulom. rccei\ ing its old) perl'ormance in their “eels long lidinhurgh residenc). Directed h} l’eler Sellars. it promises to explore human nature through exposing the l'ragilil} ol the human heart. limmanuelle llaini. a star ol' this )ear's lidinhurgh l't'sllutl. L‘Ultdttcls. See pt‘L‘\ l0“.
I Newtongrange Silver Band and the Kevock Choir Queen's llall. ('lerk Street. (m8 30l‘). 7.30pm.
£0 £8 t£5 £7). The t\\o Scottish musical
classical & opera listings Music
Symphony of a Thousand There may not be quite the thousand performers this piece reputedly needs. but there will be no lack of power in Sinfonia's production of Mahler's gigantic Symphony No 8. No fewer than four choirs are involved. Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Sun 30 Nov.
International Trio Recital What a line—up. To hear the young mezzo Angelika Kirshschlager. with viola player Yuri Bashmet (pictured) and pianist Jean—Yves Thibaudet in lots of heart-melting Schubert will be an experience unlikely to come this way again for a while. Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow, Wed 3 Dec.
Scottish Opera - Aida Hardly drawing breath after the company's wonderfully successful Ring Cycle. Richard Armstrong. Scottish Opera's Music Director. is back at the helm for a dose of Verdi. lnstantly successful when first seen in 1871 at Cairo Opera House. this grandest of grand operas has remained deservedly popular ever since. Theatre Royal. Glasgow. Wed 3 & Sat 6 Dec.
l'a\ouritcs at this time ol' )L‘Ul' join forces for .\ ('oncei'l lor (‘hristmas \\ ilh seasonal classics and the chance to join in \\ ilh some “ell-knoun carols too.
I Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers ('anongate Kirk. I53 (‘anongate. (i(i7 7770. ".45pm. £0 if: £3l. \m‘l (llh‘gztli directs Spanish Renaissance and earl} Baroque music l'or ('hristmas h) Victoria. Morales. (iuerrcro and Roltledo. l’ride ol place goes to the lestiu‘ si\-\oice 3113 \u (iumlmmm h} Victoria. uhich is based on the motel .lultllulc lh'u h} Morales.
Edinburgh I Glyndebourne Touring Opera
l'csti\al ’l‘heatre. l3 3‘) .\'ico|son Street. 53‘) 00””. 7pm. £l0.50 £44. See 'l‘ue 0. Thu l l and prexieu.
" {low ‘ THE LIST 69