IIGC Parkhead: Glasgow

1110 15111130. 1’01‘11110011. (1141 55(1 4383. 111111 01111 ('(' 111101111113: 08701 555 13(1. 11)|. |1i|. .»\111111 £4.50. (111111: £3.50 (311111 Thu: £3.50). 8111110111: £3.50 (311111 111111: £3.50). (1111008811111: £3.50. 1'011111} 1101101 £13.01). :\11 11018018 11011110 11111111: £3.

T._H UBflAY.-Z7

Finding NemoIt‘I 11.450111. 3.30. 5.15.

Intolerable Cruelty I 13.-\1 1 1.0011111.

1.30. 3.411. (1.10. 8.30. LoveActualIyIISI 11.300111. 3.30. 5.311. 8.311.

Master and Commander: The Far Side oi theWorld113.v\1 11.150111. 3.15. 5.15. 8.15.

Matrix Revolutions I 151 5.15. 8.30.

The Medallion I 1’( 1 I 4.51). 7.111. 0.311. SeabiscuitII’GI 8.35. Steal115) 11.5(10111. 3.15. 4.45. 0.15.

11.150111. 3.15.

11.450111. 3.31). 7.111).

159113313128- JHUFLSDAXfl Eli 1 I’( i 1


Finding llemo 11')

1)011): 11.4501111111111110). 3.30. 5.15. In America 1 13.31

D011}: 10.5(10111. 1.00. 3.411. (1.15. 8.50.

Intolerable Cruelty I 13:31

151118 81111 \\'01I: 11.500111. 3.15. 7.00. 9.15.

Love Actually I 151

1)011_\: 11.300111. 3.30. 5.30. 8.30. Master and Commander: The Far Side oi the World I 13.31

1)0il_\: 11.150111. 3.15. 5.15. Matrix Revolutions I 151 D011}: 5.15. 8.3(1. .-\|80 1110111100 11001111018: 1 1.150111. The Medallion Ii’( 11 310111100 801 1k 81111: Seabiscuit 11’(11 D011}: 8.35.

SWAT 1 13A)

801: 10.500111. 1.35. 4.00. (1.40. 9.15. 11111: 11.550111. 3.15. (1.00. 8.45.




11.450111. 3.30.


1’1'0gr01111110 111101) 111110 811111101'10 1110 [1101111118 110011. 1’110110 (187111 555 130 1111' 11010118 01111 1111108. \0\\ 1111118 11110 1111111011 1111 1'11 5 D00:

Brother Bear I 1'1

SWAT I 13.31

IIGC Renirew Street: Glasgow

7 R0111'1'011 80001. 1111001111 ('(‘ 110111111113: (187090711789. .-\111111 £4.51). (’111111/81111101118 £3.50 131011 111111; £3.50 11511 81111). (11110088111118: £3.50. 15011111) 1101101 £13. 15.011} 111111 011111188101181101111‘0 130111: £3. 181118011111: £1.50. 1111111111011 (0111: £9.99 1101' 1111111111.


Devil’s Gate I 13.3) 8.00.

Finding llemo It'I 11.00.1111. 1.40. 4.11). (1.40.

In America (13.3) 11.500111. In the Cut I 18) 0.30. Intolerable Cruelty I 13..\1 1 1.400111. 3.10. 5.30. 8.1().

3.110. (1.011.

KiIIBiII:\lolume11181 11.300111. 3.311. 5.50. 0.10.

Laurel CanyonIl81 11.300111. 3.40. 5.30.

The League oi Extraordinary Gentlemen 113A) 11.500111.

Love Actually I 151 11.30.1111. 1.00.

1.511. 3.40. 4.30. 5.10. 5.51). 7.511. 8.30. 0.01).

Master and Commander: The Far Side oi theWorld113.-\I 11.40.1111. 1.30. 4.111). 5.111). 7.30. 8.40.

Matrix Revolutions I 151 7.30. 8.411.

11.500111. 4.00.

The MedallionII’GI 11.400111. 3.30. 4.50. 7.10.

The Mother1151 11.500111. 3.40. 5.50. 8.40.

Mystic River1151 11.000111. 3.00. 5.00. 8.30.

Trilogy:0ne1151 11.500111. 3.40. 5.30. SeabiscuitIi’GI 11.100111. 3.30. 5.30. 8.40.

Spun118) 8.30. Stealil5) 11.300111. 0.31).

Taking SidesI151 11.500111. 3.00. 5.40. 8.31).

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre I 18) 0.40.

1.50. 4.40. 7.011.


Alien: The Director’s Cut I 181

1.010 1'11 18 801: 1 1.50.

American Cousins I 151

1)011_\: 1.30. 4.00. (1.30. 9.10. .-\I811 1110111100 11001111018: 1 1.100111. :31811 1010 1'11 1& .8012 1 1.41). Eli I1’(11

D011}: 11.1(10111. 11111111. 1.30. 4.10. 5.11). (1.40. 7.40. Finding llemo It‘I

1)011_\: 11.000111. 1.40. 4.111. (1.4511101 311111).

In America I 13.r\1

1511. 81111. 311111 18 \\'011: In the Cut 1 18)

1.010 111 1k 801: 1 1.30. Intermission I 181 1);)11): 11.300111. 3.30. 5.30. 8.30.

.’\1\(l 1010 1:11 18 .801: 1 1.31).

Intolerable Cruelty I 13.3)

D011}: 9.1(1.

Kill Bill: Volume 1 I 181

D011): 11.400111. 3.50. 5.5011111131111118 1110). 9.10.

The League oi Extraordinary Gentlemen I 13.31

310111100 801 1k 81111: Love Actually I 151 D011}: 11.300111. 13.50. 1.50. 3.40. 4.00. 5.10. 5.50. 8.00. 8.30. 9.10. 31801010 1‘11 18 801: 11.30. 11.511. Master and Commander: The Far Side oi the World I 13.v\1

1)011_\: 11.000111. 1.00. 3.10. 4.30.

5.30. 7.50. 8.50.

:318111010 111 1K .8012 11.111).

Matrix Revolutions I 151

1)011_\: 1150011118 4.01) 111111 1110). 7.30. 9.3011101 311111).

.'\1\Il 1010 1'11 18 801: 10.40.

Matrix Revolutions (Subtitled) I 151

1110: 1 1.500111. 4.00. The Medallion 11’(i) 310111100 801 18 81111: The Mother 1 15)

1‘11. 81111. 311111 1& \31'11: Mystic River I 15) 1'11 18 81111 “011: Seabiscuit 11’( 11 1);111_\: 3.50. (1.011. 9.30.

.’\1\() 1110111100 11001111018: 1 1.300111. The Shape oi Things I 151

1)0i|_\: 11.400111. 3.41). 5.40. 8.40. Spun1181


3.00. 8.40.


11.100111. 11.500111. 5.50.

3.0(). 8.30.

D011}: 11.300111. 3.30. 5.311. 8.50. SWATII3:\1

80118 11111: 11.0(10111. 11111111. 3.00. 3.00. 5.011. (1.01). 8.011. 9.011.

.1\18111010 8012 10.311. 11.31).

Sweet Sixteen I 18)

1110: 11.500111. 3.00. 5.51). 8.40.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre I 18) 1.010 111 18 801: 1 1.50.

Trilogy: One I 151 101 1& 81111 \3‘011:

Trilogy:TVvo 11*(11 D011}: 11.400111. 3.10. 5.30.

11.000111. 5.30.


1010/07 51 11 IURSDAY 1 1

1’1‘001‘01111110 111101} 111 110 811111101‘ 111 1110 l11'0\ 111118 \\ 0011. 1’1111110 (1870 9117 11789 1111‘ 11010118 01111 t111108. N011 111111811110 1111111011 1111 1'11 5 1)1‘0I

Brother Bear I l 'I

SWAT I 13.1\1



Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Cameo: Edinburgh

38 11111110 811001. 0131 338 4141. (‘(' 1111111111133: 0131 338 4141.11012341111111' 11110111100011 1.1110: (1131 338 3800. |1)|. £5.31) (£3.51) 0111108 011 110) 11108110) - 1111118110) 01111 1"1'i110_\-81111110_\ 11011110 (1pm); £3.50 011 110)" 31011110} 01111 '1‘11081I0)11111118110} 1101‘111'0 3pm. W011: £1 0111108 1111' 11181 8111111 111 00011 8010011. 1.010 night 81111118: 101011133111 1110111 £4 (£3.50): 11111111133111 11111110 £4.50. 1)11111110 11i118 1811111110111100/1010night): £4.50 (£3.50 011110.81.


Aileen1151 1.115. 5.11). 0.10. IntheCutII8) 1.10. (1.30. Interstella 55511’(11 3.35. 7.31). The MotherIIS1 1.15. 3.50. (1.35. 0.01).

MyLiie without Me1151 3.45.



The Blue Room 11111-1

31011: (1.30.

Le Corbeau (The Raven) 11’( 11

1)011_\: 1.31).

33011: (1.55.

In the Cut 1 18)

1)011): 3.40. 8.50.

.'\1\()1211L‘ 101: 11.35.

The Mother I 151

U011}: 3501110181111). (1.351111113111111. 9.00.

My Life without Me I 151

D011}: 1.35. (1.311111111330111.

Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl 1 13.-\I

311111101‘ 18 11011} 8010011111; 11111: 10.300111. .-\1811 1010 1'11: 1 1.31).


1)011_\: 1.3511111181111). 4.11). (1.45. 9.15. :\18111010 1'31'1: 11.45.

Swimming Pool I 151 + 8 Women I 151 310111100 81111: 1.30.


.\'0\\ 111111 11110 11100011 110111 1511 5 D00: Wilbur (Wants to Kill Himself) 1 151 ('011 (1131 338' 4141/0131 338 38110 111' 111011 11110 1100111} 111110101110 110111 1110 011101110 1111' [10111111110000 1111108.

81111 1110111100 1111 7 D00:

Goodbye Lenin! I 151 + Bulian Soldiers I 15)

310111100 81111: 1.30.

Little and large, Bob Newhart and Will Ferrell in Eli b

listings Film

Dominion: Edinburgh

18 1310111101110 1011000. 0131 447 4771. 1111.11: 0131 447 3060 01111 447 8450. ((3 11111111111g: (1131 447 4771. R081011r0111. 1301'. ID]. Adult: 81011111011 £5.30. 811pcr10r £5.90. (‘11101110 3/4 £5.90 (011101110 3 1511110} £5.00). 13011110 (1pm. 311111-15r1: 81011110111 £4.00. 811pcr111r £4.90. (‘11101110 3/4 £4.90. (‘11110088111118/(‘1111111'011: 81011110111 £3.80. 8111101'1111‘ £4.90. (1001110 3/4 £4.00. 1’11111110118: .31101‘11111111 £5.90. 1i1011111g £9.90. 81110.8/R0011110r8: .31‘101‘11111111: £0.90. 1301111113 £1 1.90. (‘11101110 3 811108: .31'101'11111111 £(1.90.

15.1 01111113 £7.90. 81111101118 (81111-11111) £3.99 11101111108 0 11111111. 10111111 11011018 110111 £3.40 1101' [10118011.

IfiLJ BS. DAY 2. .7.

Calendar Girls113.r\1 1.30. 4.10. 7.30. LoveActualIyIISI 1.31). 4.31). 7.45. Matrix Revolutions1151 3.00. 5.35. 8.30.

SeabiscuitIt’UI 1.31). 4.40. 7.41).


Calendar Girls I 13:31

Fri W011: 1.35 1& 3.55 11101 801 1% 811111. (1.15.

Finding Nemo 11') 310111100 801 1% 81111: Love Actually I 151 1);111_1: 3.00. 5.01). 8.31).

Master and Commander: The Far Side oi the World I 13A)

0011}: 1.15. 4.35. 7.45.

13.10. 3.30.

Matrix Revolutions I 151 1511 W011: 8.40. SeabiscuitIPG)

D011): 1.31). 4.30. 7.30. SWAT113:\)

11111: 1.45. 4.35. 8.05.


1’1‘11g1‘01111110 111101) 111110 811111101‘ 111 1110 pl'0\111118 \\ 0018. 1’1111110 11131 447 3660 1111' 11010118 01111 1111108.

Edinburgh Film Guild

01 1110 1111111101180. 88 1.111111011 R0011. 0131 338 3(188. 31001110181101 £30. (10081 11011018 [101‘ 801001111113: £4.50. 1’10080 111110 11101 111010 010 1111 11‘01101'8 01' 01110118 01111 8010011111138 81011 01 5010 111001801);


Smiles oi a Summer Night11’(11 5.111). Rabbit Prooi Fence 11’111 5.00.


Talk to IlerI151 5.00. SouthIl‘I 5.00.

L’.’ N11). 1' 1111-1: 7110.3 THE LIST 49