Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.
Activities And Fun
Glasgow on Ice Hi 38 .\'m Wed 24 Dec. (ieorge Square. 336 1640. (‘hristmas markets. bars and cafes \s ith an open air ice rink at its centre. right at the heart of (ilttsgoW.
Drama for Kids Sat 3‘) .\'o\ ck Sat 6 Dec. 1 3.30pm. ('('.r\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4‘)00. Weekl} drama \sorkshops for 6 1 1-}ear-olcls.
Family Winter Activities Sat 2‘) .\'o\. Sat 6 Dec. 1 3pm. l‘ree. Mcl.ellan Galleries. 370 Sauchiehall Slt‘L‘L‘l. 505
4 I00. .3ng 5 8. Special drop in \sltllc‘t' actix ities including puppet and picture frame making in the run up to ('hristmas. ('hildren must be accompanied b} an adult.
Pottery Workshops Sat 2‘) .\'m ck Sat 6 Dec. noon 6pm. £5. l'iressorks Studio. 35a I)alhousie Street. 333 3738. Ages 4+. Paint pots or ha\e a go on the potter’s
\\ heel in these \seekl} \sorkshops for children.
Saturday Art Club Sat 3‘) Nm ck Sat 6 Dec. 1 lam 1pm. liree. (iallcr) ()1 Modern Art. Queen Street. 33‘) l‘)‘)6. Ne“ \s'eekl) art club led b) prolessional art educators shcming )ou him to enjo} and deselop drass ing. collage and sculpture making. Ages 3 10. Flutter-by-Butterfly Sat 6 Dec.
3 3.30pm. lirce. Burrcll ('ollection. 3060 Pollokslitms Road. 387 3550. l‘ntlct' 10s. Make )ottr o\\ n dancing butterflies \\ ith flights of the imagination.
Funky Puppets with Tina Kinsey Sat 6 Dec. 3 5pm. £7. Scottish Mask ck Puppet 'I‘heatre ('entre. 8 l0 Balcarres Aseritte. Kel\ indale. 33‘) 6185. .'\:_'L‘s 7+. (‘reate _\our 0W1] rod puppet and bring )our character to life \s ith lessons in manipulation techniques.
Shadow Journeys with Tina Kinsey Sttt 0 Dec. l0alt) noon. £7. SCUIIISh .\l;t\ls‘ ck Puppet 'l'heatre ('cntt'e. 8 10 Balcarres ;\\enue. Kels indale. 33‘) 6185. Ages 5 7. (’reate )ollt‘ oun [\so dimensional puppet and take it on an athenture through the sltatlo“ screen. Winter Wonderland Sat 6 Dec Sun 4 Jan. 10am 6pm. £6.‘)5 (£4.‘)5). (ilttsgovt Science ('entre. 50 Pacilic Qua}. 430 5000. The sc’lan‘L‘ Cc‘llll‘c‘ goes l'estise W ilh Santa's space age grotto and screenings in the IMAX ol‘ Santa \s Stimsman.
Giant Family Festive Day Sat (1 Dec. ll.l5am 3.15pm. £3.50. ('(’.-\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4‘)()(). To celebrate Ramadan. liid and ('hristinas. a l'amil} da) organised b} (iiant Productions featuring
sweetie decorating. Mehendi hand painting. a treasure hunt and prize drau. Ho! Ho! Ho! Sun 7 Dec. noon 3pm. £3. (‘(‘:\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4‘)()(). Visual art \s‘ot‘kshop on a (‘hristmas theme.
Theatre & Dance
Greater Glasgow Scout Gangshow t'niil Sat 2‘) .\'m. 7.l5pm: Sat 3.15pm ck 7.15pm. Mitchell 'I'hcatre. 6 (iram‘ille Street. 0845 330 3501. An exciting ol‘ entertainment from the (ireater (ilasgms Scout (it‘ottp. Aladdin Sat 3‘) .\'o\. noon ck 3pm. £4 (£3.50). Scottish Mask ck Puppet 'l’heatre ('entre. c‘ 10 Balcarres .-\\enue.
Kels indale. 33‘) 6185. lipic children's fantasy tale lrom the Arabian Nights is brought to you b} Jack ‘0 Lantern with their fabulous colourful .shtttltm puppets. Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Not Sat 6 Dec. noon ck 3pm. £4 (£3.50) ck .Mon 8 ck 'l'ue ‘) l)ec. 10.30am ck l.30pm. £3. Scottish Mask ck Puppet Theatre (‘entre. 8 l0 Balcarres Avenue. Kelsindale. 33‘) 6185. Talking Heads Presents llalitosis the Witch. She's lull ol' bah humbug and trying to make sure nobod} receives ('hristmas presents.
Mr Bones’ Christmas Pudding \Vetl l0 Sat l3 Dec. Wed. Thu ck l'it'i 10.30am ck l.30pm; Sat noon ck 3pm. £4 (£3.50). Scottish .Mask ck Puppet 'l‘heatre (‘cntrc. 8 l0 Balcarres .v\\ enue.
Kel\ indale. 33‘) 6l85. .Mr Bones brings )ou a special puppet panto \sitlt songs. games. custard pies and thing s\\ccliCs from an arra} ol quirk) characters.
The Happy Gang in Santa’s Magic Castle Thu 11 Sat 13 Dec. £7.50. (’lyde .-\tt(litorittttt. l5innieston Qua}. 0870 040 4000. The kiddies' favourites embark on their ('hristmas lout'.
Activities And Fun
Acrobounce Thu 37 \ox Sun 4 Jan. 10am 8pm: Sat ck Sun 10am 10pm. £4. Princes Street. 01630 870318. (‘atapult to ness heights With this high-ll)ng l'unl‘est.
The Christmas Light Night Thu 37 .\'o\. 5.30pm. liree. Princes Street (iarclens liast. Princes Street. 473 3600. l-‘or the lirst time ever the liestixe Lights. lidinburgh Wheel. Winter Wonderland. 'l‘raditional (icrman (‘hristmas Market and the Mound ('hristmas 'l‘ree are all being launched at the same time. (it) down and toast in the festive season at this totally lree e\ent.
Edinburgh Wheel Thu 27 .\'m Sun 4 Jan. 37th Nos 5.30pm: 10am 10pm. £3 (£1.50). Princes Street (iardens liast. Princes Street. 473 3600. The capital’s skyline appears in all its el‘l'ersescent glot‘} so take a backseat and enjoy the ride as the wheel allows you spectacular views of the cit}. the gardens and Winter Wonderland.
COME AND LISTEN to Cimberlake’s story in A World of Wonders — Danish Children’s Literature. Illustrations and interactive exhibits open
doors to Scandinavian tales.
I Until Wed 10 Dec. National Library of Scot/and, George IV Bridge. 226‘ 4:33 I.
WEE STORIES EARLY YEARS THEATRE MOLLY WHUPPIE Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Sat 6- Wed 24 Dec (not Mon or Fri 19 Dec)
There’s only two of them, but in the last three years they’ve been hares, tortoises, old women, young girls, slithey toves, wee witches, to mention a few, and played to over 50,000 people with their four touring shows. Virginia Radcliffe and Deborah Arnott, otherwise known as Wee Stories
Virginia Radcliffe and Deborah Arnott in Molly Whuppie
Early Years Project, have been as prodigious as they have successful. Starting from scratch with the advent of a Lottery Grant, their story starts, ironically, with an error in The List. And as the grant runs out this year and the company leaves 2003 with an extended run at the Traverse but an uncertain future, it seems fitting to bring the journey back full circle to
within these pages.
‘When I moved to Edinburgh I put an ad in The List,’ says Virginia Radcliffe. ‘They put it on the jobs page instead of the ads page, but then next to it was a job ad from Wee Stories.’ The company already established as arch bards for children were looking to develop plays dedicated to the pre-school age group. And they found the right people. Anyone who has seen Virginia and Deborah in action knows how they enchant an audience.
But their success is no accident. Virginia and Deborah work with children throughout the creative process, visiting local nurseries, building characters and playing with words and sounds. ‘I really know that these shows work for kids,’ says Virginia, and she’s right. They do work, but their future is under threat with uncertainties over funding. Virginia and designer Catherine Lindow are now setting up their own company called LicketySpit, building on everything they’ve done so far under the umbrella of Wee Stories. ‘With LicketySpit it’s a question of starting again,’ says Virginia. ‘Lottery projects are finite. The Traverse approached us about doing a new play and I had this idea about one called Magic Spaghetti but we didn’t get the funding.’ It would be very sad if everything they have developed over the last three years was to come to a premature halt. ‘I feel so passionate about keeping the ball rolling because of the levels of enthusiasm we receive. This current tour we’ll have played to 9000 people.’
There are signs of hope, however. ‘The Arts Council is on the point of funding more children’s theatre companies better than they ever have before and it’s a real growth area. Scottish venues just can’t get enough
stuff to book.’
And that is no typo or error, just the story as we find it. And so we hope very much that their journey will begin another exciting chapter in the new
year. (Ruth Hedges)
Life and Times of Mary, Queen of Scots Sun 7 Dec. 13.45pm. 1.45pm ck 3.45pm. l-‘ree. Museum of Scotland. (‘hambers Street. 347 431‘). Meet Mar}. Queen ol' Scots' conlidante Mar} Keaton and an apprentice lidinburgh stone mason as the} tell the tale ol‘ the Scottish queen.
Children’s Classic Concerts Sun 7 Dec. 3pm. £‘).50 (£5). l'sher llall. l.othian Road. 338 l 155. ('hristopher Bell conducts and presents this popular annual concert ol' seasonal lun \\ ith extracts lrom (‘oppelia and Hair} Potter and l’eaturing the Manor School of Ballet.
Theatre & Dance
The TVvits Thu 37 Sat 3‘) Nos. 7pm; 'l‘ue ck 'l’hu Sat l.30pm ck 7pm; Wed 10.30am. l.30pm ck 7pm. £7.50 £13.50. Pla}housc. l8 33 (ireensidc Place. 0870 6063434. Roald l)ahl's \sonderl'ulls disgusting tale ("c-imagined.
The Singing Kettle: The Merry Christmas Show Wed 3 Sun 7 Dec. times \ar}. £8 £‘). 1-‘estixal ’l‘heatre. 13 3‘) NlL‘olson SII'L‘CI. 53‘) ()000. 'lillL' kltltllcs lasourites return \\ ith their l‘estixc lll;t}l1L‘lll.
Molly Whuppie Sat 6 Thu 1 1 Dec (not Mon). times \ar}. £5. 'l‘ra\erse 'l‘heatt'e. ('ambriclge Street. 338 I404. Wec Stories present the tale ol‘ Moll). \s ho embarks on
a lantastic and magical ad\enturc to lind that things are not All\\;l}s \\ hat the} seem. SL‘C panel.
The Happy Gang in Santa’s Magic Castle 'l'ue ‘) ck Wed l0 l)cc. 'l‘ue 10.15am ck l.l5pm; Wed 10.15am. £7.50: l'our lor £34. l'sher llall. l.othian Road. 338 l I55. Sec (ilasgou.
A World of Wonders - Danish Children’s Literature t‘niil \Vc-d to Dec. National librar} ol' Scotland. (ieot‘ge lV Bridge. 330 4.53 l. :\n interactise e\hibition l'ocusing on l)anish children's literature leaturing illustrations. listening stations \\ ith stor_\telling and a programme ()1 accompan) ing e\ents. See photo caption.
Storytelling Day Sat 6 Dec. 10.30am 13.30pm. liree. Rosal l._\ccum 'l'hL‘ult‘L‘. (it'illtlltt) SII‘L‘L‘I. 3.13 4848. .'\ chance lot' the kiddies to ctt'io} some magical stor)telling. \shile the older generation do a spot ol' (‘hristitias shopping. Ages 5 l3.
For full details of pantos and Christmas shows see Theatre page 70—77.
4, THE LIST 101