Music rock & pop listings
Rock & pop continued
Wednesday 26
I Jim Capaldi 8- band The Ferry. 42 ('lyde Place-12‘) 1010. 8pm. £14. Rhythm'n‘hluex xinger/songxi‘riter who was a founding member of '1‘rat‘tie.
I The Dirtbombs and Kain King Tut's Wah Wah 1lut. 272a St \'ineent Street. 231 527‘). 8.30pm. £8. Kieking roek'IIKold rCthe lrom Detroit. Tronth h)‘ loeal legend .\Iiek ('ollinx. who is a tiery amalgam of James Brown and Iggy Pop. I Hang on the Box, Future Kings of Spain, Ludes and My Red Cell Bar”). 361) ('1_\‘de Street. (1871) ()(17 099‘). 8pm. {the The New World Disorder tour features tour diverse up-and-eoming hands. the most potentially interesting heing all-girl ('hinese punk quartet Hang on the Box. whose mastery of linglish doesn't extend far beyond expletixes.
I I Love UFO, Tempercalm and Safeguard Niee'n'SIeal}. 421 Sauehiehall Street. 333 9637. 8pm. £5 (£6 door). The headliners are a punkadelie trio who have truneated their name to protect more delieate \ensihihtiex.
C9 Hoboken, Allesschwindel and El Dog ('ranial Health. Stereo. 13 14 Kelvinhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. L'the. 11ohoken feature ex-memherx o1 1.ooper in melloxx eleetro pop giiixe.
I Roulette, Information Overload, Stone Cold Rumours, Electric Overdrive and Middleman The ('athouxe. l5 l'nion Street. 2-18 6606. 7.30an £4. (her-14s show.
I The Medicine Room Brel. Ashton 1.ane. 3-12 4966. 8pm. 1-‘ree. 'l'uo-hour groovy imprm \exsiott \xith guitar. drums. trumpet and deeks.
I Acoustic Night The 13111 .\’me (are. 50 6() King Street. 553 1638. 8pm.
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h an extraordinary voice he found at the bottom of a veeeery large ,1” , bourbon bottle, Mark Lanegan returns to these shores with a full band to dish out more heartbreaking and contemplative bluesy rock for, delectation. The former Screaming Trees frontman has had his shi woes (the scag, the booze, the pills - the usual), and has come through it a sombre, but somehow charismatic figure. Expect little of the high' octane antics of Lanegan’s other project, Queens of the Stone Age, here, but as new EP Here Comes That Weird Chill testifies,,Lanegan is a master of misery but a rare talent. (Doug Johnstone)
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I Open Stage The Hall Bar. 16() Woodlands Road. 564 1537. 8pm. 1-‘ree. \Veekly session for local musieians.
I Live Music Mae-Soi-leys. 42 Jamaiea Street. 248 8581. 9pm. liree. Four hands to he eonlirined.
I Fony, Scenes, Apartment 26 and Mute:Media Studio 24. 2—1 26 (‘alton Road. 558 3758. 7pm. £6. 11ea\‘_\' roek ineluding Seenes made up of ex-V'ex Red members.
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I Manalishi Underground and Maitland ('aharet Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 330 6176. 7.30pm. £61K“. t‘plit’ting indie and roek. (’heek \i'it'i\'.; for more into. I Amy Rigby, Amy Allison and Neil Cleary I.‘:\ttaehe. Shandniek Place. 32‘) 3-102. 7.30pm. £8. (ilaxgoxx-haxed sister lahelx Shoexhine and Spit & l’olish proudly shou- o1'1~ their eountr} “MIN. Amy Righ}. in partieular. “rites exuberant. aeeessihle eountr} roek \ongs \ueh as ‘.»\re We liver (ionna Have Sex :\gain'.". an entertaining tale of marital woe.
I Roger, Operator and Peter Boggon Sound Wee Red Bar. lidinhurgh (‘ollege of Art. 1.auri.\ton Place. 22‘) 1442. 9pm. L'the.()ur Friends lieleetie night of live eleetroniea from the likes ot‘ Mate Reeordings and Benheeula. I Crazy Vincent and The Dazes Whistlehinkiex. -I 6 South Bridge. 557 5| 14. 9pm. Loeal indie sounds from (‘ra/y \'ineent With guitar aetion Irom (i1;txgt)\\".\ Dales.
I Fleamarket Funk (’aharet \‘oliaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6176.
1 1pm 3am. Free. See Wed 1‘).
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