GIaquw life . ~

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Book events

Open Ink Borden Books. 98 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. (rpm. l‘ree. [p and coming writers read from their \xork in this next anthology.


Artists’ Talk (iallery of Modern Art. Queen Street. 229 1996. 6.30 7.30pm. Free. Dal/iel and Scullion \\lll he talking ahout their \xork currentl} on show at (i().\l.»\.

Kin ('(':\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. 7.30pm. £8 (£5). .\ platform for next literature unique to the [K and exploring kinship and the complexitiex of life in multicultural Britain. Performances include readingx h} the \xriters. accotnpanied h) [)J\.

Other events

Continental Market St linoch Square. 087] 200 3940. l()am ()pm. Free. Sample the hext ol' the continent at thix annual market.

Visual Elements (ilaxgtm Science ('entre. 50 Pacific Qua). 420 5000. l()am (ipin. £5.50 £14 (£4 £10). The Periodic Tahle ()l‘ the lilements ix re- interpreted h_\ ttt'lixt and printmaker .\lurra_\ Rohertson.

Scottish Motor Show Sli(‘(‘. l-‘innieston Qua). 08700404000.

l()am 9pm. £14 £l(i (£(i £8). See the \er_\ hext in tour-wheeled \plendour at lltlx annual motor \hotx.

GSA Alumni Auction (ilttxgou School ()l. Art. the Mackintoxh (itdlc‘l‘). l(i7 Renlreu Street. 353 4500.

l()am 7pm. l‘ree. .\ Silent auction ol ttl‘l\\()t'k\ donated h} studentx paxt and prexent lirom (ilaxgtm School ol' .-\t’t (including Toh} l’aterxon. .-\li\otl Watt and Peter llou Sun) to help raixe funds for the Next (ienct‘alion Fund which hax heen Set up to a\\ard Scholarxhipx for talented indi\ l(ltlttlx.

Pointless Cinema #3 The (‘liateau. 45 Bridge Street. 8 llpm. £2. A Selection ol neu audio \ ixual experiments including screeningx ol- \\ork h} Arno ('ohen. .\'omig and VJ .'\n_\onc. pc‘l'ltn'tllttllt‘Cx l'rom VJ Vitaxcopc. Brand X and Torsten\chman and inxtallationx and painting\ h} Marianne (ircated. .la_\ -(io. l-‘i'St and lim \pace.


John Simpson 'l‘heau'e l{())ttl. 282 Hope Street. 332 9000. lpm. £4.50 (£3). l-‘oreign correxpomlent and BB(‘ \xorld illlttll'x editor John Slmpxolt talkx ahout hix ne“ hook llill‘x :l mil/Ix! Stu/(lam. See pre\ lL‘W.

Tim Furniss Ro_xal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchichall Street. 353 8000. lpm. £3.50

GET BUSH Crack open the bubbly, George Dubya is finally leaving the safety of the US and coming to grace our little island with his presidential presence. Take time out and voice your objection with some non-violent civil disobedience and let Bush know exactly what you think of him and his war. See the Edinburgh Life panel for more information about the Stop the War campaign and the demos happening in the capital.

I George Square. 07985)‘ £97022. Neel). Free. Wed 1.9 Nov.

in adxance £4 on the day. From his llt‘xl fledgling interest in l9(il alter Seeing placardx announcing (iagarin's llight to writing l'or Space maga/ine. l-‘urnisx discuxxes hlx enduring pttxxltm lor \pace travel and exploration.

Motormouths (’(‘.v\. 350 Sauehieliall Street. 352 4900. 8pm. £8 (£(i). The .succcxsl‘ul Spoken word xeriex returns

\\ ith maverick hip hop poet .\like l.add and New York arts SL'L‘llL‘ icon Sharrid Simmonx.

Other events

GSA Alumni Auction (ilttxgou School of Art. the Mackintoxh (ialler). l(i7 Rentreu Street. 3534500. l()am noon. l'il'L'L‘. SCC Thtl l5.

Continental Market St linocli Square. 087i 200 3940. l()am (ipm. l-ree. See Thu 13.

Visual Elements (il;l\:_‘t)\\ Science (’entrc. 50 Pacific Qua}. 420 5000.

l()am (ipm. £5.50 £l4 (£4 £l0). Sec Thu l3.

Scottish Motor Show SI-L('(‘. liirmicxton Qua). 08700404000.

l()am 9pm. £14 £l(i (£(i £8). See Thu l3.

Book events

Books at the Botanics (il;l\3_'()\\ Botanic (iardenx. 730 (ireat \Vextcrn Road. 334 2422. l()am 4.30pm. l‘rec. .\ popular hook market in the llopkirk Building. Louise Welsh Tron ‘l'lieatre. ()3 'I‘rongate. 552 42(i7. 1 5pm. £9 (£(i). The multi-auard “inning author ol 'l‘ln' ('uuine erm hoxlx a \\ol'l\\hop ax part ol' (ilaxgafl

John Simpson liot'dL‘l‘S Book. 98 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. l.30pm. l-‘rce. SCL‘ l'il'l l4 tk pre\ l0“.


TWenty Centuries of Art at the Burrell Burrell ('ollection. 2000 l’()ll0l\\htl\\\ Road. 287 2550. ll.30am. l-‘ree. Margaret Anderxon leadx thix themed tour round the Burrell Collection.

CCA Talks and Tours ('(‘.v\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. 2pm. l‘rec. .\ tour and talk looking at the ('('.v\ and itx \xork paxt. prexent and l'uture.

Chinese Ceramics at the Burrell lillt‘t‘c'll (‘ollL‘L‘llolL 2l)()(l l’ollokxhtmx Road. 287 2550. 2.30pm. l-‘rec. Jenn} [0ng lead\ llll\ themed tour round the Burrell‘x ('hinexc (’cramicx.

Other events

Continental Market St linoch Square. 087l 200 3940. l()am (ipm. l-‘ree. See Thu l3.

Visual Elements (ilaxgou Science ('cntre. 50 Pacific Qua). 420 5000.

l()am (ipm. £5.50 £l4 (£4 £l0). See Thu l3.

Scottish Motor Show Sli(‘(‘. l‘inniexton Qua}. 0870 0404000.

llltlttl ()pltt. £l4 Uh (£0 £8). Sec Thu l3.

Book events

BOOKS at the Botanics (ilaxgou lioltltlic‘ (ittl'tlcllS. 73H (ireat \VL‘SlL‘l'll Road. 334 2422. l()am 4.30pm. l't'ce. Sec Sat l5.

2 3,


Glasgow life

In the words of John Lennon and this year’s Pop Idol finalists, ‘Happy Xmas: War is Over’. But will it be? The war that Bush and Blair thought would be a quick, ego boosting success has turned out to be a long and bloody battle. Has Saddam Hussein and his regime been stopped and the Iraqi people liberated? One person well qualified to answer these questions is John Simpson, BBC World Affairs Editor and the man on the front line.

In a report near the beginning of the war in 31 March 2003 Simpson admitted that things hadn’t panned out as he and many others had first expected. ‘I got it wrong - very wrong. Saddam Hussein’s forces have not crumbled quickly, and ordinary Iraqis have not greeted the coalition as their liberators’. Now it’s November and we know all too well that there is still fighting in Baghdad and an ever increasing number of military and civilian casualties.

For many people the current war is the first they have heard about Saddam, his tyrannical regime and weapons of mass destruction. Simpson on the other hand has been following the man and his Iraq closely for more than 20 years. Simpson may be unable to write about the end of the war just yet but whatever happens he will undoubtedly be there at the scene.

One thing is obvious, with all the campaigns that are taking place, this is a war that the people don’t want. The reasons behind it have been widely questioned as has the leadership and Britain’s relationship with the US. Listen to what Simpson has to say and find out what he thinks is the truth behind the spin. Maybe he‘ll even separate the hype from the hogwash. (Jane Hamilton)

I John S/nrpse/L 28.?) Theatre Beta, Hope Street. 332 .9000. lpm. 521.50 (5‘3). Fr) 714‘ Nov: Bertie/‘5; Beeks. .98 Btr'ff".'3'7t’i.'7 Street. 222 7700. l..’)‘()r)n.‘. Free. Se? 7:3 I‘v’oxé


CCA Talks and Tours (‘(‘.'\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. 2pm. Free. SL‘L‘ Sat l5.

Other events

Continental Market St linocli Square. 087] 200 3940. l()am (ipm. l'hl‘L‘C. SL‘L‘ 'lhll l5.

Scottish Motor Show Sli(‘(‘. liinniexton Qua}, 08700404000.

l()am (ipm. £l4 £l(i (£(i £8). See Thu l3.

Visual Elements (ilil\g()\\ Science ('entre. 50 Pacific Qua). 420 5000.

l()am (ipm. £5.50 £l4 (£4 £l0). Sec Thu 13.

Christmas Lights Switch On (ieorge Square. 946 (iotlt). 5.30pm. l‘ree. (ieorge Square is illuminated to mark the heginning ol another l'estiw \L‘ttxml. \\ ith llllISlL‘. entertaimncnl and lll'L‘\\()t'l\\ to accompan}. See photo caption and hitlixt.


Stop Bush Lauriex Bar. 34 King Street. H7985 797022. 0.30pm. l'irce. :\ \teekl} meeting tackling the lSSllL‘S Surrounding Btixh. Blair and the war on Iraq.

Other events

Visual Elements (iltlxgou Science (‘cnlre. 50 Pacific Qua}. 4205000. l()am (ipn). £5.50 £l4 (£4 £l0). See Thu l3.

Design 1860 to the Present Day (ilttxgtm School ol :\rt. the

\lackintoxh (ialler). l()7 Renlreu Street. 3534500. l()am 4pm. Free. |)e.\ign and decorati\e art exhihition and auction organised h} 8ththth .-\uctioneer\. Sale commences at l lam on Thu 20 .\'o\'.

Tuesday 18

Book events

Frank Maloney Borderx Bookx, 98 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. (ipm. I-‘ree. Boxing manager l‘rank Malone} (llSL‘llSSL‘S hix ne“ hook. .\'r) It’d/ultra.


The Fabulous Burrell Tapestries thin-ell (‘ollcctiotL 30M) l’ollok‘Shtt\\\ Road. 287 2.550. l0.30am. la‘ce. Dina Ward leadx thix themed tour round the Burrell looking at the famous lztpcSll'icx.

Other events

Visual Elements (il;t\g()\\ .SClL‘Ilc‘L‘ ('entre. 50 Pacific Qua}. 420 5000. l()am (ipm. £5.50 £l4 (£4 £l0). See Thu 13.

Design 1860 to the Present Day (ilthfltm School of Art. the .\l;lc‘kltll()xh (ittllCl‘}. l(i7 Renl'rexx Street. 353 4500. l()am 4pm. l-‘ree. Sec .\lon l7.

Big Word Performance Poetry The Vault. l l l0 l’ollokxhaux Road. (349 0007. 8pm. £3. l‘axt paced \xord pla} l'rom Anita (iman. .lcm Roll\ and .\l(' lor the night. .lenn} |.ind\a_\. .-\rri\e earl} il‘ }ot) think _\ou‘re hard enough tor the open mike \lot.

‘4‘ .’ ' No. ‘4 THE LIST 99