Film index
Eraserhead I IM 0000 tl)a\ id l._\nch. l‘S. l‘)7(ii Jnhn .\'ancc. 90min. Ynu Ina}
ncx cr cat icll} hahicx agaiti aI'tcr thc rcpcllcnt hut cnrnpclling talc nl‘ llcnr}. hix haircut. hix girlt'ricnd. hix xtrangc nI'I'xpring and a xi/cahlc quantit} nt‘ pux. l)ixturhing xtull'. Incrcilull) lilincd in black and \xhitc. lit/I'n/mru/I l'i/m (iiti/II. lit/I'lll’lll‘g'll. Finding Nemo it) 0000 l:\ll(ll'C\\ Stantnn/ l'nlxrich. l‘S. 300M \'niccx nl' .-\lhcrt lit'nnlxx. lillcn l)c( icIIL‘I'Cx. .'\lL‘.\;ItItlL‘I' (inuld. \Villcm l)al’nc. Brad (iarrctt. :\llixnn Jannc}. Ittthnin. Pixar'x latcxt nnu that thc} arc lrcc ti'nm thc uniht'clla nl' l)ixnc} ix tltc dclightl'ul talc «it a litllc Iixh and hix dadd} 'x attcmptx In lind him uhcn hc gctx xcnnpcd ntIt nl Ihc \\;itct' h} a human. (‘|c\ cr. l'unn} tttttl lk‘llt‘t' than Ill/Ir [ill/U .llt'l‘nltll'r/ t‘lltxl l. (it'ltt'l'u/ I'i’lt'ttu’.
The Five Obstructions t ISI IJnI‘gctt l.cth/l.arx \nn 'l‘ricr. Dcnrnarlt. ZIIIHI ()thnin. ‘l'hcatrc dncumcutar} dircctcd h} l.arx \ntt Trim and Jnrgcn l.cI|i. .'\n
in\ cxtigati\ c lilm inurnc} In \xhich nld hn} dncumcntarian. l.cth. tllltt“ x 'li'ict' tn xct him rulchnnk nhxtructinnx ax hc tricx In rcx ixit and rccrcatc nnc nl' hix lirxt lilinx. 'I'lit' l’t'rlt’t‘l Hit/mm //)('I [uric/Jr HIt’II/Ithxl' tl‘)(i7i. a dncumcnt nn lil'c In l)cnmarl\. .\ laxcinating cxpcriincnt in a l)ngmc xt) lcc. (i/"I: (i/tlwun.
Fort Saganne t 15! t.'\lain (‘nrttcatL l'rancc. 1084i (icrard l)cpardicu. Philippc .\'nirct. ('athcrinc l)cncu\ c. lStlmin. Dcpardicu xtarx ax thc lnu I} -hnrn militar} nl'liccr \\ hn hccnincx a li\ ing lcgcnd during Pranch cmpirc-building puxh in thc Sahara juxt hclnt'c Ilic l‘irxt \Vnrld \Var. l)ircctnt' ('nrncau cmhraccx much (it thc cinntinnal x\\ ccp nl nld l-rcnch cnlnnial talcx. (‘(’.v\. (i/uxgnn.
Friday 13th I 18) (Scan S. Cunningham. l'S. IUSIII Bctx} Paltncr. Adricnnc King. Jcaninc Ta} lnr. 05min. Pt'ccurxnr nl' a uhnlc xpatc nt' xlicc'n'dicc cxtraxagan/ax. thix at Icaxt hax thc xax ing gracc nt' a I'cxx xhnch mnmcntx ax mad. dcad and dangcrnux-tn- knnix Jaxnn gncx nn a xpam-irra-cahin l't‘cnl}. llill'llt'l‘ \i/luut'. lit/I'Ii/ttu'g/i. Gasoline I IS» 00 t.\lnnica Stramhi'ini. Ital}. SHIN i Uthnin. Tun lcxhian ln\ crx - a hutch mntnr mcchanic and licr Icnunc \\;tllt'Cxx girlt'ricnd arc catight in a clinch h) thc uncxpcclcd arrixal nI‘ thc \xaitrcxx' mnthcr. 'I‘hingx lcad In murdcr and a mad trip tn nhli\ inn. .‘xlnnica Stanihrini‘x lirxt l‘caturc hax attracch plauditx nn thc qtlcct' Iilm I'cxtixal circuit. hut that'x hccauxc thct'c Ix xttclt a dcat‘th nl lL'xhiaIt rcprcxcntatinn in mm icx. ’l‘hc tnain pt'nhlcm \xith (ittxu/im’ ix itx lack (it a dixtinctn c \niL‘L‘. (I‘l’flli (i/uwmi.
Ginger Snaps I Is) 0000 tJnltIt l-aucctt. ('anada. 2001 i Katharinc lxahcllc. liinil} l’ct'lxittx. Mimi Rngcrx. 108mm. \Vritcr-dircctnr l‘aucctt'x xardnnic It'catmcnt nl' thc .-\mcrican hnurgcnixic gi\cx thix hnrrnr mm ic tlic l'ccling nl an acutcl} nhxctwatinnal rninp. lxahcllc'x hlnxxnming n) mph xprnutx a tail at'tcr a \\ crcunll attack. but al'tcr niuch pcrplcxit) hcginx tn hcar it \x ith l'nrtitudc xprcading hcr inl'cctinn \xith hcr xcxual l'axnurx. .'\x hcr xlax txltl} dcxntcd xixtcr tricx In intcr\cnc. (iingcr tranxl’nrmx Ii'nm L‘lllpn\\ crcd tccn tn tragic tlttttlxlt't'. l)cxpitc lln|l_\\\nnd’x lnng I'lirtatinn \xith Ixcanthrnp}. lam cctt‘x lunn}. tragic Iilm xtill cnntrixcx tn hc nriginal. ()(I('HII ('II\ (‘t'ulnz (i/uwnn.
The Great Dictator I M ii 0.00 t(’har|cx (‘haplin. l'S. l‘)-1t)i('harlcx Chaplin. Jack ()alxic. chinald (iardincr. llcnr} Danicll. Bill} (iilhcrt. (iracc lla_\lc. (’artcr l)clla\cn. Paulcttc (inddard. 125mm. \Vnndcrl‘ul clcancd-up rc-ixxuc nl' latc (‘haplin claxxic. (‘haplin pla_\x l\\n rnlcx a tncck qu ixh harhcr \\ ith amncxia and a llitlcr-xtxlc mad dictatnr. \cr} lunn} indccd; thix ix hirthplacc nl' xight and xnund gagx that l);I\\xnIt gnt tl\\;t) \\ ith ttxing
Oil page“
34 THE LIST ()0! 7f: No. 702“;
l'nr )carx. l'nuxual|_\ I’nr (‘haplin thix ix alxn xtrangcl} mm ing and prnphctic. Scc rc\ icu. l't/Ht/IUIIV'. I'Qtlt'It/mrq/t.
The Grudge I lSi I'llilxzixlii Shiini/u. Japan. 2003) Yui lchika“ a. Mixaki lln. 02min. 'l‘hc film that cx cn xcarcd Satn Raimi. allcgcdl}: xnmctliing alxin tn thc hunk ISIUH (H in I/ll' :lllit' Ittcclx tltc :\xi;t li\trcmc tilm lt'lll I/It' Ix'illu'. appat'cntl}. .-\ hn} hax hccn Inckcd up in a clnxct h} an nld lad} lttl' xn lnng that hix grudgc againxt thc \xnrld taltcx a ph}xic‘;i| t'nrni. 'l‘hc lilm ix xaid In ha\ c ti'auinatixcd much itx linincland audicncc. Oh I'm xcarcd. I'i/ni/muu'. l'It/I'II/mru/r.
Havana Quartet I IS» tl'ct‘ttztttdn (‘nlntnn. Spain/(‘uha. 3001i Illfintin. l.atinn cnmcd} ahnut a )nttttg man \\llt)xL‘ lilc ix changcd \\ llL'll hc I'L‘c‘ciu'x a \ idcntapc till a ('uhan \xntnan \xhn claitnx tn hc hix mnthcr. Part nl' Si (‘uhal Scaxnn. l-i/m/mtm'. lit/iIt/mrult.
Hellraiser t IM 0000 t(’|i\ c Bat'kcr. l‘lx'. 1037) And} Rnhinxnn. ('lairc lligginx. :\xhlc_\ l.aurcncc. 92min. :\ hnrrnr picturc \\ ith a \\ cll cnnxtructcd plnt. xtrnng cliaractcrx. haunting imagcx and xpccial ct't'cctx that actuall} xcrx c thc xtnr) linc. l)ircctnrial dchut I'ni' tnp gcnrc \\ ritcr liarltcr. it'x a t\xixtcd mnralit) talc \xith xtrnng xadn-inaxnchixtic n\ crtnncx. ll'urnvr li/lugt'. Ifr/i/t/turu/I.
Holes tP(iI C... t.v\ndrc\\ l)a\ix. l‘S. 2003i Signttt'ltc} \Vcawt'. Jnn \'night. 'l‘im lilalxc Nclxnn. Sltia§cntil'. Kltlcn 'l‘linmax. I 17min. .\ \xi'niigltill} cnn\ ictcd hn} ix xcnt In a dcxcrt dctcntinn camp \xhcrc ltc dtgx hnlcx and lixlcttx tn xpnnk) xtnt'icx. Bi/ai'r'c. cpixndic and nddl} cndcaring thix ix nnc \tcird l)ixnc} lamil) t‘liclx that cxcapcx trnin thc iixual clichcx nl' Ihc gcni'c. (it’ltt'ru/ I't'lt'tlH'.
House of 1000 Corpses t 1M
.0 tRnh /.nmhic. IS. 2003) Sid llaig. Bill .\lnxclc"\. Slici'i .\lnnn. Karcn Black. ('hrix llarduiclx. 83min. llca\_\ inctal hillhill} Rnh [ninhic mach hix dircctnriaI/uriting dchut in hix natural habitat: Ihc h-inm ic hnrrnr Hick. Part Rat-Ar Ilnrmr I’it'ltm' Slum. part Ii'ttix (‘lttii/tuiii ,llmxtu'n'. thix hax xnincthing tn dn \\ ith xnmc cnuplcx gctting xtrandcd ncar a li'cakxhnu. Xnmhic ma} makc a incan rnck \ idcn hut xtrctchcd n\ cr ncarl} 9t) rntnutcx hix limitatinnx arc c.\aggcratcd: thc cnnl'uxing cditing. Ihc pnintlcxx inxcrtx. Ihc randnm xxx itching tn ncgati\ c cnlnur xchcrncx. \Vliat ix prnhahl) mcant tn hc a kntmrng hnniagc |ttxl dcxccndx intn tack} cliclic. ('(i( ' lx’t'n/n'n SII‘t't'I. (i/uxgmi.
The Hudsucker Proxy tl’(il 0000 tJncI ('ncn. l'S. I‘M-1i ’l‘nn Rnhhinx. Jcnnilcr .laxnn l.cigh. Paul Ncuinan.
l l lmin. thn lludxuckcr lnduxtricx' hnxx talx‘L‘x a di\ c l'rnm an uppcr xtnrc} hnardrnnm \\itttln\\. mailrnnni hn} \nrxillc Barrch tRnhhinxi lindx hitnxcll catapulch tn cxccutnc xtatux. But prctt) xnnn hc'x t'nrgnttcn hix rnntx and ix hccnming ax hcartlcxx ax hix manipulatix c incntnr. pla} cd h} Pattl .\'c\\man. A “inning hlcnd nt' -lll\ xcrcwhall cntncd}. 50x cnnxurncr quirkx and xatirc ntt Xllx cnt'pnratc grccd. thc ('ncn hrnthcrx‘ tilm ix cincinatic lttttlax} in itx liurcxt l'nrin. ('umt’u. Iz'tlt'II/uu'c/i.
lgby Goes Down I IS) 000 ttiurr Stccrx. l‘S. 2002i Kicrnn (‘ulkiir Stixan
Sarandnn. R}an Phillippc. Bill Pullman. Jcl't~
(inldhlum. ltl-lmin. Sc\cntchI-}car-nld lghy ((‘ulkini ma} cnmc I'rnin a pri\ ilcgcd haclxgrnund. hilt hc Inathcx hix i'uinnuxl) \L‘llV-tllixnt'lk‘tl mnthcr .\litni ISarandnnI and hix ultra-matci'ialixtic chuhlican hrnthcr ()lix'cr IPhillippcI. llix xchi/nphrcnic l)ad (Pullman) hax lnng xincc hccn cnnlincd tn a hntnc Inr thc hct‘uddlcd. 'l'hrtmn nut nI' cnuntlcxx cxticnxn c cducatinnal cxtahlithcntx. lgh} pill'crx nnc nl‘ hix muin'x crcdit cardx and linch up in \cu ank. craxhing at thc picd-a-tcrrc nl' hix cnnxpicunuxly xucccxxt‘ul gndlathcr l)ll I(inldhluin). alnng \\ ith thc Iattcr'x \nlatilc chnrctigraphcr mixtrcxx t.»\manda l’cct I. Hanging nut \\tlll a quirk} chxixh girl. lgh} railx againxt thc phnnincxx nl~ thc adtilt \xnrld. Stccrx hax a talcnt Inr \xriting acidl) aniuxing dialnguc. 'I‘hc Iilm alxn xidc-xtcpx thc clichc‘x that hctall xn man) cnming~nt3 agc picturcx. h} \\ ithhnlding an} ximplixtic tnnmcntx nl t'cdcmptinn trnm thc ccntral narrati\ c. th dcxpitc thc acting talcnt at hix dixpnxal. and thc man} crcditahlc pcrltirmanccx. Stccrx nc\cr quitc makcx tix lch l'nt' hix crcatinnx. lt'x an angr} lilin. “hich ix cauxticall} cntcrtaining \xithnut c\cr achic\ ing a tragic dinicnxinn. (‘u/m'u. lit/inlmrg/t.
I’m Not Scared I IS) I(ialiriclc Salxatnt'cx. ltal}/Spain/l'K. 2002) Adam Sanchcl-(iijnn. l)inn .-\hhrcxcia. (iint'gin ('arcccia. (iitixcppc ('rixtiann. .\lattia l)i l’icrt'n. l)icgn Ahatantunnn. ltl‘hnin. .\'c\\ lilin t'rntn thc dircctnr nl' .llt'tli'lrrmmw ix an adaptatinn nt' Niccnln Ainmanti'x mndcrn gnthic lair)ta|c nn\ cl. Part III Ill" nn Inur xcaxnn. xcc prcx icu. (ilV'IL (iluwmi:
O In America I 12m oooo (Jim Shcridan. lrcland/l'lx'. 2002i Samantha Mnrtnn. Padd} ('nnxidinc. Sarah linlgcr. limina Bnlgcr. l)iimnn llnunxnu. IUSmin. Rccling Ii'nin Ihc dcath nl a child. man and \\ il'c lrixh Cmigrcx Jnhnn) I('nnxidinci and Sarah t.\lnt'tnnl hit nindcrn da_\ Manhattan \xith thcir )nung t'cixt) daughtcrx in In“ ('hrixt) and .-\ric|. 'l‘hc) hax c iuxt ahnut cnnugh ninnc} tn linlc tip in a crumbling
Herr Adenoid Hynkel tries the old baby kissing trick in The Great Dictator
lllttlxic llll-L‘SlL'tl lilttc‘lx in lllL' L‘Il} 'x llL‘ll‘\ Kitchcn arca. A dcccptiwl} xiniplc talc nl' gricl. rcdcmptinn. acclirnati/atinn and I'ricndxhip ax Jnltttn}. a inhhing actnr and taxi drixcr xtrugglcx tn lxccp hix hrnnd‘x ahm c thc hrcadlinc. .\ln\ ing drama lrnin thc dircctnr and \\ ritct' nl In I/u' .\'Ium' 11/ Ill(' l‘itl/lt’l'. SL‘L‘ I’L‘\ lL'“. (it’m’l'rt/ I't'lt'tlxt'.
In the Cut t ISI .0 tJanc ('anipinn. IS. 3003) .\lcg l{};lll. .\lar|x Rllllttltt. Kcnn liacnn. l ISinin. l‘ranmc .-\\ ct'_\ IR_\anI hccnmcx a \\llllL‘\\ in a Inui'dcr imcxtigatinn and thcn hcginx an crntic al'tair u ith dctcctix c Jamcx .\la|ln_\ thtlltllUl. .-\ )nung \xnman hax hccn mutilatcd in a pattcrn nl~ xcrial killingx and l’rannic ma} ha\ c xccn hcr in a xccd} Manhattan har nn thc night xhc \xax hutchcrcd. But \\ hat l‘rannic xa\\ in thc har‘x darkcncd ccllar \tax tlic \ ictini gi\ing a man \\ith a dixtinctnc tattnn nn hix arm a hlnuinh. Sn. \xhcn .\lalln_\ cnmcx calling In hcr apartmcnt and xhc nnticcx tlic xamc tattnn. l‘rannic licginx tn xuxpcct thc cnp'x thc lxillct'. Prctcntinux. cring} crntic thrillcr adapch trnm Sit/antic .‘\lm»i‘c"x traxh} nnx cl and drcxxcd up ax art. Scc
rc\ It“. .St'lt't'lt’t/ I'r'lt'tlu’.
Inferno I IS) I.\lacici l’ic‘pt'lc'};i. l’nland. 3001 I (ilniin. 'l‘hc hnpcx. drcamx and amhitinnx nt' tlircc high xchnnl tricndx cnd in tragcd} nn prnin night ax thcir pctt} ri\alricx cnmc In a licad. ('unn'n. l'ft/I'n/mrq/i. Intacto t 15! O... IJuan (‘ai'lnx l‘rcxnadilln. Spain. 3003i .\la\ \'nn S}dn\\, littxchin Pnnccla. l.cnnardn Sharaglia. 100mm. l‘rcxnadilln'x a\\ard \xinning dchut I'caturc Ix a luturixtrc. nictaph) xical thrillcr. \xhich nnagincx a unixcrxc \xhcrc luck hax hccntnc a matcrial cnminndit} uhich can hc hnught. xnld and xtnlcn. lt‘x a c|c\ cr lilcnd nl xcicncc lictinn. crnnc thi'illcr. i‘nad mm ic and rnmantic drama. \\lllL‘ll \\llllC xuggcxting that xn callcd ‘gnnd luck’ might hc an a\\ lid curxc. alxn xcr\ cx ax an allcgnr} lnt' thc gult' hctuccn rich and pnnr. .-\uchnrcd h} \nn S}dn\\ 'x ccril) calm pci'l'nrmancc. \xhich hringx an itnpnrtant dcpth nl' humanit} tn Ihc lahlc. III/(It’ll) xhnuld lic xccn nnxx. hclnrc thc Incx itahlc llnl|_\\\nnd rcmakc diluch itx plcaxui'cx. ('(K ‘ RHIIH'H .S‘Il't't'l. (i/thuim. Intolerable Cruelty l 13m 000 t.lncl/l'.llt;ttt ('ncn. l'S. ZIHHI (icnrgc ('lnnnc}. (‘athcrinc Xcta .lnncx. Bill} Bnh ’l‘hnrntnn. ‘Nmm. ‘l‘hc (‘ncnx‘ latcxt Ix a rcturn tn Ihc xcrc\\hall cnttlt'tllcx nl )cxtcr} car. “‘Illt llle caxt It‘x gning In hc a xucccxx hut thix ix tthr \xcakcxt tilm tn datc. lt'x )titii' t_\pical l;i\\}t'i‘ Incctx gnldiggcr rnmanttc cntncd}. .\ Int nl' lttn. hut clnxcr In thc tnnrc xtudicd. xlIghtl} chccrlcxx xptrrt In Hut/mt Lt'r l’mti than an_\thIng thc} hax c dnnc In Ihc Iaxt tcu )carx.
(it'ltt'l‘tl! I‘t'lt'tlu'.