I Meta therapy - Lost? .\'er\otts itt groups'.’ Stressed at work‘.’ Physically troubled‘.’ Anxious about nteeting people'.’ (‘ottl‘used itt your life direction'.’ Sigitpost - fiitd confidence itt tlte next step towards a happier. more l'ulfilled yott witlt l'orward thinking lil‘e strategies. Tel I)a\'id: 07086 383 0l4.


Ileart centred nteditation. A natural patlt ol' lt'itllslttt'llltllloll from within that balances spiri- tuality witlt eyeryday lil'e. .\'o l'ees. ()pen to all regardless of

background or persuasion. Contact: 01875 830 358

(Edinburgh) or 0141

579 5926 (Glasgow).

Clinical Hypnotherapy. An empowering course of treat- ment harnessing the ability ol one's unconscious mind to treat weight loss. phobias. one ses- sioit stop smoking. James Curley (BSc), 0141 579 7968 at Shiatsu Natural.

Sheila Hartley Counselling itt lidinburgh. Sexuality. relation- sltips. parenting. bereayentent. depression. redundancy aitd other sensitiye issues explored iii a sale aitd nurturing space.

Please cal 01620 829 574.

Winefride Daly B.Ed Trainee Psychotherapist / (‘ounsellor working at 'I‘eantwork Iidinburgh. Sale sup- portiye space to explore issues aitd cit-able eltattge. Slidiitg scale negotiable.

Call: 01620 824 152 for further details.

To advertise in The List call

0 1 31 550 3060



Commercial Property

creative space to let

Desk and studio space to let within

sunny studio, suit freelance or small company, term of lease negotiable, broadband avail. Tel: 0141 341 0303

K.\23 0.\I’

pt‘oy ides studio space lot makers and designers at L4 50 per ml ll ltnclttstyet l-or lull tnlortttatton and details contact _\ileen \eillie. l)e\ elnpentent officer “est Kilhride (’ontntunity Initiatiy e 86 \Iain Street \\ est Kilhritle \y rsltire

Tel: lll204 822 226



lltc \\est ls'tlbrtdet otttittuntty lnittattyc l td


Contact: Carole Smith/Anne Goring Tel: 01620 810 620 email: or write to 3, Linkylea Cottages, Gifford, East [.otltian EH41 4PE.


28 yr old girl, looking for chilled out person/ persons for Ilat hunting. To ntoye in end .\'o\'ember. Like to live .\'ewington. .\Iarchntottt. Stockbridge. Abbeyhill. Please call Fiona on 07990 813 438.

GLASGOW I Shawlands X. 2 dbl bed-

room. I'ully furnished. l)(i. (i('ll. laminate floor. Security entrance. spacious lounge. £440 pctit. (’ontacct .\'a/.: 07067 04l 284. I Flat to let - ('raigpark l)riye. l)ennistoun. Large sunny lounge with bay window it iews lo hills). 2 hetlt‘ootlls, shower roont. kitchen: \\'.\I. l)\\'. I‘l‘. L400 pcttt. Tel :\l;tsliltl'2 07800 042 527.

I Thornwood. Cool 1 bed tenement llat. close to park attd West lind amenities. Newly lur- nished. (i('ll. l)(i. equipped kitchen. Suit pl'olessltttlttl cott- ple/singlc. :\\‘ailable begin— ning/mid .\'o\einber. £425 pcttt. Tel: 0l4| 570 4367.

I West End two bedroom top lloor corner llat. (i(’ll. l)(i. hardwood floors. large dining kitchen. Three minutes Byres Road/ station/ underground. £600 pcitt. Tel: 07708 7 I0 202. I Merchant City. Short term let. Beautifully appointed one large double bedroom fiat ayailable Not-April. Limited storage. £500 pent + electricity. Tel: lleatlter: 0I-Il 552 2257 PM. only.

I West End. Immaculate 2 bedroom lilat to let. (iibson St. l)ining kitchen. (i('II. large suntty lounge. secure etttry. l-‘/l'urnislted to high standard. Tel: 0l4l 334 0220. 0I4l 560 20l6. 07040 837 080.

Hyndland. Spacious. bright llat opposite park. Lounge. three bedrroms. kitclten/ diner tall appliancesl

bathroom w itlt batlt and shower. Show erroont. (i(‘ll. £650 pent. Ayailable November 20th.

Tel: 0141 956 2830.

I The ultimate loft billiard roont lloor. West lind mansion ayailable lst .\'o\entber. Windows all round. Large drawing room. double bedroom. raised diitittg area. fitted galley kitchen. tiled b/room attd sltow - er. l’riy'ate hall attd staircase. (i('ll. (iardens. £500 pcttt. l)etails: 0l4l 357 lll6. Mobile: 07084 055 070.

I l-lyndland, large 3 bed flat. 2 spacious public rooms. kitchen/ dittiitg. storage. (i('ll. l’t'ol‘essional couple or lantin only. No sinoket's. “SS. “000 pcm. Tel: 07780 074 440.

I Whiteinch. Top sunny pretty Hat on bits route. I-‘urnislted. Two bedroottts. cotnlot‘table longc. w ell equipped kitchen. bathroom/show et'. (i('ll. Security entrance. Double gla/ed. £400 pttt pltts bills. Tel: ()l4l 334 5882.

One bedroom flat for let iit Sltawlands Queens Park. Very good location for local sltops aitd amenities. easy access to the city centre. Security entrance. (i('ll. replacement windows, spacious liy'ing roont. modern fitted kitcltett and bathroom with cor— ner batlt. l’urnished. £305 pent.

Tel: 07753 780 164.

I To Let Whiteinch. 2 bed fiat [550 pent. .v\\ailable now. l‘urnished. Telephone: 07876 702 257.

I Merchant City. Spacious I bed Ilat in Merchant ('ity. Sttit prol/couple £500pnt. Phone 0781 I 464365 liot' details.


I Luxury 2 bedroomed llat oyerlooking Royal Mile ayailable at discount price due to scall'olding. :\\ailablc til December 250]. [700 per tttotttlt including all bills. Tel: 0l3l 317 7l27.

I Shore Leith. Bright two bedroom llat for rent. Separate liying attd kitclten. L520 pettt pltts bills. .-\\ailable early .\'oyentber. Phone 07076 I67 507.

Lesbian Writer seeks I'riends to share studio itt Bruntsfield. Non-smoking. non- drittking pt‘el'erred. Rent shared

on mutual agreement. Please phone: 07745 422 938 thanks.

I Newington. Dalkeith Road. lst l‘loor Hat. 4 double bedrooms. sitting room. kitchen. bathroom w itlt shower. Rental £275 per rooin per tttoittlt. Ayailable now. Tel 0| 3] 220 48 l 7.

I Newington. South Oxford Street. 2nd l‘loor l‘lat. 3 double bedroottts. new fitted kitclten with sittittg roont area. 2 shower rooms. separate \\'('.

(i('ll. Rental £200 per roottt per

tttoittlt. Ayailable now. Tel 0|3l 220 48 l 7.

I Lovely Central West lind spacious top Iloor llat. Kitchen/dining roottt. liy'ing roont. 2 large bedroottts. dbl bedroom 3/study. (i('ll. lully furnished. sanded lloors. £675 pent. Tel: 0l3l 656 045 l.

I Furnished, bright, sunny, one bedroom flat for rent itt Stockbridge. Sittittg room/ kitchen. (i('ll. period working range. shared commu- nal garden. Rent £475 pcttt. Tel: 07700 330 806.

I Room available in lan- tastic llat (semi or itott I‘ur- nished double room) centrally located. priyate garden. two lounges £333 + ('T + bills. ('all Scott or Andy on 0l3l 538 3388 ittttst be gay friendly?

I Fettes/ Crewe Toll. l bedroom llat to let. Quiet cul- de-sac. newly luritislted. Suit proIcssional non-smoking per- soit /couple. (i(’ll. l)(i. l’riyate parking. £420 pcm. Tel: 07765 025 47l or ()I 3| 667 24l5.

I Flat for rent. Bright llat w itlt great \‘iews to .-\ruthur's Seat. l-‘lexible aecomntodatiott - one/two bedroottt. would suit single person. couple or two sharing. Kitclten/dining/liying area plus lounge/2nd bedroottt. Rent £400pcnt pltis bills. Situated at Rossie l’lace. olT liasler Road. Iixcellent local amenities. close to city cetttre. (‘all Jenniler: 0780l 881 050 I Funky flat. Albion Road. Bright top lloor. I-‘ully lur- nislted. Separate kitchen. Sltower/ bath/ l)(i. Ayailable immediately. £425 pent. ('onlact: 078ll 035 565.

I The Shore, lovely one bedroom flat plus bo\roonl. Wooden lloorboards through- out. ()pen fire. Near great bars. resaurants & ()cean Terminal. View ittg highly recommended £465 pcitt + bills. .r\\ailable .\'o\ ember. lntei'ested'.’ ('all 07747 075 720.

I Central. One bedroom lully l‘urnishcd llat iit (‘annonmills to let l‘rom .\'oyentber. l)(i. (i('ll. £430 pnt + deposit. Tel: 07876 437 860 or 0l506 885 l07.

I Meadowbank.

Bright/ spacious 2 bed— room llat. l-urnished. Two dott- ble bedroottts. big titted dining kitelten. large lounge. bathroom (electric show erl. bosroom/study (skylight). (i('II. I)(i. £550 pent + bills. Tel: 07764 607 857.

I Tollcross, first floor llat. I'ully l'ut'nished. newly dec- orated. (‘onsists lounge. 2 dbl bedrooms. kitchen/diner. bath- room. priy‘ate parking. Available now. £625 pent + (’T + bills. Tel: 078l 324 0670.


I Aberdeen, own door I‘Ial. one double bedroom. one child's bedroont or study. Two minutes from Kings ('ollege. Sttit lecturer or post grad cou- ple. £375 pcm. Tel: 0l506 848 324. Mobile: 07800 8l8 053. I Dundee, beautiful, residential \y'esi lind Victorian tltree bedt'ooitted l'lat. Views of Tay and garden. Suit pt‘olessional couple or lamily. l-‘ully l‘ui'nislted. close to .\'. .\'ewel|s. Tel: 0l506 848324. Mobile: 07800 8l8 053.

£800 pent.

4 THE LIST 121