/rr our Itoa'ar :rtr'r I a to 51.”? of

III‘.”..'t’/‘. (Hf/Hr“ (In/t3 thonr .'"o:/gl;.':.

o/r .‘lre r IN'erf.’ (1'! write

OPEN DOORS, SHUT EYES V‘JoHtt; Artbug A lhe reeent \NAfSPfS lV‘/<>tkf;h<)tr arul Artrutt; fStIrrtro l’tt)‘.’|f;l()tt f3<tot|anrl Nl )l lllt' u'xhrte arurio thrngr ( )pen Door?) unrerrkerut hart over tttltl artrmtt; partr<2rpatrng In openuu; theu ftllltlltrf, tro'n ES<:a|l<>‘.'.r;r\, to E3e|lxul\. and hat;

t the rm utern ‘.'.’()t|tl of art}; polrtu11;

been larute<l a huge 5;u<:r;e:;f;

r:; anythuut to go by toountrng the numher ol hums; on fttfitlfn then llttf; event mut;t he heral(te(t an emphatu: :;u<;(:eé;t;. wrth the pultlu: turnrng up rn theu (hover; ltut hex. rt (:an't all have heen that goott. f;tll(:l\’i thrr; If; the rnaehrne room. the latiton, tloor ol the art ‘.'.’()ll(l amt lest Wt: torget It. In among rt :;orrre‘.'./lrere are the artrr;t:;. ltow goott was; rt tor them? lhe rno:;t (:omrnon outpourrngt; emanatrng from varrout; :;tu(trot; rumored to he: 'll I hear one rrrore per:;on :;a\,'rng "(tut you reth make thaw". l'Il throttle them'. Another :2; '/\mt where the hell were tlte\"?', 'lhey meanrng t‘uratort;. (:rrtr<::;. gallerreu. \.r:;ua| artt; oltreert; ett: the verx people who are supposett to he rntereatert rn art amt who make or :;u:;tarn theu (tareers; out of rt who rnanagett to \ote \.'.'rth thou teet tn, :;ta\rng lurnh e|:;e\.'.rht.>re. Wh\ rt; rt that Joe puhlu‘ can take :;u(:h an Interest amt \et art (tllt‘l()tl{t(l()f; <:annot':‘ to he tau. a hamttul (tut make It. the\ were. wrthout (rtre:;trort. new on the ottene \oung amt full of enthusrazan tor haung the opportunrh to meet artr:;t:; amt ttr:;(:o\'er what goet; on, amt the\ lappett up the opportunrh wrth relr:;h. Full marks; to them amt nrl porntz; to the rent. Come to thrnk ot rt though. the rest}: exeuae \‘urll prohahh he ‘\'.'e tlltl make It out root «tuln'! see u:;.' Yeah rrght, On an all expenses llllltlt‘kl hip to Seallov.a\ ‘.'.’lt|(7lt took the whole ‘.'.'eel\emt to mat the one artrat rr‘. resutenee. Monex well spent then.

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art@list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


l(\-1\\ootll.tlttl\ Road. “I lllljh \lHtt I'tt lltarh 5pm. \rt lllarrr l.‘ ‘ltprh

Mixed Exhibition l ntrl In H ot-r \ xhou ot \xork h} rt-fgular jgalh'r} .ntrxtx rmluthn; lh'lcn \l lurncr. |.tl lhrntcr. \larron lhornwn. Rolwrt l,;:_~_'rhton. .Im' Kt-arrrc} amt Itt.tlt_\ olltt'H


l‘) l’arnrc \trcct. 55.‘ 5"“) .\lon Sat noon 5pm

New Scottish Figuratives l'nrrl \\L'tl 2‘) ()yt l'rgtuatru- ]t.tltlllltf_'\ l\_\ ncxx gratlualt-x aml gallcr} la\outtlc\. .\lc\ Damn. I )tha lane” and Shona l‘rmlla}.


Suite Art l‘ntrl 'l'hu ttl()t‘t .\ \t'IIL'\ ot lortnrghtl} mlnhrtronx \hourny thc \xork ot up .lIllI t'orrung: artrxtx urth an opt-rung: lllletl on l'rrtla) hour (th11 \\ork h} .‘HIIIJII lt \lt‘.\lur\‘lm',


lh5a ltalh Sttccl. :33 33W 'lln' Sat Math 5. itlprrl

Cherylene Dyer l'nrrl Sat ti .\'o\, I‘lleltttllH‘ parntrngx.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART l5-l Iil}llt\\\oml Sltt't'l. i5: ‘llllq.

Mom In 0. ‘(lanr 5. illprh; Sat lttarn Iptlt. Chris Bushe - Landscapes of Desire l‘ntrl ‘l'uc IN ()t't. ('ontcntporar} lamlxcapc parnttngx ol Iowan) and (nun It} ('ltlh lithltc.

Thomas Hill l'ntrl luc IN (M. “or \t‘ulpturcx.

Brett Payne: Long and Low t‘nrrl

luv 38 ()ct. (‘ontcnrporan \rl\cr'\\arc.

THE BRICK SPACE GALLERY ()m‘ \Vor'hl Shop. llltl lhr'cx Road. 35" I50". .\lon Sat Illarn 5.30pm. Jewels of Textile Art hurt to SI ()ct. (ilaxgon '\ lirxt larr‘ tradt' gallcr} opt-m \\ rth an mluhrtron ot Sltooxxa L‘Iotlh rnatlc h} thc Kuha pcoplc ol th' Dcrnocratrt~ chuhht‘ ol (’ongo. 'l‘hc urt- prlc clothx arc plarn “own h) rncn and thcn crnhrortlcrml h} norm-n amt arc cormtlcrctl h} thc Kuhn pcoplc to lw thc tr‘uc rmwlx ot thcrr tmtrlc art.


llto .\' ltrunxmck Strccl. 552 ttttttl. You are my Sunlight l‘nrrt Sun 3 \m. lztlrnhurgh (‘ollcgc ot ;\rt gr‘atluatc (Erlhan IItHKIlL‘\\ mplouw thc cwryla} through photographx. lL‘\l\ amt IIII\L'(I rnctha.


lll Krng Stru‘t. 55‘ “~33. luv Sat ll.3tl.un llprn.

Angela Gasseling l'nrrt l'rr 31 ()gr. 'l'hc artrxt pla) \ \\ 1th colour. lllL‘lIlUkl and \lructurc to ru'rtalc thc rntcractron hchwcn mm and \pat‘c. torrnrng.‘ a land ot rntcrachw cwaprxrn.


350 Sauchrchall Sum-t. 353 Woo.

the “at x lo Sun llarn oprh; 'l‘hu llarn Rpm,

Kenny Hunter: Feedback Loop l’ntrl Sun J Jan l‘hc unxcrhng ot Kcttrt} Huntch (Ullllllh‘lt‘llt‘kl wull‘turc tor thc ('('.\. a \rnglc. largo-watt ligurc ot a Japancw lCt‘ttagL‘t' ll'ollt thc \ll'L‘L‘h ol llar‘arukr rn 'l'ok_\o. rcprcwntatrn; thc mtraorthnar} \tr'cct taxhron ot that arca. After Nature l'ntrl Sun Flt \o\. (‘larc langan. Duncan \larqurxx and Rachcl

Rcupl‘c (\plorc \ rm'rhath llHllHl‘r\ o! ttaltttc. It‘lll.lllll\l\lll .Ill\l thc cm :rorrrhcrzt through wurrtluapcx and that


l rrrwrxrt} ot \tratluhtlc. :3 lx’rthrnohtl \tn‘ct. 513 I555 \lorr lrr lllatlt 5pm. \al noon Jprn

Aspects of Scotland’s Aviation: Dugald Cameron \u 1.x oa \.u 1* \o\ \n c\hrhrtrorr ot parntrngx and tllthltalloth rnapprn; cwntx rn \otlanth hhlot} ol a\rat1oh h} lhrgaltl (‘anrt-ron, torrm'r tlrrct'tor ot (tlaxgou \‘hool ot \rt

Glasgow Belongs to Me \al I.\

(M \at I5 \o\ \n mhrhrtron ot prrntx. parrrtrrrgx athl tII.l\\ rngx portratrn; (ilaxyou l.llltllll.lll\\ and thc \ll} \ tltlatltoth tcncrncntx. \Iowx and \Il_\ Inf: yrccnx. \clutctl trorn thc unrwmt} \ ltm' .ut t'ollu'tron. \IUIlJlCtI h} |)r Ilclcn ('arggrll lhorhpxon '


l—h \\L'\l RL'jJL'lll SllL'k‘l. :3] (ti—ill

\lon Sat Warn 5 illpnr

Cabinet Paintings 1 nttl \Iotl _‘l| ( ta (‘ahrnct parntrngb h) owr 5t) \wll knoun artrxtx rntluthn; “Ulla h} .loxcl llcrnrarr. I’hrhp Rccwx. ('arlo I<tl\\l. I.) \ ltanxcn. \\rll \laylcan. |)cnr\c l'rmlla}. \nm‘ltc Indy.” and Stuart l)ultrn

James Tweedie .\.rr 3* (M Sat .‘3 \o\ \ \olo \lto“ ol ru'cnl parntrnyx .lIltI \II.l\\lll_L'\


it) \\L'\l (ik'UlfJC Sltt'cl. it: 555' \lott \al lltarn 5 itlprn.

lain Carby: My Catalonia l ntrl \u 25 ()ct. (‘atalonran lamlxt‘apc \u-m'x h} lam (\tr'lt}


‘l ('hrxholrn Strcct. Icntranu~ through \alorlt. 553 "lllll .\lotl “at. in «k Sal ll). ittanr 550an ’l'hu to. Warn "run Remembrance of Things Past l'ntrl l‘rr tl ()t't. .'\lan \\ tl\otl uplorcx lhcrm'x ol [um and \pau' rn thrx rrNallatron ot uth and louml thatcrlalx and photograph}


Saltoun lane. 24 Ruthwn Strcct. i5" l‘J‘N. .\lon l‘rr & Sun llfill 5 ittprh. Sat Ilath 5.30pm.

Alexandra Gardner t‘nrrt \\L‘(I 3n ( ta

.\ \olo \lttm ot ncu parntrngx


()uccn Strccl. 23‘) WW» .\lon 'l'hu tk Sat lltarn 5pm; l'rr Sun llarn 5pm

Self Portrait UK l‘ntrl Sun to .\o\ .\ tourrng mhrlutron tcaturrng: \cll portrarh h_\ pcoplc trorn all rcgronx ot lllk' l'nrtt-tl Kingdom uho took part rn lhc ttalroltal t‘anrpargn. .Xr'lt l’urrrrrrr I K. organrxctl h} \lctha l‘) rn partncrxlnp \xrth (‘hanncl ‘l. thc \atronal l’ottrart (iatlct') and thc \rlx (‘ouncrl ot l:ng_'|.rmt

Love Over Gold 'thu toot-r Sun 25 .-\prt :\ wlcgtron ol “Olin tlrann tronr thc Scottrxh \atronal (iallcr) ol \lmlcrn .-\r‘t\ collection ot L'orttcrhporar} art \xrth a togux on artNx hawtl rn Scotland. ('hrrxtrnc Borlaml. \lartrn ltoy‘c. Rottcrrgk Buchanan. er larnluc. \tctor‘ra Morton and Hand Slrrrgglc} tcaturc rn lhc \clultott \E 5'r1,.'.

0 Storm: An Installation by Dalziel + Scullion 'l'hu irrogr Sun " .\lar. Dal/1c] + Sgulhon uner thctt cornnuwronul rnxtallatron tor (i(),\l;\ Izach da} a tIlIICICIlI Imago \xrll hc [‘t‘olt‘t'lctl UltlU .t \LICCII “hull IL'\C.tl\ lltL‘ unruuc ccologrcal t‘rr'currhtangcx tound at a numhcr ol xrtcx throughout Scotland Scc pron-n and llrtlrxt 5:" '


Roukcn (ilcn Roatl. (CH “3 ‘5 \lon. lhu. l‘rr & Sun t 3H 5 ‘tlprn. Sat

ll Warn 5.3ltprn

Mixed Show l'ntrl Mon I" (M \ nuwtl \lto“ ot parntrnp rngluthng \xorkx l‘} Shona Barr. Malcolm ('hC-IPC. lat] I‘.lltol. ('larrc llarrrgan and Sutton l.atlt‘tu

8‘. "as Art

Storm At'frfi'. (the llarflv

Scullion eohtz'rué: then m: r'atrs to

of the t‘ratutar en‘ru'r'tr' M“. ,r\ ft‘rrt (torm‘ussaromart rrrrtfa‘tiatror: 7'. rr (EOMA laeh <ta.. a tit” uhage ‘.'.’rll he pron/{Ht o':t< a screen. revealrho the eon ,trwa‘ (:omtrtroru; totrmt rrr a Hurrrrw at ssrtes; throughoat Scottaho 55m- l)t'(2\’l(?‘.‘.’. Gal/en of ."v./r'()(."t Irr‘ Xvi (3/('tf;§]()‘.'., [m (-1." ()1 [Sir I frr'

Editions Alecto: A Fury for Prints /\ eelehratzor‘ the rrk of proneerrng prurt rrulrrrtrxe'. Aletito. ‘.'./hr(;h gnome/t 221th l);t‘.’.fl ltockneg. l <tuar<to l’aoto/xr ahrt ltr<;har(t Harmltot‘. among; (:t’rer‘, (turrng the ‘50:, amt r'trr, fier- l)t(2‘.'|(3'.‘.’. ()If‘r’ Art (,‘ehtre 1. [:(trrrhtrrgh. Sat .78 ()r..' far to Jan,

Whistler in Venice F eat: My; over :'>() (:lClttthS) amt pastel. hf. \JitlttOS McNerl ‘rfjhrstler. ureatert (lurrng hrs; 1“. month stag,» rh the ltalran (,‘rty rn 18ft) l'hme works; (lepret the opulence of Verrree's ornate palatgets a“, well (if; scene“, of (3\./(-:t‘,'(l£t\.'. ()t‘(lttt{tt‘-,' lrte Hui/ell Col/ectrorr. (i/(’tf;§]()t‘.’. ()(Jc‘SU/t 78 Jan.

Susan Derges to photograph, of a very rttfererrt krmt. Susaarr Derge‘; eaotrrrer, the lrght of the moon amt stars rll thu, SOt'IOE; of (,‘ar'reralmf; rt' rages made or: the Rue-r lrmlhorrr. lrtg/eby (.L'rI/er}; ['(lel):/"f}/i. rrrrtr/ Sat 8 Nov.

Advertising and the Artist: Ashley Havinden’s Designs and Collections A (,‘elehralrorr of the work of om; of lirrtarh's most Sum; :sstur ao .rertrurrrg artrsts amt (,tessrgrrers. .‘Jtlo‘J: carrrparghs urclurtert ‘Drurk Mrtk' amt ‘Beer rt; Best] ur the 19308. Dean Gar/er}: Ear/murmur. rrrrrr/ Sun 78 Jan.

New Work Scotland Programme 10 New season of the crrtrcalty acctarrrred NSW Programme whxflr grves Cteserxed cxposme to young. up- ahd-cornrrrg artrsts; Frrst up are Ken/rm Hutcheson and Krrstran Korrrer. Col/ectr/e Ga//ery. Edrrrburg/r. Sat 78 Oct-Sun 76 NOV.