ibof WOMAN
Pogo Vogue at the Bongo Club. Edinburgh. Fri 24 Oct
It‘s another relaunch for the freshly-opened Bongo Club. This time round it‘s the highly-regarded Pogo Vogue. And it's a big-name affair as one third of the Zoots is Stuart Price, aka Jacques Lu Cont, aka Les Rythmes Digitales. Despite the Madonna—affiliated producer's presence. this is very much a democratic republic of Zoot - just ask brothers Adam and Johnny Blake. co-musician and vocalist/lyriCist. respectively.
Now that the second album. Zoot Woman. has been released. how do Price's other jobs fit around it? 'As you can tell from the stuff he's done already. Stuart is a fine producer.‘ explains Johnny. 1 think it works well for him. being able to do different things and take time out before he reViSIts old ground. I don't know if or when he plans to make another LRD album. but I'm hoping we can just get straight into the next Zoot Woman one atter
this tour.‘
'We're not an 805 revivalist band or anything.‘ says Johnny. regarding the retro accusations that greeted 1999's debut. Livmg in a Magazine. 'But then I can see why people thought that. Our image was so in-your-face. so exhibitionist. with the white suits and make-up. At the time. we did feel alone in what we were doing. but now people say we were a prototype electroclash band. which is a compliment. One thing I've noticed is that people do tend to have quite an extreme reaction — either love or hate — which is usually a sure sign that you're doing something unique' (Dawd
l'unk. disco and more \yhile Tokyo lilu take care ol~ the house. i
I Modern Lovers at ligo. Next date 7 Km.
I Nu:0rder at ()piuin. 57 ‘).3tlpm. £5
(£1 off with llyeri. Weekly. Neys night for
1-1 l7-year-olds. loctising on \s hat the ()pium does best metal. rock. punk. ska. emo. alternatiy e and grunge. .\'o ttlcopops but free drink refills.
I Got! at Studio 2-1. I lpm 3am. £5. 24 ()ct. Monthly: 'l‘ys isted house and phunked-up techno from resident l)a\ id Myers (Mingin'i and monthly guests on rotation. This month. Brett King (Joy l takes to the decks \s ith his oun brand of chunky. funky house. Please note that ()otl is a night that caters for gay. straight and 'in hetyseen' people.
I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. ltlpinqiam. £5. Weekly Funked tip \ocal house and dance classics t'rom Stex ie (i and (‘allum Murray.
I Planet Earth at ('itrus ('luh. ltl.3(lpin 3am. £5. Weekly. Mtisic from 1976 through to 1%“) or. in other \sords. a healthy dose of punk. he“ “as e. tic“ romantic and electro pop.
I Pogo Vogue at Bongo (‘luh ltlpm~3ain. £8. 2-1 Oct. lisperiiiiental electronica skirting all the \arious forms of music machines make. Relaunch at the Bongo's neyy address \\ ith electro
superstars Zoot Woman llixei and the Sissor Sisters i.\'Y art/caharet/ciimedy l. .S'n' prt'i'it'ii‘.
I Radio Babylon at ligo.
lll.3tlpm 3am. £5. 24 ()ct. Monthly Radio Bahy lon strikes hack. The Merry l’raiiksters. Brainstorm and your hostess the di\ inc Miss l’enny l’ornstar gtiide you through an eclectic mix of gromy dance music. electt'oid-tli\co-hrcaks and post- skool l‘utik.
I Ready Steady Go-Go! at ligo. ltlpm 3am. £7 i£5i. 34 Oct. The sysinging (ills garage. soul. mod. soul. Rth and slea/y listening specialists go |i\c \sith the Boogaloo lnyesttgators. l’reston Plain and the Seaton Sands. See [)I't'l'lr’li.
I Roadblock at l’o .\'a .\'a.
lllpm 3am. l‘ree before I lpm;-1 £5 alter. \VL‘Ckly. .\'icci l: stops the traffic llt had music when she digs tip the best iii funk. disco. house and block rockin' lk‘ttls.
I Roots at Berlin Bierhaus.
l lpm 3am. l-‘ree. 17 ()ct. Next night for soull‘ul house master (‘raig Smith i.-\udio l)elu\e. llush llushi and his pals.
I Sativae Recordings Night at ligo. 3| ()ct. ('.-\.\'(‘lil.l.lil).
I Shakedown at the Venue. o ltlpm. £5 i£4 membersi. Weekly. l'nder lxs night as .\'ick (i and J spin out the hardest
hip hop and Rtkli \\llll lashings of ragga and commercial cuts. plus limcce ('ha/el proyides the shout outs on the mic
I 30 at the Venue llpin 2am £5 \Vcekly inot I" ()cti .\ neys concept at the Venue as each \seek three big name clubs are gathered together under one root for one tiny entrance lee 'l‘his lot‘tnight's session sees ()ptiino returning alongside lleadspin and Rogue State iI—l ()cti then lllt‘ ltillimlllg \yet‘k15l ()ctl \\ e haye l’ogo Vogue. Moyin' 'l’hrough and Soul Biscuits proyiding the inised tip sounds I The Time Tunnel .ii .\l.l\s.t
lllpm 5am £5 i£4 “llli llyeii \Veekly Trendy \Vendy. Shouhi/ Jase and Betty l-ord disrupt the space-time continuum
\\ ith tunes from the (ills. "Us and Stis ()r maybe it's iust the alcohol
I Tokyoblu at ligo llpin 3am. £ i. I? ()ct. Monthly. l'p-and-commg douhle .ict plying their trademark hlcnd ol funky house and classic grooy es reaching.
I UTI presents Kindred Spirit at Sttidio 34. lll,_‘stlpm 3am. £S i£5 meinhersi. 34 ()ct. Monthly. l'nderground techno from special guests Stey ie () and sam \Vatsoii.
Chart & Party
I The BIG One! at Mood. ‘lpm 3am. liree before I lpm; £3 alter thee to ineinhersi. Weekly .-\ fantastic start to the \\ eekend as you cayort to all those pop classics from the last li\ e decades. I Boogie Juice at l.‘:\ll;tL'ltL‘. lfl.3(lpiii 3am. £3 before I lpin'. £5 alter Weekly Playing out the best in Rtle chart and funky l'ayotirites.
I The Dog’s Balearics at Reyolution. llUflpni 3am. £5 before midnight; £(i after l£5 £4). Weekly The best [him and chart dance numbers from throughout the summer.
I FAB Fridays! at (‘ity1 lidinhurgh.
l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly: Resident [)1 Steve spinning a mix of chart. party and commercial tunes.
I Office Affair at Suhysay West lind. 4pm 3am. liree before 0pm; £5 alter i£4l. Weekly. ('hart tunes. bullet and cheap drinks. What else do you need to make a tool of yourself in front of you L‘tillL‘;tgtlc\'.’
I Office Party at (‘a\ endish/I)i\a. 4pm 3am. liree. Weekly. Night of after work silliness and cheesy tun. Bucking hroncos. games and more to keep the suited masses entertained. Bullet for pre—hooked parties tas \\ ell as a bus pick up sery ice).
I Relight my Fire at Ahhaiz
9pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly More "His and 80s layoui'ites \s ith a smattering of Karaoke numbers from the inehriated punters.
I The Subway at Siihysay 7pm 3am. £l. Weekly. Nigh on a ('oyygatc institution ol commercial dance and chart hits \\ ith the odd indie classic.
I Why Not? at \Vhy .\'otl’ ltlpm Rant. 3 hel‘ore l lpm; £5 7.50 after. Weekly (‘hart. dance and house for the weekend
Edinburgh Saturdays
I Ascension Goth Club at 'l‘es Itil Rim t'nion. 10.30pm 3am. £5 (£3 lil)(ith ineinhersi. IS ()ct. Monthly. In association with lidinhurgh l'niyersity 's (ioth & Rock Society comes this cheery mis ol tip-to-date darkness featuring all the latest goth. rock and industrial greats. I Asylum at Sttidio 34. I lpm 3am. £5. IS ()ct. Fortnightly. 'l'he Mission's dimn and dirty hrother specialising in rock. on metal and other hardcore sounds.
Check out the great
on page 11
listings Clubs
Dogma Hard techno action as Punish Becords' Glenn Wilson hosts his album launch party. He's certainly earning his keep. putting in a two hour live set then swnching to Final Scratch for some DJ action. Studio 2-1. [h 7/ Oct.
Mischief The three story block party returns for what might be one of its last dates and it sure doesn't let us down on the guest front: Ed Bush, Mickey Finn and Task Force all play tonight. The Venue. Fri 77 Oct.
Pressure Meets Bugged Out! More big names down the Venue. Not surprismg when you have Quality like Pressure and Bugged Out! attached. UNKLE and Billy Nasty push at the boundaries of beatology. The Venue. Sat I 8 Oct.
El Segundo The hip hop SOiree hits five years old »— perfect timing for christening the new Bongo. The Bongo C/ul), Fri If Oct.
I Love Music You don't often get a DJ With a MBE. and it's even less common to get a DJ with an MBE playing the Opal Leunge. Norman Jay (pictured). king of the good times, plays but this Sunday SBSSlOTl. The Opa/ Lounge, Sun 79 Oct.
Stereotype Huggy knows house. so when he books them yOU know they‘re quality. ATFC lS no exception: producer. DJ and all round house master. Ber/in. Sat 25 Oct.
Ultragroove Four years old this month and still setting the standard fOr real deal house in the capital. For its birthday the residents (With the help of a couple of local ladsl show us why they're at the top of their game. The Honeycomb, Sat 25 Oct.
Club Together The perfect way for all you new students to gain a one stop lesson in Edinburgh's best clubs all under one roof. Time to get educated. The Venue. Thu 30 Oct.
7", 0',‘ .7 ‘, THE LIST 85