Clubs IISIIrigS

Geoff Montford

Glasgow Saturdays

I Opus .u ()piix. 2pm 3am. l'l‘t‘C. \Vcckh. 'l‘hci‘c'x .i Inc xmng hguid li'oiii No. and Ihcn il chx lunkn‘i~ \inh DJ Paul li'oin \Vickcd Soun/ plining unIil Ihi'cc in Ihc nioi'ning. ()h )cx.

I Outer Drive at MAS. .\'t-\i duic llk‘.

I Papacool in .'\d lib. l Idllpin -l;iiii.

£5. 25 ()Cl. .\lonIhl_\. .lii/l. xoiil .ind lunk.

culling cdgc. t'lgixxic iind i'iu'c gi'om c. di‘oppcd h} l‘.ip;icool onc iiioi‘c lllllt‘. .\

gri'iiI \xii) Io Iiikc Ihc cdgc oll Ilic nionlh.

\xilh xpccigil guL‘xI Supcrchgix on Ii'uiiipcl. I Rapture .il \lcdiii. llpni .iuin. Uhc, \Vcckl}. 7(lx nnd Xllx cluxxicx l'i'oni Jiiiiicx Riixxcll. iind gquI I)Jx ma) I\\o \wckx inukc Ihix .i l'un iiiglii ouI.

I Red and Gold Room Ill :\I'l;i. lllpni .iiiin. l‘i'cc below I 1pm; £8 .il'lci', \Vcckl). Bill) Milligiin iniinx Ihc dcckx I'oi' ii l'inc iiiglil ol’ l.;iIin houxc, 'l‘hix \\ ill xci‘iouxl} xpicc up _\our lilc. iI IhiiI‘x

\\ hut'x i‘cquii'cd.

I Rub Down in .~\d lih I Ipni Ruin. £511.11). In ()cl. .\lonIhl}. l’rincc llodl‘ iind Ihc llUIl\L‘ hand poi'loi'iii on Ihc liuiioux Ruh l)o\\ ii l’..-\. 'l'hcru‘x .ilxo l).l Dillon pl;i_\ing Ihc lilccli‘o. Iunk. dixt‘o and hiixx.

I Saturdays at Blanket ill Bliinkcl Il‘oi‘iiicrl) Bcdl. Illfillpni .‘Nllll, i" liSl, 'l‘lic liiiikwa Rtkll in tho (it) I'm‘kx Ihc big buck hcdrooin on ii Sill in Bud \inh the lcgcndiir} Riniiiond \Voodx. Jun dii BCxI illltl hix lllll\lC;ll illlll\'\ kccp _\ou

82 THE LIST '6 -_-‘ O “. .‘


Bamboo. Glasgow

‘I just think. with clubbing. a lot of people forgot what it was about in the beginning,’ says promoter Geoff Montford. ‘When I DJ in the red room. it's like I'm putting on a party and everyone's invited. There's no music snobbery. I try to recreate why I fell in love with clubbing when I was 18 or 19.‘ Successful and accessible rather than mainstream, Bamboo is all about having a good time. pure and simple. It puts a hell of a lot of work into making sure that, when you come through its doors, you are in the kind of environment in which good times happen.

It's approaching its first birthday in November. and you can reSt assured that the weekend of its anniversary will be one of the busiest yet. Joey Negro is set to play alongside the several genius residents who have kept the crowds coming week in. week out over the past 12


The place is crowded with beautiful people every week, and it‘s got all the bases covered musically. from the most fat-assed R&B. to the most crowd-pleasing. classy funky house and the slammingest indie and rock. Montford explains why the concept has worked so well: ‘We were aggressive with our PR in the beginning, because we knew that we were offering something attractive. The club filled the hole left by the superclub. It's an interesting. intimate. attractive space. Bamboo came along at the right time, and the people appreciate that.‘ People talk with their feet and the popularity of Bamboo is its most emphatic endorsement. (Johnny Regan).

inxnku lll Ihc li'onI hcdi'ooiii iii.iking Ihix ncu Siil nighI onc ol Ihc nioxI popiil.ii in Ihc til}. I Savalas ill .-\d l.ll\. \L'\l ddlc UK“ I Seduce .iI .v\i't‘h.iox. llpiii Run ‘3 (UN, \Vcckl}. ('h;ii'I_\ d.inu' .iiid RIKH. noI Io iiicnlioii .in unhmllh} xiii.iIIci'ing ol clicch on Ihix hugc Sal nighII'i I Shack dl Ihc Shack. lll..ill[‘lll i zll.un 9;" (£5). \Vcckl}. )oui doun .ind ll\L'll Ihiiigx up on Ihc danccllooi Io Ihc xouiidx ol .ill )iiiii' Shark l.l\iilllllt‘\. plu)cd ouI h} (ii';iciiic l'ci'giixon I The Shed .il Ihu Slicd lll lllpin _‘.iiii to, Wall}. |)cin.iiid ix high loi Ihix one. xo gcl Ihcrc mil} 'luiimgu duplincd h} lauun \L'IIMIII .ind .-\nd} RohciIxon I Shine On .iI (‘oi'iiilhiun llpiii inn {Ilka \Vcckl}. (ioi‘don \lillt‘i' .ind Roxx .\‘iiiill.ui rock Ihc loini .illci .l\t'\\1<‘ll in Ihc l.iIc h.u [.on oI lllllix and Inn .111 round .ix Ihc i'uxidcnlx Liki- in Ihc gciiicx Ilic} \\.Illl

Solemusic Soundsystem with Bacardi BBar .ll .\1 \.\ lllpin ~1.iiii {IIIIL'M 2* (M. \lonlhl} lloiixc lllll\‘.\ lcgcnd Kci‘i'i (‘h.uidh-i plixx out .iI Ihix qu.iIiI_\ nighI ll’Ulll Solc .ind'.iidi (iL'Ull .\l. .\l.ixh. l’.iul (Iiult') .ind ll.ixil .ill xuppoi'I Ihc hig Ill lllL‘ll ouii xpt-t'ml “ll-M I Sonia Sessions .ii .\I.\.\‘ llpin Run. in lion. l.\ ()gi. lawn] l’ciu'xon ix in Ihc liol me .iI Ihc Lith inxlnliiicnl ol Ihc \L‘\\ltlll\ Ii‘oiii Ihix Iinc (ilnxgou Lil‘cl.

I Source III I) (‘Iuh \cxi tl.llk' llk’

I Spatial presents .Il ()

llpin Run {5. 35 ()t'l. liiipct'mhlc llL'k'l‘ lt‘t‘lllln .l\ lulllCllu' llllg‘llt‘x .lllll 'loiii ("huit'hill \wlt'oiiic ("Lug ()‘(‘onnt'll

I Streetlife .il l niind l oungc

lllpni l.llll Lb Mfr lx ()II

\lonlhl_\l .ooxcioilx .uid SIM ic lzlcnicnlx [‘lt'\k'lll .llll‘lllk'l (\ClllllfJ ol lllll\l\'.ll din-ixil} \‘-|ll1.llk'\\ \lll|H|\I‘\ Ihiouii lll .ilong Ihc \\.l_\

I Subculture .ii lllt' Sub (‘luli

llpiii Run L Ill, \Vt‘ckl} lhc llllL'\l houxc nighI Ill Ihc k'llllllll} \‘-k'l\'lllllk'\ .lk'l K Io Ihc du‘kx I lb ()(ll (ioiiig on p.ixI gin-xi .ippc.ii.iiit‘cx. Ihix \iill hc lllL' l‘ll\lllL'\\ ll.iiii .ind Donn-nip do Ilic hoxI dung and h.nid i'ound lllL' t'.iii.ipL'x .ind lll.lle' xiiic I‘\t'i.\iiiit"x gol .i \L'dl

I Superfly .il Illc \\lllltl\l\lk‘ \ik‘lnl lllpin :dlll L< l.\ ()I'I. l'oilnighll} \ xlighI intimxc in cull} Icc Io p.i_\ loi Ihc .it‘oiixlit I).i\ id lion 1c llll‘lllL‘ .it'l. ligcix in \'.ixchnc l)llllL'.lll Siipt'i'll} .iiid l..iiii.iii.i .uc Ilic dudcx \inh Ihc ll_\ plan I Syntax .iI Soiliidlidiix \k".l \ldlC Iht' I Tiger Tiger .iI ligci 'l igci

llpiii \iiii Lb \M'ckl} .loin Ihc pail} .iI Ihix l‘L'dllllllll h.ii l.i\UIll’L'\l h} Ihoxc \xmiing xiiilx .iiid upcnxiw dicxxL'x

lhc lllll\l\' polit‘} ix poiiiiiit‘i‘giul dangc .ind Ilic lll‘lklllllillh RIKH

I Tongue’n’Groove .ii lllm \c\l \ldlk' ll‘x~

I Traxx .iI Souiidhdux \ml d.iIc Ihc

I Vegas .iI Ih.‘ lx‘cnli.‘\\ lcii_\ \\'\l d.ilc 1" \o\

I The Winchester Club .ll ilic \\oodxidc \mml ‘lpiii fun 1‘ l“ (kl \loiillil_\ (iiml night Ihix dchghllul iiiidt'igioiiiid ninin tliih .1‘lll\' \leci \I'I .ind Ilic l ii. lxxniilhx .ippch \\ illi icxpctl twining Io Ilit'xc .itIx lioiii\ \llllk'lk'lll .iic.ix. Ihix ix .i l‘ll ol .: toiip loi Ilic \\|ll\ll\'\l\'l

I Wired .Il \xiliiiii. (lilcdonidn

l ni\.'iin_\ l iiion lllpiii Kiiii 1‘ “cckli (dmyou 'x li'llfjcxl Iiinning .ilIciii.iIi\c indic niyshl \inh diiiikx pioinox .iplt‘nI}

I Unified Soundsystems of Glasgow .1! \iti"Ii'\ls.i/\x ‘lpiii l.llll ll\'\' 3" ( kl \inI' \Hllllil\_\\lt'lll\ \l‘llll‘lllel lll.l\\ lnmdcix. lh.iiiiliii'. ('«iiiliixioii. ('xphci. \ll\\l\‘.ll. i\)\'l\'llll\'\\ l‘\lll\‘. .uid l\\l\l\'\l' loi Iuo Ilooix ol h.ud Icthiio .it‘Iion

I Upstart .il my I l\|lll\l l oiingt‘

lllpin Run U :1" I‘lltl \lonlhlx ('ioxxoxci night Iioiii icxidciil IuinI.ih|ixIx \llxlldk'l l’ctk .uid km \lk'\k'll\ xpinning .ui iiphml Ilioitc ol hip hop. lionxc. lunk. l‘t‘.ll\ .uid himkx on Ihc l.ixI \.Illll\l.l_\ oI cwi} inonIh lur fish wrl’i 'l /l\.' iiHI/ ilt‘lii/r I\ L’! .' I Kl] i"."\ .l’( lt'lr unduly/1:

I The X-Factor .il \oiiiidli.iiix \\'\l

\l.ll\' ilit

Glasgow Sundays


I APB .iI ~\oiiiidli.iiix llpin Run {Hit 3“ ( )tI \lonlhl} \ nun humikhml and hip hop gulliciing lh.iI \xill lll iighl in lo lllL' Soundhnux .lk'\lllk'll\

I Bacchanal .iI \oundhniix \mI llK

I Bennet’s .iI llciiiiI-I'x ll illpiii Min U \\I'ckl_\ In \\lll\ll \w .llI‘ Ionlionlcd h_\ .i in.ingI- pliciioiiicnon loin iil.iix Iuncx Ion-d l\_\ l.‘ _\I-.u old giilx. plux xoinc h.nigiii' h.indh.i_~.'. Io I'Iiunll} .ippii'tinliw g‘d} nicn lunn} old \Mllltl I Bite .iI lllk' (Lillioiixt' lll lllpiii Run I'icc hcloit' ll illpin. {I Itl *lh .illci \M‘L'kl} .\ inildci llll\ ol indic .uid imk )ou'll linan lllk'\'ll_\'\ I‘lt'llllt'l imk \cniic on l'll oi Sal

I Boogaloo .iI Ihc Nk‘ldl ‘lpni l.iiii l'icc \Vccklx .'\ llL'\\ it'gulni nighl .iI Ihix \\\.Illl\_\ llk'“ \ciiuc lllk' nighl [llt'\k'lll\ hlot‘k xI} lL' p.iiI_\ grioowx. hip hop. Rikll. xt‘i.ilt‘h inning. Inc Ilk'lkll\\lllll .uid gut'xl \l(‘x L'\L'l} \wclx

I Budda .iI liuddn Ilpni Run Llht “ct-kl) Rclnunt'hcd \I-iiui- lxit‘k on ll.l\ k \\llll dI'I.iilx inll Iht

I Candy .il li.ixh llpiii Run HI Liv \\Ck'l\l_\ In} hurl. .ind Linguiin ii: .i lllk‘tllt‘} ol xchl Iuncx .iiid .ui .iliiioxphcic Iucllcd h} .i \xholc | ol I.ixI} pioniox I Club Tropicana .ll lllt'(i.ll.l_‘1k' i\IIit'i llpiii Run ti till \\cckl_\ lndic. holh \'l.l\\l\' .iiid tonII-nipoini}. will .1 llL'.lllll_\ iluxc l‘l lllllpiip

I Come to Bed .il ll|.inkt'l tl'oiiiiciI} llcdi llpiii i.iin L1 it)» “ct-kl} \tolli ll .ind \ Honcll} .ii'c )oiii hoxlx .iI Iliix nu“ k.ii.iokc iiighl. lCPlL'lL‘ xiilh nail huh and llllt'lnplllillLN lndulgcnt’c Illxl unithcd nun llL‘llelh on Snughichnll Slit-cl

I Definition v Audio .ll lidl'll}

llpin Run \Vcckl} \\h.iI hiingx l)L‘lllllllllll .ind ,\udio Iogclhci ix .i xh.ucd cnIhuxinxin loi pl.i_\iiig inuxit Ih.iI in.ikI-x _\ou unnl Io tl.lll\'C xo lllllkll Ih.iI )ou diop .i dicxx \l/L'. V-llllUlll Ihc ltll'llldlll} oI

ll.i\ lllg lo dI'cxx .i t‘CI'ldlIi \‘..l_\ \o llL'L'd lo xI.ind on gt'i‘cnion) llL‘lk' \Vilh .i xoundlingk Io _\oui Sun likc Ihix. loigt'l \loii iiioining. .iiid killllL' doun Io Il.iill_\ loi Ihc pui‘lcgl cud Io Ihc \xcckcnd

I The Priory .il lldllilioo

Ill illplll inn H \Vcckl} llig nigh! loi Ihix udlloicd Rik“ \un nighlcr. .ix ll lloiiih Ii'oin \H \"x [In I.“ l. dropx h}

'l hix ix going Io blond} nick. and ion knou il. )ou xlngx,

I Dream .iI Sliuxxhcn‘} l‘lL'lIl\

Ill illpiii Run £15 \Vcckl} l‘lllL'Cll quid Io ch in 'You'ic ".nin' .i laugh. .iin'l _\;i’ llul \‘-.lll Ihc hiii‘ ix g'HlllplClCl} licc .ill nighI. xo onp moaning .iiid ch drunk