Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to
g v "v’_:‘__‘ an “Ir, post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by
Johnny Regan.
Glasgow Thursdays
I Back to Mine al lllt‘ liar. lllllL‘S thc. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. l'.\ci‘) 'l'hu. thc l.itc liar part} ix lakcri owr h} a dillcrcnt L'L‘lt'hl'll}. [)1 or mcdia pla} ci. doing it hat thc hcll lhc) “ant to on thc tlL'L‘kx.
I Bennet’s at llcnnct‘x. llpiii 3am, (3 till. \Vcckl}. ('i'a/} night at thix iiioxl popular ol ga} \cnucx. 'l’hc) al\\a_\x gct a grcal crond in and thc allcr particx arc ahia}x xoincthing to hchold.
I Budda at lhidda. llpiii 3am. L'thc. \Vcckl}. Rclaunchcd \ciiuc hack on track u llh tlclttll\ \llll th‘,
I Cheeze ai Sll';tlllL'l_\tlL‘ Sllltlt‘lllK .\xxociatioii. 0pm 3am. Uhc. \Vcckl). 'l'hc higgcxt and tackicxt xludcnt night
I Columbian at Ihc Ax) luiii Back Room. Hpin lam. l‘i'cc to (‘l'Sl' incinhcrx; L'l UlllL‘l‘\\l\C. \Vcckl}. l’ul xoinc hrcakm' lunk in _\our trunk \\llh thix cntcrtainmg night ol xtudciit inadncxx.
I Dirty Thursdays at Blankcl.
llpiii 3am. £5 (Ur. \Vcckl}, (icl dccp donn and dirt} c\ci'_\ 'l'liui‘xda} \\llll Raynond \\'oodx and Naccin iiii\ing up xoltlc ol lhc tltoxl hool) lIL'Iou\ Rkll in thc cit}. \xhilc Bill} .\li|ligan xcr\cx up llic hi‘xl xludcnt claxxch and tlll‘l} pop
I DogGod at Q Bar. l(l_3l)piii 3am. £2. \Vcckl}. .\'c\\ night ol' cclcclicixiii at lhc hcaiitil'iil cluh uiidcr (’orinthian. ll'x hccn L‘loxcd lot' agcx. and no“ lhc} 'rc gclling hack into thc grooi c. l’urc claxx.
I The Edge at thc lidgc. ('oathi‘idgc.
l lpm 3am. U lt'rcci. \Vcckl). chidcntx Stc\ c llannan and Micliacl ()‘Shca giw tlic dcckx a lull \Hit'kolll \\ ith thc \cr} hcxt in club claxxicx ‘til 3am.
I Fire Wire at Bamhoo. 5pm 3am. U Hill. \Vcckl}. ('irahani l'crguxon xpinx Rtin and chart claxxicx in room I. \\hll\l l)J toaxt ix in thc rcd rooiii pla) ing indic pop and rock. ln thc loungc. Rohin B p|a_\x an cclcctic mi\ ol' dixco. lunk and \otll.
I Freakmoves al (ilaxgou School ol .-\rt. l lpm 3am. H tUi. “ct-kl}. l)J Blakc} ix in on tliix night ol th‘ \ci'). \cr) lincxt hip hop, .\'o othcr night ilocx thix kind ol thing giiitc ax \ch|.
I Homework at Vault. I lpm 3am. £5 tut. \Vcckl}. laii and Sic-\ic inan thc hm. xo all inxccuriticx o\ ci' thc tiincx arc dixpcllcd. 'l'hix night aiiiix l'or xtiidcnt happincxx \\ illioiit coniproiiiixiiig thc qualit} lcxclx.
I Hype at (‘uhu l l.3(lpin 3am. U it'll. \Vcckl). Jim l)a Bc'xt tcamx up \iith thc lhpc crc“ to put on a night of t\\ixtcd. ultra-lunk) lioiixc. l’lcnt} ol clicap hoo/c iiiaka lhix a l'un night out. I Loaded at Liquid Loungc.
lllpni 3am. £4 itch. \Vcckl}. 'l'hc Liquid Loungc prcxcnt a ncn 'l‘hu night club that xtartx cwr) \icck \\ ith lhrcc |i\c handx till lain. 'l'hat'x l'ollon cd up h} a xcl ol~ iiidic and funk l'i‘oin rcxidcnl [cc \Vatxon. I Madhouse at th‘ Shack.
ltl..‘~(lpin Rant. [5 (Bl. \Vcckl). (‘J and And} takc _\oii to lhc hrink ot inxanil}
\\ itli xonic ol' lhc iiioxt outragcoux and coui'agcoux \ltldcnl :lltlhcnh.
I Old Skool Reunion ai .’\l‘L'llilU\.
l lpiii 3am. £5 il‘i'cc £3.50). \Vcckl). ()ld \L‘hool tcchno claxxicx and dixco \l} lc liiiicx for thc l'rcii/icd xtudcntx do\\n .-\rchao\ \\ a_\.
I Phunky Monkey at Bclo tl‘oi'incrl} Baha/ai. 8pm. 3am. l-‘rcc hct'orc l lpm; £4 t£3l al‘tci'. \Vcckl}. Scott (iraingcr.
Vancc and Richic .\lc( 'olm takc o\ci xpinning diiticx al lhix llL'“ cluh lliat ix prohahl} going to hc cxcn hrggci than Hahn/a l’lcnt} ol drinkx pioiiiox. iiink} anthcinx and floor lillcix niakc II a \xinniiig loriiiula,
OPinup Nights at Iilackliiaix
8pm larii. U till. 2‘ ()cl \loiithl} Punk rock rcggac ciiio xka xiiigaloiig at lhix dixliiictnc cluh iii thc \lcicharil (‘il_\ (iood \cnuc tor a cliih. and a good cliih lol‘ th' \L'lllll'.
. POIO '0' Me ttl th‘ l’olo loungc lllpiii lam. l'rcc. \Vcckl). You. thc luck) punlci'. takc tlic licliii tonight. .ix rcqiicxt cardx arc axailahlc inci thc hai and in thc lioolh. Noticc loi' thc uniiiiagiriatixc oiicx: ‘l aiii What I aiii' ix piohihitcd h} la“ and piinixliahlc h} xpankiiig.
I Push and Pull at Suh (‘luh \c\l tlalc lhc.
I Record Player: at (ila\go\\ School ol .-\rt. lll,.illplll 3. “Lilli. N Mfr \Vcckl}. lli l'l Scan tlh I-idcht) i and lluxhpupp} il)i\ incl pcrloiiii clicap dcck xiickin' to dixccau. duiiih clcclio and Mix pliiiiik. 'l'hc} ad\ ixc )oii to act up. di'cxx doun and pla_\ cax} to gcl. Spccial gucxi on thix iiiglil ix lhc iniiiiitahlc Rogcr. xo gcl tip on thix onc.
I Retro at 'l‘iaxh. llpiii 3am. L11 it'll. \Vcckl}. l)a\c Young. Slcwn Brown and lhc Kra/_\ Karaokc tcain pl} thcir‘ \iai'cx at lhix lahiiloux night iindcr l’ilt Sticcl. ,\ xtudcnt night uith xtunning tuncx. xtiiiiiiiiig looking pcoplc and a xiiiallci‘ing ol' dl'tlth pt'iilitolionx.
I Skint at lhc ('athoiixc. llpiii ‘am. £4 it'll. \Vcckl). \cr} much a night to i'cl'lcct uhat‘x going on in (ilaxgou at llic iiioiiicnl. ’l‘ough cliciiiical hrcakx and hcatx. rock and indic tor a croml inucli likc lhc ottL' otllxidc lhc (iallcr) ol Motlt‘t'lt All
I Speakeasy al lhc l'iiixcixal lSauchichall |.anci. lllpm 2am. l'i‘cc, chkl). l‘or lhoxc \\ ho lccl likc a lc\\ drinkx altcr thc puh. but don't uaiit to go cluhhing. Spcakcax} ix l'or )ou. 'l'hc inuxic ixii't comproiiiixcd. and thc \ ihc ix L‘lllllcd.
I Soul Shaker at MAS. l lpm 3am. £4 till. chkl}. .-\n iindixco\ crcd gcin. “1‘ hit\ L‘ ll Illl\L‘tl hag ol' L‘lccll'o. lL‘chlto. hoth and l'unk courtcx) ol' l)irt_\ l.arr_\. thc Junkyn‘d Dog and John Mitchcll. ()ii 3 ()cl thcrc'x lunch hour ()ptiino.
I Theorrn at lhc Vault. .\'c\t dalc lhc.
Glasgow Fridays
I Abnormals Anonymous al (ilttxgtm School ol .'\l'l. NU“ dalc thc.
I Aerodynamico iii th' t‘nixcixal. NC“ tllllL‘ thc.
I Afterglow at .'\(l l.ih. \cxi ilaic ilic. I Archaos at .'\rchaox. l lpm 3am. [5 (£3.50). \Vcckl}. .\lainxtrcain chart tlttltL‘L‘. \oltl and cth‘xc til onc ol th‘ huxicxt l-"ri nightcrx in tomi.
I Audio at 'l‘hc l'nnci'xal. l lpm 3am. £thc. 30 ()ct. Monthl}. :\lc\ ()‘.\'cil. (iai‘) llall. Ii“ an .'\ndcrxon and Kcnn} Brcakx do lhcir thing at thc l'nncrxal. 'l‘ltc lhcmc ix Hallo“ ccn. and lanc) dt‘cxx and dookin‘ lor applcx ix mpcctcd.
I Babaza at Bclo. (rpm 3am tl)Jx Horn 1 lpml. lircc hcl‘orc l lpm; £5 at'tcr. \Vcckl). 'l‘hc \cmic‘x lcgcndar} l‘ri iiiglitx takc lhc namc ol' thc cliihhing inxtitution llial uxcd to ho hcrc. l’aul ’l‘ra} nor. Bill} Joncx and Roxx Macmillan arc in chargc ot‘ thc iinixic. and thc} "\c hccn knonn to rip it tip in thc paxt.
I Blunt: at (ilaxgon School ol' .-\rt. llpiii 3am. £5 tUl. l7 ()cl. Montlil}. |)J
Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgi
See page 83 for details
l)iitxiiian ix in chaigc \xith hix icgiilar iiiaxh up ot icggac. ragga and hip hop \ night ot origiiialil}
I Black Rabbit Whorehouse .tl llic Suh('|uh llpiii ‘xiiii L5 3-1()ct \lonlhl} lhix night ol glitch}. c\ hut liink_\ hoiixc. tcchno and \xlialcwi iuxl gctx inoic iiitcicxting Soiiictiiiicx lhi‘} iiiiglil xtart \\llll a
groo\ c. xoiiictiriicx thck might cnd \\llh oric 'l liio\\ )oiii picconccptionx in thc hiii
I Bombafusion at thc Soundhaux llpiii 5am L") Mfr l' (M .\loiithl_\. Him a gicat launch night. lhc lioiiiha hinx and girlx lakc it up a notch \\llh thcii hrand ot druiii tk haxx. liip hop. laliii hicakx. t\\ixtcd houxc and much iiioic lill l’cachcx. lama Suilt. .\l(' Sonn}. l'llll Mia! and a xiiialtcriiig ol otlicix aic thc icxidcntx l) Baxx and .\ccapclla llatdcolc arc lhc ll\ c ach .ilxo I Budget Rock Showcase .ii lilacklriaix lllpni laiii. L'l 3-1 ()ct \lonthl) .\ xloplcxl ol ll'.t\ll_\ gaiagc punk. \\ itli no xtopx. no chcckx and dcl'initcl} no moaning, (ict on thc llooi and iiiakc lhix ricn night a \\lllllt'l.
I Boogie Wonderland ai lain}. llpiii lam {7 WM. \Vcckl}. .\lad dixco night \\ itli Ioadx ol drinkx pioiiiox and a xouiidti'ack to riiakc thc Iadicx xhakc thcii‘
I Budda .it lhidda. llpiii iillll. Uhc. \Vcckl). Rclaimchcd \cnuc hack on track \\ Ilh tlt'lgtllx xllll lhc,
I Bughouse al Siih ('liih. \mt ilatc thc.
I Canvas at .\i'ta. I lpiii iain. Uhc. \Vcckl}, |).l \Valtci pla)x a plclhoi‘a ol liiiik. will and Rtkli at lhix hcaulilul .\lcrchanl (at) hart
I City Sessions at () ('liili. Ni-xi tlaii- lhc,
I The Cathouse at lhc ('ailioiixc. lllfillpiii .itllll. L'l hclorc llpiii; {4 (Hi allci‘. \\cckl). Riding hiin on tlic nu tiiclal \\;I\L‘. lhix ix onc ol lhc huxlcxl niglilx in lti\\ll. Rock. grungc. indic and a tlihll ol hi'cakhcat acl‘oxx lhl'L‘L‘ llooh at (ilaxgim 'x lop \cnuc tor rockcrx and altci'nalccnx.
I Coded at Vault. llpiii Rain, (5 1H). \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc} ‘i'c li‘oiii a rccoi'd xtorc. xo llic luncx arc going to hc li'cxh and highl) lunk}. arcn'l thc) 1’ .\ rotating roxlcr ol |)Jx altilialcd to 23rd l’i'cciiict xuppl} houxc lcd groowx at thc nc“ cluh. Slc\cli .\lc('rccr} ix tlic main man. hut thc pool ol talcnt includcx Bill} Kilkic. Bill} \Voodx and :\lll;|lltl;l l’i'icc.
I Crash at lhc Shcd. lll.3l)pnt 2am. £3 (£3). \Vcckl}. liiian and .'\nd_\ p|a_\ tlic l'incxt ol c\cr_\thmg at lhix hlinding xoiilhxidc cluh that ahxa} x xccmx to hc hiix_\.
I Critical Mass at lltc (ilaxgon School ol .'\l'l. NL'U dalL' lhc.
I Creation at ('orinthian. llpiii 3am. L'thc. \Vcckl}. l’atil Rca and KM in :\ll\llll p|a_\ in thc l.itc har and lhcn DJ at tliix linc chili tlo\\nxlall‘x in tlic hig claxx}
. Deathkill 4000 til lhc \Vootlxldc Social. NCU tlttlc thc.
I Destiny at l)L'\llll). l lpm 3am. Uhc. \Vcckl}. l)L‘\llll} 'x rclaunch continucx \\ilh tip-lor-it part} tuncx. houxc and Rik“ “max
I The Edge til lhc lidgc ('oalhridgc. llpiii 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. chidcritx :\lc\ Ka} and Scott (Eraiigcr hring )ou thc hc\l ol hoth and cluh claxxicx.
I Electrobix at liar Bloc. Nut dalc llk‘.
I Fluid at 'l‘raxh. I lpm 3am. U» lill). \Vcckl}. Bcal lllh'x l.i\;t l.llllL‘\\ootl. Scott Macka} and Ra“ B all pla} ax rcxidcnlx at thix raucoux part} up at tlic mad cnd ot to“ ii. l‘unk} liouxc. urhan pop and loadx ot' chcap hoo/c inakc thix a u inning propoxition
I Fnuk at Big Joint. South Slrccl. ltlpm 4am. £5 (Ur. 3| ()cl. Monthl}. .-\ntott_\ Rccx and DJ llookcr pla} hoxt to a llallouccn night ol tcchno and Inc clcctro \x itli Slc\ ic and Jaxon ot' Swim and .-\rchacoptri\. Bil ot~ claxx all round. tltltlL‘\.
listings Clubs
hitlisl in a row for this line tunk club. and Wlllt good reason. The party hosted by Andrew Dryine! and Simon Bigheat welcoriies the very. very fine James Taylor ()uar'tet. Classic. Arc/res. In 72‘ Oct.
Kinky Afro lhe focal point lOr all house music lovers in Glasgow. this tourth birthday from the Afro guys is in the right vein. Thomas l'elman has a line pedigree behind the decks. and his minirrialist duh techno sound is great for the live drumming. Sut) C/ut), Fri If Oct.
Monox They Just keep notching up the great nights at this fantastic techno and electro party in this hlinder ot a venue. Dan Monox_ Kenny Grieve. Smartie. Mike Singleton. Jackmaster and Paul SingletOn are the boys in charge ot the musrc. and Il you've heard it before. you'll know that they're to be trusted. Sound/rails, Sat 78 Oct.
Pinup Nights They bill themselves as ‘A punk rock reggae emo s0u| ska singalong', and that's probably JUSl abOut right. How can you resist a description like that? B/ackfrrars Baserrrent, Thu 23 Oct.
Mish Mash Welcome Oscar Fullone and his very fine Club back to Glasgow after a too- long hiatus. He plays the most eclectic music on the decks. while guest MC Kinky whips up a storm on the mic. Fall back in love With this brilliant club. The Universal, Sat 25 Oct.
Solemusic Soundsystern with Bacardi BBar Wow — it looks like this is gorng to go right off, because Kerri Chandler (pictured) is making a very speCial appearance at this central venue. Geoff M. Mash. Basil and Paul Cawley are on hand to put the feeling into the party. only for Mr Chandler to put the ball in the net. MAS, Sat 25 Oct.
02' 2%", THE US? 79