Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth©, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.
Thursday 16 G asgow I Mick West Band SI .\iidic\\ \ iii lIic \iiiiaic. oll \alliiiaikcl. \l .\iidic\i \ \liccl. ‘43 (illlll “ Winn Uiitlli \\ ilh I rank \IcI .llljJIlIlll and \chc I..i\\l'L'llL‘C. lop \coix \iiigci “mi \Iimxcaxcx Iii\ Ialcxl album I The Zulu Open Mic ()‘M-ill'x. \aiichicliall \liccl. 8‘ I i" I. ‘liiiii lllliIlllj.'IlI Iicc “cc-kl) opcn mic night loi IIIll\IL l.ill\ and ciilci'laincrx I Sydney Devine I’aHIlHll Ihcalic.RciilicId Sliccl. “3 IMh. ”. iIII‘lll L5 ill LII 5H. I.c;_'ciid.'ii'} Scolx coiiiili§ \lHHlli'l pclx ilic j_'l.llllllL'\ going.
I Fernanda Porto ('aharcl \‘oIlallc. IHdll Sliccl. :3” M "h, LN it“ hcloic
I l illpiiii I Iic Izlcclioiiica lllll\l\‘l.'lll. \llljJi'l and coiiipoxci l\ oiic ol IIi‘a/il'x lIlU\I popular .IlIl\I\ l\L‘IIlll_:_' IINHIUU \‘UIHL'\ ol hci IIl\I thiiiiii. Shc [‘I‘C\IC\\\ ll\ liiilixh iclcaxc \\IIII lrackx li‘oin ,SirIIi/ui/m u li'riiJ/mn [hum .II "Hun ("ll/nil \ pciloiiiicd lonighl \\lIIl hcr \cwii piccc hand.
I The Mighty Elephants Huiiian Bc Iii. \chi ('i‘oxxcgiuxcna}. (in: .\.\(ill~ hpiii Salxa ('cllica'x iruiiipcl plan-r 'Iohc} Shippc} iiilioduccx Ill\ nc“ hand at IIll\ ucckl} \himcaw ol undcrgrouiid .\'u Soul and I'uiik iiiiixicianx.
I Tandy 'I hc \‘illa‘uc. South I-orl Sliccl. I.cilh. v1".\".\lll. ".3llpiii. £5. .'\\'(lll\ll\'.lII} dri\cn i'oolx/rock and pop lioiii \Iikc I'crrio. c\ roadic lor lhc IIullIioIc Surlcrx.
I The Zulu Acoustic Sessions Slal‘huclo. Hordcrx Bookx. Buchanan Sli'ccl. 323 "llll, o ‘lpiii. I‘i'cc. I.i\c acoiixlic lllll\l\' and coincd) Il’illll IocaI pcrlornicrx.
I Sydney Devine l’axilion 'l‘licaii'c. chllchl SII'L‘L‘I. 33: I340. 7.30pm. 9435“ £12.50. Scc IIlll lo,
I Ceilidh Rncixidc (’Iuh. 33 I-‘o\ Slrccl. 248 3H4. ".3llpiii. £5. .\Iahiri (‘oulix Icadx lhc “cckcnd \\liir|iiig_'.
I Ceilidhs Plus \\\CIIII‘I_\ Rm‘lll\. (icoigc Sliccl. 23H 414‘) \piii L‘ U ('cilidIi \Iallu' .chIHlI u lIIl HII and caIIL'l Kciifiouila}. I‘Ilh I‘IPCI.(I.1L'Ilc xiiich and a rim or inlcinalional \IdIIct'\
I Gouri Chowdhury meets Mary MacMaster 'lullmoili. Jail \Mnd. MI W» 2‘41")” — Illpiii Lllliui Slli \\.ol‘IiI .\Iu~ic ('Iuh picwnlx an cxciiiii; ol claxxical Illllillhlalll \ocaI lllll\l\.\\lII1 (‘iaclic \|I\.lI\ and mic \Illlllf.‘ claixacli lroiii lhc pcrxonahlc I’i iii/1c
Saturday 18
I Cafe Carioca Iiicl. ,\\Iiioii |.anc. I43 J‘Nih. 3 “Pl” I'icc. .'\coii\lic I.aliii and \Voild lllll\l\' lioiii [‘L'lcll\\lillll\l I,llI\ \alcnlinc and III\ hand
I Caledonian Fiddle Orchestra and Gyrlais Male Choir Ro}a| (‘onccil IIaII. Sauchichall Sliccl. ‘5‘ Hllllll. '7. VIP”) L Ill. 'I‘hc \Vclxh clioir lioiii lhc Suanxca \allc} trawl up loi a conccri iii \upporl ol nicdical l’CM‘chIl chain} 'I'cnoiux Scotland.
I Sydney Devine l’aiilioii ’l‘licaiic. chlicld Slrccl. 333 IH-lo. 3pm a " Illpin. £8.50 £13.5ll.8cc'l'hu lo.
I Ceilidh Rncrxidc (‘Iulx .3 Mn Sliccl. 343.‘\|~1-1.7,3llpiii. L5. Scc I'l'l I".
I The Zulu Open Mic lll'llll\\\lch (‘cllarx Sauchicliall Sli'ccl. 5—3 lllllh.
4 7pm. I-i'cc. Scc 'I'hu lo.
I Carrying Stream Launch Concert Ihc I’Icaxancc (‘aharcl IIai. ()II 'Ihc I’lcaxancc. (fill 334‘). Hpiii. [5
H5 {or Launch conccrl lor ihc IL‘\ll\;iI in honour ol llic Ialc IIillllhII IIcndcrwn \HIII loundcr oi lIic Balllclicld Band. Brian .\Ic.\'cill. \ingcr. \ongm'ilcr and “NIH!- llhll'lllllCllIdIhl. I‘uII \ICI;III\ ol lhc lcxlnal \\ iII hc rclcaxcd. 'I'ickclx lroiii ('oda .\Iu\ic.
I Tom Paxton with special guests Cathy and Marcy Ro}aI ('onccrl Hall. Sauchichall Sli‘ccl. 353 .x'iiiiii. 3pm. £14.50. \‘ciciaii l'S lolk \ingcr/xong“rilci' “how crcdih includc "I'Iic I.a\l [hing on in} .\Iind‘. “Rainhlin' Boy and 'IIolllc ol \Vinc' l\ ioiiicd Ii} inxtriiinciilalixlx ('alli} and Marc) playing guitar. hanio. mandolin and ~1ch \Il'llllh. I Acoustic Heaven @ the Ramshorn Ranixhorii 'I‘Iicali'c. Ingram Slrccl. 553 348‘). Spin. {om-1i. \Vilh :\iig_‘cllirc. \oclic. .'\l\ICll (iallaglicr and IIic .\Ic.\'ull} Sixlcrx.
N z “MN”: “m: .. N, w )\‘°1 ~_ ;\v\ ‘I‘ u» t )7! v‘ i v \ 7‘ bvy I i \/ y 0‘ ‘ v"‘ v "(t '\I ‘8 " i " clc‘z'X“ " " '7" l} Ac, . , ~ . \ \~\ 0 ‘ , , "\ \ ;. .45.: U i \ b Cm ('41 ' - I j \h .,‘ ,\ \. ,\,:,< . "W ‘ f" ‘
,L‘A B(:\1t,(:t, 4\/~ .C/ hf, Vt; not“; in .
I Mike Silver \\c-c- l ulk (IllI‘. Ix’o}.:l ()ak. Iiil'iiiii.:i§ \liccl iv 3"" \ ‘l'i‘iii LI Iiiiic \cixcd wiiguiilci and cIIlI‘ la\oiiiilc xiiigci giiilaiixi
I La Panda Facundia l llama \\c\l I’oil. 3:" \W‘ Ili‘iii ‘aiii Iicc I l\\‘ \l‘allhIl lolk and IIalllc'llu‘ lllll\lc loIIoucd h} I lL‘\I.l I aliiia
Monday 20
0 Frankie Gavin 8. Brian McGrath IIic \chlc\. \ig;_\lc \liccl. “5 Ill.“ Spin L I” ILM I)c I)aiiiian\ Ill\Il liddlc and lIulc \ iiiumo. \\ ilh acc piano haiiio l‘I.1}cl \I\‘( il.iIII
I The Zulu Live Music Bash IIlc Siand. \\omII.ill\I\ Road. le'dl (\l iii iiiiS.< "pin LI 50 I‘illllllgIIII} lIlll\l\ and coiiicd}
I Me Suena Tu Cara IIk' I)illl\ 'Iaicin. \Iaikcl \Iich. :25 IllN-l \ HII‘III I‘icc Ioiii piccc \lio \[XillhIl IIia/ilian hand
Tuesday 21
I Agustito’s Big Band l l lsaiiin. \\c\l I’oil. 33" 5N5 I Ipiii ‘aiii I icc I.i\c Spaniin lolk and lIaincnco lllll\l\' IHIIiML'd I‘} I‘luNId I..lIlllU
Wednesday 22
OHuong Thanh (‘('..\. Saucliicliall Sli'ccl. I53 4*)llll .\]\III. (with! \‘iclnaiiicxc \lllfJL'l IIiion; Ihaiih L'lllI‘iuIlL'\ lhc dhciplinc ol \‘icliiaiiicw li‘adilioiial xiiiging. liiII ol dclailcd iiilIcclionx. Ul‘lldllk‘llh. IIllL'\\L' and a di\ci\il_\ ol c\pi'c\\ion and liinhrcx. Hm I\ niari’icd io licr iii\ol\cnicni iii I‘rcnch and Iziiropcan ia/x. producing an a\\ai‘d-\\ inning: conlcinporar} \}llIIlC\l\. Shc Icadx IIuoii; \icl. a quarch lcaluring ll;lH—.\IIICIII I’Iiaiii. Hon; \gii}c'ii and I‘i'aiicon \ci'l). Slari ol III: IIIQIIIH'M. SL'C Pl'L'\ lc“.
I St Andrew’s in the Square Ceilidh SI .-\ndrc\\ \ in lIic Squarc. oll Salunarkcl. Si Andrcn '\ Sli‘ccl. Hamil”, "fill Ill .illpin. £5. Iinio} \UlllL' iiiid \xcck dancing all \xclconic. 'I'uilioii gucii I'rcc xiiiging \L‘\\lUlI iii lhc dim l]\I;Ill'\ calc hai. li'oin Nillpin.
I 30 Years of Edinburgh Folk Club Izdinhurgh MIR (‘1qu (‘aharci Bar. (ill 'I‘hc I’Icamncc. (fill 34‘) 5pm to
HA £5 I. Izdiiihiirgh I-‘olk ('Iuh cclchialcx lI\ .Ill glorioih )carx \HIII lhc _\Ic(‘aliiiaii\ I Beginner’s Salsa Classes lliiiamc Houxc Holcl. Inxcrlcilh Ron iloiincrl} IIIC .\Iariiiai " hpiii. L4 I'.\cr_\ \\cdiic\da_\ \Vilh ('uhan \alxa inxlrucloi I)ainiaii Iiiloi‘iiialioi155o zll"(i or ll".\l i Mira {H
0 Trilok Gurtu 'I‘Iic .'\l'cIlL'\. ;\i;_'} Ic SII'L‘L‘I. 505 IIIJI. hlllll. {I 1 III I l. IICK ollL' ol (Iic uorId\ grcalcxl [‘L'l'cll\\lillll\l\. and a inuxiciaii coinpmcr \iIio Il.i\ coI|.'iImralcd \HIII John .\IcI.aug_'Iilin. I)on (‘Iici'i‘_\. Jaii (iai'harck. Yollwou \.I)iiiil‘. Baaha \IaaI cl aI. '.\Iakc I‘l'lkIL'CN iiol Ixii‘i‘ici\' I\ III\ ci'cdo I’arl ol “1‘: IiigIIui/d.
I Robb Johnson Trio [.m- al IIIL' Siar. SI .-\ndrc\\ \ in lhc Squarc. ()ll Sallniarkcl. Si :\IlLIl'L‘\\ '\ Slrccl. 545 (will). “Sllpiii. L“ $5 I. I'inc \oiigurilcr. lroin IIic hcarl-on- lIic-\Icc\ c pcrxonal lo lIic iip-io-ilic-ininiilc political. \Vilh Miranda S} km on ha“ and Sihhlil 'I‘oiiikinx on \ ioIin.
I The Zulu Open Mic ()‘Nc-illk. SalichichaII Slrccl. 353 43H.
Upin inidnighl I'rcc, Scc 'I’hu Io
I Cubanite ()uccnk IIaII. (‘Icrlx Sim-i. («is lel‘)..\.1llpni £12 Itllli. Sal~a dancc \II\I‘I;1_\\. Ii\c \aha. \alllI‘a I‘and\ and I)J~ I)ancc clav lroin ‘Rllpin l‘JH
'\ a a s: "as Music
Frankie Gavin Us: ‘ ‘
".V'r\‘l‘.-‘ "in? . o ‘ ~.‘
nil li/ I)(i'|l,‘,(1y."E3I‘:'\
Ii/‘Iaii’uii'l {XIV '.,' (' .2". INK. I .Iitf I' :" Jihi'. ’ (1' ill .x...
IIIIITMI (II Uii'IJI 3"3 /\'\ 'I"f\.
(.iIHEiQ'I‘ leI‘ 7." I”? I)".
Big Big World (ham/iv l.‘. ‘, aiiiiua: .',"()."-(I.'Yl'ilf5".1Ittf;Il‘.‘(II{I'lll‘gfi {Il'él'rxfrflfétdl ()Iiitl‘v17ll}l]|(If3. from the Il"Ii{Ill I win "a; Har'as all iiiglilor 2'; iiarwié; Ira”! V.i:liiar'l. IIIOUS'FKEII‘IUIJI3l'()z'l‘1£il‘. DICIlll'(:(Ii. Hraxil. Afghanistan and Ireland. Arid iii (Julia‘ their/s; a ininifoslimal oi ’lavirx; grooam Il'Ol‘i 1hr; Caribbean islarir I'liom's 'Yl(,l'(: léer issue. I/CI'IUI/f; ire/iiiris. (Lamina; from 3243.617)? Ocl Sun 5’ Hr):
Bruce Molsky llS liri‘rllr; nuro Molsk‘, plats; a for; S’I’JiIlSIl gigs this inoiitii, aivi I‘i‘u'ilIlllli’fis a big Bluegrass mime": iii the central boll. Nol iiist a I)."lII!£IIlI l/'i;ii>. hr;- also handles guitar. baiiir, and vocals; and has I)(3(:.'l calla-(I 'oldiiiiir: i'iiisic's answer to H,’ Comic-i". C/‘aigsfa/rii Campus. lir/i/igslon, Sa.‘ 9") Orr,
OTerry Callier IIlk‘ \lxIlcx \lj.‘}h' Sliccl. “is I”:: \piii LI; it] I: I ioiii Ill\ I‘Hi.‘ dchiil thiiiii lo lI\ ic iclcaxc iii lIic car|_\ Wk. ('aIIici Il.i\ had an .illl.l/lllL' conic-hack I ioiii hlack (Indigo. hiil piycoiiholcd .i\ 'loIIf iii Ill\ caiI} da} \. Iic'x aii .lllld/lllfJI} \Il\L'l\C lllllxlclall wngiiiilci IIl\ icdixcmci} tllIlllllldIL'iI iii a iicv. alhiiiii lhal lcaliucd lIic iIi_\lIiiii\ ol loII.. Rkll. rock. couni) and |.i// and I’Iiaioali SdlIiICh pIa)crI on H 'I Iic inlIiiciiliaI 'Icri} (‘allici c'illllllllli'x lo llhI‘llC. collaborating with (IIHH\L'.\IIILIII.1. /.cio ' and J IIcio I’dI'I Ill lilL' “It Hill/“I
I Ceilidh RHL‘INIIIC (Iuh. “ I o\ \lrccl. NH 1144 " Illpin L5 ('aixclocli aI.a Sand} I.c;.';_'cl Ic.iiI\ lIic v-cckciid whirling
I Candela! 'I Iic ('oiiiiiiplc\. |.cilIi Illpiii :alll Llll IUH Inc hand. dancc dcnim I'rcc cocktail I Iic lIiiid iii lIic \L'l‘lc\ HI Ialc III_‘_'III \aIxa palllw Iiiloriiiaiion S“) "34
Stirling . Cubanite \Iac'RHIk’l'l (.L'IIII'L'.
l'iiixcrxil} ol Stirling. Ill—Mi 40!) Oh“ Uplll. I; Hi i {M Scc 'I hu 3‘