Music row a mu listings
Rock & pop continued
Wednesday 29
G anti/xxx
I Jane McDonald l<l':~,tl (him-ii Hut. IXautlut-lmll \tit't-t, i“ \tWt " Winn Ll\ 2.1“ \lm trout lili’l! \t m!) m.. \I..ittlt out tlm l\ ‘-‘ unlit} l\ Luiu' tlocx tor
I Michael Gira .mtt Devendra Barnhart Klil‘.‘ lut'x \\.ili \\.lll lllll. 3‘34 \t \lllxt'lll \ut'ct. Ill ‘3") \ ‘ltpiu U lllk' cuiunmtu xingci \‘-llll tniiltlt't'tliitph lI‘lltl \ll\ ulutt- nom- lltt'ltlt.tlll\ lllt' \uuth l‘lll‘llk'\ .l lllHlt' :t'ntt't'l ,llltl oiuinotixl} .tllll<'\l‘llt'llt wuutl \‘-lllt lux \uucut \llL'k'l\ ot l li'lll innit-d \uppoit trout tln' t'tlll.lll_\ lllll'\_\ll\l.lll\ young \llljJt'l mnguutci l)k'\t'lltll.l ll.unli.ut
I Skeksis, MIA .mtt Recess Monkey: liiutl}. 3(ill ( lulu \tit'ct. UV“ ‘lll—‘llll‘lll \PH] L;
I Tenpercenter .mtt the Sneak Attack Tigers Iht- tit-.11 ('lult. \itoii'\lt'.i/I\, ill \iutliu'lmll \tit't't. “z ‘NiV' ‘linn Li lntlu' \llllll\l\
I Giant Tank, George Burt, Raymnond McDonald .mtl RutebegaMt-u-o. I: ll Kclunliuugli \ticct. Vii WIN \pin Ltlu' Rt'ggulni (' llmltli Illlell ot |.t// unpiox \uipuxcx
I The Medicine Room tin-t. \xllton l.uu~. i-l.‘ ltititi \piu llk'k' \loutlil} nnpim \t'\\l|‘ll \Hllt\. lxk‘}l\ti.lltl\ .nul utuupt-t
l (liulnirgli
I Bowling for Soup lllL'|llltl Rooin. ‘lt‘ \it'toim Slit-ct. :25 35M ~pin
t_ I: W l plimt punk tint'kx lioni tlic l‘dlltl tmluiuxp l‘t'lll.l]‘\ tlic Lugt'xt guituiixt Ill tlic \\Ulltl
I Jet Plane Landing and Dead or American 'I’ht- Bongo ('lult. \lom) lllttl\\'. llill}liuitl Rtkttl. "(ill-l. I illplll
56 THE LIST '1? n2
t5 lntlu' .u‘l ltlllti\\lllf_' l'L'\l\ll tlu' Bongo on tlicu luxullunng; tout
I Wild Strawberry .md The Dazes \\ luxtlt-luuku'x. -l (t South lii'ulgc. 55"
5| l-l ‘Ipiu l)oul\lc lull ot local guitui lxuulx
I Fleamarket Funk (ulmrct \‘oliuuc. it» ‘3 liluu Sti'ct't. 33” (\l"(i llpiu ‘uin l'lL't' SCL‘ \Vt‘tl :3
Thursday 30
I Randy, the Sounds and CDAoss King: lut'x \\.ili\\';il1 llut. I‘Li St \int'cnt Sti'cct. ill 53"). X. Winn L" S\\L'tll\ll punk i'ockci‘x haul llic lull .it tlux ulnch I\ .tlllllult‘tl l0 llk' .\lll\lt'\\ittl\\ n'itltlcl’t‘tlt‘t‘. I Maher Shalal Hash Baz (thing School ol .-\I't. Itih‘ chlrcu Sti‘cct. 353
The Acupuncture Rocks tour rolls into the Garage, Glasgow, Wed 22 Oct
»15\ti.t.\_\.ii\t'.ltill\_\ \ll'llllttltlll)_'\ tioin tlux .lupunt'xc l‘dlltl “lit! iu'oitl loi tlu' l’.i\tcl\' (icogmplut‘ l.ll‘L'l
I Carl Palmer llu‘ l'L'l'l'). ‘13 (lulu I’Lu‘c. ~12” ltllll. Spin, LIZ 50 Drumming: pt)\\t'l'lltill\k'. ouu' ol pro; hclictuotlix l'.iiici\oii. lake .tlltl l).tllllL'l. I Soul Cellar, You Can’t Eat the Word Food, Tartarus .imt the Gain lhc (Kitliouxt'. l5 l'nion Slit-ct. 3-18 (lllllh, ‘ Slllim L31 ()\c|'~ l.l\ \ltim, .\li\tui‘c ol .iltcruutiw rock ~t_\ lL'\
I Mendeed, God’s Win, All my Logic .tlltl Jaded Hunt}. Inn ('l_\tlc Sti'cct. llhfill UH“ ll‘l‘l‘l. 5pm. Ll ()\Ct‘- l‘lx \him, .\lcl;il lnll. l’ui’t ol .\lll\lt'\\ttl‘l\\.
I Linus, Stone Cold Rumours, Charlemagne untl Freeview l'ur} .\lui‘i'_\\. W» .\l;i\\\cll Stiu't. III (\Sl l.
. q ‘ . _ . . . . u T‘ fAlo'ne " (album version), 'What We Already Know’ and an accustic version of " 'Alone Without You ’
’Alone Without You' 'Killing Time' and an
accustic version of ’Four Minute Warning’
"pm {-3. unlutlin; cnti} to pmt t'lul‘ \ll\‘\\\.t\lllf__‘ tln' l in) \ l\lltj_'\ ot Haul I The Hazey Janes, Kieran Docherty and Jo Mangoxit-ic.»
l.‘ 1-; l\\‘l\lllll.tllj_'ll \ticct. Vb ‘Hl\ \inn :1 \touxut \tt‘iu lio~t tlin \xcc \lllll\ll‘_' lC.tlllllll_‘._' lllk' \tt‘uttt \‘l l«‘\.:l i ungci wriguutcil} talcut
I Aarkestra, Soulsaver .uul Recliner I ovulul‘ | uuiul l oungc. "‘3 “mt lx’cgt'nt \ticct qun L ‘ NJ on tlooit \\ccl\1_\ \l1«'\\t.i\'i‘l lottil tuuxtx. inglutling l outlon lxmxl .ititl imkci \.tll\t‘\ll.t. plux the 3;.tt.tf_'t"\ \llllll\l\ ot \i‘lll\.t\t'l .llltl l)tllltlL'L"\ l\'t‘t‘llltt‘l
I The Pendulums lttm t l\ m. 4: (Hugo lunc. 1‘” “It \piu :3 |’\}\‘ltctlclu tolk toniho
I The Cahonies \llliltu ( )nc. (iti‘\\\‘lti\l llotcl. (iioxwuoi lk'lltkk' Iott ll}t\'\ Rotuli. i-ll h‘lh ‘li‘in lice
I Red Admiral llic I ltlllhl lx’ooiu. "t \u‘touu Street. I.“ I‘M "pin 1-1 lotul llltllk' iotk .u't
I Jane McDonald t \llt'l “J”. l UllllJll Routl 35 ll“ “ ‘Hpiu Ll-l Ll.\ hm- lllk' :5
I EMS Uncovered \llltllit 3-1. .‘t In (‘.tlli|li Rt‘dkl. R55 i-gh - illltltl Ul‘t' (lt.ttll_\ ttllell to\t' llllltl‘ toi ('ll.v\.\' lL'JIUIHlf.‘ l<.tltt.if_‘t' lut. l uuuclm'lt, \lutc \lk'tlld. (".illioun .lll\l \l.i_\.i I"
I The Mighty Elephants lluumu llk' In. 3 .\ \M-xi ('itmt'auu-xxn («.3 who “put l'lk‘t‘ St'c l'liu lo
I Playtone and Bob Cuba llt‘tlul “all I inn-mt} l nion. Rumutou. 45! 5‘“ ‘lpiu l'lt'k' \ "uniqut‘ hlcutl ol .igouxlu' .llltl clct‘tiit‘ iotl' ti'oin l’l.’i_\onc \Hlll clct‘tiouux int-ct llklx tioin lioli ('ulxi l\lll\lk'lll\ .uul tlu'n yumtx only
I Mexico \\ luxtlclnnkuw. '1 h South lli'itlgc. 55" 5| l~1 ‘lpiu 'l.ilcututl tllltl pl.i_\in;_' (U\CI\ .uul ougiuulx inutluight lxintl \llll tln'I
.. Features Without You'
maoviIenoflicial E