Film Index
~- ~ ' / Sun 16 November 7.30pm
1/ ‘ k. - E T v " I I ’ Inspired ‘ by Diwali, ‘ ‘ A - , stunning spectacular of costumes, _ ‘ End and
" .- V ,. , ’ Christmas_\
singing & acrobatics.
. . a l . Qtl'lfdwly‘lafllNIme, 1pm - tom §;*\ ..< \ Eid al-Fitr I ‘ (a V Saturday 6th Docsmbor, (pm - 99m
5mm" 2w: nee-mm. 1pm - 9pm ' ' '3, . /,, £15352sz e a; Except Mondays ( ( '~ the hiddengurdens
tramway - Zlalhart drlvc - gtasgow
all events free . . magma-£15
Information: nus 330 3501 + 50p credit card charge nva” mum;
_ '- CUlBtNKlAN the I foundation fl. . POUND/Aim r I" "In"... to" wean ca
clubs - theatre 0 arts cinema - music 0 leisure tourism - attractions
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38 THE LIST “5 n1 .‘