I Buccleuch Street - Quirky and (“H”) llul 1..”th- kIIcht-n/ dining: rnnm \th gm lirc. \IIImg I'nnm \kllll Iinuhlc lx-Il l'L'L‘t'\\. hnunnm and hulh I'ImIII. (K 'll .-\\.Ill.Il\lI' l\l \Iru'mhcr. U2” pun. 'lcl; (HUM M3 3m,
I 2 double bedroom lluI .II Ihc Shnlc. lull], :\III';IcII\c. v.cllemulnlulnul Inp Ilnm' llul. ()m' l‘t‘tllillllll cn \llllt‘. l.|\ my I‘nnIII/kllt'ht'll. \cpurulc \\'(' IIIIIl \cpgu'ulc \hnm-I Innm, (3(‘ll. IlIgIIIII ‘I V. UM) pun. 'lt'l:
H7" 3~l ‘) 37 ()3‘).
I 2 double bedroom, lull} lurmxhcd. \unn} ilpill'l' mcnl. Hmnd nc“ Ilccnr. Sandal llnnlx. lurggc huylnungc. NC“ l-/l- knight-n. \Vuthg-III;II'hInc. (il‘ll, l-I‘cc parking. Urhll pun. (‘IIIl H7085 523 (ml
I Double room in lurgc llul. clnxc In unilcr‘grnund. (K‘ll It nc“ kilchcn. £250 pun Inc. l‘lll\..l~L'l:(ll-ll~127l()lll.
I Flat mate wanted In \hurc \put‘lnux Hz” in ccmml Inculinn ncur In \le lind. gill llllltl mnx. £275 pun. TC]: 0777] ()(l.\' ()33.
I Sunny room to In in \pu- cinux Snulhxidc llul. \llll \Iu-- Ilcnl nr _\nung prnl'cxxinnul. \huring ;I|| illllt‘lllllt‘\ \kllll 3 UlllL‘l‘x. Ill Ininulm ll'Ulll cil} ccnlrc. £20” pun + hillx cwcpl phnnc. 'IL‘I: (ll-1H 20-1 “38.
I 2 Large rooms In lcl m \pzlt'lnux qIIICl lliIl. l-l'L'\lll.\ thL'- nrulcd. 11c“ thlx cit. :III InnIl
L'llll\. L'lt'. t\' {2(35 ‘ lullx cut-pl phnnc. L20” \lt'PtMII. 'lL‘lj ll‘".\5 " l 3 .10”
I Double room in VIt‘lIlI'IIIIl lwuulllul Inun hnuxc I'LII. lm} mmlnu hung: Innm. lull} llllL‘tl kilt'hcn dining; rnnm. (3(‘ll. hnghl & \unn} gunk-n «k cm} parking £200 pun + hill» 'lI-l: (F906 05-1 486.
I Double room in \pnclnux llill. time In park. huh. t'nnw mcnI lnr parking. ull mnd cnnx. (i('ll. \Illl )nung [ll'UlL‘\\lUIl.ll nr mulurc \lllIlL'lll. £25“ pun + hill» 'I‘cl: “"709 H3 242.
I Southside, suit pl'nlm \Innul. IIII'gc thlrnnIn lnI' l lx-r \nll Ill \IIIII'L'Il llIIl. 2 nlllt‘l‘x.
(i( 'l l. \hurcd kilt'hcn/lnungc. nucllcnl ll‘IIlepnl‘l. nmr umlcrr grnuml. llll\t‘\ & MK. L23me lllL‘lllle\ ("II TM: 073‘)” 845' 7 3h. I Large double room, \puunux Ik hmulllull} Ilct‘nrul Ctl. qurcl “IIII gurdcn \Icu. \xnuld \uil 33.1} lrrcmll). ll/\_ \cgclurmn Pl‘lllt‘\\l(lllill. £285 pun + ("l' + hill» 'l‘cl: H7911 t)(1ll5ll5ill'lll4l ‘Hh 75h].
I 3rd Person to \hnI'c llul. cnnxcrmllnn urcu \\llll parking: It purkx. ‘) minqu In ccnlrc. £235 pun. MIN haw nun Ilrmcr. 'IL-I: 07330 7le out).
I Large bright room In lL'l In Snulh SIIlc l‘IuI. SIIII
cmpln} cd lcmulc. ('lnxc In II'unxpan. £230 pm + tlL‘pU\ll. 'lk'l: (NJ! 423 ll3~l
I Queen’s park, suit mu. plc. \murl llul l'nr \murl pl‘nlcx- \innulx. Hugo Ilnuhlc lwdrnnm. \hIII'L'Il lnIIIlgL' «k lxIlL‘lIL‘II. £32” pcm. ‘l'cl: 073‘)“ 845' 730.
I Huge bedroom, suit cnuplc. \murl l’lul. Inungc. klIchcn. nu“ (i(‘ll. \hurc mm 2
lcnmlt'x. gnnd ll.Illl\ .\ huxcx
I; :30 pm} [cl niwn xxx ' In I Attractive double room, ncul) Icnn\.IIcIl ILII. .Ill mud t'Ull\. II \ lt'l Halal 3‘”) l"l I Large sunny room m 13.1) ILII \lmu'. .lll mnd gnnx L2H“ pun s lullx «k Ilt'pnxll llt‘l: Uni—‘3 l‘r 215
I Double room in nmIII-m ll.ll. Kmmng link. \lmrmg: \th 33.x} lll.llL'. clnw In IIIIIlt-Igrnund. pmulc parkmg {28” pan I\ phnnc lcl: NH] 420 Il.\_‘.\
I Non-smoking student llIIllIlJlL' “.IIIlt‘Il In \lldlt' \\ L'll cqmppcd. t'cnlml hmch llul Ill Slum lumlx. t'lil\t' In 11.”pran & \hnp\. U nr 12 mnnlhx rcnI pm \Ihlc £2lll+hillelc|1IVUIlh lhll .Nl-l.
I Room available in um! um ('hurmg ('rnxx llill In \lmrc \\llll | L';l\} gnlng lcmnlc. lull} lurmxhcd. .Ill IIInIl t'nnx I\ park
lt'l: 07030.1(”) 7H5.
I Room to let In \unn} lluI In L'L‘nII'C In II 11/» ShIII'I‘ \\ llll lid) & lricmll} [ll'Ult‘\\lUll;ll. lurgc lnungc \\ llll all mnIl Inn» £275 Pun. ’l’cl: “WWI 371 MI. I Room to rent lll
Snulhxnlc. (inrhulx .II'cu Ill lurgc
\[mclnux l'lul. lning rnnnl. (llll- mg rnnm. kllt‘hcn cIt'. £31m pm including all lullx. 'l‘cl: Ill-ll 42‘) 8828.
I Double room in Wm linII lluI. ;I|| mnIl cnnx. (i(‘ll. Sun prnlcxxlnnul. In \hurc \\ llll l'cmulc. £20” pm. 'l‘cl: U770“ ()(l3 I30.
I Fully furnished double rnnm lll lluI t‘lnxc In all Irunx- pnrl linkx .& lllllt‘lllllt‘\. 2.2-1” pcm + ("l + hill» TC]: “1410
323 72‘).
Dumbarton Road,
\\ llllk'llltll. \IIIlIl} l‘k'klll‘t‘lll. \\I‘U\l llIth. \wll I'Ilulppcll kIII‘lIcn (null) lnungc. In \lmrc \\Illl 3” \nmt'llnn; l‘li'lt‘\\lilll.ll nmlc L23“ pun o lullx lI'l nlll 1H <.\.\2
I Looking for 1 plnlt'xxlnn .Il unn \mnkcr In \lmrc .I lmghl :l‘t'tllllt‘lll lull} cqmppul IIInIl cm H.” nn \nIIlmnnIl Sult- RnJIl “uh I IInn \Innkmg pin lL'\\lllll.ll Icnmlc .IlIt-.Itl§ lt'\l Ilcnl .\\.Ill.ll‘lt' cnIl nl (k Inlwl L2H) pun * l‘lll\ o IlcpnxlI lll~ll ‘l-lh (\Slls
I City centre, (llt‘t'll l)_\ kc \Ir'u'l. Lust lurmxhnl Innm lll Inndcm ll.ll. .Ill mnII \nnx. (i(‘ll. l)( i. lnunggc. liIIcIl kIIchcn. lmlhrnnm. \llll lcnmlc \IIIIchlI L3H) [\I'm lcl H‘XHI "l1 my)
I Person required to \lllllk' L'll_\ pcnlhnuxc ILII. lllll_\ lurmxhctl dnuhlc mum. phnnc lmc ll I'chan-Il. .lll mnIl tnnx. ;I\;II|.Ihlc nnu L331! pun Including: ("If 'lk'l Ill-ll 3*2 nth m (rum .135 n3“.
I Queens Park, huge lwdrnnm. \llll gnuplc. \lll.Ill llul. lnungc. kIIt‘hcn. llt'“ (i('ll. \lliIl'C \\llll .2 lL‘IIIIIlt‘\. jJUHIl Iminx & huwx. t 32H pun lcl, “~89” X-lh . 3h.
I Bright room in ml} Knighlxxxnntl IIIII \\Illl l Hllll'l. (}('ll. luck gurdcn. \lllIl}. 15 mmulcx In ccnlml Inxxn h} Imm. nn hux I‘nIIIt‘x. \llll [llillt'\\lilll.ll nr \lllIlClll. n/\, [22“ pan + ("l + hillx. 'l'cl: ll“"(»2 I73 82 3.
I West End double mum \\'}IIIllIrI'Il anl. lnu'l} lluI. \llll \Iudcnl nI )nung [\I’Illt‘\\ltlllill. £25llpcm+h|lle|bl1tlfl33
332 X“-
Flatshare Hotline 09070 201 610
How to place a F latshare advert
I Double room, modern, IIIll_\ lurmxlml, \llll II x I lmn .\ In!) )nIIIIg; prnlcxxlnnul. Pll\.llk' wildly: L'3Illlptm lI'I “Mil 3‘” hl~ \llcr ipm
I Friendly West End ll.” l\'\|llll\'\ lcmalc In \lmrc \\llll I nIllt‘I. \\l‘lll\l \llll lll.Ill|lt'_ pnxl ghuludlc \llltlt'lll lllll\l lnw \.ll\ 12‘” Int‘llmw nl lullx II‘l Hq‘V3 2|2 33\ \lII'I 'pm
I Paisley Road West, \uu l‘llllt'\\li‘ll.ll. Luz'c Innm lnI I pnwn. \lmn‘ \\ llll .‘ \‘lllt'l\ (i('ll. \lMII'Il kll. llt‘ll lI‘llll}'\‘ (ll‘t'tl Immpnrl lllll\\ 123 ‘ pun [cl llflxllllN-lh 23h
I Large double room m \[mt'lnux H.” “C.” lll‘l.llll\\ \IIII [‘lillt'\\l\‘ll.ll. II \. gal} lllt‘lltll\ \I'pt'mmn (LIlle‘ll \It‘\\\ I,_‘.\\ l‘x‘III I ('l ‘ l‘lll\ lI'l HI ll ‘l-lh "3M
I Large double room m l.III§3\IIlI' l|.II ()IIII'I ll.Il. * llllll lllt‘\ lInm pulwx I lulwx \IIII .xnung PIUlC\\lHlI.Il 123“ Pt lll II-I I)‘.\‘II(\"| IN)
I Friendly flat share m l’UlllKl\\lllt'lkl\. .I l.Ilf.'I' Ilillllllt' \Ulllll Lump hI-Ilrnnm lll (i(‘|l ll.II. \\llll kilt'hcn'dunna' Innm. huggc hung Innm. lI-xx Ilmn \ lllllllllL'\ lrnm \uh \\.l_\ .\ Imm \I.IIInn. Hm I} lt'llil\.llt'(l lth Innm .\ \hnxwr 12*“ pan lvl (III! -133 33m m (rum 3m. (l~ll
I Room to rent lll |.II;'I' \Im t‘lnllx llul. ll\lllf.' Innm. tlllllll" Innm. kllt'hcn My 9; 3H“ pun ' Inllx, lt-I' III-ll-l 3% x35
I Southside, south I.“ my lllt't' limlll IN IN. \llll \llltlt'lll HI [lltllt'\\lHll.ll. t'\\t‘llt‘lll lI.III\pnIl lllll\\ I\ pull». .\ .Illlk'lllllt‘\ \I'I} nun h}. £251l|um I lullx lk'l Ill-ll 33% 333-1
The List Flatshare service is for people offering a room to rent in a shared flat and is a reliable and successful way of finding a new flatmate. It is simple to use and here’s what to do.
When you telephone the Hotline you will be asked for
1. Your name, address, postcode and daytime number, including dialling code 2. Up to 30 words of description about the room, rent and type of person sought 3. A contact number for would-be-flatmates to ring
The List magazine comes out fortnightly on a Thursday and weekly during the festival. Your Flatshare advert will appear in the next available magazine and will be included for one issue only. Subsequent insertions must be telephoned in again. The deadline for flatshare is 12pm on the Thursday before publication.
Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes.
Calls from non-BT and mobile phones may cost more.
If you need help or are concerned about anything, please call our Helpline on 0870 121 1411.
Please note that Flatshare is only for people seeking a flatmate. If you wish to place any other kind of accommodation advert, such as Rooms Wanted, Property to Let or Property Wanted, you should use the booking form in the back of this magazine.
It you are unable to get through please ensure that your phoneline Is not barred from Premium Rate numbers. In the event of barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone.
122 THE LIST ‘I‘I'I 33:” Oct .IX‘J
Only those looking for a flatshare should be using this service and as an advertiser you are advised not to give out personal details when recieving enquiries about your flat. Always ensure you have someone with you when showing people your property.