
DUNMORE 2 r:. w: 1 PETER JINKS .. h _ 1 ., _ ’1‘

Mourning Ruby

. ~ - Intuition


' I: 1' )‘t’ .’ I, :I .' 1". . r ‘v v ",'r p l i,‘ 00“_ idelen .‘ I .. H. D U anI'C .l/umu/uq I‘ll/H ' I A . ."n" I. j” : A'sz im'yw‘ Modern ~ . .. ' z . "h-"hqh-d'a’fifi .‘7‘ .‘ ' ’.' like." i)i.‘ilr"m'w", ' ‘f.'. ‘~T’~'y l,i.';:"wi. '.‘:' A . i

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' vl lirx‘ 5"” la figii. SSW? {JOHNS .il (){iiald'fi Willi". )i .Jini'iiU‘,“ "";i!i<‘:‘,,:Ulitlllitulliw fS'W: itlt'illilrf.f,l. '4: . fil’i'. 0‘. cf l lgi'v‘m; Around the Worm in {lfi’ll€:‘.‘1if_‘»il‘zlr iiiNI 1'14,- luuioi- ‘L“'".i"'.‘. Eighty Martinis lma.riii;irii:f,ot1m: ‘il,’".“I(?£t'l(l{ll/TiiiSi"? '. "

‘.ir'illigii. wiiijiiuxtiiui {l (EX'fiiit'l’L‘: inf unifi: f;"(?'lf; 'z 0... A befuddled narrator hampers Jinks' . ..

.'.'o.'lrl iii .'.'l‘I(:li it ‘3 no. "(mat utgilut; :r‘. ‘.‘.""~:li

31mph, flu: Hull flm’. (:(;()"(;'l7‘, (1"fl .'.'£ll (in:

out. out .ilui, flu: “Wino-ii; no “li'lflfl‘ilit'll. an) I 9 at mum! 'otliw' Willi: Nzll)<)l(?<)iil i<;."o'(§t; Peter Jinks' debut novel, Hal/am Foe, was a hugely underrated affair. A "nd '. ll’.’l(i{i(1:(‘:f; of lulgim modern day gothic romp of a book set in Edinburgh. it had echoes of lain "" '/7’"'/ M“ <;()llfiif(llitfl‘l lllUlHllHKl. and mm; terms; like Banks' macabre wit and huge vitality on every page. In comparison. of llirliixrrnk. (lilli<ll1lir' 'Nw.‘ and ‘()l(:’ l i win:- Intuition is a much more low key and studied affair, and while there are Ruin, .i» .1 mi .i<:<,i<iiarit rims: (Exlilgiflgltlw'fi Slit? moments of comedy and snatches of supernatural creepiness, the overall Yll(?l(.‘l‘,’ (ill ('Xitkllfilifl‘ ,‘ §,:.l' f;k<:l<:".<:f; out .2 feeling is of a more gentle and understated story. hm o‘.'.'r‘. lack (:i I(l<:,'13i.. f'ightiavnrg 41ml \. 'le? Jinks has once again set the action in Edinburgh, a city he clearly knows llilHlKl l)(?(?ll alumni nwi mum,- l’acmi ti: well from his time working there as a journalist. The story begins with .it; .i (lel|(i, Ar; am. «my. Maui mm and giwmlriii: Magnus, a likeable, if a little idiotic, middle class twit, returning to the .is; t;||(:l\!‘,' llll{)li1]l‘ lll‘. Inm, (lziflii‘nf; .im capital from Africa having sorted out the funeral of his sister Claire. who llulmxxi's; vulgitmmliiin; (li>f;(?(l .'.|lll oimuri 3:; died in a car crash. Almost immediately he starts to ‘see‘ his sister around sum loyws; and trim-5'51 mm. contraband the city's New Town, and spends a fair bit of time wondering in angsty wrin. 7": iu (a uxtwmimi tannins. .i<:'r>s;:; the desert tones whether he's going doolally or not. As Magnus hooks up with Claire's -':f i N J M i r l,“ ; [iiiriiiiom <toii‘.<>\,5; {l lll(l(?l)(3ll(l(}'lii‘, '. t’m it; ii old friends. things get weirder and weirder. with a thread of the African 1 I: i" l' w: ui‘ il‘m imulutom Sloi‘, o" must ‘<>r anyone ‘.'./".(; mysticism that his sister was studying running intriguingly through fwd/lib :,.i-. 'i‘nrw E' “nun; Eoiimig. (i(?ll|{ll. ‘.'.’lf3ll(}fi to glut past 1m:- unfolding events. AFN-"'1" d l)‘.">li‘/‘*-" !(?ll(?tl(ll|£lll()llf§ and. l‘(?£l(lllll(}f3. Jinks handles all this well enough, although he never really gets under 55in: u it inw: {w ‘: tiltiivmtizlt. l‘()[)t?. James Smut his characters‘ skins as he did in his debut book. Using a stiangely m a :: ’;!(l‘.‘) o r‘\"‘~"«>‘v”l$ll;. the mm 1 ) . M V“ U befuddled outsider as the main narrative voice also detracts a little from 'r' a: .. A l M :mlous; imnioiilziiion of the story's impact, leaving an interesting and enjoyable book. but not one m‘ wim'v' .2”! .i guiwlw Ml ;u'_‘i:-' iiixtt; litmiij Through Gates of Fire that reveals its author to be growing to fulfil his potential just yet. ‘ilgriyr': at“ in r i. wwi't i)x; willfull‘l. Maritloutiiifi \I-'i(m(W-M:) x NKMSUH (Doug Johnstone) 'J‘vi’; attoirmorswd 3"§)_g){)3 .g... N": (J’Vi. ili‘:

f’i'~.>li.ilioiil llio iioxoi ix {um/1:5,: /'

"it"“lfidl'(?l<?‘.illli‘t? 1.110'116;giwr‘w's.’ltw'igi :j:x.'..iri : :i:.:.'.v:'w «:min'd'“,‘.i,i-'..'ii’ll" ill‘il l‘i‘n‘ +f3fll‘. Alt‘m. <l<>i>l<>‘.<:-<i lT'. llNllil i. 23x{,<:'l""‘ .. ,‘ f'w' T'ng‘, "w Km Si .izl': : “m. 3:» w‘f’W; i‘r,

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unlmlarii‘otl ll‘ tlio :jr;':w¢ v vim v gm: mommy“. .i sag/it," in \iUllitFXi ol the mat of ll‘o hook l’lmt .itutii‘. tl‘::; ii; .iii lllit?l(?f§i‘llt). it‘lllit‘l riniil, uAnim Miliai,

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Does the '.'.oiltl intro .1 sins: ‘\ .’-“o.>:>ii\i too riniiiswrr' l V(>.'l‘ Ilié‘: , '* r n ::' ,- [2' '1 w w ' Jaw I'M. :3

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Napoleoni tiorttiiiili. “or. i’i;l"i!" S oiouurwtl. l><?"".-;"l. 61-3“ ' ' . ,. ., ' x l x T' "J thinks; so. and her Ti‘oivwzaa" ink: Ii. But 8.3.14: rust l‘ our)". 9H 1' u, U H; lliooriot; gm a hull of .1 after throt- .iomtior; o‘ magic» .itiwr‘m I'm;- l‘ . . 1" n: w w,- :ot mow cogent than '.-.'.*i:>oi>. BM .9080 to l7C'l‘Ug"iil)-’“, w" .'.{l'. 1% . x r " “,‘r’ l? 1* those of the US become .1 '.'."‘vto‘sx.'t<xi amt a" AlétSiiill , 51' : 1‘1," 1‘. .'."l«’:‘ ‘w 10‘ establislinmnt. ugimius'xv 1‘? We? Gawain)" aw] Ms, gut; MW; f)‘ Qi‘.’ ’; a gin“ {jaw}. .-',- ’flez' fgr:"f1‘,-"2:i' . 1w: Ndlweoni’s CCUllClYllC Hzi'VT‘1to123.wows {1:55. am: We ~ :;‘ .-."'>"> T"-:2'<,- a": "ax; ::-’,-»’:" méxffir-z": °' ’fizaw Put/iffy)"