Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow©, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Thursday 2


Friends of Glasgow Museums Talk \lkl.\'ll.lll (i.lllL'llt'\. 35H Nauthtt'hall Slim-1.505411)” lptn i'tcc \ talk on \tt.trtj_'\ lllll‘. IH f/Ir /\’r u’ Hut

Other events

Artists Forum l'hc \l\llk'\. 35‘ \tglc Slim-t. 505 Ill}i hpnt lit-c l‘ttllllll UPC” lo .tlll\l\ ltotn .tll tltxt‘tpltttcx

Saturday 4


WASPS Open Doors \\V\SI’S Stttthm. Don-hill Stttthm. lxt. 2nd tk ittl Hoot. l5 l'..l\l (untitth Sttu'l. 553 "351). l|.ttn (min In? \ glk'dl opportttntl) to llk'k‘l ill'll\l\ .tl .tll ~ttt‘ucx ol thcn L'.llk‘t'l\ .tlltl \k'k' llit' l.tllj.‘t‘ Ul \Htl‘k lltttl gtILN Hll .tl \\'.-\Sl’.\' \ltttltox .tt‘toxx Scotland. You can hit) \\ot‘l\\ tint-(ll) lt‘ottt thc .Il'll\l\. lrotn P;llllllllf1\.tlltl prtntnmktng: to \IJIHL'tl f_‘l;l\\ .‘tntl t't'ttttntu

WASPS Open Doors WASPS Stttthox. ittl and 4th I-loot‘. 33 King; Stu-cl. 553 2 i ill. I l;ttn opin l't'co Scc Sttt J. WASPS Open Doors \\'.-\St’S Stttthox. 77’ Httnxon Strcct. l)t'nnt\tottn. 554 820‘). I lttni 0pm. l'tu'. Scc Sat ~l, Open Green Meeting .\lotto. I: Kingx ('ottt'l. King Sttccl. 553 34”” Noon Jillptn l'rcc. .-\ month!) (irccn tnccttng lot' .tn_\onc \\llll .t

pitch/cm tronntcntttl llllL'l'L‘\l and ti l.t\lc lor organic hcwrugm.

CCA Talks and Tours (‘(‘..\. 35o SJllL‘ltlL‘llttll Sll't't‘l. 55: JUN). 2pm. l'rco .\ tour and lttlk looking: ttl thc ('(‘.r\ and ll\ \xoi'k Pihl. prcxcnt and future Egyptology Scotland Lecture 'l'hc l.CL'llllL‘ llillt‘ull't'. lilll'L‘ll (it‘llL‘L'llUll. 3””) l’nllnlnlltmx Road. :37 3.5.5” Split [-1 it: tncnthcrxt. (‘ht'tx lu'. Clll'ulttl' ol the l’tttxlc) .\lll\L‘lllll. gin-x gt lu‘lttt'c cnttllctl I'ltt' (imm/ I’Irrnu ( 'tmtt' In ('trntt'lj .i/‘I/mr (kl/(144'. l/lr’ \Y'L’lf'l Ir'r/ l‘.;'\/)IU/U;'I\!t

Other events

Tea Party \Ltckttttoxh Church. Qttccm (‘to\\, .\"'(l (\t'lll\t' Rotttl. v-10 (moo. 2,30 2pm. i'tcc, .-\ t‘tx iltxctl tiltcrnoon ol lt‘J. (Ul‘lk't‘ ttlttl (tlktN ;t\ pgtl‘l Ul llk‘ ('httt'lt'x chntc \lttcktntoxh Soctcl} \ 30th .tnnncrxttr} cclchruttonx

30/2D Craft 8. Design Fair l{0_\ttl ('onccrt Hull. 3 Sttttchtchull Strch 353 .\‘tl(l(l_ ltlfillttnt 4.30pm. L‘I t7llpt. 'I‘hc hut in contmnpomr} crul’t. dough and ttt‘txtorkx thrcct ll‘Ulll lllL‘ll' pt'odttcct‘x.


What’s Holding you Back? (ilttxgoxx ('hi Yoga ('cntrc. (ilttxxl'ord Sun-L ()705" 3""oh4t I l;ttn lpnt. £25 ttl5 ttt ttdxttncct. |.t\tcn to [llh tttlk and \llNL‘t“ cr \xhttt ll.l\ twcn holding _\ou hack in )tittt' Ittc. l‘ot' inorc Information Clliull lllliW’ lllL‘Ctll't‘t‘l'U‘tlt‘ll£01let

WASPS Open Doors \\'.-\SI’S Stttdtox. 3rd and 4th Floor. 23 King Strccl. 553 3330. Noon 5pm l-‘rcc. Sec Sat 4.

WASPS Open Doors \\'.-\.st’s Silltllt“. |)o\cht|| Silltllt“. l\l. :lltl K 3rd Floor; 15 litixt (‘tttnphcll Strcct. 553 "250. Noon 5pm. l'it'cc. Scc Sgtt 4.

WASPS Open Doors \VASPS Silltllux, "7 littttxon Strcct. l)L‘lilll\lUllll. 5.5-1 32‘"). Noon Spill. l'TCL‘. SL‘L‘ ~Nut 4. CCA Talks and Tours (‘(‘.v\. 350 Sauchtchull Strcct. 3.53 «Ntltl. 3pm. f-‘rcc. SCL‘ Stll 4.

96 THE LIST .7 '6 Oct


Chinese-English Corner Hum-nt- \lctto. \ ('ttwmcll l .tHL'. 1“ \l :l

3 ill -1 ‘llptn llk'k' \ tttcntll} int‘cttn; tut ('htnt'xc pcoplc \xho “.llll to ptattttc then I ltj_'ll\lt .llltl .ttt}utllt‘ \\.tnttn_: to tntptw. c Ilk‘ll \ldlltldllll (‘htnt'x~

Other events

Health & Beauty Show Royal (‘ontt'tt Hall. I \tllltlll’t'lldll \llk'i'l. :51 Mill” ltltttn 5pm 1‘ 5|llt: 5". \ on: th} l.ttt luttttt'tng l.tlk\ .tnti \lk'llll‘ll\ll.lll|‘ll\ h} hmttt} lltt'ldt‘hh. \‘otttplctnt-ntat} health .td\ l\t‘l\. [\lth h.ttt .lll\l toxntt'ttt


Glasgow Black History Tour (‘ontttt‘l 5‘: I I‘ll! ot llllt‘“ ;.tt.t or: ttk tot IHUIL' tttlot'ttt.tttott on lllllt'\ .tntl nit-cling; plum .llltl to hook plan-x on llll\ tottt

l-tcc \ tottt .ttotind the \lctt’hant ('tt} tlt'\l:._'llt'tl to uplotc thc lt'ldllttthllll‘ ht'tuccn (il.l\_‘_‘tt\\ \ lilt'lt'dlllllk' {not .lll\l thc tt‘ugtt‘ .tntl UllL'll \lMlllt‘llll ttntmt't tt ll.l\l on black PCUPIL' tn thc t'i‘li‘lllL‘\

Monday 6


Green Drinks lilacklttdtx. in lit-ll Stt‘ccl. 553 5011. (i illpllt l'tcc It )ott .ttt' tntctt'xtctl in :Jlk't‘li l\\llc\ ot \xotk tn tin él\\l‘\'l;llt'tl llltlll\ll'}. hctttl doun to lilacklrmtx tor .t (lMl \xtth \HHIC lllxk' llllllthtl pcoplc

Tuesday 7


Greenpeace \lotto. I3 Klllg\ (Mun. King: Sttccl. 55i I-lllll. ".Fllpnt. l-rcc .lotn ttt lhc ntonthl} (irccnpmcc lllL‘Cllllj;\ and do _\our hit tor thc plunct.

Other events

Drawing and Painting Evening Class \Vttxpx Studio. 7" ll.lli\Hll Strcct. ill 0385‘ 5 9pm. {Ill pct clttxx Still hlc. ligurc tltxmtn; ttntl l.llltl\L';l[‘L' and tttn lot tcn \wckx. littxtc tll'.l“ll1“__‘ ttttttt't‘\ .ll'L' pit“ ltlL'tl.

Wednesday 8


Author Evening \lucktnloxh ln'lttrc ’l‘hcutt‘c. (i|;t\;_'o\\ School ol .-\t't. l0“ chlrcxx Strcct. 353 4500. "pm. {I \\'rttcr\ trading tt'om thctr o\\ n uork tncltttlc ('ht‘tx l)ol;tn. (ict'r) l.oo\c. I);t\ ttl Ktttloch. lit-r'ttttrtl \lttcl.;t\t't't_\. litlutn Morgan and Ulltct'x.

Other events

Drawing and Painting Classes l’ollok llotlxc. l’ollok ('ottmt‘} l’ut'k. Illhll l’ollokxhtmx Rotttl. (\lo (M lll. lllunt lpnt. L'.\, l.c;tt‘n tint“ in; ttntl painting tcchntqttcx ttt thc \xonticrtttl \lll'l'tllllltllllg\ ot l’ollok llttlht‘.

Book events

Poetry Reading \lllt'llcll l.ll‘l';tl"\. In North Strcct. 287 29*” (i.3()pm. M ii: l. .\ poctr} rcudtng from ;t\\;ll'tl-\\llilllll:._' ptlL'l\ .'\l;tll Spcncc. Andrmx (hug and Rttnmn \Itttttlutr.

Barefoot Doctor - Nisted Fables for Nisted Minds \\';ttcr\tonc\.

I53 l5- Sttttt‘htchttll Stt‘cct. 353 0105 “pm. 'l'hc popular (itmnltun t‘oltttnnht \ll\L'l!\\L‘\ llh tic“ hook on ct\ntplctncntur} hmlth.


Friends of Glasgow Museums Talk \lt‘lt‘llutt (ittllcl'lc\. 2‘” Suttchtchttll Stt'cct. 5(i5 410i). lpnt. lircc. .-\ lttlk on BL'\\IL‘ xltlL'NlL'Ul.\ .\ (itr/ u! t/tr‘ Sturt'x.

Friends of Glasgow Botanic Gardens Talk (ilmgoo Botanic (idrtlt‘lh. ".‘ll (ircttt \\'c\tct'tt Road. 334 3432. 5.30pm. :2. Norman Rohl‘. llUfllCllllllTLIl ()tliccr tor tho (it) (‘ottnctL glwx lhh ldlk cntttlcd Inlt'mtttrumrt’ Run \


A history of hip hop

As part of Black History Month. the CCA and Glasgow Anti-Racist Alliance are hosting a day of hip hop fun. After the success of last year's first Black History Month in Glasgow, they have now joined forces with Glasgow City Council to plan more events, and building on others, such as the hugely successful ‘slave tours’.

The hip hop day is split into two parts. starting with The

Lesson, an afternoon of films. workshops and demonstrations. Learn from DJ Bunty the art of turntable trickery and find out how to use the decks. scratch and mix or let your voice do the work with some rapping and battling 8 Mile style. If dance is more your thing then Kultyer Dance Theatre will show you how to do it urban style while Shelltoe Mel teaches you the

basics of breakdancing.

‘We want to make young people understand where hip hop came from and it's not about sexism and big cars, drugs and gangsters.‘ says Frank Boyd of GARA. It may not be about the bling but it is definitely about the music, which you can enjoy in The Message. the second part of the day. There will be a night of two club events: first there's an early evening bash for kids aged 14—17, with tunes from DJ Bunty and Glasgow band the Black Panthers. The second club is for over 18s, with UK DMC Champion 2000 and ex-Scratch Pervert Mr Thing, the BigDada tour and Glasgow's own top

notch talent Paul I (It); Sunk

Book events

Bill McLaren - Rugby’s Greatest Heroes and Entertainers \Vtttt'rxtonv'x 15‘ I5“ Silllk'lllk'lldll Stt'cct. 3 ‘3 ‘)|(l5. 5‘ illpnt. ()nc ol

High} \ l‘t'\l-ltl\t‘tl L'UllllllL‘lilillUl\ \lf._'li\ L't\[\lL‘\ Hl lll\ \‘Hllt't‘ltnll ttl‘rllll lllL' l;I\Hlll‘llL' xtttt‘x ol the High} llk'ltl

Other events

A European Year of Disabled People Exhibition l’t'otct‘t .\htltt). ('cntt’c lor lh'H‘allltCtllul ;\l’l\. l5 .'\ll‘l(lll Stt‘cct. 553 3523. Want 5pm l't'cc. .'\n C\lill\lllttn ot \ l\ .ll'l‘» .llltl t‘t'ctttnc “tiling; h} tnctnht-tx ol lllL' ’I‘t'ongtttc Slttthox .llltl Sun I\ttl'\ l’octr) Sgollttttdt

Ideal Home Show Scotland Sl:(‘('. l'llllilc\lttll ()ttu}. (Not Ill—HZ!) Noon (mm C tl'rcc £5r; ltttntl} ttt‘kct £20, \lttkc _\Hlll' hotnt' lttntgmo :t rmltt} \xtth mcruhmg _\ott nccd lot‘ t‘cticxtgntng ttnd ttnprmtng )ottt‘ litttttc,

Book events

Jimmy Greaves - Greavsie \Vtttct'xtonc‘x. I53 15" Sttttt‘htchttll SII'L‘L'I. 55: 0W5. llttlli “(Hill Illlk' lcgcntiur} toothullcr and ‘l'\' pt‘cwnlu \lglh goptcx ol lil\ .ttttohrogruph}


CCA Talks and Tours (‘('..\. Kin Sattchtchttll Strcct. ‘53 J‘Hltl Iptn. l't‘cc SL‘L' Sat 4,

Other events

Farmers Market \ltll1\llL'ltl l’utk. ll}ttdl;tnti Strcct. 33“ 2000. Want it‘ll], l'l'L‘C. :\ chungc l0 l‘tt} lt‘L'\ll Pl'tKlUCL' dirt-ct tt‘ont thc lttrntcrx.

Cawley, DJ Naeem and DJ Layla M II. (Jane Hamilton)

Ideal Home Show Scotland \t H ‘. l‘lllltlt'fltfll ()ttto. UVHI jlflijtt

lll‘ttn "pin L5 tl tt'c 15'. Lttntl} tttkt'l L3H \t't‘ i it I“

A European Year of Disabled People Exhibition I’tott-tt Hutu}. (‘cnttt' lot Ht'xclot‘tttcttLtI \lh. |.\ \Ihton Sttt'ct, 55: 3\_‘_‘ llldlll 5pm I ICC \'t' l tt Ill

Big World Challenge Rt-nttt-ltt \t Stcpht-nx ('onlctt-nt'c (it‘llllk'. Ion H.tth Stu-ct lll Want Jilin l'lk't‘ lhc (ontt-tcnt’c ol thc “oild lk'wloptnt-nt \lowntcnt Scotland \wltotnt-x .tn}ont' “tinting; to knou llllllL' .tlmttt \‘nlliltl ll.ltlk' and glohahxtttton l\\llk'\

History of Hip Hop ('(‘,\_ Wt Suttt‘htchall \ttcct. ‘52-1‘Mtll ll.nn it‘lll l‘t‘t'c .\ llL'k' C\Clll uplottn‘;v thc lil\ltll_\ o1 hlmk ttntlt'tptottntl klllllllk' lL'.tlllllllL‘ uorkxhopx .tntl lll.t\lcl tltnwx tn _'_'l.tlllll art. l.t[‘|‘ll1_‘_‘. hip hop tnttxtg .llltl ttthttn dance llll\lllj._‘ .tntl \tldlglllllj.‘ .tntl ht'tatktlattt’tttf: \cc ptm tcu


Star Wars and the American Drive to Global Domination “withith Hull. (.lJlL'lltlHll thltl. ‘13: Ill zngtn Jinn L5 NJ» \ HHC tla} gonlctcntc ttttt h} \ull[1\lt(i\l)‘.‘.tllt|>.~ .tntl \xothhotn looking .11 St.” \\.tl\. tht‘ pmt'c t‘ttntpdtgn. umpom ot mum tit-\tt'ttttron dllkl thc lcl.tll«lll\lll[‘ hutchn lllk‘l K .llltl l8


CCA Talks and Tours ('(‘.\t Wt Sattthtchall Stu-ct. ‘52 Will 2pm llL‘C Sm" \il 4

Artists Talk Suttthxptttc. 1" :\".\12oll5"«‘5 1pin l'rcc Lorna Mattnnrc talks .il‘itlll hut work on \hov. ;tt Smtthxtxttc