Art listings
Glasgow Activities 8- Fun continued
Steve Hutton 'Iut- ‘ Hct. I) “lain l'ree. Wnndsidc l.|l3rtil"\. 343 SI (image‘s Rikttl. i3: lhllS See tilttn L‘
Steve Hutton \M-tt s ()cl. ‘) mam l'ree. lhrns l.ihrat"\. ll \ltdlnck Street. .127 53.31. See tiltiiu'
Tony Langham 'Ihu U (M. U Mam l'ree. lzldcr l’ttl'ls l.ihrar_\. ZZSa l.aiiglands Rnad. 445 Ill-l7 .»\ccl.iiiiied pnet and timer perInriiis his unrk .iiid cricnuiages cr'eatne \sriting \sith his )nting audience. linnlsiiig rccniiiiiiended Tony Langham I-ri Intict. lll45arti. l't‘ce l’artick l.ihrai"\. 3H5 l)tiiiih.irtnn Rnad. 33‘) I3l) 3. See ahm c
Tony Langham I-n lli()ct. I illptlt. l‘ree. lzasterltnusc l.ilirai"\, (i5 Shaiidxstck Street. Sec tiliin e.
History of Hip Hop Sai I I ()ct.
l lam 5pm. l'i‘ee hut ticketed (‘('.r\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4Utitl. .-\ges l4+. .-\ Irce e\ciit esplni'iiig the histni‘} nl hlack uiidergr'nurid culture Icaltirittg \snrkshnps and master classes in gr‘alIiti art. rapping. hip linp music and urban dance. llll\lll_L' and scratching and hr‘eakdancing. See (ilasgnu |.iIc page 06.
Move Your Body! Sun I: ()ct.
rinnri 2pm. L' 3. ('(‘.v\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 40ml. Ages 3 l2. x\lt ititeiacttse \sni'kshnp c\plnriiig I'nriiis created h) tlie hnd} thrnugh iiin\ ement. The Big Draw \Ved I5 Wed 22 tit-t. .\lnii 'l'hu ts Sat Illaiii (rpm: Stiii
llaiii 5pm. [.3.5l)l{l.75l1ltltitll} ticket £33. (‘l}dehiit|t Scnttish .\laritinie .\ltiscurii. liraeliead Shnppirig ('criti‘c. Kings Inch Rnad. xxr» Illl 3. (iet _\nur pens and pencils ntrt as part til the natinn-xside iiiitiati\e In eiicnut‘age dr'atsing and create all sni'ts nI niai'itiiiie nhiects and ai‘telacts.
The Treasure Hunt Sat 4 Sun 5 Oct. Sat llaiii 6pm; Sun iinnii 5pm. liree. \VASI’S Sttidins. 77 llaiisnri Street. l)ennistnuii. 554 829‘). .-\s part nl()pen l)nnrs l)a) s. kids are imich In take part in a hunt I'nr treasure. speciall) designed h) illustratnr ’l‘cresa l"|a\'in. (till) pc-nplc \‘isited [lie \ltttlttis ltisl )L‘ttt'. \\hich Is gi\en estra I'aiitil) emphasis \sith the hunt I'nr nhiccts and paintings. l‘nr mnre inlnriiiatinii gn In
\\ \\ \\ .\\ chiiItreasureciim
October Holiday Football Camps .\lnii l3 l'ii l7 ()ct. {III U5. (inals Snccei' ('ctiti‘e. Queens Park. l’iilliikslr;i\\s Rd. 636 5334. 5— l4 _\ears. l)e\ clnp )titit‘ ltitille skills under the \satchl'ul e_\ e nl' Sl‘.-\~qualilied (ilasgnu ('it) ('nuiicil cnaches. lair hnnking and inl'ni'inatinn call (ll4l 2S7 36H). Portraiture Drawing .\lnit 13 Oct. 2 4pm. .\lcl.ellan (ialleries. 37H Satichiehall Street. 565 4 Hit). Sell- panraiI di'axs ing Mr 5 13-)ear-nlds. Young Illustrators Club .\lnrt
l3 l-‘ri l7 ()ct. llain Ipni. .\lcl.ellan (iallei‘ies. 27” Stttteltleltttll Street. 56.5
4 Hit). ('reatixe \\ thing and drau irig classes Mr S l.3 _\ear nlds In prndtice their n\\n cniiiic. llnnking essential. Still Life Drawing \Vcd l5 Oct.
2 4pm. .\lcl.e|lan (ialleries. 3"“ Sauchiehall Street. 565 4H)“. Still lite draxsing IN 5 l3-_\ear-n|ds.
Stars in their Eyes Thu 2 ()ct. 7.30pm. £165” “7.50. Rn}al ('niicert Hall. 3 Satichiehall Street. 353 Stltit). 'l'nnight Matthew nnps. snrr}. Bradle} Walsh. I'm gning In he . . . ('nme and be part nl' tlte ‘stars li\e' e\perience. Children’s Classic Concerts - Magic and Monsters Sat 4 ()ct. 3pm. £0.50 (£5); l'amil} ticket (Zn. Rnyal (‘nncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 55.5 3000. (iltrlslt’llltel‘ Bell ennducts the RS.\'() and the RS.\'() Juninr (‘hnrus in this special cnncert I‘nr children featuring the unrld premiere nI‘ Scottish enmpnser Suvnurna Sim ensnn's .Ut.\'l¢'I'\ImtI'ii'(trni T/Ic' Ki’l/iic's (iilt. extracts I'rnm The [.un/ nt’tlii' RlIlL’\ and an appearance I‘rnm special guest Bill}
94 THE LIST .3 ‘t‘ (\‘I 3‘03:
litl}tl. tine til the lltll‘l‘llS in the llllll. See l’hntn (’aptrnii.
Theatre & Dance
The Singing Ringing Tree Sat 4 ()ct. 2pm. £4 i£.3.5()i. Scnttish Mask tk l’tippct 'l'heatrc (’entre. S lll lialcarrcs .'\\L‘Illlt‘. Kehindalc. 33‘) 6185. l-'n|ding 'l‘heatre (‘nmparn returns \s ith its much- lm ed gln\ e puppet tale iii a prince and his quest hit the magic tree that is ill \\ in the heart til the heattltliil hut \aitt princess.
Magic, Magic, Magic Sui II Oct. nnnn tk 2pm. £4 Ii;3.5()i. Scnttisli Mask is l’tippet 'l'heatre (‘eiitre. S It) Balcarres .-\\eniie. Kehindale. 33‘) 6185. .\'n\t that's “hat I call . . Magic Bnh. Scntland‘s lamurite magician returns
\\ ith itinrc tricks up his slee\ es.
Activities And Fun
Life and Times of Mary, Queen of Scots Sun 5 ()ct. l3.45pni. l.45pm ik 3.45pm. liree. Museum ()I' Scntland. ('hamhers Street. 247 421‘). Med Mar}. Queen nl Scnt's cnnl'idante .\lai‘} lleatnn and art apprentice lidinhurgh stniie riiasnn as the} tell the tale til the lated Scnttish queen.
Robert the Bruce and the Battle of Bannockuburn Sun I2 ()ct. l2.45pm. l.45pni. 2.45pm & 3.45pm. l-‘ree. .\liiseurn ()I' Scntland. ('haiiihers Street. 34" 43W. .-\ges 8+. llear ahnut him the Scnts at litllllltk‘lsl‘tll'll sent lidnard ll packing alter he itiarched art arm} iiitn Scntland. Magical Mayhem .\lnn I.‘~ is the I4 ()ct. Itiam. llani. iinnii. 2pm ck 3pm. U. .\'anh lidinhurgh .-\rts ('entre. l5a Peninuell (‘nurt. 315 2l5l. Ages 3 5. (‘I‘ettlh e \lttt'les \\ IllI \Vcnd} \Vt‘lc‘lt and Margaret Smith using \ltlr}lL'lllll:_‘. singing and Me music.
Children’s Classic Concerts - Magic and Monsters Sun 5 ()ct. 3pm. £05” £5. l‘sher Hall. l.nthian Rnad. ZZS 1 I55. See (ilasgnu and l’hnin (‘aptinn
THE EXCELLENT Children’s Classics concert series launches its new season with music and tales from the deep sea and mythical lands featuring the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, RSNO Junior Chorus and a guest appearance from Billy Boyd of Lord of the Rings tame.
I Children '3 Classic Concerts - Magic and Monsters Royal Concert Hall, 353 8000, 'Sat 4 Oct, 3pm. £9.50 (£5); family ticket £26 & Usher Hall, 228 1155,
Sun 5 Oct, 3pm. £9.50-
Theatre & Dance
Molly Whuppie l‘ntil In .1 ()cl. \Vcd l.3(lpiii: 'l‘hti ll).3llam tk |.3l)piii; l‘l'l ll).45am. Ll Nni‘th lzdinhurgh .r\rts (‘eiitre. l5a l’cim_\\\ell ('niii't. 3l5 2l5l. \Vee Stnr'ies presents tlic talc nI .\lnll_\. \\hn enthar'ks nii a Iantastrc and magical ad\enture tn Iitid that things are nnt til\\;t}s “hat the} scent.
Molly Whuppie Sui -1 ()cl. 2pm. £5; lainil} ticket US. lirtiiitnn 'l'hcatrc.}nell \Va}. .\lusselhurgh. 665 324”. See ill‘t“ e.
Lifeboat line 7 & \Ved S (M. 'l'tie 1.30pm: \Ved ll).3tiaiii tk |.3l)ptii. Ll. .\'nrth lidiiihtirgh .'\rts (’etiti'e. |5a l’etiiniscll (‘niir‘t. 3l5 3|5l. .-\ii inspiring p|a_\ hascd nn the true stnr_\ nI tun girls \slin surx i\cd l‘) terriI} mg hnurs in the \tatet'. clinging In an upturned lilehnal alter their ship “as Ini'pcdncd. .-\ ('atherine \Vhecls l’rndtictinn. RL‘L‘ttllllllL‘lltletl Inr ages 33+.
Idlepop .\Inii I3 \Vetl I5 ()ci. .\Inn 7pm; 'l‘ue Iliaiii it l.3tipm: \Ved Itiam. U. .\‘anh lidinhtii'gli .'\rts ('enIre. l5a l’enn}\\ell ('nurt. 3l5 3|5l. Ages 7+. .\'nna Shepphard's tnpical pla_\ ahnut I'niii' luck} cnntestaiits uhn ha\c made it thrnugh gruelling aiiditinris tn Ini'iii a lieu pup gt'titip.
Fire-Eating with David Almond Thu 2 ()ct. [0.3” l I.3IIaiit. £3. Queen's llttll. ('lt'l‘ls Street. 663 lel‘). .-\ges lll+. (‘arriegie Medal and \Vhithread Award
\s inner speaks ahnut his unrk past and presents and launches his esciting rte“ nnxel. 'Ihllt' I‘ll'r-ltilli’l's.
Julia Donaldson 'l‘hu a ()ct. Inam a lpni. L'l. .\'nrth lxdinhtirgh .r\rts ('cntrc. l5a l’eriri}\\ell (‘ntirt. 3l5 3l5l. Stnrtes and snngs \\ itli best-selling atithnr iii The (irullii/u. Julia l)nnaldsnn. \xhn reads I'rnni her hraiid nets stnr}. ‘I'lie Snail and [Ill' iii/lulu
Outside the Cities
Activities And Fun Children’s Craft Classes Sat 4 &
Sat II (M. 2 4pm {4 pct sessinn l’arsle\ \its (critic. \c\\ Street. l’.iisle_\. SS“ . llllH \\eel\l_\ ctalt cl.i\\e\ Int 6 ll _\ nlds c\plnriiig diaxsriig. painting. cla} mndelhzig and resellers making linnkiitg essential
Wobbly Buildings and Mad Materials Sat 4 (let. I” 3Ham l2 45pm LI lhindec ('niiteiiipniai} ,\its. 152 \ctheigatc. lhiiidce. III 33: “WWW \ges " l2 \lndel making \tnikshnp taking iiispiiatinti Iinrii l‘l.tltk (ichi) \ architecture
Celebrating Gehry: Whose Space is it Anyway? Stiii 5 (let.
I“ l.‘ 45pm {3. Dundee (‘niiteriipniau \i'ts. I53 \cthcigate. lhindec. “I 3S: ‘HI‘NHH .\ Iaiiiil} \\t‘ll\\llt‘[‘ e\plnririg simple architecture designs
The Big Draw Mun I.‘~ Sat 15 ()ct. l'iec last Klll‘lltlt‘ \rts ('eriti'e. ()ld ('nach ls’nad. lrast ls'ilhi‘idc. Ill 355 IMINNI lainrlics .ind Iticnds tll.t\\ iii a llt‘lll} nI shape and pattern nn the galleis \\.lll\. daikinnni and cate. this )car merging “fill the l’np l’np lestixal and rising music Ini .titiinc inspitalinn
Theatre & Dance
Spend a Penny l'rr ‘ Sun 5 ()ct. I’m- 5 “ed S ()ct. l'll Ill Stiii II Oct. times Hi} L350. .\l.icRnherI. l'nner'srt} nl Stirling. Stirling. “PHI-166666 New
4 I). 'l‘he \mnderltil Shnna Reppe brings her latest ptippctr} creatinti In the stage \sith ntigiiial music and a knitted landscape telling the stnt‘) nl llciiiitg and I’m]
The Kosmic Krew \Vett .S’ ()cI. ".3ttpin L'" tUH. Iamil} ticket £2“. \Vhitehall 'l‘heatre. II llelltield Street. lhiiidec. Hl 3S2 434040. Ages 4 l4 .-\ Iaiitastical sxsashhuckliitg space-age musical Icaturing l.iam l) lrniii lhsiic} 's [hue/ii II
Pigs Can Fly lue 14 ()ct. 3.30pm. .i\lhert llalls. lhiiiihar‘tnn Rnad. Stirling. (ll ~S6 45354-1. Ages 4 U. Kenspccklc l’uppcts' tale ahntit 'l‘niiiiii). \sltn has the best hirthda} ex er.
The International Purves Puppets lirggat' l’tippct 'l'heatrc. lirntrghtnii Rnad. ()IS‘N 3306.”. 1.5 IL4i‘. ltilltll} tickets £33 & £36. linnlt in ad\aiice as times are stihiect In change. Reductinns lni parties iii the nr iiinre. Shnus nn nller met the Ite\l tun necks are;
Nessie the Loch Ness Monster Sat 4 it inc 7 ()ct. 2pm. lltighie .\lcl)htii meets a girl called .\lairi (ileiigarrs \slin is running ;i\\a_\ Irnrii her nicked uncle. \riggte .\lc('raggrc. .-\lnng the “as the} get caught up in the \snrld nt' Spike the hcdgchng. \shere animals talk and sing and Nessie the pnsh l.nch .\'ess .\lnnstcr rnaiiis ahntit.
The Magical Princess Sat I I it Tue I4 ()ct. I.3ttpm. Ages 5+. Adapted Irnrii an nld l'krairiiaii l‘nlktale this is the stnr} nl a simple riiaii. Andreas. \shn saxes the Me nl a heautrlul princess. In return she marries liirii and \\ea\cs a magic tapestr} which Andreas decides tn sell In Ilie might} l/ar \shn agrees In hu). hut nnI} ll he alsn brings him the treasure. And sn begins a inurne) acr'nss the \snrld.
Pips and Panda Meet the Three Bears Sun I: ()ei. 3pm a- Wed l5 ()ct. |.3llpiii. Ages 3 7. l’ips and Panda carr) nii their adxentures \Hlll .\lumm}. l)add). Bah} and the gnlden-haircd lass. lcattirmg the tisual cnncnctinii nl snngs. music and iiiagrc.
Art from the Bus t'niil Sat 4 ()et. l’rec. \lacRnhcrt. l’nnersit) nl Stirling. Stirling. (II7S6 466666. Nev. e\lithilinn nl children's arttsnrk created as part iii the (hunt l’rtxluctinns‘ magical ni_\ster} tnurs in (ilasgnts during the summer hnlida)s.
Telling Tales Sui II Oct. llam. Dundee Rep. Ta} Square. Dundee. l)! 382 323530. Members til the Dundee Rep cnmpan} tell tales nld and new in kids aged 5- 8.