Art llgtflg‘q,

Glasgow Galleries continued


l: RIHL‘ \lIL‘I‘l, i5: \ l :\

Unseen: Stills from the Set of Young Adam I IIlIl I II I“ (It! IIIIII .lllkl \‘.llllk' IIlIII \llll\ lllIIlI lllk' w! nI Ihc l.llt'\I I'.\‘..Ill \I\(ilt'_‘,'Hl IIllII. l~.u:;3 Mun: LleL'lI h} phnlngmphm. \cIl I).I\l\l\I'll


33 & 35 Kill; \IIm'I 55: IV"; lIIc \.II IIMIII 5 “WIN

Hitch l'IIIII \II \ \nx. lhc lllllIl III .I \t'll\'\ nI lllt'llII'Il \'\lIIl‘IllI‘II\ III ‘-‘-lll\ll

III\ IIml .IlIl\l\ tHlldl‘I‘lJlt' \‘-IIlI (i\l’ lIl.I\lt'I [‘Illllt'h In lIl.Il\L‘ [\I‘lIlHlIU\ nI mlIIInIIml [lllllh Illxpllcil h} Illt' Illlllx nI \lIIml llllt'llukl’x

Ashley Cook: Process or Progress? l IIIIl \II \ \n\ \mx I‘IIlll\ h} (i|.I\)_'n\\ l‘.I\t'\l .Illhl \xhlv) ('nnk II'.IIIIIIII;_' \InIk IIIIIIlc \lllllllj.‘ .I ImcIII \ |\Il III /,.I\.Ilt\.l\ llI \It'\l\ll

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM lnp IlnnI. M (NInIIIc \IIm'I. 553 H“: INC 8.” IInnII 5pm

Apocalyse Now and Then I IIlIl \II HM .\ IIII\ml \lInv. nI \InIk h} lllk‘lhldll llcxxlc. \\ Ill llnII .Illkl l).III \lIllm

John Mullen and Julia Schnabel .\lnII 1‘ \.II _‘5 ()yI \\nIk I») InIIII \lIIlchI :IIIIl _lIIlI.I \t‘hImhI-l Il\ IMII n! .I [‘IHIIK'I u IIII S\\Ilt'h\p.lm'


'l'hc \Iiltlxlllliwll (i.I|ch_\. III" chlmx SIIm'I. i5i -15INI \lnn l'll lll.IIII 5pm. SJI lI|.IIII 2pm

Robert Stewart: Design 1946-95 l‘IIIIl Sal l \n\ I\I.I(l\lllIU\ll (i.IllI-I} I. Rnhm'l SImmII III.I_\ IInI hc .I I.IIIIIlI;II II.IIIIc hIII IlIIIIII; Ihc 5le. (\le .lllil "Il\. hc “Il\ .III lllllllt‘lllldl Ilcxlggnm .llltl lL‘JIlIII}: L'IlIImIInIIulIxI \ anIIu'IIIpnIuI} nI I.llt'lt'llllt' l).I}. XII'IHII “ax lk'ml nI IIIIIIIml IC\IIlc\ .II (il.l\:_‘Il\\ St'hnnl nI .'\II .I\ \Icll .l\ IIIIIlIIIg lllllL‘ In Ilcxlgn InI' l.Il\\‘ll). \lnIII. .'\ll\llll Rcml .llIIl Ihc l'.IlIIIl\III'3_'lI lupmlr} \InI'kIIIg: III IlIc IIImlIIIIIh nI Inulcx. m‘IuIIIIt‘x. gI'uphIt‘ \lL'\l;ll .llltl Mpg-x“) Robert Stewart and Colleagues - Posters l'IIIIl Sul l \n\ I.'\llllllll (i.lllk'l}l 'l‘n IIt‘t‘nIIIpIIIII Ihc SImquI It'lltnpt‘t‘llu'. .I \t‘lL‘t‘lIUII HI IIIIIII\.IlI\C pancI Ilcxlgnx h} Rnhml Slmxall :Iml lll\ unllmguc»

Lapothecary I‘nIII Stu I I (M (\mth'} (}.Illc1_\ I .lcuIIIIc lLIII mplnu'x IlIc Il\c nI IInII-t‘lnIlIIIIg III.IIcII;Il \\lllllll Ihc l.I\lllHll IIIIluxII‘). 'l'lII'nIIgh hm n\\II guI'IIII-III Ilcxlgnx. \hc lIInkx .II Ihc (I‘mlnc Ilcngn PI'IK’C\\ II‘nIII IlIc nI'IgIII nl llllL'lk‘\l. guI'IIIL-III (“Il\llllt‘llflll and Ihc IIIIul Pltltlllt‘l, Sm‘ Shnppmg'.


il’uI'k (‘III‘IIx “I 3555. \lnII 'l'hII

lIl.IIII (min. I“ llldlll ~1pIII.

Christine Niehoff: For the Time Being l'IIIIl l'II III (M, ('lII‘IxIIIIc \Ichnll (Milo III Ihc guulcn nI IlIc (lnclhc llhllllllc :III lll\l.Ill.IlIUIl III Iun nIIIlInIIxm \IlIIch I'L‘\pUII\l\ In IIIL' lI\L‘\ \‘I lL‘I'I'UI'hl Rink“ .Illtl \‘IIlllllllllllxl \‘IkInI' limknnmn. l\\n (Icrnmn pcnplc \\lIU \\ L‘I'C IUI't't'il In ll\L‘ .Il‘I‘UJIl. l'nI' llk‘ plt't‘t‘. \lt‘llnll III.II\C\ Il\k' nl Il‘lllltl nhIm'h. IIIIII InnIagc .lllkl In}.I| It'IIIg wulplurc.


l8: liulh SII'm'I. 333 l‘l‘lll \lnII III

II) .iIluIII 5pm; Sat IIHIMIII lpIII Mixed Exhibition mm In El (m. .\ \clm‘IInII nI l‘llh. ZIIIh t'L‘lIllll'} dll\l CUIIIL‘IIIPUI'JI'} p;IIIIIIIIg_'\


9 ll (IL‘UI'gL‘ SII‘L‘L‘I. .55: :lll‘l. \lnII Sui ‘LIIII 5pm.

Angela Hewitt l’IIIII l’I'I 3| (M \w \\;IlcrcnlnuI\.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'III\CI'\II_\ nI (iluxgmx. $2 llIllhcml SIIm‘I. 330 543]. Mm Sal 0.3II;IIII 5pm; Sun 12.30 4 30pm. l’nr Innrc IIIInI'IImIInn \m‘ \\\Iu.“lIIxIlchINBt‘nIII

88 THE LIST .‘ ":01 .‘

Anna Whistler - A Life I IIIIl m: 1 (LI \\ lIIxIchK IXIIIIIIII: nI hm IIInIIIcI. \I/IIIig'I HI: I‘.' 1!: (In Ink-I:- II’.I.I - \w E\ tl'lllplt'lllt'llIt'Il h} .: xpm 1.:l c\lIIl\IIInII lxxxml nII IIII". InIle} IIIIpIIhlI~lIml \I‘llk'\llilllxlt'lltt' .Illxl .1ltlll\IIl llldlx‘lhil. Icunhng Ihv llIk' lthIId IlI-c lu‘lllt

IIII.I‘_'U ’II'I.'II'lI/1/\{_}; _‘I/II¥

Beauty and the Butterfly: Whistler’s Depictions of Women l IIIIl .841 NM l’mlclx. I-IIlIIIIp .Ill\l lIIlInf;I.Ip|I\ Illll\II.Il\' \\ lIlelI-I'x (It'lllt'lllllh nI \KHIIIL'II I’m: n' H XIIHII/ 31/116 ' f ' 9;

Copper into Gold: Whistler and 19th Century Printmaking I IIlIl \\ml_‘-1l)m llll\ c\hIl\IIInII pIcwIIh I'ItlIIIlgngIIIl lIIlInj:I.II\l1\l\_\ \\ hI~Ich .Illkl l1l\ mIIIIcIIIpnI.IIIc\. lIIplIlIglIIIII;

\\ lIlelm'x .It'lllk‘\t'lllk'lll\ .l\ «mu nI Ihc yImII-xl .Illl\l IIIIIIIIImkch nI .Ill IIIIIc

III! III ll I'IIHI'I/ 3/1”."

In Grey and Black 1 Hill 8.11 IIII'I \\ lIlech'x I.IlllUlI\ II.IIIIIIII;_' nI l1|\ IIInIlIm. .l/IIIIIL'I HII'III' III (i/n IIIII/ li/ml \n/ mIIIIc\ In ( iI.I\;_'n\\ InI Ihc IIle “Hit” 111 mm 5” yuux. nII ln.m lI‘nIII Illk' \lIIxm' II‘I Il\;l} Ill I’.III\ 'Im' n7 ll/IIIII'. I jun“ 5' :EE

Women I'lllll \\t'\l :-I l)\‘\ I)k'|‘l\'llflll\ nI \kHIIICIl h} \\ lII\llCI.\ t'nIIII'IIIIInIJIch III'.IIII\IL‘}.\I.It'l\llllil\ll. (XIIlnx Sphxwlw .lllkl nIlImx lll\[‘ll\'\l h} I;IIII;I~}. |lll.Ij_'Ill.IllUI1.III\l\}|IIl‘I|lI\IlI II” n/ II/II\I/I I III/l." Whistler and Scotland I lIlIl \u .1 ()t‘l, lhIx mlIIhIlInII t'\|‘lUlC\ \\ lllxllx‘l \ pmm-I'IIII lllllllt'llt‘k' nII Ihc Synlllxll .III \xnlel \lllllllf.‘ lle lIIcIIIIIv. IL'.IIIIIIII_~; IhI' (il.I\;_'n\\ lln) |‘.IIlllt‘l\. \lk'tllk'l\ .IllIl t'nllm‘InIx .‘IIIIl |l1t'llltlt'\ \\HIl\\ h) l: \ \VilllUll. .I.Illk'\ (iIIIhIIc. (it-nigc lchII) .lllkl ('h.II'lc\ RmIIIIc \I.I\‘I\Illltl\ll In! M ll'lIIII/«I JIHIA'. " . 'E ' II Whistler Pastels .\Inn I I (III \M-II ll l)m‘_ :\ \k'lt't'llllll nI \\ lIIxIlm‘x k‘\t|lll\lIL' Imxlclx lHt'lINIllfJ nII IlIc lt‘lllJlk' InI’III. \E 8- '5 The Whistler Collection Illt' lllIIIIcII.III\ IIIIcIII.IIInII.Il|} IIIIpnII.IIII \\‘lII\Ilm (‘nllm'IInII l\ nII \II'\\ III llt‘\\ (Il\[llil}\ ImIIIIIIIIg: .‘x'll nIl II.IIIIIIII:_'\. lllllltll't‘\l\ nI \ll‘.I\\ III;_'\ and \\;IICI\‘UlUlll'\ .lllII mm lINlll clt'lIIngx .Iml llllIHjJI'.IplI\ 111'! n/ ll/mI/I'r .‘llllfi'.


l.\ King: SII'm'l. 553 25‘“). Inc Sal


Body Prints lllL' " lhu 3‘ (M. .l(I\lIII limch III'cxcnlx :I \L'I'ch nl Ilt'\\. largc ‘hmh III'IIII’ lIIhngI'uphx \thclI t'IIIplU} Ihc [liltlllllillill \Innc llk'IlIUll nI lIIlIngI‘uph} :Ilnngxulc il (IIIIIL‘IIIPHI'III') Il\L‘ nI' Ihc IIImlIIIIII. \E 5’


I58 liulh SII'm'I. “I JIIIIII \lnn lhII IInnII l;IIII; l'l'l Sal nnnn 3am.

Shape of Things l'nIII \le 32 (II-I: 'l‘hc Shqu nI 'l’hlngx l\ :I wnm nI’ L'\llll‘lll0ll\ lIIglIhghIIIIg IlIc \xnI‘k nI I‘m'cnl gl'mluulm :Iml \Imlcnh :II (iluxgnu St'hnnl nI .\I'I. I’III .\ltu\I'I|IuI illlkl RIIIh _\Illl\IC \llU\\ \xnI'k [Mill 3 ()cI lnlln\\ ml h} lug} ('IIIIIIIlwll I‘) 22 (MI.


ll \lllt'lu‘ll l.;IIIc. Ill (I503. .\lnII.

\\ml Sal III,.‘~II;;III 5pm; 'l'uc lltllll 5pm; Sun IInnII 5pm: £3 INHle GraphicalHouse: Everything in Moderation l’IIIIl Sun 5 ()gI, l~.\:IIIIIIIc _\nuI' lIIL'\I)lc III llll\ c\hIhIIInII pI'cwIIIml h} \It'\l:_'ll t‘nIIxIIIIuIIt‘}. (huphImIlllnIIw h} IIllIIIg III Ihc \L‘llv.I\\t‘\\IIICIIl InIIII .llltl Ilprl;I_\III;_' II \\IllI nllIL‘I‘x.

Memory and Movement: New Housing for People with Dementia l'IIIIl Sun In ( )m. .\ pI'nIm‘I IlnmIIIIcnIIng .1 prnpnxul InI' llL'\\ \uppnI‘Iml hnuxmg InI' pcnplc \\ IIh IchIImIIIII h} ('hI'h Stu-“art :\I‘chIIm‘l\. 'l‘hc L‘\lIll‘lIlI‘lI IcIIIIII‘cx \hllill \llllIUlI. t‘nlnuI‘ pxy‘hnlng} .Illtl l4}nIII \thch .Illu\\\ \ l\llUl'\ [U L‘\[‘CI‘IL‘IIL‘C \UIIIL‘ HI lllt‘ \ulk'nnxt'lnux .IcIInIIx .Iml cnanucngcx HI \UIIIL‘UIIL‘ \\ Ill] \lL‘IIIL‘IIIM.

Nightfall, Santorini by Chris Bushe on show at Roger Billcliffe Gallery

GIA Annual Awards 2003 I Illll I'll \U\ nI \ltllllt‘\1\.l\\.lltl\ \‘.lll\ lI lllt lllllk'\ llk‘ \‘.III-f_'nIII'\ llUlI\Ill;j I‘lll\\‘\. lcmm' .lllil IcI.II|. lIc.IlIlI\:III'. mlumIIInn .Illtl

A Future in the Past? I lIlll \un W \n\ \II\'\l1ll‘lIlUll I‘.I\\'\lUll [‘IUI‘I‘\.Il\ InI .Ill .IIt'hAcnlngq} llk'ltl \IIIIl} m‘IIIIc III \IInIIIIchx. I )llxllk'} [\ImlIIm'Il l\_\

.llt lIIIm'IIIIc \lllilk'llh .II l IlII1l\III§_'h (’nllcm' Ul \ll

Clydebank Rebuilt 5.11 I ()(l Sun 3 \n\ l’lIIIIUjJIJI‘lh .Illtl \Jlt‘ lllI‘IlL‘l\ (Imlml h} mm 51M )I‘llllf; III-nplc \IlIII'h mpIIIch IIlk' nm‘. IlcwlnIIIIIth l.Il\|llf_' [ILIm' III IthI ‘Ilt‘d ' '


SLIIInII anl. \lIlIIngc. 55\ “I”

luv .\.II III.IIII lpIII :\ 3 5pm

Hilda Goldwag I IIlIl .\.II \ \m \ IL‘IIH\|\L\‘II\I' I'\hIhIIInII t't'lk'l‘ldllllfj IlIc \InIk nI \‘Immmc .Illl\l. IIlltlJ (inlllng: ltlllllllllf.‘ [‘.IIl1lIllf_'\. Ilmu MILK .Illkl I|lII~II'.IIInII\

25 Years On l IIIIl III 5 .\n\ lhc 35Ih .IIIIIIu-ImI} c\|IIhIIInII In my \Il‘llllt'lltlllt'lx hunch nI Ihc l-.IIIhInIIchcI\' (illlltl


3”” liIIIlI SIIm'I. “I H53: luc XII


Dino Squillino In Hm \mI II) \n\ .\l‘\‘l II.IIIIIIII3_'\ ' ' H


5 ll_\IlIll.Il1\l Sllt't'l. H: -ll_‘~l \\ml III

I l.IIII (\pIII. XII ll.IIII 5pm. Sun

IInnII ~1pIII,

Original Screenprints and Etchings l‘IIIIl llIII 33 (III \tlt'tlll‘llllh .Iml cIt'lIIIng h} InIII (ilaxynv. .Illl\l\. lchI} ll.I\\\nI'Ih. \\lIlc_\ (‘nnh .ln} IIIIHI .Illkl llclmI l‘.1}


3"” Sauclnclmll SIIL'L-I.5(\5«11IIH

\lnII Sal I‘LIIII 5pm. ~\IIII IInnII 5pm Art Treasures of Kelvingrove l'IIIIl \n\ IIIII5 \\ Ihc Kclnngmxc \IIImeIII I\ \II (i.Ilch'_\ lI.I\I1n\\ glmml Il\ \llllll\ InI III.IInI It‘llIIl‘hlIIllt'IIl. mm 2”” IquIIIIng II‘nIII Ihc Kclx IIIgInw wllmIInII 1.1M up I‘mIIlmIg} .II Ihu \lpl k‘llIIll (LIlch‘IL'x IllC IlI\pl.I_\ IIIglIIIlcx 'l lIHIII.I\ I'.It‘\l'\ [Ill lu‘H' I" {'III (-llu'l.‘ .Illkl RCIIIhI'dIleIK \ IIIHI II! lI/Izusu. plux unle h} (‘haI‘lm RL‘IIIIIL' \Idt'lxllllthll. I)UIt'll .llltl I‘lL‘IIII\lI .II'I

Friends of Glasgow Museums Talk Illll I k 'l'hu ‘) ()gI lpIII l'IL‘L‘ \ \t'I'ILN HI [Alla ltk‘lhlllg HI] \UII‘lo III Illt' t‘nllm‘IInII lllt'llltllllgj SII'IIIIg'x 1.4.11". III III. lx’: If Hu! :2 ()gII .Iml IIC\\lC \liit‘NIgnl'x I

(iIrI' n’ {in \IUII \

Illt' .IIIIIII.II (ll ngjnu lll\llllll\'


l" l’.IIIIIc \IIm'I. 55.‘ 5h.“ lIIc \.II III iILIIII 5 5lll‘IIL \IIII l 5IIIII Scottish Artists 1 Mil llIlI II» I III \II c\lIIl\IIInII nI I\.IIIIIIII;'\ l\\ I.Illl\'\ ll.I\‘-l\lll\. ( lt'lJIIl lIlIIIh. l’.II \cmplv. l’ctm lIH\\\HlI. I).I\l\l \IIIIIlI. \ll\l.Ill l’nuIIc \IIIIIlI :Illkl \\ llll‘llllx' III \.IIIIlI.I IIk'll .lllkl \ln l .Ilkllldlvlll

Peter White IIm In IIm aIIIIII \

\nln \lIH\‘. nI Il\‘U. \‘.IIIl\ h} l’clm \\ lIIlI‘


"5 lx’nlwlenII \IIm‘I. \llllt‘ II. | lnnI l:

I l.\ i'll Inc I II IInnII 5pm

0 Richard Wright l IIIIl l II l '()\I Illk' lll\l llt'“ hnil} nI \InIk In |\’I\lI.IIIl \\ lI_L'lIl In lw \lIIMll III \tllIlJllIl \IIIm' I‘N‘l ll|\ IIcu \‘.«III\\ .III' \ Imlml h} ll.Ill\l [‘.Illlllll}' \\Ilh \ll1.Ill l‘lll\ll\'\ IlIIm Il\ nIIIn Ihc \IIII.Im'\ nl lllt' \mllx In I Ix‘.III' .I (I‘llt't'llllJIk'tl .llk'.l\1'l lk'Ilt'IIIKWI ILIIII‘III \llllt‘llll\'\ \m‘ Icucv. .IllIl lllll|\l


\\L‘\l (Ix‘tilgg' \llg‘cl, “-I.\ ‘l '55

\lnII IN “Hill 5pm

Joan Eardley and Sir William Gillies l'lI i l'II J1 ()II l’.IIIIIIII;'\ .lllIl Ill.I\\lll_L'\ h} ,IH.IIII1.IIIllI"\ Il‘L‘l I‘HIM .lllIl \II \\ llll.IllI (Illl|\'\ l.\‘).\ I‘VM


5“ \\.I\hII1;_'InII SIIm'I. 3.‘.l .7 | 3*

\lnII I'II ‘LIIII 5pm

Contra-Flow l IIIIl lII il (III Il\c I‘IIII'Igqu: \IIc \pm'IIII .Il[l\l\ I5 \IIml ~u .IllIl IlIIm' III\ IIml jguml .Ill|\I\ mplnn- IlIv mnIInIIIIImII nI Ihc III'llIIIIJHll ('I'IIIII- .Illkl lllt' (II) nI (ilmgnv. Illk' .Ill|\l\ lllt lllllt' II.It'I]llL'llllt' (IIHIII. l l/ IllllIL'l. Kt‘llll \\llll'lII. l,}IIII (‘n\ .IllIl \IIIlIm \\.Il\h illlkl lL'.IIlllt'\ lll\l.Ill.IllHll. \lecn [‘lIllt't’llIHh. han phum \mIlpIIIIc .IllIl IIIIIIII.¥I.IIIlIIp lill.Ij_‘L'\


-l.\ liut'hdmn \IIm'I. 33] (Ill-1 l).:Il). ‘).IIII "pm

The Art of Robert Heindel I II III S.” 25 (M l’;IIIIIIIIg_'\. \kclthm .IllIl plillh nI \l.IlltC.Ill\lIl.Il1tCl\I‘} Rnhml llt'IIIIlL'l


("I-IIIIc l-nI l)c\ulanIIcIII.Il .\Il\ l\ .\lhInII SIIm'I. 552 3533 \lnII I'll

lII.IIII 5pm

Full of Life I'I'I IIIIM l'll 3| \nx ,\II c\hIhIIInI1nI I. I\ll.Il .II‘Ix :Iml \I‘mmc \\IIIIII:_' h} IIICIIIl‘L‘h nI hnIh Ihc 'lInnguIc SIIIIlInx .Illtl \IIHIxnIx I’HCII} \nIluIIIl

RGI KELLY GALLERY ll-\l)nllj_'l.1\ SIIL'CI. 3‘15 (I‘M‘xh \ltIII III 1“. 2Hum 5pm. Sal 1H 5IliIlll lpIII.