(itii'cth Siiiiiiiici‘x lllL‘ il'ltrugi‘nmci hmt\ :iti till-(la) \L‘\\l(tll that t’l'(t\\L‘\ thc iiutltllc grtiuntl hctu ccn cluhhing: ttlltl chilling. lcuturing gucxt UL and u plclhiit‘u til llllhlt'ul \t}lc\ lllL‘llltllllf.’ )iiittw. l.;iltn. lit/l} griitncx. (lixgti ,iiitl Rik” .-\ntl gut ruitl} lttl lllL‘ CtthL'l'l} titiltL‘tptilctl tippctil'ttllcc ll'Hlll \iit‘ttttili Li} \ll‘ll: t I‘) (hit.
I Kayos tit ()piutn. llptii itiiii l'i'cc. \VL‘L‘lxl}. \lcltil illltl t‘ttL'lx l)J\ ('llilt‘c \liilltit utttl Jtihn li‘tiin lltth\llL'£ttl kccp thc ci‘mulx it iitnxhing.
I Missing .‘it (.illiillt’l \tiltuit'c.
Upiii itiiii. £4 t£ii. \Vcckl}. \t'u club night liilluuing this \tllllL' lttl'lllttl ;t\ 'li’nuhlt‘ ttnitiicil} ;it thc lilticntitci. With it tcuiii lllittlL‘ up (ll l).l\ itlltl ()l'ttlllttlch ll'Hlll (ici-lugu‘tlk'i. l)cp;ii‘ttii‘c l,ttltllf_‘c. Sn} Suiiilm'. Suntan. l)ll'lll l)i'uin tllltl Big lit-til. _\UU run hc \ui'c cwi‘) gctii‘c (it clu'ti‘nnic. iu/l lllllllL'llL‘L‘tl llltlxlt' \xill ltc l'k'pl'L‘\L'lllL‘(l. ()pcning: night «5 (kn \L'cx :i giicxt \Int l'l'tttlt (illlL'\ l’L‘lL't\tilt'\ pul Rt)\\ :\llL'tt tulw trcc L'llll'} lttl‘ llll}HllL' \xhu tillx in it \lixxiiig lllL'llllTL'l\llll) lttl‘llll. lllL' \L'L'Ulltl \C\\Ittll t 13 (kt) \L'L'\ :t liu' \L‘l ll‘ttlll l‘ciictik'x Stilt-n intlcr.
I Phenomenon: The Urban Takeover zit \Vh} \titf’ 0pm 2.30am. £9 t£(ii. l‘) ()ct tiiil). Antithcr iiiiiini' hhungi'u lllL‘L‘l\ lll'L‘;ll\\ \pcciul ux l’uniuhi .\l('. Rishl RiL'h.Jti§_'}.1} 1). Ju) Scan. thc l’uiijuhi Hit Squad. RI)”. \ccl untl llaii‘i'i lll\L' hip hop tllllllltlt‘. L‘ltl\\lL‘;tl .'\\l£tll l'll}llllll\ :intl llL‘ill\ iii thcii‘ \lick. cut tip st} lc.
I Redemption ill 'I‘m mi RU“ l'niun. lllpiii .iitlll. l'i'cc. 5 ()ct. (iUlli tiiitl llltllhll'lill L‘Iuh ti'nin lil)(itkl{.
I Soulo att ligti. ()pin lillL‘. £5. 5 ()ct. (ill()\ll) clccti'niiicu. L'l;i\\ic;il \tii‘ringx illltl [l\}k‘llC(lCllL' gtiitair lll/l L‘Ullltlt‘ M Smith) tl’lug Rcwgirchi hi'iiig: thcn‘ Iiw \lltl“ it) thc L‘itplllll.
I Taste tit thc Liquid Rttttlll.
l lpiii Stun. £5 hcttii‘c l l..i()piii; £8 ziltci‘ (£0 iiicinhct‘xt. \Vcclxl}. 'l'hc cupitiil’x llllttlllttlh Sun lllgjlll \C\\l()ll L‘UllllllllL‘\ upucc. l-ixhci‘ ck l’i'icc \uppl} it iii‘iigi‘c\\i\c llll\ til llUll\C untl gtii‘ugc in thc iiitiin l'Utllll imnctl h} ()uui‘tcrl} I‘L‘\ltlL‘lll Jun l’lt';t\Ctl i ll ()L‘l ). \VltllL‘ .\l;ii‘tin Vulcntutc tintl Stcw \\';iiiclc\\ mm the iiiixctl/gu) t‘l‘tnul \xith funk} l'S llUth gL'llh through the buck jiiincd h} \pcciul gucxt ('tu'l l)upi'cc tl’ltttltlt't‘xttlc) t5 ()L‘l ).
I Yagga-Yo ill the Hnncymnh. .\'c\t dutc 3h ()ct.
Chart & Party
I Devils ‘n’ Angels at (‘tiwntlixh/lhxu. Itlpin Ruin. £thc. \Vcckl}. Stiuc} tun tit thix ncul} l'L‘llllL‘tl club. “till it hcuwn tintl hcll thcmc. i'hL‘Cl il‘CC l0 tlt‘Cxx It) \ltll ttlttl litmgic lit chart tltincc all night long.
I Essential Karaoke ;it Ahhui: ltlpin .igiin. \Vcckl}. Soc 'l‘hu.
I Mood Live at \ltmtl. 0pm Ruin. l-"rcc below I lptn; £2 :iltcr tli‘cc to ltlctttlk‘i‘x). \Vcckl}. \ltititl (lpL‘ll\ ll\ tltNitN [0 ‘.t \L‘lccliittt Ul lltC L‘itttltll'} \ {up cm crx hundx. \thilc l)J\ \pin llll\ t'rtini uct‘mx thc )L‘;ii\.
I Peppermint Lounge git I’cppcrinint Liningc. Itlpin Ruin.
l-"rcc £4. \Vcckl}. l’cppcrniint Lounggc‘x 1)] \quutl including Kingdom l-'.\l\ l‘ixixcr Napier. And) ‘.\li\‘ .\l;ii‘kh;iiii tintl Rub Tm plu} nut thc (hull and part} L‘lttxxtt‘x.
I Subway West End at Sulmu} \Vt‘xt lintl. 7pm 3am. l’rcc hcl'iii'c 0pm; £3 ul'tci‘ (£2). \Vcckl}. Soc ‘l'hu.
I The Subway tit Sulmu}.
7pm 3am. £1. \Vcckl}. Scc l-‘ri.
Edinburgh Mondays
I Audio Tourism at Pim Bur (‘tuh 0pm ~3ttltt. i'il‘L'L‘. \Vcckl}. .-\ \L‘lL‘Clltill (ll tip-t'i‘tint jun and other funk) [UUH\ t'roin lluhlicx i'l'muhlc . . .t.
I cc Blooms zit (‘(‘ BlUtlllh. 10.30pm Ruin. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl). 'l‘hingx
lltL‘llH\\ nut mt w thc} tl.iiiii» .it ll11\ pa} t'llll‘. with .in uphmt \il\\t) \L‘lL‘tltHn.
I Come Play .it ()p.il loungt'
lltpin idlll £thg \M'ckl} l-uiik} tll‘xl‘.
wul tllltl Rtkll tiuiii l’.iul \tht-ituii
I Fuego .’it (Kilnitt'l \tiltulit'
llpiii Run l‘i'cc \\ cckl} .\ Spnnixh thcniul part} night \kllll icxitlciit l‘dlltl .\li Sucnti 'lu (‘iiiti .intl lllk'lltl\ .\l\‘..l_\ \ hut tintl lici‘} cxcn iii the tlc.itl tit
I Latin Quarter .it \ik‘tlllltl
Uptii itiiii, l'i'cu \\k'k'l\l}. l<L'lC.l\k‘ )iiui l.;itin putt} \Pll'll mu} \lnii \\ ith ticc \ulxu lt‘\\Ull\ llHlll l’ctci Rupt'ix .it ‘ipiii thcti \gilxu untl “Ulltl l‘k'.ll\ llttlll .l.tlllt'\ ('tiiiilw until (lt)\lll}_‘.
I Local Product ttl (Limit-t \iiltziii'c. \cu ilutc It) ()t‘t.
I Spanish Fiesta Night .tl l‘.l littl'l'lt). lllpiii Mini. l'tt'u \Vk't'lxl}. ,\ right tiltl knccx tip hit my Sp.iiti\h .llltl Sptiiiixh lining: L'ttllllllllllll} hmtctl h} 1).] Sunt'ltw tintl lcutut‘ing ll.tlllL‘llt|llllit \ti'uight thinugh in llixpuiiit‘ t‘litii't llll\
Chart <3 Party
I Decadence .it Rcuilutinn lit.3ltpiii .iuiii. {‘1lt3l.\\t'k'l\l.\ ()K m ltui' cniiiigh. it'x .\l<tn. hut thutK nu cwuw. (hm-x} tuncx and dump tli‘inkx all night lung.
I Flare tit \Vh) \tit .’ ltlpin Mun, £5 t£~li. l3 ()ct, l'iii‘tnightl). (lit-m} t‘liui't tintl duncc llllllll‘L‘h u llll ;i gmitl lcu 7th k'l£t\\lL'\ thi'imn iit titi' _‘._‘UUkl
I Peppermint Lounge at l’cppcriiunt lounge lllpin ,ittlll.
l't'L‘L‘ £4. \VL‘L'lxl). SL‘C Still.
The Bongo Club, Edinburgh, Sat 3 Oét
I Subway West End .tl \titmix \\c\t l iitl “pin \iiii licc lwtntt‘ ‘tpiii. 1:.tllt‘l tilt “with Mr lliu
I The Subway .tl \tilnxu}
“pin Riiii Ll \\’\'L‘l\l_\ \ct' l ii
I Tasty! .it \ltmtl ‘lpiti Kitti il’x‘t' l‘L‘liilt' l ll‘llt. L: .lllk'l 'llt‘t‘ lt‘ lllL'llll‘t‘l\' “ct-kl} anlcnt l)_l I).i\itl .\ play thu l‘k'\l iii llll\ llHlll Mix in thc picwiit tl.i_\ \xith .i lit-.ilth} tltm' \‘l chm-x} tl.i\\it\ thimxn iii tut guutl
I Toss the Boss .ii \\ h_\ \ui ‘ lttpiii Run £§1£1iltlicxwtlupt h ()\l l‘t‘lllllgllll} liicu'tt'iit \tutlcitt lllf._‘lll tun-11in); iti chm-x} llll\ tlii‘uuplintit tht' )t'.ii\
Edinburgh Tuesdays
I Audio Tourism .ii l’l\it It.” (‘lutw ‘tpiit Run lit-v “ct-kl} \lniikqlm} Llll)[‘\ lllL' l‘lt'.ll\\. l‘t‘.ll\ .intl llitlht'
I Chicks on Decks .II ('II} lltlllll‘llllel llpiii Mini l'it‘t' \\Ck'l\l_\ lit-nil} \\t-iitl) guitlt-x _\t>u tliitiuggli llll\ llllell til .it't'thililc lltlll\k‘ tut ull lht-it lL‘llltllk' I).l pnlit'} \‘Hllllllllk'\ thinuggli iii Spuitxtt-ix \\lllt ()li llll\lllf_‘ .i \t'lt-tttnii til nit-Him le'UU\C\ untl mul.
I The Club Foot tit llt-tii} \ ("t-ILii Hui. It). Htpiti ituii. £3. I-l ()t‘t, l-tii'tnightl}, 'lu l\lt‘tl .iiitl llll\\ll.t[)L‘ll ltink ll()\lk'tl h} huin huntl tlic .'\l)tlt)lllllltll Slitmiiicn \\ ith l'k'lellttl gut-xtx .ilnng lliL' llllt‘\ (ll l.l\L' St‘it'iit't‘\. Stit‘luu' l‘.lll])ll'L' tllltl lllk' llt'\ (‘iiulitiiiii l’llh l).l \ltxlll\ llttlll .\ (‘hi. (‘tit‘iiit'iL l)k'll|l. lnlinit}. Slit‘llxuit and .i ~\.ll\‘l'\\.
It's hard to know just what to expect when the Bongo Club re-opens in its new Holyroog Road base. But the noises emanating from the area sound pretty promising and some of the guests it's booked up are mighty impressive. Marc Mac's DJ set is being promoted by the team behind regular hip hop night El Segundo, which is rather appropriate: Mac (aka Marc Clair) and musical partner Dego McFarlane began their career as 4hero in London's hip hop scene in the late 805.
The pair (early collaborators lain Bardouille and Gus Lawrence now work for the band’s label, Reinforced Records) were pivotal in the early breakbeat scene, before pioneering an intelligent, dark drum & bass sound that would provide the blueprint for many 905 stars: Goldie got a break as their engineer. In the last few years they've drawn their musical net still wider, exploring jazzy grooves and world influences and working with the likes of Jill Scott and Terry Callier. Their last two studio albums, Two Pages and Creating Parallels, were released on Talkin' Loud (home of Roni Size) and represent a fine collision of breakbeats and nu-jazz influences.
It’s fitting, then, that despite the Segundo connection, Mac’s DJ set should stand alone, with no club banner above it. Expect to hear all sorts.
It’s going to be fun. (James Smart)
st "518 Clubs
. I LUV til ltztll‘.
llwtiw» lH ll'piii 1.;ii1 :1
Itnziticth \\ill\ic \\t'cl\l\
llm'x \‘\.:ttl§ \\lt.:t titti'tl .'\;‘.\t. tl‘i!\ll‘i_;‘ up tlic hitttcxt u'lt‘tttuzi tit lx‘t\li. l‘l‘ilx pit-tit} wt tliiiikx piniiim luv“ tulle l\ \tutlctit \t'\§' iucll th.it \\lt.:l tt \.~.\\ ltt'l't"
I Lyrics to Go .ii (pitxiici \i‘llullt' llpiii Run lict' 7‘ t )tt \l! npcii ll‘ilx hip llitl‘ |.tlll \t‘\\li‘ll limtt'tl l\_\ | l\\'
\\ lt'll\\'\ .lllxl ltllx’ctlh \\ llll tlul‘ .llltl lt'}‘f.'ttk' iit tltt' luuttg'c lzniii lttli_\ \t‘lll llt ll
I Motherfunk .tl lllt‘ llt‘ll\'\\t‘llll‘
lit Wpiii Kirii ltct' \\.~cl.l_\ \lt‘\\i\ (illh‘. l itt‘i .izttl \pcttiuiii titui'k iht' ttziil. l.tl1l.l\ll\ .it tltuii \l‘ll\l\l‘\'llll\ l.‘.llllllt‘tl lllL‘lll tit t l.l\\l\ \ i-ltl .iiitl iii-xx lit-.iii l\)lltll.lll\l niit‘ «it the \lmpt'ix «it lllk' \ til .l.i// tiiiiwiiiciit «lit' \ix'tittl t'xt'ix inc llitltl Litiuintiui tn \lutlit‘i l .iitlii \l‘lll\ .i tt'xt. tuit'kt-tl nut lltltt‘\ ' t )t t-
I Opal Lounge .tl ( )l‘.tl I titttlt't‘ lttpiii ).tlll ti \\ct-l\l\ \ llll\\'\l l‘.l‘.' tit llllllxk'tl up \nt .il littll\\'. lx’.\ ll .llltl \ lawn tlixtn liuiii l)l (Hi
I Punk ASS .it ( )pttiiii llpiii ).tlll
l we \\\'\'l\l_\ \t'u luv lil‘.'lllt‘l tl\ I),l l’\\.itil) iltxltt‘x tttll the licxt iii lltll\l\\‘l\'. \k.itt' .iiitl [‘lllllx
I Rhythm! .it \lunul ‘ll‘lll Kiiii lit‘t‘ l‘t'll'lk‘ llpiit. if .iltt'i tlit‘t' tn lllt‘llll‘t'l w \\t‘t'l\l} \ \lllitttllt tiii\ til RAH. hip limp .iiitl wul llt'lll l\'\ltl\'lll l).i. itl \
I Salsa Buena .ii In. \.. \.l
lttptii ).tlll lit't' \\\‘t'l\l_\ l.l|l|\'\( iiiiiltt~ i\.i|\.i l\’i|llt.tllll\.t \.il\.i \ i\.i (‘lult l.ititim .llltl l .um i \[‘l|‘\lt‘lt \t‘llll‘lllt' ti» j..'l\\' _\uu .i ttlt'lll wt llitl \Jl\.t tii.i:'tt' \lmilutt' l‘t'j.'lllllt'l\ \.tl\.l lt‘\\ttll\ l\_\
l .itiii l' \pluxiuti hot“ t'k‘ll H ‘lpiii
I Split .it (LilLiit't \nltuiic llpiii i.iiii l'lk't' H ()\l l)iuiii .\ l‘.t\\ \xitli Shutltm \kill. lll'.‘ l)lH[N'lll l)|\ .llltl .i xiii.ittt-ini§: tit \k‘l} l.ll\'lllk'tl Int.il ;'tit'\t\ l)lll‘. t'lt't‘tiu. lltttht' .uitl ttitil. .iit' .ill lll \llltllH I I Terrential .ii lllL' \t-niit-
lit iHpiii Riiii Li ” ()kl luc iii:'lit t'luhluiifg :Jt'l\ .i \hut in thc .iiin tiniu lll|\ tlllllll t\ in“ .llltl ttwhnu i.iiii llllk‘k' lltMtl\ ill intuit} uninhith llHlll lllt' ()lixtcnc liti}\ 1)] ('.il\ iii. .lnnii} l.iitlt and KC” 'lt't'hiin t'lt-ttiu .llltl ltimL llHlll lhi.ihiiii and HI \ll; lHHP utih .iiiilut'iit iii lllk‘ t‘iitilt‘l
IVibe.it lint llpiii Run £3 “ct-kl} NC“ 514} lll_L'lll\kllll.l.tll1t'\lttltg'thllll Ulllllk'tlk't'hMlllt'l);lll\lll1'\llltl \lllllllh. tht- Singing Hun} iiltllxt‘ .iiitl tht' \liiiiiii;' \titi. Hull-l \u) \w tlttln't \\.tlll _\.i
Chart & Party
I Nursery tit ('.i\t-iitli\hil)i\.i
lltpiii Mini L i 49.3. llt’t' \‘-llll \ii.ipt.i\ hclnic lllltllllL'lllt “rt-kl} .\ plix .iim ltit .ltlllll\ tuitli t'liiiiliinj: ti.iitit'\ t'tt‘i .llltl lllL' lll.tllt\llt'.tlll t‘h.iit .intl Rtkll
I Peppermint Lounge .ii l’cppciiiiiut l nunggt- lltpiii Kin.
l'lL'C L31 \Vt‘t'kl} Scc Sun
I Subway West End ;it Sttlmu} \th lantl. "pin itiiii l'it'c l‘t'ltllt‘ Vpiii. £3 giltCi t£3i \Vt'ckl} Scc Hm,
I The Subway .it Stiliugi}.
7pm i;iiii £l. \Vct-kl} Su- l'ii,
Edinburgh Wednesdays
I Audio Tourism .it l’nn Hui ('lult. ‘)piii itiiii. l't‘cc. \M-ckl). J.tllllL’ liticliunun. .'\lltl} lilHL'lx and S .’\lj_'t' Hll tltc tlcclxx,
I Bling ut PM \.i \.i. lllpiii iuni lit-c. \Vcckl}, l);i\itl ('i;ii:_' l.t_\\ tltt‘.‘.ll thc llllL‘\l Rtkl‘l and hip hnp tiniii lllL' l;l\l tcn )t-uh.
I DIPT ;it \lcdtnu. ‘)piii Mun Li t£2i \Vcclxl}. (‘hilc :iiitl l,llllL‘ [)lt'xL‘llh llll\ cwr ptipiilui' hip hup llllell u. ith tuxttlctitx. \thl} l’. (’unnic itlltl Li} I’ ((‘Hlklll? up u putt} llll\ ()l hip hop t'l;t\\lL'\. tunk tintl Rt‘gli. \cu itch itlL’ tmturctl Ull l'ttlttllttll cwr} \tcck lltL'llltlllt}! hit-gilt tlunt'c iiiiiix ll'Hllt Rtllltlttlll .v\\pckt\. upcn llllL' \L'\\l(tll\ ttlltl liw pci‘cuxxinii.