$7118 Theatre 81 Dance

CHURCH HILL THEATRE “.1\I11111111:\11l1-I<n.11l,33"1‘3" I’. ll Dance Showcase $.11.111.1 (1 231m. 8.113 “111111 A '1 4‘11111 U1 I).111.1-~i;1v.1. ‘fi. pllllll\ ill l’llt'I.111 \1I11-11I (ll l).11111' I n: 1111.1-1x 1.1llHl 4] 11”: 1“"

The Magic Flute 1111- \.1: 11 11.1

" illi11111\.11111.112111111 01151 l’1‘11111111.11111-1~l \lu/.11l\ . I.1\\1. nix-1.1“). ()PL'IJ ('.11111'l.1i.1

Suddenly Last Summer/Something Unspoken

The Faith Healer \.:'. 11 (It! "11111 L; :1 ‘1' \g‘111111'w l‘11ui11.111~11\I.‘II\1I1.' mm 1~T.1l.111I‘1I1.‘.1Z.‘: 1.:II.'.lI1.111I\ “I111. .zl«‘.’l_' :1'1‘. Iih xxtl.‘ 111.11: .1111I l.\I1i\ 1hr '.\.::11: 111‘ :11.::‘, t1‘ff‘LthW 111‘ .1 \.-.:‘.:I‘1~111l .'\;\tc11..' \‘11112-3 1:;‘11:.l1.1111'I11‘. I‘..1II\ Ix'lui.‘111171111‘1‘11111'.111.11.-11..'\,.'\.':\1l1111;' \I1.11‘.;'.'\‘.\I1.'11l1.:11I.\ .‘t:.1'11. 11.'1l1\::11.111\.' \111I1I1'11I\ ;'11\'\11~_‘i11 Idlepop \l.~11 1 i \\.-.1 1*11.1 \cc l\11l\


\M-«l I‘ \.11 l\ ()11 " “111111 2." 11’11 law PLAYHOUSE 11111‘ .111 l1I11}‘I‘} I1'1111.'\\1-1- \\1II1.1111\ .1111I I\ f.‘(11."11\1.lc I’I.1..' 1'\ "1 111111 i 1_‘1 [1111111111111 I1} l1l111l111113l1 I’1'1111I1"~ II11‘.1111' .||_ \\1 \\ \

Copacabana I 11111 \.11 111.1 11111111. FESTIVAL THEATRE \11 _‘ "H1111 .\ ' “'11111 LI" ‘11 aft ‘11

l; 3‘) \111nlx1111 \111'1'1. <3" WNW ll, \\('. \\.-\l

Annie 'l111' " \.11 ll ()11 " g“111111 Il111 1k 5.1111141: 40111111 LI 4 Vi 9-3; ‘W I‘t't'lfgnml 11111x11'.1l \1'I1111.1l1/ 11111111'\} 111 lIlt'lllpllJlli‘lllt'tlllt'ml\\l111\lll;'\I11'l \111} 11111>ll11-l1c.1111»l l1.111l Him-1| I111\1111~\\111.111l).1tltl} \\.11I1111'l.\ \\llll popular 11111t'\1111'|111l111;_' "I1111111111m'. ‘\n11‘1c\c\1-1 lull} l)lL'\\t'tl \\11l111111 \ Snulc'. ‘ll'\.1ll.11tll\'11ut'l\l 111-..1111l 11111113 81.111111; 311 l’11l|.11'1l.1111l \l.11k \\'_\1111‘1 \\11l1 l.11t‘_\ Hulk-1 .1111l l .1_\1' Sp1lll1'l11111x1- .1\ .\111111-.

('1'1111'.1111‘.."11~j. li..'1\ \l.1111I«~\\\ 11111x1..1l 1111111111I11'1.‘ 111.1\1. .1111I11.1\\11~:1 .1l.‘.1I\‘..1}\II11‘I.1\Illwll Sing-a-Long-a Sound of Music In I” .\ \.1'. II(I.'1 lll11111_\.11.‘ i“1‘111 .\ ' “'1‘111 ‘I.‘ ‘ll ( 1~1111' .1111l \1111' .1I11111' \111I11l11\ \11.‘.‘11111;'1~l 111.'.I.1\\1. Iul1c \111I1.-\1.\l1111111111\11.1i111.1II11\ l1'1I1111111l1~1;'I111\ lI1.'\I111‘.1. l.1\k\1~ll 11.1111 .1 1.111.1' \\.11111 1111 hat I“ llit‘ (1.111111%I11»\l.1:11Il1111\l1.~\ \1.11I1 lll.‘ 111l.11111~11\ 1.1111} \II\'\\ tilllll‘t'llllitll

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (111:11II.1\ \ll.'\'l..‘1\l\l\ Il’. II. I l. \11'. \\'\j

Julius Caesar! 11111\.11 1x11.1 111111 \1111\l11111 1‘11111.\\1'1I.\ \.1l _‘ “'11111 !_l.\ tflldfi Llln \l1.:I..'\111'.111-\ [11111111.1I lI111IIc1 knlx ml! 1I11' 11ml l1'\11\.1l111111'1.11111111'.1\llit'111'11. .1111xl11 1l111'111»1\l.11k II11~111w111l111xlx1I11' 111'111111111-\1111l_\1~llll.‘1l1-1111\1'1~l11111'11l Illk' I'lt'.ll\'\l lllt'll I‘l Ithlitl".


Slum Sin-cl. *3" (Mill III. II. \\(‘. \\.\1

A Happy Medium l 11111 \.11.1(1.1

"' ill111111\\1'1l1\‘ 8.11111.11 2 W111“:

[II L I!» 511 \1'1’(il.1\;:11\\. |’.1\1|11l11 ‘lllt'JIlk'.

The Constant Wife \11111 (1 8.11 I I ()t‘l. illpiil 1\\1'1l 1\ 5.11 111.11 3 illlum [H.511 U55“ l‘lt‘\ll l111111 11x11111 111

l.11111l1111. \\' Snmclxci .\l.1ug_'|1.1111\ \11. ml Frankie and Johnny, Touring THEATRE WORKSHOP \11111c\l.11\ l.1/;1('1111l1l.111l. 81mm ‘1ll.11111l11111|’!.11c..‘.‘l1‘i_“ ill. \\('. I’1‘11l111l13:1111.1111l5111;1(‘1’11uth Molly Whuppie l 11111 In HM \1'1‘ Rose II111 ‘) ()1'1 '11111 L i 1U <11. \\ \l Arms and the Man Inc M 5.11 l.\ k11I\I1\1111;'\ llic \1111} 111 l\'11\t‘..1l1'l\l_\ .I1'\\1\l1 Jasmine Road ll111‘l \11 f‘ ()11 ()L'l. 7.3lli11111\\1'1l1\ S.1ll11.11_‘ {Ilium Out of Bounds \'.11 I ().'1 "11111 1‘ “11111.111 \\llul111\l\\l‘.1\'l\ 1111 I111 NV 111 In \11 5' {ll11111.\\1'1l.\ lllll l111111\ [IZSH U55”. (11-111331‘ ll1‘111.111l Shun '\ 1L'I RH1 ll11'.111111\111;‘. l111111-xl .1111l lIll\ 111m 1115: 11'1111111I1-1 nl \111111‘ nl lI11' " ;“11111 to «Hi \pl.1§ 1-\p|111111:'1l11' \Ilgu’p 1111111111111“ 1‘111111'1l} 1‘11t'.1;'111;' \1111} ml .111 l111l1.1111.11111|_\ 1'\1'111\1I1.11 l1;1\1‘ \l1.1pt'1l ll11' .‘lllli 1l1.:llt-11;'111;' 11‘I.1111111\l11plit-111w” .1 1I111111j.' .1111I .1111‘1 .111.111I11-11l 111\11111l1 (1111111) l’.1l1-\11111.11111-1111'1'1'31111-1.1111l.11111111;' NORTH EDINBURGH ARTS \Il‘ltu. The Birthday Party In Ill ( )t'l l\\I .11’l1\1\1l111111;_'l1! 111;".‘ll11'1 l1} lllk' CENTRE Lifeboat luv "1\ \\1-1l1\()\‘l Sn” “11111. L“ 1Ll5ll1 8111‘ l-.1I111l1111;..'l1. \1111.1111111111ll11'(i.1/.1\11111 I)ll\'\l\'lI l1} I5.1l’c1111}\\cll(‘111111. il5 ZISI Kltl\ |1~l111_:'\ “1111111111 Illt‘1lllt'. I\)UI\'III\,1I1'

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information. including events at smaller venues. can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Thursday 9 Friday 10 Saturday 11 Sunday 12 Monday 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 Thursday 16

Walling I111('11xl111 \1'1111111g11110u11111 \\'.111111g1111(‘11111111 \\.11l111;_'l1~r(‘11»1lui \\;1111n;:lur(imlul \\'.1111111' lnr (imlnl “ailing: 1111 (ltxlul

\.~111..-1‘1.«.-1\.-.1 \.1111..~ I \.-: 1. .- I Citizens Main “11111 51111-11111151-11 I \1'1111~s~.1rg.1w1st~.1 I “1111-“ I Citizens 1 ' 1 1 .. ' citizens Stalls ( '11h.1tcl (lihurcl I (Kilwcl I h I 2 1'11111'11.111111.1-,-:1.- 1'1:1‘1.1:;.111.;~.1 12:11.1 11.11:.1~.1 l 1. ..: .: tu- Im :" 1' c ~ 3 '- M 1" King’s ()nc Tun . . . . ()nc 'l’xw . . - ()nc 'l'm' . h i r Am \11.11111\ \1.-.1111111 I \ 11.111111 \1.-.11.111. \ 11.1311. \1.-.:._.:_ I \.«.> 1.- .\ 11-;1 11. ~. .1 s \: :11. \s. 11%.- .x 1' -: \n if » A I' ; PaViIiOI‘I Liuwnx Dangercux - I.I.t\nll\ Dungcrcih . 1,1.me Dungcrcux . I . \.11111.1.-1\1-.1\1. I \.»1111.1.1:\111\:. \.1_.:..: ..: \1...;. I 1 11.51.12. I 11.1 .1. 1-. :_-V 1.. 11. :21 Rayal Dumh Bunn} I Dumb liunn) . Dumh Bun") I A 1111-. I 1.1;: I 11,: \.-.~ I V l’ -' . Tron set-(‘11) 1.1.- 1111- 1111111.1.11 11.1111 Scc 11.1.1 .\ 11.111 \1-1- R1” .\ 11.111 su-uhh Danu- Ihm Brunton 111.-\1.1;._-1.11111.1 - 111.-\1.11~1. 1:..:.~ . 1:-~.- \1...~. 1 \1 :: \- run-vi: \ curt-tn Chul‘Ch .-\11111c - .»\nmc \muc I Th |,,~.1-‘,H\L,m\\m. . 1,1\.(M,\._m.\\1.\. A I...” “N”... \1 I -.-.- . _- 1-1 g \111. \11: s ; ~ \1..;. \111- .11-: \1..1. I King’s . 5111; Along; 5.151 5111:; 1111111; s.1\1 I 81-: Rock .\ 11111 A 51111111 I Playhouse 111111111‘.1.-\.11 I 1111111\1.1.~\.1: 1.1:...1 .1 1......1 11.1: =-( «w: Royal Lyceum .\lm1~1cr ' Murmur \IUll\lCl I - \cc (11} l 111‘ (1111 (hit (111! . 1 Traverse 2