Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at glasgow®, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at henry©, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Northmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from: Tickets Scotland . i r 2. . (r)l;,‘)'lf)"' i'.'.' .1 " '-’ '

Tickets Scotland 1. i) '-

iriwi, .4 r. 2:

Ripping Records 8 l-tr :i--. J 'l A" ", "

Way Ahead i .. .1...

Thursday 2


I Elbow and Longview I‘lllt‘t'll \lni‘gni‘ct l'nioii. 22 l'niwi'xit} (ini‘dt'iix. 33‘) WM. " 3llpiii. {Ill ('clchintcd. ll (lll'l't'llll) “\k'l-lillt‘tl. indic llll\L'l';ll‘lIl\l\ t'i‘oni .\I;inclit'\tcr \\llll \nppoil lioiii .i nc“ hnnd gipplyiig loi‘ d \Illllldl poxilion

I Thursday, Coheed and Cambria and Further Seems Forever ‘l‘lit- (inriigc. Wt) Sgnit‘hichnll Sliccl. .3 33 l Ill). 7.30pm. [3,50, ()wr- l-lx \llou l:\ii‘t'iiio qnuitcl ti‘oni \t-u Jcrw} “llll :i coiixt‘icntionx attitudc to loiiiing and lhc l'L‘\[tUll\ll\lllllL'\ ol hcing in :i rock hiind, \Vlicrc'x tho Inn in llinl’.’ li\li'cino tor tliow iiol clncd in l\ L'\ll't'lllL‘ L‘lllo ol (Ulll'NL', l)iih .’

I Senser, Calcium and RPM :43 lhchind 'l‘ht- (inmgx l. Jill) Sinichichnll Strt'cl. 35.3 3I I l. [8. tx'tlx/Utlx hip hop nick tillllll on thc in Mid.

I 300 Hewerdine 'l'hc llmuxood liili. .\l;llll Sli'ccl. llii\\\\o0tl. llL‘ul' Johnxtonc. “1505 "U3 ll". 3.3llpin, {N l‘oi‘iiicrI) UllL' hull ol' lllL‘ llihlc llhc NC“ Ul' ()ld 'l'cxlgiincnl. “c uondcri. and no“ hctlcr knoun ;l\ liddi chdcr'x \ongxiriting piii‘tnci'.

I The Ducks and the Attic Lights \it'c‘n'SIcn/y 421 Sinicliichiill Sii'cct. 333 003,". ‘lpni. (inrugcy (itlx-inllncnccd rock and pop.

I Japan 4, the Camel Pimps, Echo 20, AOAS and Pen 15 hit- (';illioii\c. l5 l'nion Sii'cct. 2-18 (itillo. 7.3(lpin. 9.11.5“. ()wi‘ l‘lx \hou. l’iink line up ol ii pop and \kgiic [‘t‘hlllhloli. \\'ho calls ii hand the ('iiiiicl l’iinpx .tll_\ \\;l} .’

I Eleven Mile Creek, the 88s tlllil Lab 5 loudcd. liquid loungc. 04 \le

Rt'pciil \licct lltpiii :3 it-l oii ilm‘li \\L'L'l\l_\ \houtaxc HI Il‘LiIl .tlll\l\

I Chase, Roller .iiiil Underwood \Iat Soilt‘} ~. ~12 Jdllldltd \tit't'l. I-l\ \5\l \piii l'lk'L' llalllt' ot lIlL' liiillih Iltliil

I Hill City Blues \ltltllii i m: (illML'Ili'l Iliilcl. (ili‘\\t'llilt lL'lltILL' wit ll_\ic~ Roadi. HI h5lti ‘lpiii ha

I Poor Old Ben lithillxt'llk‘. 5 (.IC\\\\ L'll l..il1L'. 33-1 (la-Y) \plli licc'k hackgiouiid \iltlllil\

I The Vagabonds lllt' swim.

ll: llel Slot'kxwll \Iii't'l. 55: VH1 ‘Il‘lll l‘icc l’opiil.ii (“\L‘l‘

I Jam Session \iiiiiicl llou K, h" “I \llllMldlL' thttl. «1:3 Illll‘ \ 3I’ttlli lIK'C IIU\IL'tI I‘} llttlL‘Pt‘liiIL'llt’t'

I Basic 'lt'llal (h lid. 3: I lit?“ l .tllk'. 355.1534 Milli Llht'

I Live Music \Itt‘liuillx. ~1tl llifsli Sliccl. 552 II 35 ‘lpiii I'it'c \t'u l‘.tll\l night. linc up to hc t'illlllllllk'tl

I Live Music 'liiidt'iho\. IV} lini'x Road. 33‘) 3MB ‘liiiii l'icc \t'ouxtit‘ \onndx


I Ten Miles Tall, Elbrook Court dlltl Lynx Jenkins (Liic Ruin Ill\llii lilll. I“ “(H Rt‘fihlt'l Sllt‘t‘l. 55-. ~15”:

30pm t3 lndic and rock tioiii onl (lit picxcnting \olo .tlll\l l.}lt‘\ .lcnkinx' Ill\l [it‘l‘lollllgillt't‘

I Man of the Hour, Battalion of Flies, Funnelweb illltl STD Sinili.» 3-1. 3-1 3h ('itlltlll Road. 555' 3—55

5. 3llpiii. Uht‘. \liiic lion} iot‘k lioni /.c;ilou\.

I Alfonzo, Stick Finlay, Sub- Invasion, Tourniquet .iiid No Fire Herb ’l'hc VCIiiit'. I“ ll (Xilloii Road. 55' 3ll53. Spin. {5. In _\oiii>t;it'c iot'k and indic \hciiiinigiinx li'oni .'\PU\'QII_\P\L'.

I Slum Village 'I'Iic lloiigofluh. \litl'd} llllll\L'. lliil)l'oiitl Road. 553 “NH. 0pm 3am {IlliL'5 .itlci‘ [3.3lh. l)clioi!\ Sliini Villagc ingn'kx thc i'copcning oi lllk' Bongo ('lnh at ll\ ncix \IIL‘. Sponiiinconx. Pl'Hle'L‘\\I\L‘. IUHHIHI thinking: hip hop Il'Ulll i‘nppcrx liiiailin and I3 alongxidc Pl'iltlllt't'l In) l)cc mho'x piodut‘cd lhc lll\L‘\ ot 'l'i‘ihc. l)c In Soul and (lit l’li;ii'c_\dci. ()n \tgigc at llpni i;ippi‘o\i \\ iih \llm‘ill'l li'oiii local collccliw l.i\c Syn-nun and DJ \l\III\ li'oiii Scinlch'x I} It} and Rit‘liic Rultlonc alongsith lil chniido‘x l)JRcd(i.

I Mark Owen l’ollcrio“ Sludcnt l'nion. Ill'hltl Square. 05” 3h5h l|.l5pin. £3. \Vcc \lgii'k ()ucn. tlic C\7l}il\c lhnlcr uho\ cgircci' has hccn i'cim igoinlcd \int‘c “inning: (’i’li'lirili [fig Brut/m ihc'x cwn got ;i nc“ xiiiglc. ‘I'Mii’ \liiiiitc \\';irning_".

I Stealer 'l'hc Black Bull. l3 (il';l\\lll;ll‘l\L‘l. 335 0030, 0pm. l‘i'cc. l'p» and-coining lidinhiii'gh l'nnk-i'ock hgind promoting lhcii' dchnt (I). [In .lliui ll'iili I/Ii‘ I)“ r‘.


I Dead Fly Buchowski and Blueprint l.;i\;i loungc. I .>\nn Slim-l. Ill3tlpin. £3. l)onh|c hill ot rock ionc

Lowgold play King Tut’s, Glasgow, Fri 3 Oct.

48 THE LIST .346 Oct .3038

I‘Iut'x}. oiic Ill\ It" at (iiccnotkK (‘Iiih uitli l).l\ taking )oii through iiiili'i _‘.:iii


I Stillife, Crazy Vincent .iiiii Birth of the Truth llic luigg. 41 l ix-ci} \tit'cl. HI 5llh ti5til~1\ ‘li‘iii 1-1 liii‘It' I‘lll ol indic .itlx iii Illl\ Ilt'\\ \ciiliiic iii lldtligiitc


OThe Thrills (ailing Math-iii}. Ill l-glmiiin sin-gr ouo< ojo limo ii\“ii "‘1 Still” 3“pin .\( ll l) ( )l 'l \t'c pm lt'\\ toi llit' l‘lk'thllll} tingling lltll‘llllt'h

O Biffy Clyro, Crackout .tllil Jarcrew liaiiou Lind. 3-1-1 (ialloxxgalt'. 55: Jhlll "pin 1" 5H \o .igt' ii'xiimioii on lIil\ \hou ()iiicl hit loud hit indic iot‘kiii'. icpml until _\oii dcwloii l.ii}ii§:ili~ I Lowgold .iiid See Monster Klltf; llll'\ \\.ili \\.ih Hut. 3534 \t \ lllxk‘lll Slit-cl. _‘_‘l 53“) \ 3llpni L“ lccnagc l'.tll\ liihcxgui' giiailt'i pinning: IlL‘U. .ilhiiiii. lli [i with to Ilium n

I Dean Friedman lllt‘ I my. l.‘ (‘I_\dc l’‘i'. 4:” WI“ _ 3llpiii ill ('oiiipowi ol \iit'li \wl “llx [top llll\ .l\ 'l._\di.i' and 'l tick} Stiiix'

I Walter Trout Hit It”). I) ('lyilc l’l.i\‘c. 4:" WI” Ill 3tlpiii Ll5 \t'lciaii hlucx giiilaihi \xhoxc \\k'l‘\llt' l.ilIlL‘l dixliiihingl} \‘l.lllll\ lic Il.l\ hccn “\tiaiipcd to J” .t\k' loi 35 )i'dh' I'\ gotta liiiii I Laika Dog, Moon .tllil Uncle Jack 'l'hc (Zilliouxc. l5 l'nion Slit'cl. I-lx (ititlti "pm {" it” on dooi i ()\ci l-l\ \lio\\. l..iik.i Dog l\ llit' l.|lk'\l lik'lxllldl cndmmni' ti‘oiii \niiling 'l’on_\ \\ iigghl ol pop niclnllt'ix lemon l\liill

I The Starlets .Illtl The Needles ('oltit'i ’l'licalic. ll)iidl;nid Sticcl. 355 3.\’(i.\ .\'.3llpiii. 1'5 .-\lhnni launch loi SI Rccoidx‘ ILllC\l upon. l'llII/Ii'l into {In .Vlg'lll l'!‘l('l(’l l\ indit' loppci} on Ilit' \urliit‘c hut lltl\ hclii'x .i hunt ot pop gold (io \L'L'.

I John Miller 8. his Country Casuals and Tom Armstrong lltlll 'l'hcnti'c \‘it'toi‘iiin llni. 'l'ioiiyntc. 553 L‘h' 0.30pm. LN. Radio S\\ccllic.ii'l\ Ilt‘llllllilll .\lillci' pioniolt'x Itl\ lint-xi \\\L'L'l t'itllllll} ('I) (hit Ipii im' lim .lliini. Suppoit tioiii .'\lllL'l'l(;tll lioiik} loiik iii;in 'l'oiii .\l'lll\lliillj.' iiigikiiig Ill\ I'K dchiil. \lcanuliilt'. clwuhcrc in llic I‘llllkllllj.‘

I Unkle 80b and thenortheastupper .'\(illl\ll\' .\n;iii. 'l'i'on 'l‘hculi'c l‘oy'i' liar. 'l'i'ongdit'. 553 4265, 0.30pm. U». .\t'oii\tit' lL‘\IlllL'\ t‘i'calcd \\llIt guitai'x. piano. tiihlii .nid dicnihc.

I The Paul Rose Band 'I lit” llo\\\\ood lnn. .\l;iiii Slim-i. llouuood. ncai' .lohnxlonc. “1505 “U3 ll‘l ‘lpiii l)iili.llliill Hit tliml' Roi) (Lillligllt'l .\ hacking: hand.

I Mexico and Acolyte Zippy ligii‘ll}. 3M) ('lulc Sli't'cl. IlN—‘Il ‘lllfi Il‘l‘l‘) Kpni. .'\\;llll'f_';ll'tlt‘ .ill rock li’oiii :\t'ol.\tc him}-

I Kain Nit‘t"ii'Slt';i/}. ill Siiiit'hit-liall Slim-l. 333 063". ‘lpni, £3. local qllillll} gni'ngc i'ock‘ii‘i'oll.

I Solution, Definitive and Coriolis The I 3th \olc (uric. so (in Klll}: Sti'ccl. 553 l(i3.\'. ‘lpiii L' 3.

I Pure :\l'l;l. 13 It) \\';iII\ Sim-i. 553 3 lIll. I'I'L'L' I‘CIUI'C llplli. L5 :illcl. (il;l\\lk' rock and pop.

I Halcyon Days \lilt'SUllL'}\. 42 Jamaica Slim-t. 2-15 55x1. Hpni l-i'cc Rock (m CH.

I The Duvets Siiinucl l)o\\\. (F "l Nillhdalc Road. 423 Hill". .\'.3llpiii l'i'cc I Frank O’Hagan 'l‘lic St'illld. I l3 1 H Slocltucll Sti'ccl. 55: 80%|. ‘lpiii. l-i'cc (in CIN UI l)} Ian. lllL' Band. ('l'L‘L'ilL‘llt‘C.

I Believe, Daybreak .ind Highwatters l'ni} Murry. Uh .\l;i\\\cll Slrccl. 331 651]. Ohm, £4. including cnlr} to pod-gig; cluh. 'l‘riplc hill oi upcoming; local llltllL‘ l‘dllth

I Live Music l"iii'_\ Murry. Wi .\l;i\\\cll Slrcct. III h5l I, ‘lpiii. £4. including cntr} io pint-gig cluh. 'l‘i‘iplc hill ot upcoming local indic handy

Biffy Clyro, Crackout .inti‘ Jarcrew Our current taxoiii'tii local rock iiiistaitti ceietiiiitv ii IDIOtitl‘, good album. F'ro Vertigo of Miss. Wltll a I)lt)t‘tl‘. good gig, {3a.";>'.‘../arid. GI(IS§}()‘.'., /r .i‘ (hit.

The Thrills Just when \,i)tl thought gtllittl poi) (:oiiltlii't got any sweeter this; Irish (iiiintet come round. making (‘\.t‘.l\;>lit‘ swoon Willi their Wilson iiin melodies. And by that we mean Brian, not Bot). Harold oi Jacky. See iii'eixiew. (Ia/"ling Academy. (.S/i'isgow Hi (i‘ ()(

DMX 'lhe dog and death fixated rap (leiiioii‘s Scottish live debut. which along Willi ViSits from 50 Cent and Saiziii Supa Crew. makes this a prime week for hangers. tiallers and shot callers. Oh. and rat) tans too. Barrow/arid. G/asgow, Sat 4 Oct.

Killing Joke Out IiVIng most of their 80s peers by staying away from the oath marked ‘tashion'. KJ's dark and tut/isterl post—punk rock still delights Garage. G/asgow. Sat :1 Oct.

50 Cent Whether he's a coat‘tailiriding lllUMXBI or the second coming. this is still the hottest ticket this fortnight. See feature. SECC. G/asgow. Min 5) Oct.

Penpushers, David Jack and Mammal Not exactly fit) or DMX but maybe one day. huh? Hip hot) for the head and feet. Cabaret Voltaire. Edinburgh. Thu 9 Oct;

Nice ‘n 'S/ea/y. Glasgow. Sat I 7 Oct.

The Proclaimers Slll‘/ an inclLiSion as this may seem. the Reids are heading for the Pogues-vacateo position as new kings of the lumpy. shouty celtic folk anthem. Car/mg Academy, Glasgow. Fri 70 Oct; Usher Ha//. Edinburgh, Sat I 7 Oct.

Lou Barlow and Jason Lowenstein 66",, of Sebadoh and composers of some truly heartbreakingly tine tloppyneck anthems. here in a shambolic. acoustic stylee. Nice'n'S/eazy. G/asgow. Sun 72 Oct.