


VI saw you drinking collee in 'l'rntlerboy. cool shade» [7470/l

V I saw you Michael Supertnan...rn \unny San I'r‘an. .\Il\\ the \lexixxlppi. and

you. .xee you below you see Illl\ \. [7470/2

VI saw you in Mosquito. you looked up when lliat \ong came on. you \llllletl tk I tell. llello lllontlic gty e ll\ a bell. [7470M V I saw you yyheti the bext band in the world 'l’oor ()Id llen" made it bigl .'\ll. [7470/4 V I saw you ttlitl \\ytitilletl. l’leaxc \ay yotr \ytll. Mikey

l’.[ 7470/00

V I saw you (’hrrxtina. l \\tltlltl like to \Iioyy yoti riiy ranirodll See yott at (if [7470/5 VI saw you Billy ('lyro at the llarroyy landx. You rocketh VI saw you in yr \tt'ipey top in Illacklt'iarx. .\Ie lllltlet'tll'e\\e(l bttt y. impressed. l)o yott think yotr niiglit’.’ [7470/(i

V I saw you ll) King 'l'utxl tliitik I loye yott. [7470/7

V I saw you blotitle girl \y ith pitik and blaek yyrixtbatid at .\Iaclay [hills on the llt'\[ night. [7470/8

V I saw you barmaid yy ith the red top at the .\Io\kito. I yy ant to bite your btttii. [7470/0

VI saw you "yyhislle" in a mock \hilt. trying all too hard to hide the battle ol‘ the bttlge. cakey and joyful? \\"ondr'otrx \tool' \\\. [7470/l0

VI saw you (a the l3th Note. Putting a yotttig burd iii the jile. Will you get all \yae me. .-\\yyy \yhettll [7470/l I

V I saw you at the ()Mt'. you \llltl the datieel'loor was your arena and I atii the gladiator. [7470/l 2

V I saw you iti \paee + time - anyotie can be anything - .\Itl\lllltl\ ix back - guexx \yho'x back ~ back agaiti .\I;t\llllll\ I\ back. [7470/l}

V I saw you \. early this rnortiirig tl-‘riday I0tlii some— where near Iiirebit'tl or \tlllle- thing on Saucliiehall. I looked tired. bexcarl'etl. you probably tlltlll'l. [7470/[4

V I saw you .\'eil t'.’i in (‘ottierx - looking ttieari and moody. I)o yott only like blon- dex‘.’ rne help you oy er that - my way? PS. I'm not \\\eel enough. I) \. [7470/l5

VI saw you at ()ptitiio. You kept \aying "nice one" yyearitig \eyy ktiapkiti yyhite 'I'—hirt. [' turn me on? [7470/lo

V I saw you diamond. Said it already - bill will you marry

nie" I.ookrng at your cuddly

Iorm ItL‘l’tl\\ a croyy tletl table iii the Iron and oned it more than an lor le\\ tliati 307 [7470/l 7

VI saw you l)a\o lll l)umbarton Road detending ur manhood and mankind. I \till say ur (i' by 3' that'\ rexpectable. .'\t leaxt trr ll;lll(l\ and leet and btiild are iti propion [7470/l8

V I saw you crying your heart out on liy e 'I‘\'. “by tlo you ptit yourself through it'.’ I)anny ('royye couldti.t heal yoti. but I can. (let iri tottcli. I think I loye yoti. 'I‘ill’any [7470/72

V I saw you ktitigle lltt\ in ;l yyee boogie (0 l'unliotrxe...“herex ur \tookie hen'.’ ti look liinter'

yy itliotit it. hope the yy ind doex- n't bloyy u back to riiigtrie. [try It \ [7470/2I

V I saw you eleetr'o-beal‘ rolliri botit in the mud iti dumb- arton roadl l2/I0i yyay iti ur electro pans in the air like [I didn't care it it yyax tiititl or yy'orye. [' croyyn'x \llpplll... [7470/22

V I saw you again i from tin» derbox. tiiy mocha ix getting cold yott bad boy. hoyy about yyarniitig it tip \\llll your expert Iiatidx. [7470/23

V I saw you iti (ilelllltlllt yyith your little dog and a yery attrac- tiy'e nian. l-‘ancy dinner some- time'.’ \\ [7470/24

VI saw you in the ll\'lll room. in the bedroom. in the kitchen and i lelt it in xtrbby. (iotl you are a big boy? can't wait to hay e yotr...\ee yott at lelix :ol [7470/25 V I saw you Ferrari at l’eachex kissin her boolx and yy'ipin her blood outta ur eye - no really? I ya“ the way ll looked at the dancers stap-oti'xl l)irteee electro kitten... [7470/26

V I saw you Iano iii slealies iti ur ityy bitsy mini groyylin at the tningery propin tip the bar... u it koogie looked like trainspotting extras boogiti at the bar on tll\‘lIIL‘.\ Nth? [7470/27


V I saw you It) at The 'l‘rtm Ille.\(l;l_\'. Looking onely xxy [7470/28

V I saw you hut pants [)1 Mon riite. l’lanet ()ut. Fancy \plllttlll riia jal'l'a cake. l‘ae a cit- rus on'erll [7470/20

VI saw you ll.\l\' Princes Street basement. Black hair. \ultry eyes. Play a rill for me. your fan since August 8|. [7470/30

V I saw you. you ray en haired little miny. (ilad you can keep

\ecr‘etx. lel\ \\\glp \lltK'\ \tillle tttne - cotlee hax ney er I.l\IC[l \o good. low Retl \\ ["470 ;l VI saw you heritly. trently \\eiidy at Planet ()tit \\llll Mum and her granny. \hakrng a bariariae at your liiariloyarir and \y e catitiae belieye ill low y\. lo Iltlll-l‘ltllltlk‘N [k the yyen delle\ [7470/32

V I saw you on the \o. to bux. \Vetlneulay lllth. You: red top caught my |itttigo\ et' red

ey ex. .\Ie: tieyy \paper' k tiiad liatr'. l)on't klioyy il yotr like boys? emu/33

VI saw you my gtil'g'etith yyile yylio yyorkx yy itli riiy litie \ell lll [lie I’ear 'l‘r'ee. l lti\e you. Do the yyaxliitig'l I)a\ \ [7470/34

VI saw you yyitli long blonde hair and a black top, Would like to meet you [0/00/03 {7470/35 VI saw you the gla\\e\ \\eal‘ ing barman iii the l’eat~ 'l‘ree. I'm \o glad you're back. the I’eai' 'l‘t‘ee'x a [at better place \\ ith you. [7470/30

VI saw you. It's beeti a \yhtle btit I'm back? You're mine btui gle \\Su [7470/37

VI saw you blotid gtty yy llll the glasxex yyorking at the Pear Tree. giy irig me the chat. not bad? Bambi [7470/33

V I saw you l)a\ e \y ho \york\ in the Pear Tree. I'ye ney er dared to talk to yotr bill I think I loye yott \\y [7470/30

VI saw you in 'Iexco. Nicholson St l0/00. You: I-"reneh'f (iirl. short dark hair. gl;i\\e\. behind me ill checkout. 8.40pm. .\Ie: lair hair. glaxxex. We exchanged \liy \itllle. \\iattl [0 meet litit‘ coll'ee \tiltielitiie'.' [7470/4l)

VI saw you my darling l)aye. You yy ere the best l'y e ey er had. I ltllsx you. \\tllll yotr. cray e yotrr loye. ('all me \ [7470/4l V I saw you at Planet ()tit last Monday. You had \pikey hair with red Iiigliliglitx. yyearing black shirt. I botiglit you a drink. you xx ere rude. .\Ie: gray T-xhirt. \niall \y ith broyy n hair. You are brayy. [7470/42

V I saw you on Saturday at the \hell garage on l.eitli \Valk eating a sandyy'ieh - I think yotr stole it? I spoke to yotr - would like to see you again. [7470/43 V I saw you \y earitig black T- shirt and sitting \y ith gtry yylio had red baseball cap. 2. It) at (My ('ale ('ationgate. .\le: denim jeans and shirt [7470/45 VI saw you in a uni queue Ulllxlde ('('\ on \at 20/00/03. I yyax y'ery drunk. you xx ere Spanish. l yyax “ith a girl from Neyy'eaxtle. l’aricy meeting tip yylien I'm xober‘.’ [7470/47


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V I saw you at \\ lggle ~ \\eekx ago \oti big \ttltlpltttl\_ big breaxtx \Ie rti black. think you re \[lalg'lll btrt maybe not' I 4‘0 b2 .

VI saw you \tl\a. \lltllllllff your \tull doyyti South (‘larke Street See you in .ilxle iiri 'It'\\ti\” [I .4“) 45

VI saw you at the Ilaxetiienl Illg‘ l‘ltlL' ey t‘\ and bead llet'klaee .\l.tybe \y e can go the yyliole \ ttiile togetlier' [C470 *l

VI saw you altiactty e nian \\llll tie \\lIll cat on H at \lonel cylirbrtron I‘ll l2 Sep l .txked yoti a qlle\llttll | liay e auburn liatl‘ [74"0'R2

VI saw you my m.» ltiyely Spaniard glt’l\ \tttrng at the IIihL'lllk'lll. looking gorgeotix a\ alyyayx. | [me you lot\ \\\ llydi'a l/lq‘lfii

VI saw you oh Satitly. \\oli yyoli at the ('anieo, (‘anny \\all to hear your accent" letx yyateli the lilrn together" \\\ ["47054 VI saw you. you tt‘tl llt‘atl \ryeri iii the llaxenient bar. You truly lrt tip my rirglit. come up and we tiie arty trnie


VI saw you buy otitori on my birthday at the llaxernent lN/[l‘l/IH lll oltl \kotil .Itlltl.l\ decadex. .\Iuch low. by [7470/50


V I saw you \tllle t leopatra. purple \lllll iti \i/e \. \\llyll\ fg'k'\lI\[ll.lllIl_‘_' and \\ illi the best Iatrin iii the \\liole lt.t\et\e

[ 1'0 V

VI saw you. or ltliitik I did \I\ e bo\ in (’itttrx (bib

1‘“ [III [lit \\.1\ I the [NH \\lll‘ \tpiee/etl yotrt btrrii I el tiie ktio\\_ became I cant tetiietii ber'l 4 “I i.\

VI saw you. bloke \y tlll ll}'lll tleliilii lat‘kct at llaxeriieiit bar I \\tlll group ol l'lk'll\l\. \otr \\llll ltrentl \\lIll ('atneot \lnrt

\otr te liol liopeltrlly \ee \oil agaiti' \\atina tiieel trp'

[ 170 *0

VI saw you in your red lloritla lll \Iortitri;'\rtle \otr looked like you were g'oltij.‘ to the gym \otrt curly bloritle liatt caught my eye |)otil be \lteep l\ll l tn the otie tot eyy e

I VII-ll (ill

VI saw you \ liet krriz' iiie otrt iti my red .ltlltl.l\ lop \otr cliaxetl riie. I ran lx’etl llll‘lllt an yylio \\otk\ III I )pttrtn (iay llr' I'll let you catch tire \I 1"0‘0 VI saw you banker in tlie ptrik He at the liaxetiient lye \o olteti been lll your bank and thought \yliat a ll.tlltl\lllllt' “1.!” you are \e\ei yyotrltl ll.l\ e thought you \yete on the teartt (-[H‘l' I i‘lfl‘) 4"

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./ ‘t C 1 THE LIST 125