Edinburgh life


Illusions, butterflies and Dada

Dean Gallery Opposrte the National Gallery of Modern Art. the Dean Gallery is entirely devoted to 20th century art. Formerly a 19th century Orphanage. it houses a large collection of work by Eduardo Paolozzi as well as Outstanding holdings drawn from the National Galleries” Dada and Surrealist collection. The upper galleries are given over to temporary exhibitions. Check out An. listings for a full rundown of events. Be/ford Road, 624 6200. Mon—Wed <2 Fri—Sun lOam—Spm.’ Thu 10am—7pm.

Butterfly and Insect World Bask in the wonderful world of butterflies as they fly. Sip nectar. court. lay eggs and show off their beautiful c0|0urs. Marvel at the industrious leaf-Cutting ants. handle weird and wonderful minibeasts and see deadly scorpions as yOu wander through this realm of exotic rainforests. tropical plants and streaming waterfalls. Boobies Garden World. Lasswade. 663 4932. 70am—5pm. £4.35 (£3.35).

Camera Obscura ViSit the Outlook Tower and Camera Obscura. Edinburgh‘s oldest attraction. for a uniquely entertaining experience. Tryl lifting a car or a bus onto the palm of y0ur hand as your guide gives you a fascmating 360 degree t0ur of the Clty. While you're there explore the wonders of light and illuSion in wonderful the Magic Gallery. Castle/fill, Royal Mile. 226 3709. Bally lOaIn-Spm. £4.95 (£2.50).

The Scottish Whisky Heritage Centre

Discover the histOry and mystery of Scotland's most famous export as you encounter the Scotch whisky experience. including the whisky barrel ride. the distillery and the blender‘s ghost. Don't forget to see the shon and light- hearted film. showcasing what makes Scotch whisky unique. 354 Castle/fill. the ROya/ Mi/e. 220 044 7. Daily 70am-5.30pm. £7.50 (£5.50).

98 THE us‘r 3—16 0.3!

Edinburgh life continued

Other events

Performance Poetry: From the Page to the Freedom of the Stage \ilhlt Roolli. ll iillttt’t‘lltil l’laee. (. Iii \ zllpni Lh5 lot ‘l \xeek titllIS‘t' \\olk\liop letl h) \nila (It‘\.lll antt Jeni Rolls toeusinj; on \xlltlll: lol shoe.» and hoe. lo lii.i\inii\e )Hlll [‘e‘lti'llllallte‘ on


Wednesday 8

Book events

Barefoot Doctor - Twisted Fables for Twisted Minds \\.llt‘t\lit!lt"\. l_‘\ I’lllieex Sheet. 2% form ti illpiii llie popular (innit/illi: tolulnnlxt illstuxstw tll\ lie“ hook on elillll‘it'lilt'lllal} health

John Burnside \tiltthtl l’oeiix l li‘l.ll_\. 5 ("llellton's ('loxe. ("anoneate 55" 3V“ 5 :ttI‘lll l’oel. author and lettulel at St .\nt|re\u\l ll|\t'l\lt} John iillllhltik' realls \Hllle Ill ttl\ \tiiltx

Thursday 9


After Hours - Inspired by Art \atlonal (taller) ot Seollantl. Ilie \il‘lliiti. (fl-1 (illlll (ipni llee \ prograliilne ol altel’rgallel} tlttllh e\elil\ leatuline e'ttlllt'lllptll.ll_\ iititiik' niuxie \titli (ileeor Holland

Other events

Days of Light - Celebrating Diversity lil'unlon 'l lteatle. tail)“ ell \\'.i_\. \tllxxelhuleh. (M5 311” (rpm I'lee .-\n melting; ot pellollnaneex \\ illi \l.l|l\ and a pioeexxion to celebrate llte man} ti|\L‘t\‘\‘ [1‘]!lethti.l}\.tlltitL'\ll\.It\.

Big Word Performance Poetry The 'l‘l'on. ‘) Hunter Square. High Street. 330 0031.53” llplii. L" ltli Iii); \\Ul\i \t.lll\ oil then llL‘“ \eaxon \\ illi a \t.llll \\lllilt‘l\ eahal'el on National l’oelr_\ I).i_\

Book events

Jimmy Greaves \\'aieixioiie\. ll.\ l’l'lneex Street. 2% Shoo. hpln. tree the legelttlai'} loolhaller and ‘l'\‘ pi'exenlel‘ talks about tll\ eareei and \lf_‘l1\ eopiex ol ill\ .Illlttttltlgl'JPiI}.


Building a Collection: The Royal Scottish Academy National (killer) of Scotland. the Hound. (iIJ (illlll, l.‘ -l5pni l‘t'ee. Joanna Sotlen front the Ro}.il Seottlxli (\tKItiClll} gnex a talk on the I‘L‘iillltllhiilp heme-en the National (iallerlex of Scotland and the RS.\.

Other events

Uwe Kolbe 8. Johannes Bauer with Keith Armstrong Seoiikli l’oetr} i.lt‘l';il'_\. 5 (‘rieltton'x (line. ('anongate. 55" 387i. (Mllpin. L5 (ierlnan poet l’\\ e Kolhe [M‘l‘tttl'tlh \Htil Johannes Bauer in their natn e tongue and lznglixlt. Keith .'\t'ltl\tl'ltllf_‘ “I” he reading: from ill\ poenix Ilhpll't'ki h} 'l'uehingen,

Book events

Courtyard Readings Se‘itlthtl i’tk‘ll'} labial}. 5 (‘l‘lehlon'x (’loxe. ('anongate. 55“ 35-6 Spill I'l'ee. ()[k‘ll ttullw lit an)one “ho L'lllt‘)\ reading: and tl\lL'ltlll:_' to others read wine ot their taxoiil'lte \xorkx


Painting Workshop .'\l‘lL‘\l.tll .\l't\ (illttL'l'). "5 iil’L‘att Street. ~15“ 4515

Han] 4pm. Free. Drop in [\tlllllll}: \xorlohop “illi all \xorlu going on tlixpla} as part ot the S_\lnplon and S}inhol e\hil\ition

Fay Godwin t'.tllltt\tll'gli ('olleee ot \l't. l.aul'l\ton l’laee. Ill (Mill. 3 §llpln i‘l'CC Photographer l‘a} (i\‘\i\\ in gnex an litthll‘illt‘ti talk about her \xork to eelehrate the opening ot landmark al the National t’ol'tl'alt (taller).

Other events 30/20 Craft & Design Fair .\\\einl\|_\ Roonix. 5-1 (ieolee Slieel. Jill li-l‘) Ill {Haiti -1 illpin "llp Ll illeei 'l'lie he\l lll eonlenipoial} eratt. design and .tll\\illi\\ tllleel front the lll.tt\L'l\ llielnxel\e\ Congestion Charging Ceilidh .\'i l’etel'x ('liuleli. l.ulton I’laee. tiff“ ‘l.\ ‘h llpin £.\ itlli SliR \ Seotlanil luntll'aixei “lltl Bella \te_\.ilf ('ellitlli Band at the helm and tealurine l)a\ e i'l‘dlleh k .\t.iiri (‘alnp'hell

Book events

Douglas Hurd - Memoirs 'li'axeixe 'l'ltealre. ('aniltritlee Street. 23H l-lll-t (ipni the author and former gowlnlnent llillll\tL‘l talks about ill\ eaieei .Iliti \lglh eoplex of ill\ alltohloglaph}

Other events

Performance Poetry: From the Page to the Freedom of the Stage \ilhlt' Room. I l liueeleueh l’laee. (i. ill .\ ‘~llpni Ui5 tor nlne \xeek eourxe See .\Ion (i

Tuesday 14

Book events

Rhona Cameron - Nineteen Seventy-Nine “.ltel'flltth-x '33 t’l'lneex Street. :30 low» "pin the \lilwelttureh horn eonietlian reads tioni and \lleh eopies ol liel aulottliiglapltleal hook


An Audience with Colin Fry i’itt}tlilll\c. '5 (it'L'Ulhltit' Plan". “5-.” (MM-124 " zllpin {lo 5“ the phenomenal fmllt xenxe \lat uses ill\ poeliie eittx lo \tiiatl t1l\ auttlenee

Wednesday 15

Book events

Sir Ranulph Fiennes \\aiei\ioiie\. 13> l’l‘lneex Street. 3% :Nifi fipln ()ne of the l'K'x leading e\plorer\ reatlx troln tll\ ltiograph} on one of the all-time greatest e\plol'el~. (‘aptaln Seott

Image by Bruno Gallagher in conjunction with WASPS

C [fa/f“; /’\ s»- ..

Ed Shapiro lionleix Iiookx, l llll I“. in” Klnnailtl Retail I’alk. fi5” ill-ll fililll the author e\p|.ii:i\ lioxx \\ e t .in lilipime olll |l\e\ \\ltil ill\ hook

I Hi urn/Illnrlil/ lui l'


Curator’s Tour of Fay Godwin: Landmarks National Portrait (ialler). l Queen Stleet. (ill (illlll l3 ~l5piii tree. (the! eulatoi of the Seoltixli \atlonal Photograph} (‘olleelioir Sara Ste\en\oil. goes a loul ot the la} (illli\\ lll plioloerapliie e\liil\ition

With Sharmanka from St Petersburg National i.li‘l.tl} ()l Seotlanil. (ieorge l\ Bridge. 33!» -15 ;1 "pm. l‘l‘ee. lat_\.ina .i.li\tt\\i\.t}it. to founder ol Sliarinanka Kinetie 'l lieatle. talks about the tiliit'llllj.‘ .‘Ittltlltit‘S .Illti approaeliex in an art uoilil \o tlillelenl lroin liei honielanil

Thursday 16

Book events

Writer’s Talk: Alasdair Gray l'llilllnalket (iallel‘). ~15 .\tall\et Stleet. 325 2 KS; (ipni. L" lL'l 5th .-\ rare opportunil} to we one ot Seotlantt\ liltt\l inlluenlial iio\ell\t\. .-\l;i\tlali (nay lead from ill\ lieu hook. l/It' /.IIr/\ of R/lr'll Ir'l/lt‘H. I/llllr'r'll Mill". .SIu/Ir\ Ricky Tomlinson \VaieixioiieN. ljx t’l'ineex Street. 23“ Itififi (ipni the Ru} le i‘dllili} \ entieli potato lieaxex tlillhe'tt up and (il\\'ll\\k'\ and \lj_'ll\ ettplc\ lit ttl\ allllihlliplglptl}

Reading Group Seftllhtl i’ltt'll} i.lt‘l';tl'}. 5 ('riehtoih ('loxe. (Lilioliggale. 55~ 28"!) (i. illpni Lilli lot \I\ v.eek\ SL‘L‘ Ii till W.

Michael Kerrins \ol'tli latinhureli .'\r't\ (‘entre. 15a l’enntv. ell ('otirt. ‘l5 3 i t. “pill. Li Iiitti l.ltL'\ iLISL'ti I'll llltix and eonleniporar} latex \titli \lor}tel|el _\tiehael KL'l'l'llh


Post Performance Talk i‘cxtluti 'l heatre. l i 3‘) \le'tttvlll Slreel. 53‘) (itititi. tree pmt \illl“ ttl\e’ll~-\lttll ulth lllL'llit‘L'h ot the iIIIH trill/1hr ilmi eoiiipan}.