wincxscd sonic oi thc \cininal llitiliiL'IIIS in 20th ccntur} art. film. liilhlc' and politics and right up until hcr dcath tat ihc agc oi' Wt. \hc continucd to \uppon young artistx ax \icll ax purchaxing \xorkx by intcrnational tirllxlx.
Steve Duval l'ntil Sun 12 ()ct, lidinhurgh-hascd artist Stcxc l)u\al prcxcntx Iii/inc (11' [how \NlllL‘ll conccrns ccolog) ol thc mind.
~ll l)unda\ Strcct. 557 456‘). Mon l’ri ll).3()aiii 5.30pm; Sat Ili.3()ain 5pm. Caroline Bailey t'nni \Vt-ii 24 Scp. l-‘loral \tudicx and \ IC\\\ of Italian and Spaniin citicx h} ('arolinc liailc). Group Show Sat 27 Scp \Vcd i5 ()ct. Hunting“ by Andrc“ Squirc. Annc Andcrsoii and Racth (‘arroll
llcll'ord Road. 024 (>200 trccoi'dcd inlortttalion 332 22(36). Mon ch & l‘ri Sun Illam 5pm; 'l‘hu Itiam 7pm. Demarco Focus I: Demarco in the 19608 l'ntil Sun 2% Scp. ’I‘hc lirxt in a \cricx ol' thrcc dixplayx dra“ ing on matcrial iroin tlic l)cniarco Archixc and ltk‘lhllig on thc artixt. ciitrcprcucur and curator Richard l)ctiiarco\ actix'iiicx in llic ()IIS.
After Hours Thu 25 Scp. (iplll. Richard DCIHHFCU giVCs it [our ol~ liix cxhihition.
IXa Duiidax Sti'cct. 557 5227. Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm.
September Exhibition t'niil Sat 37 Scp. Paintings h} l’ani (‘artcr and Jonathon thclcr.
l l (iaylicld Squarc. 558 7| ll). ch Sat l lam (ipni.
Katja Strunz l7ntil Sat 27 Scp. .-\ lirst major solo Slit)“ in thc [K for (icrnian artist Katja Strunz. Inspircd h} minimalism and more spccilicall). Rohcri Sinithxon‘s “all rclicl's of 1963 (i5. \hc crcatcs intriguing wall-hawd sculptui‘cx which. duc to thcir angch l‘oriiix. can hc sccn and cxpcricnccd in dil'l‘crcnt ways.
(ia Dundas Strcct. 558 9363. Mon «Sun 10am 6pm.
Hsar Gassiev Sat 20 Scp Sat 4 ()cl. Mon-Sat l()am (rpm; Sun noon 4pm. A solo show of paintings h) (‘aucaxian paintcr llxar (iaxsicx inspired by thc pcoplc and naturc of thc (‘aticasian mountains and hix hoincland. ()\\L‘Il;l.
20a Dundax Strcct. 557 5002. Mon Fri
1 lam-5pm; Sat ltiam-lpin. Jacqueline Marr Sat 2() Scp 'l‘uc l-l ()ci. A solo Slit)“ of [10“ iiguratch \Hil‘kS.
23 l'nion Strcct. 557 247*). Tuc ~Sat l()am~-opni.
Masereel: Ten Years of Prints Sat 2() Scp Sat 8 .\'o\'. An C\liihitiott highlighting tcn ycars oi’ prints madc at thc l-‘rans Mascrccl (‘cntrum in Bclgium. 'l’hc show i‘caturcs divcrsc approachcx to traditional printmaking lCL‘lllllLllle including silkscrccn. intaglio. uoodcut and lithography. NEW SHOW
(‘orstorphinc Road. 334 9171. l)ail_\ 9am» 6pm. £7 till-£5»; iaiiiil) tickct £2()»-£2-l.5().
Lite L'ntil Sun 2| Scp. Paintings and drawings of thc zoo inhabitants by artist- in-rcsidcncc Holl} Surplicc.
88 [.othian Road. 22‘) 5932.
Eleanor Adair t'niil Sat 27 Scp. A collection of paintings and draxx ings. Same, Same . . . Sat 27 Scp—Sat 25 ()ct. Travcl photography and artwork by Jcnni Arnot.
45 .\larkct Strcct. 225 2 383 Mon \Vcd llaiii 6pm; Thu Sat 1 Iain it 3lipin. Sun noon 5pm
After Image l‘ntil Sat 2" Scp (‘uratcd h} (ilcnn Scott Wright oi l.ondon\ Victoria .\liro (iallcr). II”! r lmiigi hringx togcthcr ihc uork oi iour \cininal pliotograplicrx \\ ho all u~c photograph) and thcir oun lNKllL‘S to c\plorc icinalc idcniit). ('md) Slicrinan \lltt\\\ \torkx lroin hcr l'niitlcd l'lllii Stillx. llhtor} l’tirlrtilh. l'tixliit‘ii tiiitl .\I.'i\l\\ \L'i‘lc\. 'l‘licl’t‘ tii'L' o\ Cl .2“ “ork\ l‘} l‘i';ilic‘t‘\c.i \thtltllllilll in uliich \lic rcduccx hcr bod} to an alinoxt inxigniiicant hlur \iia \lcndictak l'ui nil Hair IlilllV’lil/lh I l‘l22i aic on tlISPlti} along “1th a Supcr S‘ iilni ()i l (“I BIN] lIiH/l. And Siinr}n (illl c\ploic\ cultural idcntit) IS “(l/ill”. a \cricx oi 25S \litIPSliUh oi ll\ ing room llllL‘l'lUl'S and li'ci'iiiliun. CWKX’LE SE 5 Modern Scottish Women Poets Thu 18 Scp. opin. £3 tL'I 50:. Robin Mzti‘xack. tllrccloi’ ol thc Sciilllxli l’ucli‘} l.ihrar_\. and I)Ut‘tllli_\ McMillan. L'tllltil‘ oi .l/m/i'rn St HUM/I Ililllli’ll I’m’h. lcad a dixctission on thc \mi'k oi Scottixh lciitalc poctx. \Hlll i'cadingx h) .-\nna ('i‘otx c. Kathlccn Jainic. ('hi‘ixtinc dc Luca and 'I‘CSSJ Rathloi'tl.
(Salk-r} tk Shop. '7" |)tinda\ Sti‘cct. 55o 3|5‘). .\lon l-ri lilaiii (ipin; Sat
lliatii 5pm
Abstract Autumn Exhibition that Tim 2 ()ct. Abstract and landscapc-haxcd uoi'k h} l’cici~ (it'lllt‘ll. Brian llall. .'\ll\t)ll Auldio. Malcolm Bo“ man. lixa R}n Johaniiixxcn and Victoria Sic“ art. NE”.'. St lO‘J.
32 Slianduick l’lacc. 225 9151. Mon \Vcd «K; l‘i‘l 0am 5.30pm; 'l‘uc 0.30am 5.30pm; Thu 9am 7pm; Sat 7 6pm; Sun
I |.3(lam 5.30pm.
After Image at Habitat t'niil Sat 27 Scp. .-\\ part of thc Altcr lmagc c\hihilion at thc l‘i'tiitniai'kct. Siiiii‘}ii (iill'x Il’L’t'ItlIlHll \cricx of photographs IS on displa}. Scc Fruitinarkct (iallcr),
I” .. ° . Force of New Light (detail) by Jon Schueler on
HANOVER FINE ARTS 22a l)tliitla\ Strcct. 55h 2l\l llain opin. Sat Iii 30am 4pm Leonid Kudryavtsev (1922-): Retrospective Exhibition t'niil Sat 2' Scp .‘\ i‘ctimpcctnc L‘\llll‘llltit‘. oi \xork h} l'ki‘ainian ai'iixt l conid Kiitli}.i\t~c\ icatui'ing iigui'atnc. \llll liic and Linda-4pc uork~ ii'oiii tlic l‘l5Hx to thc [‘I'L'St'lll da)
.\loii l'll
ho (‘tiinl‘crlaiid Sticct. 55S “\72 \loii l ii lHani (ipm. Sat lliaiii 4pm
European Masterprints t‘iiiil Sat :4) Scp x\li c\liil\itioii oi [‘l'lllh h} l'iiiopcan lil.t\lt't\ including l’ici'i‘c lionnaid. llL‘llll .\lati\~c. Joan .\liio. llcn \it'liolwn. \ ictoi l).i\llit‘l't'. l’al‘lo l’icaWi and .\ntoni 'lapicx. Scc [‘lt‘Ht‘“ on [2 iclauncli in ()ctohcr
(is (lillL' Slitil'c. l.L‘llli. 5“ 2255 ‘Illt' l‘ll llaiii 5pm; Sat llaiii 4pm Encounters t'niil Sat Ju Scp \ wit. c\liihitioii oi ncu paintingx h} l)a\id Martin. lcaitii‘ing iigiii'atix c \llltllt'\ \cl agaitN cttpcapcx.
Scott Waugh Sat 3‘ Scp Sat H (M .\'c\\ paintiiigx h) Scott Waugh and a wlo \iitall \litm til pthlclx l\_\ :\l;t\lali l'itltlt‘\ \Vttlli \E 8-40.”.
l>cpartmcnt oi :\i'chitcctiirc. l‘nixcixit} oi lidinhiirgh. 2H (‘liainhcix Sti'cct. 05“ 23-12 .\lon l‘l'l liiam 4pm.
Urban Cartographies [mil in to (M. :\n c\liihition ltK‘llNllig on pi'oicctx lllllSll'dlt‘tl in Mark Norman and .-\di'ian Ila“ kcr'x hook .IIt'HM' I'r/uui ('iil'lugrii/i/iii'y
S7 Broughton Sii‘cct. 553 87“. “ml Sat noon ()plll.
Mixed Show l'ntil 11m 30 Scp. .»\ changing \clcction oi" \xork h) 20th cciitui'} :tl‘IISIS including \\til'l\\ h} .-\ndi'c\\ Mackcii/ic. Stcxcn Hood. :\l£lli l)a\ic. l’hilip Rcm cx. .\lichac| (’i'aik. [)a\ id (‘ook and William (icai'.
‘ ‘J
shw t the City Art Centre
llL'lli‘ltl Ri‘iltl. (‘24 02”“ 'lc'ct‘‘tl iiiioiiiiatioii ‘12 22W" \lon “M i\
l'll Sun lilaiii 5pm. lliii lHain 2pm
0 Boyle Family l ntil Sun " \o\ :1 it it. llllilt'l l2x iicc lhc lll\l cwi tctimpcctuc L'\llll‘llli‘ll oi lllt‘ \\t‘ll\ oi tlic llo}lc l'.illlil} aka \laik llotlc. lll\ \xiic Joan llill~ and tlicii tliiltlicn Sclxixiian and (icoigia \panniiig tlicit ciitiic taicci licxi knoun ioi tlicii liigrhl} lt'JllSlh icpiotltit‘tionx oi tlic ciiiilh \iiiiat‘c. tlic \tll‘lt‘cl\ .ilt‘ \t'lt'clt‘tl .il l.lll\lt‘lll l‘) tliio\\in;.' \l.ill\ into a map oi tlic \xliolc \koild l ion: ilcwitx to tlciiiolitioii \itc\ tlic} icpiotlucc and in\c\tigatc tlic xiiiiatc oi \llllt'lt'lll lt'll.illi\ \cc lllllhl
Boyle Family - Informal Talk \ii 2” Scp 2pm l'lt't' \Hlll titkct to c\hil\ition llo}lt‘ l .iiiiil} got“ an inioiiiial talk about tlicii taicci
Guided Tour of Boyle Family \ion 22 Scp 12.15pm lcttuici and \\illt‘l Hill llaic 32m“ ‘l toiii oi tlic llotlc l'.illill} c\liihition
llic \loiinil. (\2-1(illillticcoitlcd iiiioi'iiiatioii H2 22bit» \loii \\cd i\
ll! Sun lilaiii 5pm. llltl lHaiii ‘piii Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) l'iitil Sun 5 (it! llic lll\l in a \t'llt'\ oi dixplap highlighting inipoitant gioiipx oi \ioik iioiii ihc g.illci_\\ l’iiiit Rtiiilll llic t'\l‘ill‘lllt|ll ltlL'USL'S «iii llit' “nth lll Hilt' ill llinxl inllticntial [‘lllllllltilxt'lx oi tlic l-SIli \t'llllll}. (iioxanni Battixta l’iiaiit-xi. \\lit| cicatcd o\ci Illlili ctchingx oi topogiaphical. iinagiiiai} and oinaiiicntal \lll‘IL'\l\ iii Roiiic
After Hours “in 25 Scp (tplll l’oclt} icadiitgx on tlic tlicinc 'licaiit} l\ llltlll. 'l’iulli llcaiit) '.
Ladies at Lunch: Venetian Women at their Toilet l‘ll 3i. St-p l2i~lsplli .’\ll lilSlUlltill x\i\|a 'luinci dixcuxxcx llll\ \mi'k h} l’aiix lloitlon
(it‘ttl’gc l\' lli'ltlgc. 22“ Jill \IHII Sal Iliaiii 5pm; Sun2 5pm.
Wish you Were Here!: Travellers’ Tales from Scotland 1540-1960 (mil in 3| ()cti :\n c\liil\ition c\aiiiining thc changing iacc oi Scotland thioiigh thc C) UN til \ ixilni'x lo llit' clitiilti'}. lt'altii‘liig tra\ cl notcx ii'oiii tlic Itith t‘t‘llllti’} to lioiiic liio\ It‘\ til llic l‘Hillx.
NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Qtit'cli Sti‘cct. 02-1 “2”” lit‘ctiitlt'tl iiiiormation 3 ‘2 220m. .\loii \Vcd .\
in Sun Iliaiii 5pm. 'lliu Iliain "pin. (‘alct
Scotland’s Dream Team I lllll Sun 2| Scp, ladinliurgh-haxcd til'lhl \laik l2x\ii\on L‘clclii'alm SL'UIltllltl.\ gicatwl ioothall hcrocx lll llll\ \CllL‘\ oi 12 um coininixxioncd poi‘ti‘aih that includcx Hill} .\lc.Vcil. Jim Baucr. “CHIS l.a\-.. Jock Stcin and Kcnii} l)a|glixh,
Terrain: Landscapes of the Great War l‘ri l2 Scp Sun 4 Jan. Sincc WW). landscapc photogi‘aphci l’ctci' ('attrcll hax hccii photographing tlic hattlciicldx oi World War I. 'l‘hcw haunting iniagcx oi thc Soniinc and othcr hattlciiclth oi thc \chtcrit l’iont rcxcal hov. thc pli}\lc';il \carx oi iiai' \llll rciiiain. cwn altci thc [XiSSIIIg oi morc than H0 ycarx. Scc in W“. SW13.
Peter Cattrell \mi 1 tit-i. I2 .iflpiii l.;ititl\c‘;ipc photographcr l’L'lL't (Killt‘cll gHCS a talk on llll\ cxliihition oi halllclicltlx,
After Hours 'l‘hti IX Scp. ()pin. l‘rcc. Sc‘tillhli and 20m ccntur} lllUSlL‘ \titli Katic 'l‘argctt-.-\dainx «harp and mum
2| St l.coi1ard\ l.anc. 662 l(il2. Mon Sal anm 5pm; Sun noon 4pm, September Sale l'ntil Sun 23 Scpi A \alc oi' i'urniturc. lC\lllC\. tribal rtigx and artclactx.
"1 Shh-2 '1’.‘ 1/25,”, THE LIST 91