l\ Ktttz' Sheet “3 3‘ 3‘! ltte \at

nunn 'tpnt

Moving Dust t nttl \at 3" \ep l’ltntuetaphj.. nnxed tnedta attd lthlallaltt'tl \tIlltl‘lllt' tn lllt\ et|ll.:l‘ttl.tltlttl ltetzheen Kat lltltun and Rhnna \\at‘.xtel. unhtt h ltml» at petxpettttexnt thetxtj. '- ' E '

KELLY COOPER BAR lM Hath \tteel. “1 limit \lun llnt ntmn latn l H \at nunn *atn

Shape of Things I nttl \\ ed \ ()et lhe

\hape Ht lhtnjxx t\ a \k'llt‘\ wt e\htl\tltnn\ lllt'lllli'lllllli' the \wtl. t-t tetent L't.ttltt.tlt'\ and \tndentx at (:lawn'u. \thtml wt \tt Kate Ruhettwn \huux mule ttnttl I-1\ep lullmned h} l’at \l\ \tht and Ruth \lttl\ te I.“ \ep \ ()t tt


ll \lntltell | ane. .‘II “in: \lun.

\\ed \at I“ “lam ‘ptn. ltte llatn ‘ptn. \ttn nmm ‘ptn !_ i «\Hp.

Summer Highlights t nut \un 31 \‘ep \n e\lnlmtnn \lll'\‘-\.t\lll}' the taletth ut _\tmn;' penple Ill (ilaxymt uhu attended tllf,' \\t|Il\\llti|‘\ at the l tg'ltthtmw GraphicalHouse: Everything in Moderation l nttl \nn 4 (M l‘\.tllllllt' tnttt hlexttle Ill llll\ e\htlmtun ptexented h} dexten umxttltant). (itaplntallluttxe. h} lllllllf.) II] the \elt .I\\t'\\lllt‘lll lHllll and \ll\|‘l.t}ltl}' ll \kllll Hlllt'h

Memory and Movement: New Housing for People with Dementia l nttl Sun In ( )et \ thIeel dtutttnentttnf .t ptupmal lUl ne\\ \ttpputled lltlll\lllf.' lHt people \\llll detnentta h} (‘ht'h \leuatl \tehttettx Ihe e\htlmttm lealutex \l\ \llllltlllt tnltmt [\\_\t‘ltttltlg} and lattml \tlneh .lllti\\\ \ l\lltil\ tn e\pettenee wtne ml the \tthennxetnux aetttmx and \'Ull\t't]llt‘ll\'t‘\ Ul \HlllL‘Ullt' \\llll tlt'lllt‘lllld Discover Japan I lllll 'lue Ht Sep .\n e\htlmttm tut .lapanew etaphte dexten

F! Lloyds 'l‘SB i Scofland

teatnttn; met “H entntnetetal pmten eteated dttttn; the ‘NK

GIA Annual Awards 2003 In lU \ep ltt It \m lhe annttal (llaxe-M lnxtttttte wt \tthtteeh .t\\atd\ lhe tateenttex tnehtde ltt‘thtttj.‘ |‘lli\L'\. lL'htttt' and lt'ldlll healthtate. L‘tllltdllt‘ll attd uttheHallt'll

A Future in the Past? lhu 2‘

\ep \ttn ‘) \m \n e\htlmtun hawd «m [\tt‘t‘nxah iv! an atthaenlng} tteld \ltltl) \entte ttt \ttutnnexx. ()tkne) ptudtteed h} atthttettnte \lthlettl\ at l dtnlmteh ('ullege ill \ll .‘i I. "' '


\tattun Rnad, \ltlngaxte. 5N “~1-

ltte Sat lHant lptn t\ I *ptn

Artists’ Lunch: East Meets West I nttl Ihu l.\ hep l’atnttnp and pttnl\ h} \eutttxh ea~t enaxt l‘awd .tlll\l\ lttmt l'tte. Dundee. \nettx and the Health. tnthtdtng: \wth h} llathata Rnhethutl. lltll ('adenhead. l)a\\\utl \ltttta}. Ruth “alket and \llan llewttdee

Hilda Goldwag Sat 3" Sep Sat .\ \m \ tettmpeetne L'\llll‘lllt'tt telehtattng; the “nth ut \tennexe .ltlhl. lltlda (inldtxag; teatnttng t‘;tlllllltj_'\. tll.t\\ tnp and lllll\ll.llltlll\ : ' 25 Years On 8a 35th annnetxat) e\htlmtnn h} the Sltathendttek ht‘aneh nl tlte l'tnhtutdetetx‘ (itnld


Inn Hath Stteet. ul 0‘33 Iue Sat

‘latn (\plll

Peter Howson and Frank McFadden l'nttl “ed I (M New pantltngx and dta\\ tnggx h) l’elet’ lhmmn and a llt'\l e\htlmttm lUl l't’ank \lel'adden


5 ll}ndland Sheet. HZ 412-1, \Ved l‘l'l I latn ()Plll; Sat llatn 5pm. Sun

nmm -lptn.

Last Chance to .Whistler’s masterpiece

.ll ltttte

I.“ Sep l'll T \U\ lllL'

David Caldwell l‘nttl l'tt 1" .\ep lhe gallet} \ hm wlt» C\lttl‘tltt‘tt teatntex the \wtk nt l)a\td (aldu ell lL'altlttItf.‘ a \Ullklkllllll wt enntetnputat) landxeape [‘.ttt]tltl:_'\ eteated tn l'tane e

Original Screenprints and Etchings Sat 3H Sep llttt 3% (kt \eteenpttntx and elehtngx h} ttmt (iltl\:_'t‘\\ atttxtx llett} Haunttth. \dtle} (kink. Jo} llatn attd Helen l'a_\


3"“ Sattehtehall Stteet. Vt; ~11HH

\ltm Sat lHatn 5pm. Sun ttmm <pnt Art Treasures of Kelvingrove l'nttl \m Itltl‘ v\\ tlte Kelnngtme \ltl\L‘tlttl t\ .\tt (iallet) ha\ ll\l\\ elmed tl\ dtmtx Int tnatut t‘etnthtxhntetn. met 3H“ patnltngx lthll the Kelungtm e eulleetttm take up textdene} at the \lelellan (lallettex l lte dtxpla) tnelndex l'htmtax l'aed\ HI: [(l\[1’,1/l(‘ ('IU‘” and Retltl‘tandt\ .l Utm (I! lmtwm. plttx “nth h) (‘hatle\ Rennte \laektntmh. lhtteh and l'lt'lllhlt att

Friends of Glasgow Museums Talks 'l‘hu IN. lllll 25 Sep & l'hn 2 ()el lpttt ’\ \ettex nl talln on \wth ut att tnelttdtng Renthtandt'x .-t \Itu: 1n llnlt'lll tlH Sept. 'l'ntnet'x Slut/«Ht Ila/x [in I’ll/emit t35 Sept and Sttang\ /.m/\ [It [In RH] [Ill] 13 ()L'll

TRACEY MCNEE FINE ARTS 4“ l’at'nte Sheet. 553 5hr. 'ltte Sat I”. Want 5, illplll. Sun I 5pm

Scottish Artists l‘nttl 'l’hn lh ( )et ,-\n

e\htlmttm ut [Mlllllllgb h} J;tlllt‘\ llanktnx.

(iet'atd lhtt‘nx. l’at Setnple. l’etet llll\\\(lll. l)a\td Stntth. .'\ll\l;lll l’tmtte Stntlh and \ettlptute h} Sandta Hell and Mn l'dl'qllalMHI.

THE MODERN INSTITUTE “3 Ruhertwn Street. ~\itlllc 0. l'lltmt l. 2'13 Vl l. 'l'tte l‘l’l nntm 5pm.

\h‘lt‘l‘t‘l' it‘ll“


Mon Sat 9 30 S 00 Sun l2 30 4 3O Admtsmon FI'CC 0|4| 330 543'

see! in Glasgow until 4 October

vws \s \xt‘tfit'et‘2003 C(‘m

ltSttngs Art

0 Richard Wright t ma t n 1‘ na lhe llhl neu lwd} wt \Wtk h) Rtehatd \\ ttght tn he \htmn tn \entland xtnee l‘N" llt~ He“ \M‘th‘ are eteated l\_\ hand patnttn; “lll‘. \tnall l‘lll\ll'\‘\ dtteetl} untn the ~ttttate~ ut the \\all\ In \lk‘JlC wneenttated .tte.t\ ut tepeated pattern \ttttettttm Nee lllllhl


:3l \\e\t (ieutee \ttt't‘l. :45 ‘l-Si

\lnn ltt lHant *ptn

Scottish Paintings l ttttl lne ill ~\ep

\ \Clkl\ll\‘ll ut Seutttxh patnttngx tttmt lfixtt to ptevent da}


tn \\a\lttttj_‘tt\tt Sheet 321 .‘ll‘ \ltm l'll "am 5pm

Mixed Exhibition l nttl lhtt 25 Sep Seletted patnttngx tn enllalmtattnn “Hit the (attttpav (i.lllk‘l_\

Contra-Flow \lnn 3‘) Sep 1-” H ()et in e etnetetny \llt' \peetltt .lt‘lt\l\ 1* Stted . and thtee ttntted enext .ttll\l\ e\plnt‘e the em nuntnent ml the Pentagon ('entte and the en) wt (ilaxggtm l‘he .ltlt\l\ tnehtde Jautttehne (llllllt. lt/ Ittrnet. Keith \\lllntd. l _\lttl ('m and .-\ndtea “alle and tnxtallattnn. \ tdeu ptnleellttth. lmne ehtna \enlptnte attd phntugtaphte ttnaggex ate teatnted .' V)"


(‘entt'e l‘nt l)e\elupntenlal .‘\ll\ 15' Allmm Sheet. 552 2823 Mon in Want 5pm Universal Print Show VI t'nttl ton 2h Sep lhe \l\lll annual International e\httmton nt mntetttpnrat) pl'llth


UK lngtatn Slteet. 552 348‘)

Painting on Railings Sat 30 Sep ltlatn Jpnt .-\ one da} open an e\ent tn \xhteh patnttnggx h) lneal arttxtx are dtxpla)ed Ulll\ltlt‘ the thllhllttl‘lt l’ur! n! alien hunt (m /'('\!l\(l/

": Set: '/ ’/,f I/Uft THE LIST 89