I Solemusic Soundsystem September Bank Holiday .II (‘I‘ \ lllplll Kim U IUII 2R \I-[IIIIIh \IIIIIhI-I L'II-III \I-IIIIIII' IIIIIII the \IIle [II-IIIIII'. Will] .I \IIIIIIleIIIIl II'I'lIIIy: III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII} IIIIIIIII: IIIIIII git-.It Ime up ll.IIII IIIIIII the \IIlI IIIIIIx ('hIIx llIIllh. \IIIxh. (iIIIeth \IIIIII-I‘IIIII' .IIIIl \II'III' \IIle IIII \Ilmt \IIll IIII IlIIIIlII he IIIII- hell III II lutll} IIII IhIx \I'll W t‘t'ltt'lltl
I Salsero .II ll.IIIIlIIIII \e\t Il.Ite the
I Spirit Aid .It \IIIIIIIllmux lllpm ‘IIIII Ltht 35 Sep IIIIl_\ lhe erIIIIIl IIIxI.IhIIeIIt III the SIIIIII \IIl \ll.llll_\ IlllIl\l\ IIII (il.l\_‘._'tl\‘~ 'x IlIIIIIeIlIIIIIx ‘.\llll thIx mght IIl hIIIIl .Ixx II'IhIIII .IIIIl I-lI'ItIII ('hIIx l.IlII-I.IIIII. he III xI.IIy l)l xt'tx. [IlIIyx IIIII .IlIIIIg \Hlll \ltl IIIIIl. the \IIIIIIIII'I. Seuelly .IIIIl I IItIIII' \II.IlII§:III- lllt‘ll IheIe'x l I\I'\l \ll III RIIIIIII tun .IIIIl SIII'IIkeI'x ( 'IIIIII-I III IIIIIIII thIeI' lIIIIIIIIIII .Ill IIIIIIIIl \hIIII xIIIIIIIIIt III IlIIx gtI‘IIt
I Streaker .It \IIIIIk III IIIIIIII I IIIIIIII. {R llelt \\I'I'l\l) l).l .l.lllIt'\ .lllt‘ HM}. (iIIltlllt'l xIIIIIx the ll.l\ kx IIII IhIIxI' I‘IIIIIyIIIIJ lllllllIIllllt‘ IIIIIII x .IIIIl II.IkeIl IIIII 'l hIx xIIIIIIle lIkI' .I gIIIIIl IIIIIgh. I‘h’
I Sunday Surgery .II (‘IIIII-
IlIIIII IIIIII L" IUI “ct-kl} (‘IIIIII'IIIII ('I.II;' tll\|‘t'll\k'\ xIIIIIe x.Il\e IIII yIItII xIIIIl III IhIx Ilt\I‘ItIIIg \\llltlt‘l IlImneI \\llll .I lllt‘Illt‘Jl lllt'lllt'
I Sunday Best In lllt' SIII-II.
lll IIIIIIII IIIIII [I IL'II. Weekly l'.IIIIII \I-leIIII and Mid} RIIIII-IthIII .II‘e III I‘hIIIge III the IIIIII'x .II thIx lllIl\\l\L'l_\ IIIIIIIIIIII xIIIItthIle I‘IIIlI. .lll\l he IIIIII'I \Ihen lI'II\IIIg the Illt‘llll\\'\. [IleIIxe
I Temptation Sundays .II 'I'IgI-I 'l'IgeI II IHIIIII IIIIII l'Iee \\eekl_\ l).l \\ Illx IIIIIII ‘IIIIII pl.I_\IIIg ltIIIky hIItIxe .IIIIl k'llll‘ I‘l.t\\lt'x [II All .Il\\;l_\\ \\I'll llt't'lt'tl I'IIIIIII llt'III the \lI‘II‘hIIIII (‘II_\
I Transistor .II the Polo IIIIIIIgI- llpnI IIIIII [5. Weekly RI'III IIIIII IIII II'IIl III-IIIIIe “Uh Uh .\I.Il| \leXlIIIIIIy .IIIIl \\.I_\IIe l)I\IIII.
I Trevor Nelson III the .\l(ll\‘\.
lllIIII IIIIII. HIS” IL'lIlI. 35' Sep IIIIly. 'l‘he Rtkll gIIIl IeIIIIIIx tII ( ilIngIm \\llll hIx gII-III IIIIIII' IlIIIIIl IIIIIII \ll\. lhIx Pull) Ix gIIIIIg III kII'k IIII mute the IIIIxx getx lIIIIIIIIIIIg and the I'IIIIIIl get gIIIIIg.
I Urban Vinyl .It lli.IIIkeI 1 1px;; :.:Zli Ll ILII \M'I'kly R.I_\IIIIIIIIl \\IIIIle. l’.I:;I \‘he. \III'I'III IIllIl \IIIIIII \ltI '.IllIIIII him: Ihtx xxIlIl \IIIIIlIIy night In \.IIIIhII-h.Ill \llt't'l lt'l \lt'tlltIIlt'Il lI‘llIt'y‘. t'l\ It? I ll‘IIll lllIl\l\ 'lhI' net} hext In hi;I hwy. RAH. xIIIIl IIIIIl ext-I} kInIl III llll‘IIll heIIt
I Vinylicious IIl I .IIIIIIIII II
\lIIlIIIghI ‘IIIII L; IL‘I Weekly lhe \er xI'\} peuple IIIIIII SIIIleII IIIIIII: IIx .IIIIIIheI tine mght III hIIIIxe IIIII Illltl eIIIIIex
Glasgow Mondays
I Burn .It \l \S llpm 1.1”] l we IIII xIIIII III .III} [\Ill‘ III I lIIlI. L I III exeiynne I'lxe \\eekl_\ l).lx \ItllllIIll IIIIIl /I'tIx IIII'xIIle II\eI the lIIgj..'ext .IIIIl lIIIII'I'x’ IIIIIIIIIIg xIIIII mght IIIII Ill hIxtIIIy lII'I'IlIInI IIII the \\Ull\k'l\ Illltl IheIe'x .leII II _‘.'llt'\l .IIIIII'IIIJIII'I' I'\ my IIIIII .IIIIl .IgIIIII
I Breakaway .It the ShIIIk l ll‘lll IIIIII £5 IEII \M‘ekl} \lI'I .IIIIl \IIIly IlIIIII lllt'll IIIIIIIIII' lIleIIIl III IlIIIII l.I\Illllllt‘\ l)elimtely IIIII' IIII the IIIIIIy xI'I
I In Bed with Jim Da Best .II lllIIIIket IIIIIIIII‘Ily III-IlI llpm ;.Illl Lil IL'II. Weekly .lIIII lll\llt'\ _\IIII III hIx IIIIIIIlIIII IIII .III eIeIIIIIp III IIIIIIIIIxtII' ll.I\ll. lllllk} \llll .IIIIl .I \klIIIlI‘ lIIl k'l\k' l‘t'\IIlI'\
I Budda .It llIIIlIl.I IIIIIII IIIIII {tht Weekly RelIItIIII'hI'Il \t'llllk' lIIIt'k IIII II'III‘k \\ llll Ilt‘IIIllx \llll ll‘t’
I Passionality III ('IIlIe ll ‘IIIIIII \‘IIlll {I IL'ZI. Weekly l).l ShIIuII RIIlIeIIx eIIxIII‘ex that the weekend Ix xI.I_\ lllf_' .Ih\e \\llll IlIIx IIIIxt \IeekenIl night III [III-.Ixmg ehIII'IIxIIy IIII IlIIx gIIy IIII\eIl I'IIIIIIl
I Undercover .It lll.IIIkI‘I llpm IIIIII Ll (fill. \\I‘L‘kl_\ SL'I‘II'I .tht'ltl .lllll l).I llt'xl [IlIIyx IIIIIky hIIIIxe. \|ll.llll_\ l(I\li .IIIIl [\L'I'lt‘t'l [NIP lllltt‘x lIIl )IIIII I‘IItx Hill} l’leIIIy III IlIIIIkx IIIIIIIIIIx II'.I\I' IIIII thIkI-II .Illtl \lll'l't'tl. lIIII St't'lt‘l .lth'lll lllt'lltt'tl [IIIItIex Inc on then \\.I\
Glasgow Tuesdays
I The Beat Delivery III l.lt]llltl |.IIIIIIge. lllpm .IIIIII. L31 IUI. Weekly DJ Mill l’lIIIt IIIIIl lien IIIIIII llIIIIIII .\lIIIIkx IIlII} III IhIx mghl III IIIIIk I'I'II'I'III‘II IIIIIt Ix
IIIIIkIII; I: IeIIl IIIIIIIe IIII Itxelt ReIIl IIIIIxIe I‘l.t}t'tl l‘} IlIIHt‘ \klIII lI\\ t' Il l‘\'\l
I Tuesdays at Bamboo .II
HIIIIIIIIIII l lpm :Itlll 1“ «LII \\eekl_\ l).l \lIgIII-l Ix III the Red RIIIIIII plIIymg the Iinext lx’I\ll .IIIIl hIp hop. and III the lIIIIIIge \xe hII\e RIIhIII H [IlIiyttIg lIIIIl lIIItk xIIIIlIIIl gIIIIwa
I Budda III liIIIlIlII llpm “.Illl {the “ct-kl} ReIIIIIIIeheIl \eIIIIe lIIIt‘k IIII tI‘III‘k \\llll III-LIIIx xtIll IIII~
I Caribbean Freshers’ Ball .II \IIIIIhI'lytle SIIIIleIII’x .\xxIIt'I.IIIIIII
Rpm ‘IIIII Ltht‘ 2‘ SI'IIIIIII} III; III' III-xheix In“ In III-lemme .Ill the III-\xlIIex. ('IIIIlIlIe.III theme III IIIIIxII'. elIIIhex .IIIIl .IttItIIIlI- Hm .I xIII.IIteIIIIg III party tIIIIex 'III the wee xIIIIIll hIIIIIx
I FUN .It (’IIhe ll ‘HIIIII :IIlll £3 “ct-kl} l‘lllllx} IIIIIIIIIe IIIIIl \I'I} IIIIIIghI). IIIII'kI-Il \\llll plemtng pup llltl\l\'. IIIIIII \lIIIIIII RIIlIeIIx .IIIIl Sh.I//II ll.llll\\ ell III thIx gIIy mght
I Laid .It the ShIII'k Ill ‘Ilpm IIIIII {5 «L It \\eekl_\ lhe lIext .IIIIl IIIIexI IIIIhe IIIIII llleh gtIIIIII hip hIIII Rikll I'hIII'I» IlIIIIee the IIltIIIIIIIe xtIIIleIIt lllt‘
I Juicy Tuesdays III IIIIInkI-I IIIIIIIII'Ily lit-IlI llpm IIIIII. H IL'ZI. Weekly. SIIIy II'exh. xtII_\ yIItIIIg: get IIItII lIeIl IIII l'IIe \xIth lhlly \lIllIgIIn III the hig lIIII'k lIeIlIIIIIIII \IItlI IIIIItItlIuIItI-I'IIIg xItIIleIII IIIIIIIIIItex \IhIle SI‘IIII ‘l'IIIgeIx‘ .\le.\lIllIIn [IIIII IIlex xIIIIIe lull IlIIyIIIII‘ lllll III the hunt lIeIh'IIIIIII.
I Fool’s Gold III MAS. I lpm IIIIII. [5 (HI. Weekly .'\x the name mIghI xIIggext. IlIIx Ix II night III IIIIhe IIIIIl I'IIt'k‘II'I'IIlI IIII' IIll III thIIxe “lltl kIIIm thIIt ehIlIlIIIIg IxII‘t IIlI IIlIIIut lIeIItx IIIIIl hreIIkx. I Snoopy Tuesdays III ltlIIIIkI-I. lllIIII {Inn [5 IUI. Weekly JIIIII l’eIIIIIItx .IIIIl (‘hIII'hI' liI'IIIIII e\eI'_\ 'IIIexIlIIy IIIIIleI' II IxIII'III. I‘IIxy xeeIII‘IIy lIlIIIIkeI III xtIIIlent elIIxxIex. pup Itntl Rkll IIIIIII SI'IIII ’l'IIIgeI‘x‘ \lt‘MillIIn IIIIIl lilll} \lIllIgIIII. .IIIII l)II liext ix IleII the IIIIIII here.
I TIT IIt 'l‘I'IIxh. llpm .IIIIII. £5 IUI. Weekly. l’IIIIl \‘lie [IlIIyx IIut Rikll IIIIIl lIIp lIIIp. (iI'IIeIIIe l-eI'guxIIII hitx you Will] the xIIIIleIII I‘lIIxxIex III RIIIIIII 2 IIIIIl RIIlI ll Ix III the third I'IIIIIII IIIIIyIIIg IIIII‘ty IIIItheIIIx IIIIIl lIIII‘ ttIIIex.
Lottie plays Fire in the Disco, Wed 1 Oct
IIstIngS Clubs
Glasgow Wednesdays
I Allure III the Tunnel l l..‘~(lpIII .‘IIIIII. L“ Weekly (BIIngIm'x neuext gIIy night \\llll the young and IN} IIIlenteIl l)J l).II'IeII YIIIIIIg IIIIIy Ing xIIme xuperh tIIIIeIIge III II tine gIIy eI‘IIyytl
I Bennet’s .It llennet'x.
ll .‘Ilpm ‘IIIIII £2.5IIIUSIII Weekly SIIIII IIIkex I'IIIIII'IIl once more III the eluh IIIIIIIIIIx IIII IIIIIIlIIexx .IIIIl IIII. .IheIn. lIlIeI'IIl t'lltllIIlp pulley.
I Budda .It llIIIlIlII. llpm ‘IIIIII. {the \\ eekl} RelIIIIIIeheIl \eIIIIe hIIek IIII tIIIek \xIth IlIIIIle xIIll the.
I Blaze .It llIIIIIlIIIII. l lpm .‘IIIIII. £3 III I. Weekly SeIIttIe ll II‘IIIItx thIx night III IIIIIk IIIelleIl xIIIIl .IIIIl RIQB. A great \eIIIIe IlIIIt Ix IeIIlly \yIII'kIIIg I‘Ight IIIm. I Boiling Point III |.IIIIIIIl l.IIuIIge. lII Rttpm iIIIII. £3 IIZI Weekly .\ llL‘W xtIIIlent night IIII‘ thIIxe \IlIII IlIIII't hke the “HI.” eheexe IIII IIt'leI'. \\ Ith I‘exIIlent |)J (ieIIIIIl MIIIIIIIIgh playing xexy. IIIIIky hIIIIxe IIIIIl IIltI'II I“ IxteIl IlIerI.
I The Edge .II the litlge I(‘IIIIIlII'IIlgeI. l 1pm IIIIII. {I then Weekly. l).l JIIIIIex (‘III‘I'II‘ plIIyIng all the hext IIIII‘Iy tunex III IIII up IIII‘ It Ulllitlh ll)“ II I'I’IIuIl.
I Elastik .It liIII'Ily IIIII'IIIeI'ly the l.‘ItlI .\'IIte ('IIIlII. llpIII .IIIIII. [2. Weekly. H] Um IIIkII .-\IIIIIIIIlII II‘IIIII llle IIIIIl l)J \lIIIgIIgII. tIIke II\ er the IIIIIxieIIl xeleetIIIII IIII' the lIII‘exeeIIlIle IutIII'e
\\ hIle KIM tIIkex II lII‘eIIk III eIIIIeeIItI'IIIe IIII IIIheI' thingx. lIIIeetIng xIInIe much needed IIexII‘IIgeII mm the “Ill'ltl IIl' lUIIIg IIIIIl plIIyIIIg xIIIIIe IlIIIIIII line eleetI'II IIII\eIl IntII II I‘IIIIIlIIIIIly xeleeteIl xIIIIIIleeIIpe.
I FAB III the Helm. l IpIII .lIIm. l‘I‘ee below I lpm; £4 IUI IIl'teI’. Weekly l’IIul ReII. (iIIrIlIIII Miller IIIIIl ('rIIIg KelIIIIIn lIleIIIl gIII‘IIge. RI'QB IIIIIl IIIIIk‘y hIque. plu) III}: III II Ilt‘exxetl-tlp CI‘IIWIl \N'lltl help In IIIIIke IlIIx IIne III' the lIIIxiext IIIiIlIIeek nightx in (ilIngIm.
I'D Fire in the Disco III MAS.
llpIII .‘IIIII. £5. Weekly. (iIIrIlIIII Reilly and BIIlIhy l)igitII| \xeleIIme nIIIIe IIther lhIIII RIIIliII ()ne xupeI‘xtIIr l)J l,IIttie III the party I I ()et). The girl‘x been doing it eIIIIxixteIItly IIII‘ IIyer II IleeIIIle IIIIvI, xII xhe kIIIqu htm tII rIIek II \enue like the hitch Il ix.
I Fourplay IIt linyy. l lpnI .IIIIII. £4 ([3). Weekly New night III IlIIneeteriII fur the (ilIngIIu xet. ('IIIIIhriIlge Street “Ill I‘IIek.
I Jungo III ArehIIIIx. l lpnI .lIIIn. £2 (tree). Weekly. Student eIIIxxiex. inIlIe IIIIIl eheexe are the IIrIler III the day III thix W eekly \Vetl.
I Joints and Jams III (‘uhe
l lpIII RIIIII. £3 (£3). Weekly. The IIIIIII'Il-II inning eluh bringx you the hex! Rtkli. hip limp and mu] I)Jx in the city. Reinlentx MIII‘tiII llexketh. JIIhn LyIIIIx. l’IIppII ShIIngII IIIIIl l).‘\l(} IIII rIItIItiIIn
ex ery WeIl. With regulIIr guext l)Jx IIIIIl l’:\x. it'x IIII thlltlcr thIIt Joints and 1mm ix the IIIngext running R&B night III (ilIngIm.
I New Flesh IIt l’rix ilege. ()plll cum. £4. Weekly. Ruck IIIIIl nu metal at thix llIIpe Street lIIIxtelry. 'l‘lIix ix II night that I‘elleetx the Iliyerxity IIl' clubbing III the
I Shackass IIt ShIIek.
II).3I)pIII 3.30am. £5 IUI. Weekly. The inIInitIIhle l)! 'l‘IIIIxt xpinx the linext in than elIIxxiex. with II heIIlthy xnIIIttering IIl' eheexe.
I Stud’essential III JIIngleurx.
()pm 3IIIII. Free. Weekly. Frexh xtudent night at the comedy club in the big building. Free entry and II xhitlIIIId III' Ilrinkx prIInIIIx mean that the CFOWd will he III line l'ettle.
I Traffic Light In Blanket II'IIrInerly Bull. l lpnI JIIIII. £5 (£3). Weekly. StIIp III the lightx and get into bed every Wed. There‘ll be immune pillIm talk in the hunt bedroom and xexy R618 and pop in the buck hetlrIIIIIn. Watch out for the traffic pIIliee who giye free alcohol [0 all time thI dare to xit in the ear xeat.
7‘: Sen-2 Oct 2003 THE LIST 79