Clubs listings

Glasgow Fridays continued

I Black Rabbit Whorehouse .ll lhc Suh (‘luh .\'c\l dalc lhc

I Bombafusion al Soiimlliaux

llpiii Sam {'3 lUH. I‘) Scp on|_\. l’aul chcl. 'l'ania Smll and 'l'ill l’caclicx p|a_\ alongxidc hip hop l)Jx. lirc calcix and lhc likc al lhix gical (ilaxgou \cnuc in lhc xhadou ol lhc Kingxlon llridgc \lakc an cllorl and gcl doun lo lhix onc

I Boogie Wonderland ai l‘.ll\}. llpni ‘ain U ifii \Vcckl}. .\lad dixco nighl \xilh loadx ol drinkx proinox and a xlilllllliick lli Illilkc lllL' llllllL‘x \lllllKL' llll'll'

I Budda al lludda. Ilpni 3am. Uhc. \Vcckl). Rclaunclicd \clluc hack on lrack \xilh dclailx xlill lhc,

I Bughouse al Suh ( ’luh. \cu dalc llk‘

I Canvas al .'\rla l lpui 3am. L'lhc. \Vcckl}. l)J \Vallcr pla) x a plclhora ol lunk. will and Rikll al lhix hcaulilul .\lcrchanl ('il} har.

I City Sessions al () (‘luh .\'c\l dalc lliL‘.

I 1’he Cathouse al lhc ('alhouxc.

ll), illpni 3am. [I hclol'c llpni; H lL‘M allcr. \Vcckl}. Riding high on lhc nu lllclal \\;l\ c. llllx Ix onc Ul lhc lillxlcxl nighlx Ill lo\\n. Rock. grungc. indic and a daxh ol hrcakhcal acroxx llu'cc llooi‘x al (ilaxgoxx 'x lop \cnuc lor rockcrx and :lllL‘l'lllllu‘llx.

I Coded al Vaull. llpin 3am. £5 lUi. “'L'L'klN lllL‘} 'l’c ll'nlll a I'ccol'd xlol'L'. \U lhc luncx arc going lo hc l'rcxh and highl} lllllk}. ill'L‘ll'l lllL‘} 1’ A l‘lixlc‘l' lll. l)lx al'lilialcd lo 33rd l’rccincl xuppl} houxc- lcd grom cx al lhc nc“ cluh. Slm cn .\lc('rccr} ix lhc main man. hul lhc pool ol' lalcnl includcx Bill) Kilkic. Bill} \Voodx and Amanda l’ricc.

I Crash al lhc Shcd. ll).,1l)pin 3am. U ([2). \Vcckl). liuan and And) pla_\ lhc lincxl ol mcrfilnng al lhix hlinding xoulhxidc cluh lhal ;i|\\;i)x xccinx lo hc llllx}.

I Critical Mass al lhc (ilaxgon School ol' .'\l'l. NL‘U llzllc lhc.

I Creation al ('orinlhian. l lpin 3am. Uhc. \‘x'cckh. l’aul Rca and Kcnn .-\uxlin pla} Ill llic l.ilc har and lllcu I)J al lhix linc cluh donnxlau‘x lll lhc hig claxx}

I Cypher al lhc chl'rcxx l’crr}. .\'c\l dalc lhc.

I Deathkill 4000 :ll lhc \Voodxidc Social. NC“ lllllL‘ llk‘.

I Destiny al l)L‘\llll}. | lpiii 3am. [lhc \Vcckl). l)C\llll} ‘x rclaunch conlinucx \xilh llp-lol‘-il part) luncx. lioiixc and leIl llaxax.

I The Edge al lhc lidgc ('oalhridgc.

l lpni 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. chidcnlx .'\Ic\ Ka) and Scoll (irangcr hring _\ou lhc hcxl ol' holixc and cluh claxxicx.

I Electric Circus al Ad Lil».

llpiii 3am. £5. 30 Scp. .\lonlhl_\.

l)\_\ L‘llL‘llL‘llL‘ l'llL‘k‘ll'l'Ull l'l’Ulll lllC l’coplc. \\ ho pla} lhcir o\\n malci'ial. l)J l.ooxcjoinlx ix lhc i'Cxidcnl kccping lhingx

I Electrobix al Bar Bloc. .\'c\l dalc llk‘.

I Fluid al 'l‘raxh. llpiii 3am. to HA l. \VCL‘kl). lical lllli‘x l.ix;l l.llllL‘\\oUd. Scoll .\lacka_\ and Ran ll all pla} ax rcxidcnlx al lhix raucoux pull) up al lhc inad cnd ol' lou n. l‘unk} houxc. urhan pop and loadx ol chcap hoo/c makc lhix a “inning propoxilion.

I Fnuk at Big .loinl. Soulh Slrccl. .\'c\l llzllc lhc.

I Fresh al lhc l’olo Loungc.

l lpni 3am. £5. \Vcckl). Michcllc and And) lakc chargc ol' lhc muxical dulicx in lhix dclicioux Mcrchanl (‘il} iniwd cliih. \thlhcr )ou'rc in lhc 'l'roph} Room or

on lhc dancclloor. lhc luncx \\ ill l‘ucl )our


I Friday Street at Liquid Loungc. llpin 3am. £5 lHi. :0 Sop. Morillil}. chular l)Jx .\likc) ('ollinx. l’aul .\lollo}

and l)a\) Quinn xpiii claxxic niod xoundx.

(illx px} ch and nol‘lhcrn xoul al Scolland'x prcnucr niod cluh. 'l‘hix monlh'x gucxl [)1 ix lhoinax l.o\ c from licll‘axl.

76 THE LIST '8 80:» .‘ do:

was up? " (a '- :v . m


I Friday Funk al Liquid Loungc. lllpni 3am. £51£3i.\\cckl_\. l)Jx Walxon. llrcndan llixlop and 'l'hoinax Kink p|a_\ lunk. xoul. hip hop and hrokcn lk‘ulx [U lllL' L‘l'lm (l glliln c xlrccl lL‘\ L'l.

I Fridays at Blanket al lllankcl ll'ornicrl} licdi. llpni 3am. to (£4). \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc hig hack room hax an Rxll l'la\a c\cr_\ l‘rida} “llCll Raynond \Voodx. .\'accni and Sluarl .\lc(‘alluin lakc il in [mm lo lakc Inn: on a lrip c\cr_\ “cck \\llilc Bill) Milligan hringx xonic .\lolo\xn l'un ini\cd \\ ilh parl} claxxicx Ill lhc l'ronl room.

I Fuel al l‘ucl lliixhophriggxi.

ll)..’~l)pni Barn. [-1. \Vcckl). .\'c\\ cluh \cnlurc lroni lhc (il group. \xhich ix allcnipling lo c\pand lhc a\ cragc (llaxncgian'x idca ol' \\ hal \xcckcnding incanx. l’aul Rca pla}x cluh claxxicx. Rik”. milk and an}lhang uilh a grow c. Soulhxidc and an'lllxillc il'x xlal'llllg lo gcl likc London in hcrc. .\ \\ cc hil.

I Full On al l’l'i\ilcgc. lllfillpni 3am. L") lL'7I. \Vcckl). 'l'oin \Vilxon. (ickkoho). Slcxxai'l (irccn. \Vilhain l)anic|. (im llouxlon. Slu “rm and (iio l‘crri arc )our lloxlx :Il llllx \\ L'L‘kl} llilllcc nighl do“ ll on llopc Slrccl.

I Funhouse al liarll). l Ipni 3am. H (Bi. \Vcckl}. .\ nighl ol' \xixcd up punk lraxh and calharlic nonxcnxc pop. llcxlg‘licd lo clcar all Hi lhc xllll olll ol- _\our carx. Radio l‘x charming \‘ic (ialloxxa) and Mr Paul .\'ccd|cx arc in cllargc ol lhc lllllxlc.

0 Funk Room al lhc .-\i‘chcx.

I lpin 3am. [II I‘) Scp. Monthly Kcnn) l)opc (ion/alcx and Kch l)argc inakc up \xhal juxl nughl hc lhc lincxl linc-up ol lhc nionlh and iiol \xilhoul coinpclilion. cilhcr. liaxil_\ lhc hcxl lunk nighl in lhc cil}. and \xilh lhcxc gucxlx. lhcrc'x no xlopping lhcni. ()h. and il‘x a Ka} -l)cc Rccordx launch pal'l}. loo. l-ur I/ll\ dim only '.'l-I.1\I'<'un/ hull/(H 2H hull [mi r (’IIII’\ Irv/ow Hum/m1. Su' [’I’l'l'll'll.

I GOOdfOOt ill lllC Ri\crxidc Sllclgll. .\'C\l Llillc llk‘.

I Kinky Afro al lhc Suh (‘luh .\'c\l dalc lhc.

I Heads Up al Suh ('luh. Nc\l dalc


I I Love 1970 al Slralhclylc Sludcnl‘x .«\xxocialion. 9pm 3am. Ulk‘. \Vcckl) ilroin 2r» Scpi. .‘\x lhc nanic xuggcxlx lunk) l'un Tllx claxxicx all nighl long.

I LiveVEvil al (ilaxglm School ol All I lpin 3am.£7115).3()cl.\lonlhl}. lx'lulc ix lhc Inaxxi\ c gucxl al lonighl’x druni & haxx maxh up. and )ou knoxx llial a pi'cxligioux appcarancc likc lhix dcxcncx .‘our percncc. .'\lxo. in lhc \‘ic har. lhc \xondcrl'ul Kink} .-\l'ro do lhcir lunk} lhing lor )our dancing plcaxurc.

I Latin Fever al lla\ana. 0pm 3am. l‘i'cc. \Vcckl). I)J Kcilh l) xpiiix up xonic ('oluinhian. ('uhan. .\’c\\ York and Alrican xalxa. adding a l\\ ixl ol |.alin charl. lhin and global hcalx lo lhc rh_\lhinic xlc\\. iliilxl}.

I Lite al lhc (’orinlhian. lllpni 3am. Ulk‘. \VL‘L‘kl}. lhc ('Ullllllllilll lilL‘L‘llll gclx iiilo lull xxx ing. \\ ilh lhc l.ilc bar and cluh lakiiig owr \xcckl) procccdingx. 'l‘hix cluh xx ill haw rcgular appcaranccx l'roni all ol lhoxc \\ ho makc lhc (ll parlicx go \\llll a x\\ ing.

I Medicine Wheel al lhc Suh (‘luh

I lpni Rain. {7. I‘) Scp. Monlhl}. Ruh a l)uh rccordx proudl} prcxcnl lhix lournc} lhrough lhc inncr dcplhx ol l'ulurc niuxic and dancc Ill gcncral. l.ilc'x inonolonoux xli‘ain ix hcach undcr lhcir xoolhing liandx.

I Midi Hi-Fi al lhc (ilaxgou School ol .-\rl. l lpni 3am. L'lhc. 3o Scp. .\lonlhl}. .\'o_i ol (‘rilical .\laxx pla)x \xilh an ax~ol'- )cl unannouncul xpccial gucxl.

I Moda al .\loda. 9pm 3am. lice \Vcckl}. Darren l)unn caxCx hix na} through lhc nighl \xilh lhc lincxl in houxc. garagc and Rkll.

I Monox al lhc Souridlialix. l lpni 5am. L") 0.7 l. .\lorc umlcrground xoundx l'roni lhc .\lono\ eridcnlx \xilh a Ii\c xcl lroin .\lichacl l-"orxhaxx.

I Music for Pleasure ai lhc Archcx. llpni 3am. [lhc 3 ()cl. Monllll}. Kiixhi and l)a\ c .\loorc oncc again c\pand )our liouxc hori/onx al lhix grcal monlhl) nighl.

0 National Pop League al lhc \Voodxidc Social. -.3llpni 3am. £3. :0 Scp. .\lonllll}. l’oxl punk. ('36 and lndic l’op gll‘L‘ lllL' llllhlcul \pllCl‘C\ llL‘l'L'. ilx llllx


dclighllul cluh rockx lhc laxl ol llic nionlh ana) \ulh _\ou. lhc dixccrning punlcr lln lhix dalc. lhcrc‘x an carlicr opcning dalc lo accoininmlalc a .\'l’l. puh quv. and lhc lhnig ix in honour ol lhc ncu llcllc (\ SL’lexllgln l'L'cUl‘ll. ll'llL'l'L' \\ ill lk‘ ll \pL‘L‘llll on} xlcr} l gucxl. and \xailcr xcr\ Icc. .\'onc loo xhahh}.

I The N00 Groove al lhc l'nixcrxal. Sauchichall lanc. llpin iam. [lhc l‘) Scp. \lnllllll}, .-\llcr lhc xucccxx Ul le hirlhda} nighl. uhich “ax lhcir higgcxl >cl. lhix grcal (ilaxgmx cluh lakcx ll up anolhci nolch on W Scp \\Ilh .\'Ick l’cacock and Brian \Vilhainxon p|a}ing lhc hcxl niuxic _\ou haxc c\cl‘ hcard lll )oul‘ cnurc lilc.

I Nurture al (illll) 0‘). \CU (lillL‘ llk‘.

I Offset al ('uhc. Ill. lupin 3am. L'K lL'SI \Vcckl}. ()llxcl \xclconic a laxcinaling ncxx rcxidcnl. nonc olhcr lliaii lhc dchghllul Rchckkah ’l‘caxdalc. .lluum colunimxl. Mm \lillcnniuin (ill'l and lorincr l’la}ho} ccnlrcl'old. Supporluig lhc |o\c|} lad} arc Simon lo). Gar} ('urlc}. Jun l)a llcxl and Rlc‘llgll'll l.C\ lll\l)ll.

I Off the Record M :\d l.lh. \L‘H dalc ll‘L‘.

0 Pressure al lhc Archcx. lllpin iani {IX Zh Sup. Monlhl}. .-\hxolulcl) hugc nighl ol dancclcria lor all )ou cral) calx lhix inonlh. ax rcnincr du your l'cln l)a llouxckall. l.a)o and Buxhuacka' and Marco ('arola gcl dug In dccp lor a li\ c hour \L‘\\lllll lhal \Hilllll pccl lhc paiiil ol lhc \xaIIx ol lhc .-\rchcx. ll lhcrc \x ax all). for l/m l/uli' HII/\ '.'l-/.l\! '1 an! [It'll/(7W gr! 1.? UN u! l/ll' Kll'l /l('\ But ()"l( r'. Sr'i' lll'l’l'll'll.

I Red and Gold Room al Aria.

lllpni 3am. lircc hclorc l Ipni; £7 allcr. \Vcckl). l)J Michacl (YShca popx up lo xpin onl} lhc lincxl xalxa and Lauri luncx lo a \cr) \x cll-hcclcd .-\rla cnm d.

I Rocket al Bamboo. 5pm 3am. £7 «£5i. \Vcckl). llouxc inuxic lroin (icoll Monllord and xoul and lunk l'rom (iraham li-rguxon makc lhix a \cr) allraclnc propoxiuon Ill lhc hcarl ol' lhc cit}.

I Salsa Friday al lhc R.-\l':\ ('luh l.-\\lllC) Slrccl a. Na! dalc lhc.

I Second Nature al lhc l'nixcrxal.

l lpin 3am. £4 «£2». 26 Scp. 'l‘nicc monthl). 'l'oin ('hurchill and Andrcxx l’iric