Music rock & pop ltstings

Sunday 21 continued

I Acid Mouse atid The Tallboy Nice‘n'SIca/y 42] Satichiehall Street. H3 9037 9pm L3 l.o-li. leltlield indie hill

I Genepool, Them or Us, Grind, Man Must Die and Blob 'l'he ('alhotise. l5 l'nion Street. 24S (ifitlh

7 30pm. L4 5“. Hardcore metal hill.

I David Olney State liar. I43 Holland Street. 557 92 3 3, 1&3tlpin Lthc. Singer songwritci who has had songs recorded h} the likes of l'.iiiiii}|oii Harris and Linda Ronstadt .v\nd whose awaie folk-tinged iock has drawn hiin comparisons with Richard 'I hoiiipson,

I Engine '1'he Seoiia. 113 114 Stoc'kwcll Street. 552 Sort]. 4pm. Free. Rock cm ers restdenc‘).

I The Cobramatics 'l‘he Seotui.

ll2 ll-l Slockwell Street. 552 SOSI, 9pm. tree. Rock'n'i'oll residenc}.

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()ne. (irtis\ettttr Hotel. (irossenor 'l'errace. 34l (i5lti. ()[tttt l-‘ree. lltistetl h} the New liliies Surfers with conti'ihtitioiis from Studio One regulars such as Rex Doe and the .\'iinino Brothers.

I Phil’s Sunday Session l‘isge Beatha. 232 Woodlands Road. 5(i4 I596. (ipiii. l‘i’ec. Bring _\oiir own insti'uiiicnt. I Live Music (irand ()Ic ()pi‘). l’aisle) Road loll. 429 5390. 7.30pm. L4 (L3 iiieinhers). ('otintr).

I Live Music MacSorle) s. 42 Jamaica Street. 243 S5h'l. Spill. l-‘ree. 'l‘hree unsigned local hands.


I Kill II This, Area 54 and Absolute Zero Sttidio 24. 24 2t» ('alton Road. 558 375K. 7.3tlptii. £5 £7. Righteous metal noise.

I The Listening Room The Blue Bla/er. 2 Spittal Street. 229 5030. 8pm. Acoustic sounds as the autumn season kicks oil with (iraeine 'lihotttsott l2l Sept and Ian) (illlltl I23 Sept.

I Air Fix, the Men and Willow The Venue. l7 2| ('alton Road. 557 3(l73. Spin. Local hand triple hill hoasting a night of energetic rocking.

I Stocious Whistlehinkies. 4 (i Sotith Bridge. 557 5t 14. 9pm. ()riginal guitar tracks tiiiidiiight hand thcl.


I Jungle Brothers and Vocalicious King 'I‘ui‘s Wait Wait lltit. 272a St Vincent Street. 22] 5279, S.3()pm. U 1. Rap dieliards who helped usher in the conscious hip-hop attitude and a mellow. funkicr approach to rh} iiiiiig.

I Josh Rouse Barfl). 2N) ('|_\de Street. 0871) 9(17 (1999. 8pm. £9. :\‘_\ artist w hose recent single ‘l.o\c Vihration' hranched otit into a soul/lounge pop direction.

I Jesse James, the Planet Smashers and Tiny Elvis The (ittthottse. l5 linitin Street. 248 (i606. 7.30pm. £7. ()\ er- l4s show. The headliners are a ska/punk/pop hand from London. influenced h} the (‘Iash and Des} 's. who have pla) ed with the likes of the l’ogiies and Brian 'Stra} (’ats' Set/er and are ptinting their new alhuni Mission. I Bongzilla atid Blutch The 13th Note (iafe. 50 (it) King Street. 5.53 l(i31S. Spin. 9.5. .-\II female t'S stoner/hardcore outfit on Relapse Records.

I Deke McGee & the Blue Rockets Sttidio ()ne. (irosxeiior Hotel. (it‘tisVenUf 't‘errace toff lisres Road). 341 (i516. 9pm. Free. Blues.

I Acoustic Jam Nice'n'Slcal}. 421 Saiiehiehall Street. 333 9037. 8pm. Free. With a free drink as iiicentixe for participants.

I Open Mic Liquid Lounge. 94 “est Regent Street. 353 (1333. 9pm. Free. Acoustic music. poetr)‘. etc.

I Open Mic (‘hoeolate 'l'herap}. Abbott Street. ($32 5605. Free. Hosted h) listher. foriiierl} \oealist with Ashton Lane.

48 THE LIST 18 Sep 3 Oct .Tt‘t‘s

David Olney plays the State Bar, Glasgow, Sun 21 Sep


I Open Mic \Vhistlehinkies. 4 (i Sotitli Bridge. 557 51 I4. 9pm. Jtist turn up and perform.

I Acoustica ('aharet Voltaire. 3h 33 Blair Street. 220 (i170. ltlpm. l'ree (\‘Ullllltttt'_\ contrihtitions on exitl. .-\ new night of acoustic sounds offering \aried line-ups from tidiiihiirgh's finest singer/soiigwriters. .-\nd rememher no cmer \crsions allow ed.


I I am Kloot The (iarage. 49f) Sauchichall Street. 332 1 I20. 7.30pm. £8. ()s-cr- l4s show. Mancunian trio. origiiiall} hailed witli 'I‘tirin Brakes as part of the new acoustic tiltn'eltleiit. Singer Jolinn) Braiiiwcll has a gloriously accented voice which really lifts their simple indie pop tunes out of the ordinar).

I Snow Patrol, Astrid and the Gems Queen Margaret t'nion. 22 t'nix'ersity (iardcns. 339 9784. 7.30pm. £9. t-‘rcsher's wcck show from the punch) Patrol. supported by milder kindred spirits Astrid. .-\ number of tickets are availahlc to the general puhlic. I Lesley West 8. Mountain the ten}. 42 ('Iydc Place. 429 llllu. Spin. £13.50. West is the godfather of stoncr rock and. while it might he pushing it to sa} that there would he no Queens of the Stone Age without him and his fellow l97t)s longhairs Mountain. it is still a possihilit} which we would rather not contemplate. 'l‘heir hcst known track Nantucket Sleighride' was tised as the theme music for top. grill) documentary series War/t1 in Action.

I Stereotype Stereo. 12 14 Kels'inhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. £3.50. .-\ night of spoken word poetr} with live electronic music.

I Mark Joseph King Tut's Wah Walt Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. ('.-\.\'(‘til.t.tit).

I Midasuno and the Snowfall Report The l3th Note Cafe. 5() on King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. £4. limo punk.

I Escobar 9, the Strand, Neon Underground and the Rodents Barfl}. 2N) (‘lyde Street. ()870 907 ()999. Spin. £4. ()s-er- 14s show. Indie rock bill. I The Last Tuesday Tchai ()s'iia. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. L'l. Monthl) rock/pop showcase.

I Atlas of the Earth Beatisccne. 19 Skining Street. (i32 S1191), Spin. l'i'ee, l.aidhack background sounds.

I Phil’s Session l'isge Beania. 232 Woodlands Road. 5o4 159(i. 9pm. l‘i'ee. \Veekl} iaiii.


I Violent Delight Studio 24. 24 2t» ('alton Road. 558 i758. 7. illpni. in LS. Young ptiiik-nietallci's who claim the) failed to notice that the acroii} in of their name had other connotations.

I Band Showcase \\'Iiistleluiikies. 4 (i South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. ('all in ad\ance for a

I Lyrics to GO ('ahat'ct Voltaire.

3f) 33 Blair Street. 220 ()l 70.

l lpiii 3am. l'rcc. An open mic hip hop jam session hosted h} l.i\e Sciences and DJRedh. With duh atid reggae in the lounge from Itch) Sotil lli l‘i.

Wednesday 24


I Misteeq (‘arling Academy |2l liglinton Street. (1905 (121) 3999/11S7t) 77l 2000. 7.30pm. £l(i.5(). No age restriction on this show. The delightful.

tincoiiti'o\ ersial end of the UK garage scene. If these girls' the + l.oud appearance was aii}thing to go h}. the} lime Hit) times the natural charisma and stage presence of their dour contemptiraries the Sugahahes.

I Alkaline Trio littt‘l'tiwltttitl. 244 (iallowgate. 552 4601. 7.3llpiii. Ll l. ()Ver- l4s show. See pre\ iew for this punk. er. trio.

I Span and Terra Diablo Queen Margaret l'nion. 22 t'iiiwi'sit} (iai'dens. 339 9784. 7.30pm. £6. l‘tll'tllel’ treshet's' week delights from the ()M. Spik) noiseniks Span are supported h}

(ilttsw egian post-rockers

I Josephine, the Chimes and the New Rosy Jewels the Beat ('Iuh. Nic‘e‘ii'SletiI}. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. £3. (‘ool. angular indie sotiiids from the l’all-influenced Josephine.

I Bob Cuba and Coriolis 'l‘he l3th Note (idle. 50 (ill King Street. .55.“ lfi3S. 9pm. £3. (’harit) gig for Spirit Aid.

I The Medicine Room Bret. Ashton Lane. 342 4966. S.3llpm. l‘ree. lmprm sounds with guitar. keshoards and trumpet.

I Open Stage The Hall Bar. loo Woodlands Road. 564 I527. Spin. liree.

‘~\eekl\ session toi local musicians


I Healing Abigail, Chocy Arno, Kowata .mtl Super Bob the \cniie. 1“ 2| (alton Road. 555 31"“ 2 3llpiii Righteous iock and indie lioiii lliitiock RCu‘ttlS

I Tom Jilbert and the Dazes

\\ histlchinkies. 4 o South liiidgc. 552 5| 14 9pm ('onteiiipoiais and t lassit

I Fleamarket Funk (Lilnuei \i‘lldltt'. 5“ 5\lil.1ll \llt't'l. 2.2” l‘l—‘t‘ llpm 3am l'iee local onitit plasing theii own kind ot lug hand tiink in this new week!) iesidenc) with a \lli.tllellll}‘ ol It! supports .iiid other li\e .itts 24 Sep has pails \ ihes and disto heats tioiii ls.i\.i lsasa

I Manalishi Underground (ahatet \oltaiie. 3“ VS titan Stieet. 22” plan Ktlpiii {5113: l pliltiiig indie and lock (‘heck w w w .tpm.i|_\psc cut to 11k

Thursday 25


I Rancid and The Fight liatiowlantl. 244 (iallowgate. 552 tool 7 3llpiii St )ll) ()t I ()\t'1 l-ts show Ska punk oiitlit who li.i\e stc.idil_\ liiiilt .i loi‘iiiidahle following o\e1 the seats

I The Futureheads ()ucen Mai'gaict t iiioii. 22 l ill\t'l\ll} (i.litlt'tl\. 339 9"S4. " 3llpiii to Post ptiiik .iiisteiit) and imention lioiii these toting noi‘theineis, .~\ .\lc( ice is also iii the house tonight. piohahl} not singing

I Elviss and The Suffrajets Kittg' 'l'ut's \\'ah \\ah Hut. 222a St \ lllkt'lll Stieet. 22| 5279 Spm to the! Us show. .\ A't-mme' sponsoied toiii featuring attittidinoiis _\oiiiigsteis l.l\iss promoting their curient lul’ 'llead (In t\ Slittlkflek. and kick ass girl tioiipe the Stilli’aiets.

I Longwave .tlltl The Boy Cartographer \iee'u‘Slea/s. .131 Saucliiehall Street. 3W9oi". 9pm. Hi. (‘.'\.\'(‘l-.I,l.lil).

I Brutally Impaled, Forced Asphyxia, Suffer in Silence, Sinthetic and the Undecided 'l'he ('alhotise. l5 l'tlttttl Sticcl. 24S (ifillh, 7 illpiii. [41L5tlooii ()xei I4s show. Metal line up.

I Solarise and Fools Circle liarll}. 20H ( 'l}de Street. UHF/ill 90—2 0999. Spin. L3

I Azzuri, Coolerking and Charlemagne Steieo. I: 1.1 Kehinhaugh Street. 570 5lllS. Spin. £3. Rock/pop line up.

I Bad Obsession, Jeepstar and Dieselbone loaded. liquid lounge. 94 West Regent Street. ltlpiii L3 1L4 tin tltitit'l. \Veekl} showcase til lUL'al artists.

I Stealer and Underbelly l'ni\crsit} ol l’;iisle_\ Sttideiits‘ t’nion. Storie Street. l’aisle}. S49 4 l 57 9pm Beat ltlosponsored night of alternatixe sounds.

I Sticky Fingers Studio One. (iros\enor Hotel. (it‘tts\elitli' 'Ieri‘ace loll lines Road). *4] (i510. 9pm. l‘t'ee Rolling Stones trihute act.

I Kieran Docherty Beansceiie. S (‘rcsswcll lane. 334(1770. Spin. l-i'ee. |.aidhack background sounds

I The Vagabonds lhe Seotia.

ll2 ll4 Stockwell Street. .552 ShSl. 9pm. l-iee. l’tipttltir coxcrs,

I Jam Session Saiiiucl Dow‘s.

()7 71 Nitlisdale Road. 423 0107. H.3tlpni. l‘i'ee. Hosted h} Independence. I Open Mic 'lchai (him. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 3pm. l‘ree.

I Live Music The 13th Note (kite. 51) ()l) King Street. 553 1033. 9pm. £3. Line-up to he coiilii'iiicd.

I Live Music Mc('hiiil|s. 40 High Street. 552 2 l 35. 9pm. l't'ee. New haiid night. liiic-iip to he coiiliriiied.

I Live Music .\taeSoi-le_\s. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 85S]. 9.30pm. l-‘ree. l'our acoustic acts.