a mguide
I Hot Hot Heat OMU. Glasgow. 4 Nov. Young and sprightly wonky-haired disco punk combo from Vancouver Island.
Jane’s Addiction Carling Academy. Glasgow. 5 Nov. Comeback of the year with Periy Farrell's legendary rock monsters fighting fit again with a new album Strays and renewed sense of purpose. Ready to blow the nu metal whiners out of the water.
I Electric Soft Parade Liquid Room, Edinburgh. 6 Nov. Eclectic and ingenious pop rock brilliance trom Brighton's most talented siblings.
I Grandaddy Carling Academy. Glasgow, 7 Nov. Idiosyncratic outSider pop from Califomia. The beardy lot are now absolutely cooking live.
I The Flaming Lips Carling Academy. Glasgow. 8 Nov: Usher Hall, Edinburgh. 9 Nov. SOLD OUT. Insane carnival of uplifting psychedelic pop madness. fronted by Captain Birds Eye. I Jay Farrar Queen's Hall. Edinburgh. 14 Nov: King Tut's. Glasgow, 15 Nov. Solo stint from ex-Uncle Tupelo trontman who started that alt.c0untry malarkey.
I The Coral Carling Academy. Glasgow. 17 Nov. Scouse teenage Iayabouts with surprisingly mature musical SOUlS and eclectic tastes.
I The Cooper Temple Clause OMU. Glasgow. 18 Nov. Young. British anti- establishment rock riot from musical magpie madmen with bad hair.
I Blondie Carling Academy. Glasgow, 19 Nov. Original NYC disco art-punks return to show the kids how it's done. >
20 THE LIST 8w;
he magic
Firey dervishes who will have your eyes shaking
‘ in their sockets
BIFFY CLYRO have evolved into arguably Britain’s most promising young rock band. and it’s all been on their terms — Kilmarnock style. Mark Robertson
he xinell. 'lihe lirxt thing that liitx )ou ix the xmell.
Someuhere hemeen \\L‘l dog and “Cl \\L‘L‘l\L‘lltl. lt’x
a muxt} odour that ix moxt eertainl} not the \ainglorioux lionk ol' i'oek‘n'roll. 'l‘he xeeond thing that xtrikex )ou ix that the \xallx are xhaking xhaking to the xound ol‘ Bill} (‘l_\ ro.
'l'hree minutex later I am eiirletl tip on a plaxtie garden ehair in a \\lndo\\le\\ ho\ ol‘ ahout I: h) It) led the kind of thing that hax politieal prixonei'x on the hlou er to .r\mnext_\ International in the ho\\elx ol- Kilmarnoek'x \'.\l(‘;\. Hut thix ix not xolitai‘) eonlinemeiit. thix ix a ea\ern ol‘ereath it}. I lind lll_\ xell' heing moxed. xoiiietimex literall) in} e} ex leel like tlie_\‘re xhaking in their xoeketx h_\ the ptmel‘ ol three _\oung men. ’l‘uin tier) der\ixhex lien and .lamex .lohnxton and long-tune lriend Simon .\'eil are pulling and hauling at the houndariex ot' their on n muxieal imaginationx. llllx xhitt} little ho\ \xith itx dixtinet odour a xeeiit unique to hand rehearxal roonix xeemingl} ix the hetl tor the germination and xuhxequent t'lotirixhing ol' one ol' Seotland‘x. na} Britain'x. linext _\oiing handx.
lx'ilmarnoek ix a eornei' ol Seotland that hax heen allou ed to e\ol\e relati\el_\ undixturhed. ltx ten elaimx to tame xeem oddl} to he xport-related: it ix the hirthplaee ol the .\lell\anne_\ hrothei'x hoth eoi‘nerxtonex ot' Seottixh xpoitx journalixin. 'l'here'x alxo a laetor) that produeex t'oothall xtripx l‘oi' e\port to .-\rgentina. and to top it all. it ix the origin Ul‘ \Utlle til' the C0tlltll'_\'\ liltc\l meat Ple\ the lWL‘tttl ttlltl llllllt‘l' Ulv lltL‘ lL‘l’l‘;tL‘C\. No“ the) litt\ L‘ ttlltllllCl‘ xurel‘ooted
e\port to eelehrate: and it ix rattling out ol' the \'.‘\l( '.r\.
I am not the onl_\ \ixitor to thix muxieal hideout. \Vhen \\ e xpeak. another meeting \\ ith a ioiii'nalixt lrom l.oiidon ix heing eonxeiied \\llll giiitarixt and \oealixt .\'eil on .'\'\ r heaeh to gi\ e the xx riter xoiiie kind ol inxight into “here the muxie eomex lrom. ‘l'hix ix hon Bill} ('|)ro like it: on their territor). on their termx.
'lt \\ax a eonxeioux thing to xta} here.‘ e\p|ainx \eil. a eharming maxx ol‘ heaming xinilex and jet-hlaek laeial l'tl//. ()l' their deeixion not to deeant permanentl} to (ilaxgim or London. he xa_\x: 'lt meant we didn’t get xtuek into an} partieular xeene. Bandx ean reall) xiiller it the} get lumped into xoiiiething and that'x dangerotix.‘
B) xta}ing in :\}i'x|iii'e and a\oiding the iiiagnetie drau til~ lllL' llltl\lL' \L‘L'llc\ lll L‘llllL‘l‘ lllg' \llllll’xL'. Bill} (‘l'\l't) ha\e xidextepped xe\era| pitlallx ol. the muxie induxtr}. ln xigning to extahlixhed indie lahel Beggarx Banquet the} lime l'ar leu er ot~ the tiex that hind man} ol' their etintemporariex to \“l: the demand lor inxtant. enormotix xueeexx or glohal marketing imperatnex. 'l‘lie} ha\e heen alloued to e\ol\e quite naturall} l'roin a gawk}. him-haeked roek piihexeent into a xtrutting tuent}xoinething replete with good teeth. xnapp} haireut and a line pair ol~ xneakerx.
The hand ha\ e had to \xork to get \xhere the) are htlt appear more than eontent to ha\ e paid their duex. ()therx hax e not heen xo l'oi'tunate.
‘You ean led a little hard done h} xometimexf xa_\x Neil. '.\l_\ Vitriol and .l.l72 are good e\amplex ol' handx \‘t ho